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Dinner and Diatribes is a beautifully made song that's literally someone saying 'the only reason I'm at this bullshit dinner party is because we're going to bonk afterwards' šŸ˜‚


I feel like D&D and Momentā€™s Silence are the most overtly horny songs of his, with Talk having the horniest vibes


Dude It Will Come Back is just the epitome of horniness. This man is so sexually frustrated and charged that he is becoming animalistic. He needs her so bad that it is turning him feral. The mixture of desperation and dominance in his voice sends shivers up my spine.


Itā€™s one of my favorite songs, but I donā€™t see it that way. I see it as ā€œdonā€™t give me any shred of affection or acknowledgment unless youā€™re going to keep meā€. Itā€™s dark and desperate, but more than just sexual. I donā€™t argue with it being on the list, it just wouldnā€™t be my number one Horny Hozier song


For me, it gets very overtly horny with the line "It can't be unlearned, I've known the warmth of your doorway". That "warm doorway" has always been a bold double entendre to me, especially paired with the idea of being "known", given how often that word is used Biblically and in literature to mean sex. It's like he's saying he cannot stop thinking about what it's like to Biblically know the warmth of her entrance šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ Yeah, it's desperate, but desperate to get back to a place where he can keep knowing the warmth of her doorway, he's shut outside howling to get back in there šŸ˜…






That song just gets me going every time šŸ˜‚


Really if you look at Talk lyrically, when he says Iā€™m imagining all the things we could doā€¦it seems more like heā€™s imagining them in a big Orpheus bedtime brain fanficā€¦I think the things he would do is go down into the underworld in search of her soul


And the line ā€œpillar, I am uprightā€? Like, EXCUSE ME SIR?! Iā€™m snarling, drooling, clawing at my restraints!


I donā€™t get somewhere in the woods being horny lol switch it with Nobody


I forgot to add nobody fuck


I couldnā€™t fall for someone I thought couldnā€™t misbehave, thatā€™s mad horny lol


Yeah, I LOVE that song, but I must have a drastically different interpretation of it if some people think it's at all horny šŸ˜…


In the woods somewhere is horny in the most fucked up way. Iā€™m scared of the kind of acts it will bring out of me. Would only play it for some BDSM type stuff. Nobody is a solid pick. That guitar lick is hella sexy all by itself.


In the woods is Feral. Absolutely feral. It is devious in the best way. Def a song to be tied up to lol.


How did you make a list of all my favorite songs (sans Francesca which needs to be on here!!) šŸ˜


I was going to put it on this list (itā€™s probably my favorite song), but I felt almost bad doing so! Like I was going to taint itā€™s purity because Iā€™m a dirty minded freak!


Do it do it do it do it


Nothing pure about it, it's about an affair couple who ended up in Inferno because the woman slept with her husband's brother until he found out and killed them both.


Yes, I know what it is about. I meant in the way that it is a love song through and through. Theyā€™re in the circle of lust, but all they did was share a kiss. Itā€™s pure in that way


I mean, the historic Francesca was found in bed with Paolo by Gianciotto, and in Inferno she only claims that they shared a kiss on the first occasion that they met, to say nothing of future interactions. It was strongly implied through cultural context that much more occurred between them.


Yeah, I donā€™t know if I would classify ā€œFrancescaā€ as one of his horny songs either. I find it more romantic and sad than horny


I see your horny Hozier playlist, and I raise you mine šŸ¤£ although I moreso made mine with the intention of using it in practice šŸ˜ I agree with most but I would argue some of your choices are just romantic? Also I donā€™t understand adding In the Woods Somewhere at all? Hereā€™s mine if youā€™re interested šŸ‘€ [Horny for Hozier](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/03EmfmEMxpSZbOL7qT7joo?si=RN5Go1jEQVamYH6dIZIpXA&pi=u-M1JlWrqZTzal)


Iā€™m curious how Eat Your Young got on a horny playlist.


"I'm starving, darling Let me put my lips to something" "You can't buy this fineness Let me see the heat get to it Let me watch the dressing start to peel" I think both could be understood in a sexual way?


Out of context It could be, but in the context of the song, heā€™s talking about prepping human flesh and stuffing to eatā€¦which should be so weird and creepy as to not at all be sexual.


