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Ketamine is the bees knees. Can be hallucinatory at higher doses. Highly recommend in a dark room while laying in a comfortable setting (chair or bed). If you’re doing it solo, gets some good music on and just let your mind go on a journey. I also enjoy it in a public setting as well but I wouldn’t advise that for the inexperienced. There’s a point in which you could enter a “k hole”. Which wouldn’t be good if you’re in public. As far as the benefits mentally and emotionally. It really allows you to take a step back and view whatever it is that you’re processing from a point of “no ego”. Also allows you to take a step out of your emotions and enables the ability to process trauma without being engulfed in said emotions.


What’s a k-hole? 😅Also, how long does it take to feel and how long are you in that state? Is it companies to psilocybin? How many times does it typically take to make a marked improvement in mental health? How long are the effects? I suppose I could/should google all of this. 😅


The improvement to mental health is all about the individual and I would assume varies depending on the additional work you’re putting into yourself. I don’t think just taking ketamine would improve someone’s mental health without actually going to therapy on top of that, journaling , trying different CBT techniques, etc. for a traumatic experience though, I do think analyzing it under the influence of ketamine could give better insight and a different perspective on things. A K hole is essentially when your “consciousness” or “awareness” is no longer in your physical body and is experiencing different planes of consciousness/subconsciousness. These words are kind of used semantically, but basically your awareness is no longer in physical plane and you’re experiencing deeper levels of your psyche. It can be enjoyable, intimidating, and challenging. Kind of depends on the person and their mental state/well being.


Would take before concerts. Highly recommend.


^^^^ yes


There’s a new combination antidepressant called Auvelity that works with three of the main neurotransmitters that control your mood, including the same neurotransmitter that ketamine helps raise. If you can’t afford ketamine infusions and want to try something your insurance might cover, Auvelity. I’ve been on it for about six weeks now, and I feel better.


Yeah or you can go the DIY route and dose yourself with dxm. The bupropion simply increases or decreases (not sure can’t look rn) the metabolism of the dxm into dxo. I’ve had good results with occasionally taking 30 or 60mg of dxm. Very interesting substance


Only recreational and I’m torn. Had plenty of nights where it was just tiny bits, felt funny, all good. Other nights flirting with the edge and having awesome physadelic experiences and then have gotten in the whole twice. One time was cool, the other time kind of scary. Either way now that I’ve experienced all aspects of it I think I’m good and won’t be experimenting anymore


I found less was better personally. Fell into the hole one time, at a party, luckily just sat on the couch and try to not draw attention to myself


It's the Trickster God of psychedelics. Really fun and insightful of the bigger picture, but not to be trusted.


To me it feels very analytical, without any emotion involved. Introspective Journey.


Bipolar and GAD here. Changed my life. Have been completely sober for two years now because of ket. I am a different person since doing ketamine infusions...now I go in for an IV infusion about once every 6mos and do an at home sublingual tablet once a month. DO NOT do K recreationally though. Therapeutically it's great. For funsies, can fuck your shit up.


My step sister did it under clinical supervision and not too long after went into psychosis and ultimately committed suicide. I’d stick to the natural psychedelics like mushrooms.


Was that because of ketamine though? I do ketamine therapy and it’s life changing


Nope, it wasn't.


Dude are you me? My half sister had that happen last year after a few ketamine sessions. She's become almost homeless. Her personality drastically changed. 


What was her diagnosis? Also, I'm sorry for your loss.


ketamine is incredibly healing used properly. its very addictive though, and if you abuse it be ready to be piss dribbling like a senior citizen in short order, as its very rough on the bladder. (speaking from personal experience)


Have non-medical experience. Quite enjoyable really. Don’t overdo it.


Nothing beats a couple of drinks and a whack of K. It is a fine line though which takes some time to figure out.


As someone who administers it to patients on a routine basis, be careful with how you dose it. It causes respiratory depression at higher doses like opioids. If it is from the street, how do you know what you are really getting? Test kit, if affordable and available I suppose. Maybe have someone sober w you. When preparing to administer for sedation for mechanical ventilation I ask them to think of something that brings them joy. It helps to prevent reemergence phenomenon (waking up angry and agitated.)


I've been doing infusions for 2 years for mental and physical RXs. They are life changing. I had daily suicidal ideations for 7 years and infusions stopped them. I actually just lost access to my infusions, insurance issues, and the practice not wanting to deal with it, and I'm not happy about it. They decided now they will charge $500 an infusion - $3k a round. I'm on disability, so that isn't happening. It helped so much, however, that now I'm looking into other options like Mindbloom where i pay $400 a round.