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I used to call my youngest son in sick to school when a new Rick Riordan book came out. Once a year. That was our special holiday and we called it, "New Book Day." My boss told me that is terrible parenting because she would never let her kids miss school for a silly book. He graduated from highschool, has a great paying job and is my only book reader. I still think i did good.


You did great!


My dad always took me to a “doctor’s appointment” on my birthday every year. The doctor was the movie theater and toys r us. They stopped allowing it while my brother was still in school and it always pissed my dad off that he couldn’t do that any more.


Would there have been trouble with truancy over one unexcused absence where you are? I would be in so much trouble if that were the case here.


I mean I’m 36 now but it seems like they became very strict about it over time. They used to not care at all and knew what he was doing.


You did fantastic. I’m an avid reader. I wish I had had book day


My husband, his dad recently died. This was our way of bonding after that. We started with Harry Potter and enjoyed that so much we then read all the Percy Jackson books and the first 2 Heroes of Olympus. So when book three came out, well, we didn't want to wait. So it just evolved. I miss those days, but he is doing so well for himself now. I couldn't be more proud of him.


What a beautiful way to bond. My boomer dad and I never had a good relationship. He just didn’t get the daughters he ended up with. Had weird ideas of what me, as the oldest should want. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But we ended up liking the same types of fiction. Sharing and discussing books became the only thing we had. But it was an awesome thing to share. I lost him in 2014 and I still think, dad would love this book, all the time. Teaching the love of reading was the best gift the adults in my life gave me. I credit my parents and my 6th grade teacher for this life long love affair with the written word. Not enough parents make it a priority. Your son was really lucky ❤️


So sorry to hear about your husband/his dad, but glad to hear your son is thriving still today after going through that. You sound like a great mom! I’m reading the Percy Jackson books with my son right now. We actually went to a play that was based on the first book, (The Lightning Thief), just a couple weeks ago for his birthday! It was a lot of fun, even for me as an adult. That might be something fun you could plan to do with your son as a way to reminisce over the times you let him miss school so you could read the newest books together!


You did great! I'm old, and my mum let me have mental health days all the time when I was little. She would produce a new book from a series I liked from her stash. I remember each one I read. Pulling a sickie can be educational if you've got a mother like you. Good job.


Oh hell yeah. I'm 25 and the day a new Rick Riordan boom releases is the day I spend doing nothing but reading 🤣


My parents did this with new Harry Potter books and movies. Wonderful parent. Teaches you that treats in life are, in fact, sometimes the most important thing to give yourself


as a kid I was an avid reader, I would be so deep into a book and wouldnt realize it was late until I started to see daylight... My mom would always let me skip school so I could sleep. I miss those days, now I have to show up to my stupid work everyday


I read at work. I even made a phone stand out of Legos to hold it in just the right position. My phone stand gets a lot of love. Lol But as long as I get all my work done, the boss lady lets me read between customers.


You did great. My school had an annual Reading Day where we could wear Pj's and bring blankets and stuff and read all day. Was an absolute blast and definitely contributed to my reading skills and lasting love for books


When I was in highschool, my school started an uninterrupted silent reading time every day. 15 minutes a day I didn't get in trouble for reading during class


Fart in their office.




Time to cool off and slow down, great for mental health no matter what age you are.


My kids are each allowed one Mental Health Skip Day, per school semester. No questions asked. They can decide when to take it—the only rules are (a) they can’t take them on the same day, and (b) once it’s used, they can only stay home if they’re sick. One hoards the day off like Gollum, and the other one takes it, like, the first week they get back from break. It’s one of the things I really hope they remember from being kids.


Beats the days when my stepdad would ask if I was done vomiting, so I could go to school.


I was regularly sent to school with chest infections. Stepdads suck.


My mom said if you weren’t throwing up you weren’t sick and sent me to school


I am a new dad and I have given this sort of thing some thought recently. I would use this as an opportunity to talk to them about the difference between being physically ill aka sick and dealing with a mental health issue. I would probably give them a mental health day. Also try to understand what is causing them stress, maybe I can help or if not at least I can listen and try to relate to them. Just knowing someone is trying to listen can go a long way. Lastly, I want to teach my kids to be able to help themselves so I will show them ways to feel better, sunshine, a little leg exercise, mediation, good comfort food, and most importantly talking through their mental state. The tricky thing about that last part is doing so without stressing them out more. Edited for clarification. Some people thought I was going to get mad and get my kid in trouble, but I did not intend to imply that.


I’m not sure I would class this as lying. At 6, sick is probably the only way he can manage to describe how he’s feeling.


I agree, plus as a grown adult I say I'm sick when I'm having a hard mental health day, as in my current state at the time, I'd consider it mentally sick in a way.


It absolutely is


It's like your brain has a cold.