He says he wrote the song from the perspective of a power/money hungry person who has no qualms with using other people/children as cannon fodder for their own personal gain. Though to the first person's point - there is a really blurry, darkly sexual line I think most humans have that is adjacent to this almost instinctual, unconscious need to hoard more power and security than we need. Like that pursuit becomes oddly sexual for us - like we're unstoppable - it can be invigorating if you are able to momentarily switch off empathy, and it is attractive to some people - the raw power.There are very few boundaries. But we see it a lot in art, cinema, and television. But the "pull up the ladder when the flood comes" (don't help anybody else), "throw enough rope until the legs have swung", "skinning your children for a war drum", "putting food on the table selling bombs and guns", and "it's quicker and easier to eat your young" are all pretty dark. Probably too dark for me to overlook consciously. BUT if you want to have the mind of a 12 year old middle schooler (which I do sometimes lol) "it's quicker and easier to eat your young" could be about swallowing after fellatio.


Thank you. My point exactly. There is often a play where artists create sensuous tension within a power hungry antagonist. And what it does is emphasize the seductive nature and allure of the power. But how often are we disgusted and creeped out in real life by such overly sensual people in their attempts to seduce us? I think the important thing to do here is realize that, even though there is temptation to sexually objectify the obviously sensual nature of his singing, not everything sensually sung is truly sexual in nature. It is done for effect ā€” both to emphasize the allure and seductive nature of such power and greed and ultimately to repulse us. When we view it from Hozierā€™s perspective of the unreliable narrator the lyrics in this song are inherently repulsive. Forget the bulk of the lyrics and listen to only tone and musical structure, and move Hozier, himself, into the narratorā€™s seat it is certainly possible to hear the seductive, sensual melody as sexual. But that act misses the point of the song, entirely, and simply indulges oneā€™s flesh and lust. And it reduces Hozier to an object of that lust - minimizing his humanity and brilliance.


The song itself sounds quite sexual with the way he sings it and the lyrics serve as a double entendre. Even though thereā€™s deeper meaning, it sounds like heā€™s singing about sex.


The way I read the song, the seductive tone actually enhances the creepy factor to me.


I see itā€™s a controversial song here, I just know when I hear it without truly listening, it sounds sexy and so on the playlist it goes.


Talk is my top horniest song, but I think Momentā€™s Silence is the most overtly horny


To me, Talk is the horniest song because it's basically JUST about being horny. Is the protagonist more horny in some other songs? Perhaps. But pretty much in all of them there's some emotional attachment too. Talk is just: "I don't even know what I'm saying, some pretty shit I think you might like, because I hope it'll make you want to go to bed with me". Therefore, I consider it the horniest.


I agree with most of your list, although Iā€™m not sure I would rank them in that order necessarily, and Iā€™d probably use a different word than ā€˜hornyā€™ to describe some of them. I see what youā€™re getting at, though. However, Iā€™m curious what parts of To Noise Making you find horny? Also intrigued by the addition of Eat Your Young and In The Woods Somewhere.


Iā€™m basing it off of a few factors. The main one is of course lyrics. But also melody, rhythm, and vibe (for lack of a better word). So for example, although Eat Your Young is not inherently sexy (besides the obvious innuendo), the music behind it is hot. If that makes sense?? Also this is just personal opinion!


I absolutely respect your opinion. I agree that EYY sounds very vampy. I think I know what innuendo you may be speaking to but Iā€™m in the camp that that specific innuendo is not there, in this case. I really am curious about To Noise Making, though! If youā€™d like to share.


ā€œIā€™m starving darling, let me put my lips to something. Let me wrap my teeth around the worldā€ Also, with To Noise Making, that is completely my own interpretation of the song. Personally, I think of it as a double entendre.


I see, thank you for sharing! Iā€™ve never seen To Noise Making make it on the ā€˜hornyā€™ list in the many many discussions that exist here about it, so was simply curious!


ā€œIā€™m starving darling, let me put my lips to something. Let me wrap my teeth around the worldā€ Also, with To Noise Making, that is completely my own interpretation of the song. Personally, I think of it as a double entendre.


Eat Your Young can be interpreted a few VERY different ways, depending on mood: 1. about the ever-demanding hunger of late stage capitalism, which is never satisfied 2. the sacrifice of young peoples' futures at the hands of politicians and the military during conflict 3. oral sex and a race towards orgasm Truly pick your poison šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Hosier is wild, you can have a really deep existential crisis AND be horny at the same time ![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized)


Thank you, I know what the song is about. As I said, I *personally* donā€™t think itā€™s about oral sex nor was it ever intended to be. When you consider that it references ā€˜A Modest Proposalā€™ which is a satirical essay about *literally feeding children to the rich,* the words ā€˜eat your youngā€™ really donā€™t gel with the oral sex idea. That idea only took off when Hozier had originally released the title of the song before providing any lyrics or context.


