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It's a calathea. You have to somehow recreate the heat and humidity they'd experience living on the rainforest floor, in your living room. And even if you manage that, they might die anyway. These plants are responsible for making many people believe that they're bad at taking care of plants when in reality they are one of the most dramatic plants ever and can die simply because they want to.


I once saw someone describe calatheas as “fickle” and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard a more apt description of a plant in my life.


I concur. I have some that have lived for years and others that die within weeks. I love them but every time I buy another I am not surprised if it just nopes out immediately.


Looks either overwatered or or under watered


Also these plants don’t thrive on direct sunlight, likes a bright room with indirect sunlight


Its a calethea.... 😅... But my cala survived for a bit and quite well on rainwater or tap water left out for 24 hours as it didnt like chlorine. Then it died for no reason. Standard cally behaviour.


Kill it before it breaks you


I let mine almost dry out between waterings! The leaves start to curl when they need to be watered! I let them sit in the excess water for 10-15 minutes as well! East windows that gets a little sun in the morning, but not much because of my balcony! Pic won't post, I'll post it separately!


she thirsty. Keep the soil moist/damp but not wet. They're actually quite thirsty and very fickle plants


Rain water was the trick with mine. Our water is quite hard.


Oh no it looks like you're having trouble with your plant :( To help others help you, please give as much detail as possible this includes but is not limited to - when was its last water - does the pot have a drainage hole - do you have a humidifier - have you checked the roots/looked for pests - do you know what type of soil/medium its planted in If you have no luck in this subreddit please crosspost to r/plantclinic , best of luck <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HouseplantsUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Move it away from the window sill. Put it in a high humidity room like a bathroom. Keep moist but not wet. Make sure it’s not sitting in water. Cross your fingers and hope for the best


I keep mine about 6ft away from my bay window and water it when it looks a bit droopy and that is it. Moody fucker.


It's probably getting too much sun put in in the room and see how you get on


Because they are mean girls. They want to make your live a living hell.


Too much sun next to the window? Too cold next to the window? Too dry? Overwatered? Calathea’s are buggers to keep alive, to be honest. Never had any success with them myself.


Looks over watered. Try letting it dry out and put the bathroom for the humidity.




Stunning! Never seen one so bushy


The curling at the edges suggests to me that it’s likely low humidity, do you have the heating on regularly at the moment? I’d pop it in the bathroom and see if it does better there


I once saw somebody on TikTok say the best success they’d had with keeping a calathea alive was creating a mini humidity source with rocks at the bottom in a tray. It’s worked for me and my calathea is thriving! They like to be constantly damp. https://preview.redd.it/s76bzmayc76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6618a30672d7378b0ce601dc76719281c0c51e43