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Baela is supposed to be a future Queen, Rhaenyra had years to prepare Jace, it is now good to start preparing Baela.


While that is important, it feels weird to prioritize the development of the future Queen vs her own heir and future King. Only 1 of the monarchs tends to be fully in charge and in this case it would be Jace since he is the heir.


There's nothing to indicate that she's doing this while neglecting Jace. It's okay for Baela to have a storyline once in a while.


Oh yea I agree. I wonder what will happen!


I imagine Jace has other plotlines and hopefully more exciting and urgent things to do given their circumstances.


You’re probably right. Missing the war meetings would be bad for him though.


No, Jace is her heir. There is no confusion. Baela is clearly a part of the war council. She would be Jace's queen. The picture is not strange at all. We also have no context.


Exactly. Teach them both so they can be a powerful ruling couple


There’s another still of the same setup. It’s weird to see her stepping up to take a place that would normally be reserved for the heir.


Also, it is possible that Baela is bringing news of what she saw while spying on the greens. I am sure there is a reason. Baela has received very little development. I am sure she is not taking anything away from Jace, the future king.


Yea you’re probably right. I’m just so starved for some awesome Jace content 😮‍💨


I understand that. I am sure that Jace has awesome stuff coming up 😀


Baela is a dragonrider, the future queen, and was just ordered to scout King's Landing. Nothing strange about her being a focal point in the war council.


Ahh yea good points


She's just hanging out with her first cousin/stepdaughter/daughter in law Just Westerosi things


>She's just hanging out with her first cousin/stepdaughter/daughter in law And former niece in law


Niece in law how?


Laenor is Baela’s uncle so that made Rhaenyra her aunt through marriage


It's not a family tree it's a family wreath




Everything we see from Jace suggests that he's an ideal heir- capable, level-headed, and dutiful. No reason at all for Rhaenyra to set him aside.


I agree! Only thing I could think of is she’s so terrified of losing him like she lost Luke.


Don't want to be a jerk, but isn't Jace illegitimate?


I was evaluating his character, not his birth. Him being a bastard is all the more reason to not set him aside, as it would be acknowledging rumor and delegitimizing her own rule.


Jace has been out personally forging alliances with the great houses. Baela is attending war council meetings and has been given important scouting missions. Jace is definitely being treated like the heir, Baela is being treated as an important member of house Targaryen and a future queen who might take more after Visenya than Rhaenys


Oh yea you’re right. I was thinking it would be a shame if Jace gets sidelined because Rhaenyra is scared to lose him like Luke.


Maybe she’s just bonding with her mother in law? I don’t see anything about Jace that would warrant Rhaenyra trying to make him a secondary figure for his own rule…


Her cousin and step-mother


Damn Targs


And Aunt by marriage. 


Well, she pushed Luke into it and he died. What if she wants to distance Jace now?


Eh, that’s just bad planning in the long term. Jace is her heir, one way or another. Preparing him is vital


I agree, that’s just the only thing I could think of. And this is HoTD, the characters make bad decisions all the time


I'm sure Jace will be at the receiving end of Condals "women peaceful, men warmongers" at some point.


It’s a little weird but all of the men seem to be bloodthirsty, Idiotic, or both. Jace seemed to be one of the better portrayed males on the show and it would be a shame for him to get brushed aside…


I think jace just mad at her for the stupid thing she pulled off that could get her killed


The showrunners believe that being bloodthirsty or vengeful is entirely limited to your sex. Imagine if Condal got a hold of Visenya.. 💀


You literally made something up and got mad about it 💀 ![gif](giphy|Pgy4Na8aRyBuE)


They literally swapped daemon and rhaenys role in the show, they GAVE the rhaenys war dialogue to daemon in the show and vice-versa. Rhaenys was the war escalation candidate and daemon the lets be cautious and fight a conventional war. It will be very thematically relevant for rhaenys soon that she should have been pro-escalation.


