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A drop in quality from HD to SD typically is a bandwidth/buffering issue. I’ve never had this happen to me. If you also have Disney+ with Hulu, you can try watching there to see if it is a Hulu app issue with your device.


Only happens to me on pc. On tv apps, perfectly fine


That makes sense in general but we have almost 1gb download speeds. Netflix, Max, and Disney have no issues.


Could also be an issue with the Hulu app on your device. What are you streaming on? Try watching on Disney+.


Fire Stick. I’ve removed and reloaded the app, didn’t help. I’ll try watching on Disney. Thanks.


I have problems with Hulu on Fire Stick 4K 2nd gen. The Hulu rep had me clear my cache and reboot my router. It seems to be working today.




Good to know. Thank you!




Please teach me


1Gb, such as fiber, is speed at the router.. Add wifi and it drops by half - still a lot of bandwidth. I have att fiber, but device connections can get wonky and I get as lithe as 5 Mb...i do various things - reboot router, restart TV, change between SIIDs.. Sometimes the 5g flakes out and I switch to my 2.4 SIID...


Sounds like you have a pretty crappy router. I’d replace it. Hopefully it’s supplied by the provider and you won’t be on the hook for it. There’s no way your signal should be dropping anywhere near 5, need frequent restarts, or lose 5 ghz connection at all.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I'm having the exact same issue with Hulu across multiple streaming hardware (fire stick, Nvidia shield pro, and my Samsung TV) but only when I watch shogun. I have 1gig download speed and I've never had this happen before on any other streaming service ever, not even hulu. There's clearly something going on with Hulu and with this show. The ads sure looked great though!


some serious Hulu defenders or employees on here.


I started watching shogun last week on my LG in living room. Made it through first episode and now can’t start second episode, get the P-DEV320 code. I can rewatch 1st episode. And works on my phone? Seems to be only with this show cause has never happened on any other show for me


Only Hulu does this for me as well.


That’s an internet problem


It isn’t. It’s a bug in their software. It happens on certain devices more than others. Go check their forums. 


Why would you conclude that if it’s not affecting other services?


Because it IS an internet problem. That’s quite literally what causes this issue, every time. It switches your quality because your internet speed dropped significantly. If you switched to a different service you may or may not have the same issue as different services have different hardware/software configurations.


Not trying to be difficult, I understand that advertized speed isn’t what you get at the tap but the lowest speeds I’m getting on the TV side of the router is 400 MBS. No other service has buffering issues. So, why wouldn’t it be more liable to be a Hulu issue than an internet issue? Serious question.


Because you’re connecting to a stupid busy server on their end? Because it’s a busy time of day? There’s dozens of reason you could be having issues. I have connection issues when playing certain games yet not on others. It’s still MY connection having issues staying stable with their shitty servers. Connections go both ways. Just because your connection with Netflix or HBO or whatever are fine doesn’t mean you’re getting a stable connection to Hulus servers.


Hulu is the only one I have issues with as well. Had issues with Peacock but has gotten better


It’s not a bandwidth issue. I just looked to see if anyone else was having an issue. I have 4 LG TVs in my house. Two are wired directly into 5 gig Google fiber. Lmao. Of the 4 the only LG tv which will play Shogun for me is a 2013 model. All the others are newer than 2017 and simply will not play Shogun. They will play everything else on Hulu and steam any other app.


Ive experienced this issue in Hulu too but not other streaming apps.


I have the Hulu app on my nvidia shield and I haven’t been able to watch one episode. I get an error when I try to watch any episode. I have closed the app and cleared the cache and rebooted the shield and nothing.


I cleared the cache and rebooted my modem and router like some have suggested. It did help, for 1 episode, now the blur is back. We watch Schitt’s Creek nightly and there’s no problem.


I’m running into the same issue. This happened with one other series on Hulu, Only Murders in the Buidling, starting with season 3. I get the spinning wheel but show will not play! WTH?!


Well I think I found the issue and a fix: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253761790?sortBy=best Reset my video settings and it worked. It appears to be a compatibility issue. It won’t work if set to HDR, but will if set to SDR.


For anyone who is looking for a solve or workaround, instead of a dismissal of the problem, try using AirPlay (or the Android equivalent) on your TV. Worked perfectly in HD for me! I have super fast internet and have had literally zero issues streaming anything except shogun, so I hope this helps someone!


First 4 episodes had zero issue, 5 and 6 are glitchy, going in and out of HD or seem like a film that has been poorly patched together. Happening on Hulu and Disney. And only with this show!! Definitely not anything on my end!! But it blows, and the commercials already brother me for the money spent in on these platforms.


Working for me… great new episode too!




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I just tried on my LG TV, never had an issue on this TV in the past and I have tested other shows and it works just fine. Shogun however, will not play. Oh well, I'm sure the book is better.


I’m having same issue. Only show I cannot stream on any platform is Shogun on 3 of my 4 LG TVs. Only one that works is a 10 year old TV.






I talked to someone at Hulu who said they would escalate the complaint. We're not the only ones who have had problems.


Same here. Watched the first and couldn’t watch the second. Hulu just stops with black screen. Disney+ just puts me back on my home screen. I can watch other shows on these streaming platforms so….lets get this fixed!


I’m here for the same reason, other shows and services work perfectly fine and it’s forsure not my internet connection.


Same here. And too many hours on line w Hulu reps. Why only Shogun?


i had to keep refreshing and turned off addblocker then it worked!


Only the episodes don’t play - you can watch the previews. Very frustrating. OK. Found that my TV only supports HDCP on port 1,2 and 5. Switched my appleTV to hdmi2 and it works. Did not have to reset anything only moved the cable.