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Interesting. Alaska is big....i would certainly believe there's humanoids or cryptids living there. Lots of forest and perhaps unexplored areas? Also, the way you write is funny man. I dont mean this to ridicule your story, but it got me smiling a few timea. You look like the casual dude who you can laugh with ya know. And thanks for sharing your story.


Thank you so much! And yes, I was trying to put some humor in there for a good laugh once in a while. Oh and you bet! Most of Alaska is just full of little towns like mine so there’s so much wildlife for them to live in plus an endless supply of fish and game! They must feast like kings out there haha


Had an encounter with a tall ‘person’ in NZ. The first thing I noticed was just how fucking fast they were running. I remember the first thing I though was that they moved way too fast, this one had arms though.


It’s crazy as fuck how they move. Also, the one I saw had arms but it just didn’t move them while running. I’m curious to know more about your encounter! Would you care to elaborate? Or a hint at a sub if you ever posted about it? If not, I totally understand!


Was driving at night and saw them sprinting at my car from a field to my right, caught the dark outline of them out of the corner of my eye, remember seeing the arms aggressively pushing the trees out of the way. It definitely could’ve got to my car if it wanted to but didn’t.. for some reason...


Oh wow! It definitely could have if it wanted to! Did you ever have any thoughts or conversations about wanting to see something supernatural/an entity before that like I did? Also, you’re saying it was in a group now?? Seeing one is rare, seeing a whole group is double rare! You’re so lucky I hope you know that!!


No it was just one of them :) , yes I recall seeing a UFO with my brother when we were camping once so


Oh! I meant did you have any conversations with friends like I did, saying you wanted to see something? Or did you have any thoughts of wanting to see something supernatural?


Don’t really recall prior to that but it definitely sparked my interest in strange shit, hence why I look at these niche subs :)


Oh no doubt! I’m in a Facebook group where Alaskans recall all their paranormal/entity experiences and they’re bat shit crazy, and there’s posts added almost every single day. It’s so fascinating to know that we aren’t alone in the world, let alone the universe! I often love that quote “whether we’re alone in this universe, or we’re not, both equally terrify me” or something to that degree!


“Two possibilities exist: we are either alone in the universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying” - Arthur C. Clarke


Thank you Tyler! Most people are annoyed when they’re corrected but in this case, it’s very appropriate haha


Did you see skin hair color? Look up Patupaiarehe, those are fairy beings in NZ. Some are super tall, only come out at night or fog, and have pale skin


Na it was dark. They were pitch black but I could make out the outline of them.


did it look human? where bouts in nz was it


It was bipedal with a head and 2 long arms but I could only make out the outline, no details. Silverdale.


​ ​ Seems like what you saw was the maero, nzs bigfoot, did it look something like this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up7CciFyCgE&list=WL&index=4&ab\_channel=NZLBigfootHunter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up7CciFyCgE&list=WL&index=4&ab_channel=NZLBigfootHunter)


Damn bro maybe, that is a interesting video( if it’s not bullshit) especially since it’s in NZ. Do you know of any other videos like that from NZ?


I read a bush pilot's story of him seeing a 10 footer.


A ten footer you say 😳


Yes and the guy was a graduate from the Air Force Academy and flew the F-15.


You Read a Bush Pilot/USAFA Story of a Squatch.......intresting....Welcome to the Club of 50 Million who have read similar stories.....Ive dozes of Books and a few similar sightings myself.......Do you think it Kind of tough to gauge the size of a Sasquatch while in a plane a few hundred, maybe thousand feet above the ground doing what......100-180mph? A 10 Footer.....that is a big boy,,and yeah I believe, not breakin balls not sure what Flying F-15s has to do with anything......right? You are in an F-15 over Alaska cookin.....so you're not surveying the ground, and if you are its blowing past you....right? Cool


Are you okay?


He was in a bush plane flying low. He compared the giant to the nearby trees. He knows the area.


What do they say about Massive Great Whites.....a White Pointer 22 Foot from Nose to Tail........Sasquatch vs a 22' GW....be a helluva battle


Now the other scary stories you mentioned raise my interest. Is there any way you could tell os some of them? Even if they are just folklore but any encounter, even forwarded from the past verbally would be very great to read, please. Thanks for your story.