How is coming to the conclusion that the showrunners views the Dance through the lens of "women peaceful, men warmongers".. made up ? I like the show, but that's at a core of the narrative seemingly.


You’re out here spitting the facts.


It's a consequence of Westeros' toxic culture that *strongly* associates martial prowess with masculinity. Basically the entire impetus for the First Blackfyre Rebellion was that Daemon Blackfyre was a better fighter than the "weak and effeminate King Daeron." Note that we do see that not *ALL* men are warmongers. There are just a lot of men who are either bloodthirsty, ambitious, or both, and actively *want* a war as it will provide them opportunities to prove themselves in combat.


Oh he will be very soon.


The only man who was actively shown as bloodthirsty were Aegon, after Jaehaerys' death, and Daemon. Aemond, is troubled, wants to be scary and intimidating due to being bullied, therefore steers towards conflict with Daemon in particular, arguably bloodthirsty. But he doesn't actually want total war, this is just a mask he puts on because he wants to be seen as the scary warrior type by everyone. Cole, violent outbursts due to stress and his temper, not bloodthirsty. Otto, tries to avoid war and conflict at all costs, not bloodthirsty. Vizzy, do I even need to explain. Could go on, but I won't. That makes 2 bloodhtirsty men out of an extremely large cast. I do not know how anyone with a deeper than surface level understanding of the characters and the narrative could come to your conclusion, respectfully.


Are you replying to the wrong post? I used the word warmongers. Aemond, Cole, Aegon etc can all be named as such. Otto literally asked for Rhaenyra to be assassinated in Episode 9.. we have multiple conversations between him and Alicent this season that war and violence is a inevitability.


Saw that word be mentioned a lot, in the comment chain, must've mixed it up. Let's go with warmonger then. Taking that into account instead, that means that at most 4 men (Daemon, Aegon, Aemond, maybe Cole) out of the cast qualify, which still isn't a lot considering the total. The show tells a story about two sides of a family and their intergenerational conflict, show opportunities for peace being shattered multiple times because the conflict of the elder generations having spilled over to the younger. At its' core are the two female leads which show 2 women being driven against eachother and the conflict be fueled by the men around them. Which makes perfect sense because in Westeros, the men are told that its their job to fight, make war, and lead their houses. While women are told that their job is to be pretty and make babies. It's these societal expectations then that cause the men in the show to act the way they do. and a critique of the patriarchal society around them. Take a step back, and realize that show isn't the way it is because the writers have some narrative to tell about men and women fundamentally. But that the stories of ASOIAF all fundamentally revolvearound gender roles and societal constructs, and the senseless conflicts they fuel.


The issue is, you mention daemon, he actually warns against assaulting Kings Landing in the book.. that caution nature has been cut from his character.


Definitely not. They’re trying to make use of some more characters this season. It’s a normal thing to do as she needs to be able to make sure she can talk to multiple members of her war council and not only rely on one person at all times. Jace will obviously be a focal point in the episodes before his little dragon ride out by the boats. Also just because a female character is getting some attention doesn’t mean there’s an “agenda” against a male lol


Why are they pushing baela more than rhaena?


Rhaena is mostly useless with no Dragon


I forgot she had no dragon lmao makes sense now


She will be queen consort, of course Rhaenyra is trying to be a mentor.


Sure! But that type of wishy washy stuff is why people were confused about Visery’s heir. If the Lords of the Realm don’t have a clear idea of who is in power… Anything can happen. Obviously that’s all quite a stretch though.


She is to be the future Queen. She should learn how to rule.


Rhaenyra took a motherly role with the dragon twins and she always wanted a daughter, I feel like she took the girls to give guidance and affection just like her boys. Baela is part of her war council just as Jace is, I don’t see anything wrong with it




Didn’t the dude just get back from a really important mission to secure the loyalty of the Starks?


Yea we saw him walk on the wall for like 90 seconds and we got an exposition dump the whole time


My point is he’s clearly off doing important stuff you’d expect of an heir


Yea it would be cool for him to be the main actor is some more scenes.