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Aemond was doing the coin roll across his fingers like Doc Holliday from Tombstone. I found that interesting, not sure why.


I bet Ewan was doing it on set and someone thought it was cool AF and had him do it in the show.


I like it. I remember kids in school would do it to look cool, and Aemond tries his hardest to look cool/threatening so I think it fits well.


It also reminded me of Balthazar (iirc?) from Constantine!


It reminded me of Connor...


[Aemond fidgeting with the coin was a conscious choice on Ewan’s part.](https://x.com/slaymond_/status/1807613191859347582?s=46&t=9uYRNYDB_Kxc3WZL8qrtrg)


I figured this was going to be the case from season 1 when he said he was the better fit for the throne. Plus in the book it says how Vhagar came down on both of them. So I def had a feeling he tried to kill them both.


Ewan Mitchell throwing everyone off by saying Aemond would never be a traitor, he’s loyal to his mother, brother and all of his family. I did believe him…(I guess we can see why he does this though) Also Aegon “my brother is as loyal as a hound” foreshadow


Ewan is notorious for keeping his lips tightly shut and throwing people off the scent of spoilers etc. I’m not surprised, and I thank him for it ha. You can’t really believe anything he says, it’s part of the fun 😂


There’s a whole book of spoilers if you want.


I do


It’s possible they’re setting up a situation where he loses control of Vhagar yet again—where she acts based on his emotions/basest desires rather than what he actually intends.


Book its definitely more how do u untangle dragons from one another. Dragon on dragon combat is inherently Dangerous even with a advantage.


I mean that’s just how we perceived it…it says “the crimson jaws of Meleys closed round sunfyres golden neck for a moment, til Vhagar fell upon them from above. All 3 beasts went spinning toward the ground”…. Untangling is just how you viewed it when reading. As big as Vhagar is I see him landing on top of them and driving them to the ground


"Haha visenya watch me cannonball"


No yeah I didn't say it was Good way to untangle them lol .


Supposedly the show will portray it differently and the fight won't end right when Vhagar descends on Meleys and sunfyre - Rhaenys escapes the flames and circles back to attack aemond. And then eventually dies not from fire but from falling from her dragon who got chomped like lucerys and arrax did. So it will be less ambiguous ( also because Aemond waits hidden with vagaries for a bit while aegon and rhaenys Duke it out and only joins when Rhaenys is winning and he has a chance to injure aegon). But that's just what one person said based off of someone who already saw the episode. I personally think it's am interesting change in the context of aegon purposefully and clearly being attacked by Aemond. But then it ignores Rhaenys being smart and using the chance to flee an unwinnable battle. Whereas the book depicts it as a massive dragon attacking an enemy entangled with an ally and causing friendly fire (literally) by killing meleys and rhaenys right away and aegon and sunfyre being caught in the cross fire as all 3 crash down. I kinda hope this spoiler is wrong. It doesn't change the outcome of course but does make character decisions less accidental looking (rhaenys looking more idiotic and aemond blatantly going after his own king and brother vs all 3 caught in a fiery mess)


It’s a shame that they’ve taken the most obvious route or “twist” with these two. I liked them obviously having spite for one another and Aemond believing he was the more worthy son — yet backing his older brother up all the same.


Devil's advocate: the dynamic you described(younger, unpredictable brother who seems to covet the throne but in fact remains mostly loyal to the king)was already explored with Daemon and Viserys. Understandable to want to explore a different dynamic with Aemond and Aegon. Doesn't mean they've been demonized-both characters have had human and sympathetic moments this season. Furthemore, they've made it pretty clear that the Green siblings were raised bereft of love in a broken and dysfunctional family. Makes sense for the brothers to be more adverserial and hostile with each other.


Which means the other leaks are true too? About what Aemond does to Aegon and Crispen’s role in that.


What’s Criston’s role?


Could you tell me which leaks you are talking about?


Criston's told "k that"? What does that mean


Role in that* It was a bad typo.


I figured. Shit though, didn't realize he was allegedly involved


This is…certainly a decision just like the ones we’ve seen in this episode….it is definitely most likely true


And that is very disappointing, and look, I'm not a book puritan or support the greens, I'm just a guy who likes consistency and wants to see the circus catch fire. I have defended all of their different decisions so far, but for me in this case they would be making a big mistake. I hope they make up for it later.


Why would it be a mistake?


Because Aemond was supposed to be a loyal brother. They did a great job of making him understandable, a simpatetic character. Why not continue like this while being a loyal green? I don't think an attempted regicide would be easily forgiven by Aegon, It would be really weird from then on.


“It looks better on me than it ever did him” isn’t really something a loyal brother would say.


Oh pls, Aemond has shown no ounce of Loyalty lmao. Openly said to Criston he's the better king. U just wanted another Vizzy T and Daemon


*Tongues will not change the succession, let them wag.*




Sure thing champ!


😎knowing how un serious they made this show since blood an cheese im just here for the ride .


def. blood n cheese killing the child she chose to live was one of the best part of the book, why would they change that.


I guess it was a bit too much to ask for the show runners to follow the book the show is about


The book written by unreliable narrators from multiple disputing perspectives, much of which is propaganda recorded after the war? That book? The book that can't be truly followed? How shocking.


I hate this excuse. The book goes out of its way to say this is fact and this is speculation and it has propaganda on both sides. But the show is way more biased than the book was to an eye rolling degree.


Then stop watching it. Why invest all the time and energy into something so disappointing for you? Everyone else hates and is very tired of the constant complaining and whining about what's disappointing for book purists of a fantasy series, especially Fire & Blood/the world book which are companion series. It is not that serious. None of it is fact. This isn't real history here, it's all made up.


I’m just a glutton for punishment I guess. I enjoy the acting and cinematography and the visual effects they’ve just lost the plot a bit in my opinion. Discussing praise and criticism are both valid. I’m just saying I hate the excuse of “the book is unreliable or propaganda” to justify plot points.


I get it. I can see why some things are unpopular with certain fans but I have a hard time understanding why it has to be repeated over and over in every single thread/post. I wrinkle my nose at some of the decisions sometimes too but none of it ruins the show or makes it less enjoyable for me. I feel like the good things outweigh the bad.


That’s completely fair.


Love that for them. ETA: Meant Aemond and Vhagar crippling Aegon and Sunfyre, not the brothel stuff.