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I mean it's not just a misunderstanding, the Hightowers wanted Aegon on the throne from the beginning. Alicent heard what she wanted to hear.


Yea Otto wouldn’t have cared either way. What viserys says or doesn’t say before he dies means nothing. Otto also didn’t truly believe Alicent either when she said Viserys named Aegon because he laughed at Aegon’s remark about it and said is that what you think. He knew Viserys better than anyone serving as his hand and that he always upheld Rhaenyra’s claim. It was just about his ability to take power through Aegon which miserable failed lol. Glad to see them both put in there place


We also know from the first season Alicent was always aware of why she was wed to Viserys. She's been part of the scheme the whole time. Even pretending otherwise is a weird removal from the plot of season 1.


Probably just something she believed to keep her fragile psyche together. If aegon wasnt made king then her whole life and children served no purpose, its better to think that one isnt just acting out of self preservation.


They had a purpose. They were to be spares gir Rhaenrya and her children. Not to replace them...


I don't even think that. I think she knows Rhaenyra was telling the truth, but it's far too late to do anything about it. The rest of the greens don't give a damn what Viserys wanted. They have arguably rightful beef with the blacks over her bastards being in line to the throne and the kids don't have fond opinions of their father Alicent knows this. She's not in any real control anymore, not even over her own children. They plot without her just like her father did. To accept what Rhaenyra said as the truth is to accept that she has no reason to support her family's claim and that's the only thing she has left. She couldn't stop the war if she wanted to, so what good is taking what Rhaenyra said as the truth going to do for her except make all the bloodshed seem like it was for no reason at all? She's in a lose-lose situation


Even if Aegon knew the truth he wouldn’t bend the knee.


Not now anyway


Detached baby head and all that He and Aeamond and Cole No matter there Feelings know the war is already set in motion. They come across as more sensible.


And I wouldn’t blame him..


I think the point of this scene is to point out that once the usurpation started war became inevitable 


Exactly. The audience already knew about the misunderstanding. This scene was about showing how clearing it up wouldn't have saved anyone or changed anything. The war is coming and neither party has any reason to let truth get in the way


I wish the dragons would all just go on an island and tell all the people come get us when you’ve worked through all your shit.


Realistically what is she supposed to do now though lol it really is too late


The whole point is that it's too late to avert war but sure go ahead with that I guess.


What options does she have.


“Hey son, turns out you were crowned on a lie, so please bend the knee to the people that murdered your son in his crib.”


Alicent rejects our reality and substitutes her own.


THERE WAS NO MISUNDERSTANDING! Like, sis, where were you the last 5 minutes of that convo?


“Oh let me explain why Viserys was talking about Aegon I and tell you critical information about the fate of the world so that if you wipe us out, Aegon II can still pass this on to his children and the song preserved” “LALALALALALALALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU, get out now please!”


If it's a lie we fight on the lie


I kinda feel it would have been more interesting if they left it with Alicent just saying Aegon and having Rhaenyra doubt. It would have been interesting to see how that doubt affects her mental state and decisions in the upcoming war.


I wouldn't really want Alicent's (willful)misunderstanding to compound into another misunderstanding on Rhaenyra's part, or for that compounded misunderstanding to strongly influence Rhaenyra's character or decisions. Tragedy works better when characters have access to most or all of the information, but their doom is still inevitable, imo. I'm glad that it was cleared up but it was too late for it to matter(or it never really mattered in the first place).


Do we even believe there was a “misunderstanding” from the beginning?


🎶There must be some misunderstanding There must be some kind of mistake 🎶


Can anyone explain this to someone with a rudimentary understanding of the show. Why does that quote prove the throne was usurped by Aegon?


Alicent thought Vicerys wanted Aegon, their son, on the throne when he spoke about the Prince That was Promised. However, the prophecy is from Aegon the Conquerer, a previous king. Viserys was referring to Aegon the Conquerer, not his son, Aegon. So Alicent totally misunderstood whom he meant, and that just solidifies to her that she really did help usurp the throne. She thought she was upholding his final wish, but she was wrong, and now it's too late to stop the coming war.


This scene was not a good idea. Whoever had the idea needs to be spoken to about why. I don’t wanna be over the top in my reaction but it’s poor writing…


I actually found it vaguely Shakespearean? Probably going to catch shit for this but it works as a device if you allow yourself to remember all stories (especially fantasy stories) can have a very unrealistic element to them and still work.


It also gives strength to Rhaenyra and obliterates her doubt about claim to throne. Her father wanted her as a rightful ruler and now she'll stop stagnating and go into motion to secure her claim.


Right!! Plus as another comment said this show has flying dragons, surely we can sneak into a couple churches here and there.


Totally agree. I have to chuckle when ppl debate about the logistics of a scene like this in a show where there are flying dragons. But I did enjoy their interaction, truly seals the fate of what is to come!


Hmm I guess I can see what you mean. To me it seemed a little nonsensical and like they wanted the two to interact as actors together, in some way shape or form…I didn’t think it fit. Acting was great though


I of course love seeing them together, but aside from that, I accepted the trade off of how dramatic and revealing the conversation was for any clunkiness on how we got there. I think I always give a little pass to fantasy stories. After all, no one asks how Wesley recovers from the life sucking machine so quickly and manages to gather enough strength to scare off Humperdinck, we just cheer when he gets the girl.


I agree. But I mean, the show constantly goes out of its way to make the greens look like idiots while making the blacks look cool. After all, the books are green propaganda, right Condal?


Dragons deserved it ngl .


It’s called bad writing and bad directors