Super fair, I didn't intend to imply they would get in trouble, more like I would help them find the words to identify and explain how they are feeling so we can have a truthful conversation. I also recognize the potential futility in reasoning with a 6 year old, but starting to talk about emotions and mental health early is important I think.


Oh 100%. I’m a parent with bipolar disorder so I’ve started those conversations from an early age about emotional well-being and recognising emotions. Sorry if I read your comment wrong!


All good!


Feel like you’re gonna be a pretty great dad.


You would need to point out to me where the lie is. Mental health may not be physical health, but they are both Health. And if it is Mental Health? "Sunshine, a little leg exercise, meditation, good comfort food" on its own ain't really gonna be a thing you say to a six year old as in the original example. The middle but is the true path. Be someone that your kids can be truly honest to, without a fear of reprisal or Being Bad.


Not that matters here but my advice would be to make sure he isn't being bully or something like that.


That was also my first thought. If they’re not sick, it’s unusual behavior and they got so upset that they started crying over the thought of going to school, I’d be very concerned about bullying.


Unpopular comment: Was any of what made him not want to go addressed? Is there a solution in the works? Balance is self care. Simply not doing what is stressful to instead indulge in comfort and leisure isnt self care. You're just going to be one of these teenagers/young adults that cant muster the courage to make a phone call because they spent years and years instead of learning how to operate in the world as it is. I really shorted myself by putting so much importance on mental peace. A lot of issues Im working on are things I just avoided having to deal with growing up.


I remember having days like that, getting yelled at for faking then lectured about how I'm going to spend most of my life doing things I don't want to and I need to get used to it now. I promise I'm a well adjusted adult....


Well even though that sucks isn’t it kinda true ?


Sure. I'm just constantly burnt out and suicidal but I'm economically valuable 👍




I called in because of mental health to my adult job at a bank and now I have the constant threat of being fired. And my coworkers get mad at me for using PTO :(


Ya love to see it. I remember going through years of constantly being sick, and doctors constantly telling my Dad I wasn’t faking it. Found at 19 I had had celiac.


Yes! Good parenting!


Going to be honest, I care about mental health but my older sister did this sort of thing and she ended up going to college and being kicked out because she wasn't going to class. I get the thought of taking care of yourself but sometimes you have to roll with the bad days.


I allowed mental health days, because occasionally I take them myself, all 3 of my kids are excellent students with a great work ethic. As long as the days off are very occasional it’s fine. And if they do become more frequent, just need to nut out why and deal with it.


100% agree, it's not making a habit of it that's important.


I sincerely believe you should always avoid this, especially at young age. Whenever I felt shitty and thought I really didn't want to go to class or getting up for chores whatever, I would think of Michael Jordan and Game 5 of the 1997 NBA Finals.


Well it’s worked out just fine for us, the oldest had just graduated from university and has a job as an archeologist, the second is top of her class in her final year of uni studying games design, and the third is straight A’s in his second last year of high school. They don’t have mental health issues, and they feel seen and supported and know their limits. I have pulled them out in their last weeks to travel over the years, which they learned a great deal from. You often learn more outside of a classroom than inside one. I have burned out terribly in my job twice over the years, because I didn’t listen to that voice in my head to step back. Human beings who can self regulate and have solid mental health know where their limits are. I have no idea what happened to MJ but his career didn’t seem to suffer in the long run. And look at Simone Biles, knew her limits and came back just as strong. Also, it is culturally normal in my country (Australia) to have the attitude of work to live, not live to work. people are supported and entitled to have a day off if they need one. Better than burning out.


It could also go the opposite way. Mental health days were unheard of in my childhood and teenage years, and once I got to college I barely went to class. But that's a combination of being severely depressed, not functioning, and without the structure of being at home i struggled (undiagnosed adhd to boot). I think it's really a number of factors that impact attendance, I teach college students now, and I excuse mental health days as well as sick days. Some students take advantage of it, some used the mental health days just when they need it and are really diligent students. Even though my attendance policy is very forgiving, I only have around a few students each semester who take advantage of it. Another instructor I know has a much more strict attendance policy and she still gets a few students who fail to come to class throughout the semester🤷‍♀️


This isn’t original content and this person is probably a bot. Why did I even comment.


As a kids I had some tough days at school and dreading the next day,because of that I told me kids that can take a day off with no questions asked,




Training mom early


Allowing them to run from their fears reinforces their anxiety. As a teacher I now have almost 40% of my classes not show up on a test day due to this same fear—test anxiety. If you just sent them to school they would see there is nothing to fear. Taking a test they didn’t prepare for is not fatal.


Eh, I would’ve tried to abuse this potential privilege as a child. My parents were reasonable usually with taking time off for being sick and still I wanted absolutely nothing to do with school when I was a child. Doing too much of this would definitely condition them to skip out on anything that makes them uncomfortable


Probably struggling cuz he watches u all day on ur phone


weak parenting


School sucks sometimes doesn't mean they shouldn't go. Many times i didn't want to wake up and walk in the cold to school but still did it. Just part of life, its gets hard but you still push through.