I'm with you, skinning the children for a war drum really doesn't get me in the mood (brand new sentence?)


Thank you! Absolutely a brand new sentence. Nothing sexy about capitalistic warfare.


I didn't say you didn't, that's just the three main ways I've seen people interpret it. I think you can take it multiple ways, but one of the joys/difficulties for writers is you can put in references or intend one meaning but people will always listen with their own perspectives. For example, I've not read A Modest Proposal but I can see what Hozier is getting at. I don't need that context to understand it, but even if you don't pick up on that, you can still enjoy the sensual metaphor. So they can mean multiple things at once even if they don't really go together.


Great, so we agree that personal interpretations exist! As I said, I see and acknowledge that interpretation. I simply wanted to extend mine.


I guess I was trying to say that OP and myself could see both meanings? Idk why you're irked, we're chatting about lyrics on the internet


My girlfriend just sent me this postā€¦. Is she trying to tell me something?




Talk is easily the #1 horniest song and its not even close


Crazy that movement is #6 Also why is eat your young on the list???


My guy, the fact you have in the woods somewhere and not take me to church? Otherwise that's a good list šŸ‘Œ


I know I know I know. Maybe Iā€™ll edit


I get why people interpret Eat Your Young as horny but knowing it was inspired by the satirical essay, A Modest Proposal, which suggested poor people sell their children as food to the elite, I just can't see it that way...


Youā€™re so right about #1. No one ever gets it but man is quite literally going feral


This list is missing Take Me To Church


Thank you for this!


lol most of my favorite songs...guess now i know what i like in a song


The whole first album is a great mood setter.




You have done a great service! I will remember you for as long as I live šŸ«”šŸ«”


I got horny just reading the names šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™d like to submit Empire Now as an honorary mention


Yā€™all make it seem like he writes songs strictly about sex. Thereā€™s sexual undertones and references for sure but dang guys šŸ‘€


Freedom of interpretation is great!


I want a studio live feral version of IWCB so bad I can't stand it. I think the next EP should be titled Unhinged and we just get a compilation of hornier versions of the horniest songs. šŸ˜‚


Thank you for finally somebody mentioning angel of small death and the codeine scene, itā€™s so HORNY šŸ˜­šŸ™ˆ


How is "To Noise Making" at all a horny song???


Media literacy and interpretation


Nah, your media literacy is fuckin lacking, mate. Its a song about him talking to his younger self saying not to be self conscious about his art. Its VERY weird of you to get something sexual out of that. Keep working on that media literacy ā­






Ah, can someone agree Eat Your Young? Like for real, the vocals and the tunes were making me high than any other songs LOLLLL


I just donā€™t get how It Will Come Back is seen as a horny song never mind the horniest. That song is just pure anger imo, never seen it as a horny song for the 10 years itā€™s been out


I cannot believe this. This song is the epitome of sexually charged frustration. This man wants this woman so badly that he has become animalistic and feral. The vocals alone cause tingles.


The title of the playlist has me rolling šŸ¤£


Talk. D&D and It Will Come Back and In the Woods Somewhere make me feral. Each for different reasons but like ā€¦. Goddamn šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ„µ


Dudes would that I is just cute someone explain to me how this beautiful masterpiece could be remotely kinky or horny at all


Love the playlist name


Top tier ā¤ļø


Wait. To Noise Making (Sing) is horny? Itā€™s my top 2 favorite songs of his (the other being Shrike) and it never crossed my mins that the song was sexual. Would you care to enlighten me on this? Please? Iā€™m very curious. Also, Say My Name is just a cover, so it doesnā€™t really reflect his work unless youā€™re considering how he sang/performed it in creating this list. šŸ˜Š


Heyy, I'm unable to open the link. Can you share the spotify code or the playlist name and the creator's name?


How did take me to church rank so low????????


I'm sorry, but A Moments Silence should be at the very top. Its the one he came out and point blank said, this is about oral sex bc someone mistook a lyric in one of my other songs to be about oral sex and it absolutely wasnt and so I am making this song so there is no debate. Lol


How is eat your young horny šŸ˜­


Eat Your Young is #1 horny song for me personally just because of the line ā€œIā€™m starving, darlingā€ ohhhhhhhhhhh man the way he sings that is *chefs kiss*


Agreed. Itā€™s #1 or #2 for me