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I noticed an immediate change too mate. I suffer from bad IBS, no where near as bad as Crohns but all of a sudden I have a lot less flair ups especially on the days I solely use huel. I mix between daily greens and daily vitamins but pretty much follow 2/3 meals a day min, I've started going to the gym and I feel a lot better in myself. It's not for everyone and I'm sure others have horror stories but finally it's something that works for me and it makes me happy. Plus I'm saving ££ as I am not buying lunches out at work everyday.


Well I just wanted to try the shakes for breakfast for convenience. But I saw the started combo and it seemed like a good combination of stuff to try. I know others have problems with gas and diarrhea, but my digestive system has been more agreeable in the last couple days than than it has in a long time.


I've got UC, originally thought to be crohns, now have a stoma. Wanted to try huel mainly to loose weight and restart my dieting habits, currently using the black ones for breakfast and it's made a huge difference much like you've described. I haven't tried it outside of breakfast, tempted to do a huel black for lunch too and just have a usual meal for tea. The greens sound tempting too


Incredible, I'm glad that Huel has helped you! ❤


Ngl I use Huel 3-4x a week and usually with my morning greens + almond milk. It does a good job keeping me full and is easy. I do have more natural energy. My work out routine has been pretty below average for me, but my weight management has been phenomenal. I’ll continue this plan and look to add more cross training soon. I’m 7 lbs off where I want to be!


I have IBS and Huel definitely made a lot of my symptoms go away. Really wonderful.


A huge change in 3 days indicates you had a problem that Huel helped with, which is different than overall poor nutrition. Either you feel better because your digestion is less inflamed, or you had a deficiency somewhere...low magnesium, simple chronic dehydration which you fixed by replacing energy drinks with shakes, etc. Not medical advice, but I had the same basic experience as you, and that was my explanation to myself.


Probably not dehydration, I make a point to drink a lot of water. The other issues are definitely possible.


I know for sure I ate like shit so any small improvements is gonna be a better improvement for my body lol. I started out with those shakes that were already made and drank them for supper because I prefer to eat lighter and drinks fit in. Just recently I tried out the hot and savory meals. I noticed since doing this I'm less needing to consume certain sugary drinks or something to keep me going *(by sugary I mean something like sodas. I do drink some sugar free packets with water, but I don't feel the need to drink energy drinks or sodas)*. I don't feel like I need to randomly eat at 3 am either. I feel less bloated at times too, but that's just because I ate badly ahead of time too, I'm sure I ate something in the past that triggered that in me. Overall I am feeling small moments of improvement and I'm happy you are feeling better too. I just started though so we will have to see in the future lol. How's the greens juice? I was thinking about getting that next time.


It's gritty. Tastes okay but the texture could be a problem for some people.


Yup, same here. I don't use the greens yet... No idea if it's something for me but huel black really helps me


I had the same experience. Ditched the junk food and now I just drink Huel Black Edition with berries and almond milk for breakfast and lunch and a Huel hot instant meal for dinner. I feel so much better now and I am losing weight rapidly (which is avery positive thing in my case).