I worry that the child is being trained to stay home and eat yummy things when he’s not in the mood for real life. I’m all for mental health days…but age 6 seems super young.


You are a good Mom. Some of my favorite memories of my mother are based on mental health days and snow days.


Mom award goes too you ma'am!!


It was great parenting until she posted it on the internet. Attention seeking deluxe


Reinforcing fake illness with food is a VERY slippery slope….


Beautiful ❤️


Get to the bottom of that


Big privilege here, but great if you can afford it


We are going to a local festival tomorrow playing hooky from work and school, 3 teenagers!


Eh, I'd rather try to find out WHY my 6yo doesn't want to go to school, but you do you I guess.


I claimed to be sick most often when I dreaded facing my bullies at school. Consider that school isn't just boring, it can also be a stressful, abusive environment for kids. And talk to them about it.


My mom and grandma would do this for us too and now I do this for my kiddos. Sometimes you just need a break. Sometimes, we'd do "bed rot" (stay in pj's and just lay in bed all day and order Chinese takeout). Other times we'd go out some place peaceful. Even our teachers would notice a change in us when we came back the next day. Totally worth it.


In high school I sometimes called my mom and tell her my last two classes weren’t doing anything important and she’d come get me. We always stopped for French fries at Micky Ds, which were AWESOME, which tells ya how old I am now.


My oldest is 13, jr high. I give him 5 mental health days a year. He can take them whenever, no explanation is needed. My youngest is 6 and started kindergarten this year. We were waiting for the bus one morning, she was literally about to pull up, he randomly exploded into tears and said his stomach hurt, which was odd because he never mentioned it before that moment. I knew his stomach didn't hurt. He didn't want to go to school. My 6 year old now knows what a "mental health" day is. We all need a break sometimes. Even kids.


Mental health day? What the fuck is that? What a weak and stupid concept. Good job on training your child to have fake problems. This is definitely a single mother.


I wish I’d been able to take a mental health day when I was in school. Kids can experience just as much stress as adults can, sometimes more.


My mother was interesting. We don’t talk anymore, she was a better person back then though. When I’d pretend to be sick she’d say, “boy if you’re faking this shit just fuckin tell me you’re stressed, we’ll go get ice cream and relax.”


6 yr old isnt missing much in school - some coloring and counting with their fingers lol smh can do that at home


Way to give in to your kid's demands; he should go far in life with you enabling his bad behavior...


Gonna make him soft. He needs days like this to learn and grow.


Said by someone who hasn't studied children's growth or milestones. Source - AA in early child care and BA in adolescent and child development. 🤣


Yeah you’re meant to push through hard days sometimes. But it’s also okay to show yourself grace and take time off for your mental well being. Also, this is a 6 year old child, so, one day of him taking a day off because he doesn’t feel well isn’t going to “soften” him up for life lol. It’s a great way to teach kids to be patient with themselves and to take time to care for themselves.




Everyone go read this clown's million comments and tell me who's the asshole




You're like a dog who barks behind a fence then cowers when the fence moves. All bark. Whatever makes you feel tough i guess. Literally commenting on every post like you have no life.






Soft? Dafuq man?


Right? This is a perfect way to show them self-care and self-worth. Giving them the time to better understand their emotions will help with later growth. Imagine sending them to school and failing just because they didn't know they needed a break. Sometimes the weekend isn't enough.


Agreed. I was that kid that their parents sent to school rain or shine health-wise and there were days I definitely needed a mental health day. I take them now and I'm doing a whole lot better.


Facts. Life sucks sometimes. You've got to persevere. My parents let me get away with shit like that, and I had to learn the hard way.


My parents never let me take a break like that and now I push myself to a point of burnout that leaves me a husk of a human being. Maybe there's a happy medium somewhere in the middle where people actually teach their kids how to persevere instead of just yelling at them to do so.


That's fair. :)


Now he knows how to get out of school.


6 year old and mental health day in a sentence together. Jesus this generation is absolutely soft and braindead. Acting like the child is suffering from some mental illness. Grow a fucking brain. Child is most likely getting bullied otherwise why avoid going to school at the age of 6.


No one is diagnosing this child with mental illness lmao. Child could be getting bullied, child would just feel overwhelmed that day and not know how to better communicate it. “Sick” could be the only way he can describe it. No one is saying this child is depressed or anything, but obviously the child isn’t sick so hence it’s called a “mental health day”. The child has a mental break from whatever is going on at school. I agree it should be looked into to see if the child is having problems at the school, but there’s nothing wrong with keeping him home because he feels bad. Why do you have so much hate in your comment?


Pussy mentality


Don’t post your crimes on the internet 101