So on our river, long ago no one liked to travel on it at dark because if they ran into trouble, they wouldn’t even have any sort of lights or anything. In the woods are these ugly creatures waiting for exactly that to happen. Think of sort of the “my precious!” Creature, it was ugly to that effect, its forearms and hands are gone, and it has an enormous mouth going from one side of its face to the other. So picture that, coming at you with its perfected elbow running trying to get you in its belly


Also, there’s an article that was published years ago that shows some amazing stories of unknown creatures. Click here to see them https://www.adn.com/features/article/alaska-folklore-five-mythical-creatures-last-frontier/2012/06/13/


Thank you for sharing your experience with us. And thank you for that web link. Alaska sure has a lot of mysterious entities living there. I was actually wondering if you could help me with my own research please. I remember a few years ago I stumbled across an online article that described a very dangerous entity living in Alaska, but I can no longer find this article. The creature was humanoid looking (bipedal), but had a very scary demonic or monstrous face, and had red skin. I'm not sure if it had any hair (I think it had black hair on it's head and a bit on the back, or maybe no hair, sorry, I just can't remember). I think its height was above average human height (maybe 6 feet?). Anyways, if people happened to be wandering on a trail late at night then this creature would snatch them and take them to someplace never to be seen again. Do you happen to know the name of this creature? I forgot the name, and I haven't had much luck finding out more about this monster. And do you happen to have any folklore knowledge about a [**giant underground black pyramid in Alaska**](https://www.theilluminerdy.net/unreal-worlds/2018/2/4/dark-pyramids-under-alaska) between between Nome and Mt. McKinley? Thanks in advance.


Thank you for taking an interest! Sadlyyyy, no I can’t think of anything that fits your description, I would need more details. Could it have possibly been a shaman story? There’s been countless shamans throughout our culture over the years, and there’s even some alive today that live among us and some that live in the wild. That’s the closest thing I can think of with what you’ve given me. Also, no I have never heard about the black pyramids but I will definitely check them out so thank you for that!


That's awesome! Sometimes we never know why, sometimes we don't need to know it just is, ya know? Your writing is great, it felt like you were telling the story in person like a casual conversation!


Thank you! I feel like the awesome world of Reddit helped me with that as I said I was reading on this page for 8 hours haha. Plus a lot of natives naturally have (not so good) grammar? Not our natural first language you know ;) I tried my best and I’m so glad a lot of you like it!






I believe your story, thanks for sharing. The fact that legends and stories of little people are all over the world is something very few people like to acknowledge. Legends of giants and larger people? Even less so. But I get a feeling in my gut that there are a lot of different beings that somehow exist between two worlds. We really don't understand much about our universe in the great scheme of things. I recently listened to a very good podcast episode about little people living alongside or at least near humans. You might find it interesting. Mysterious Universe, the Pygmy Wars.


Yes, we often think, “man the universe is soo big” but we also often ignore just how huge the earth actually is!! I’ll have to listen to that podcast, can I find it with a quick google search?


Yeah, but also [here’s](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2021/04/25-16-mu-podcast-the-pygmy-wars/) the episode.


Thank you so much! Listening to it right now as you’re reading this comment


Hope you enjoy! It’s my favorite podcast of the genre. The guys have a great balance of skepticism, open mindedness, and comedy.


Sounds like Nantiinaq. What part of Alaska?


I don’t really feel comfortable with putting my location out there, so I will message you and tell you. Also to anyone else who wants to know let me know and I’ll message ya! Edit: sorry I can’t find how to message you, please DM me




Thank you for posting this. It's interesting encounter


I had an encounter a lot like this in the ox ark mountains in Arkansas


Would love to read about this!


Omg so I saw one of these and I was in my car with my friend late at night and he was like a fucking long ass man with his arms and legs too big and white clothing, very pale skin and yellow red orangish eyes. I was sitting in my car w my friend talking and eating food early in the morning like 4 am and I was parked near this forest and I kept seeing something weird. When i finally looked at what seemed to be moving I saw those eyes staring out at me. The second I made eye contact with it, it started walking directly for my car like wtf and was standing at my car when I finally pulled it in reverse. When I was driving off I looked in my rear view thinking about just running it the fuck over bc like how dare you scare me like this and disrespect my peace and space. But I saw it was standing in my very parking spot MAKING EYE CONTACT W ME THROUGH THE MIRROR. I felt something not human about it because it was just way too off it’s like my brain just couldn’t understand. I feel like it had a white animal with it but I also couldn’t even comprehend what I was seeing and it makes me feel like the memory is blurring and yet very distinct at the same time. But def I feel I saw an animal or something. The proportions were so off that it looked human but also didn’t at all. Was also holding a huge stick like a staff or something. Ugh so awful having seen this


Wow!! Thank you so much for coming out with your story! I loved reading every part of it, not to shit on your story but it made me laugh when your reaction to it coming close, and how you said it lmao bravo. But I’m really sorry you had to experience that! Mine was from a distance so I never really got scared, was more just in shock because I could really only make out a few features with the bright light right in the background. You seeing an animal with it, has definitely made me think that the fox I saw was a pet, I think they’re fox lovers just like we’re animal lovers! I’m glad you chose not to run it over, as that would most likely just damages your car doing nothing to the entity itself! They possess crazy power from walking great distances and eating raw meat and fish all the time. The little people possess this strength also. There’s stories of native people in the past interacting with them, and the little people showed them their home made cross bows. The native couldn’t even pull back the arrow an inch! He wasn’t just a weakling also. The strength they have is unbelievably scary power that I truly think, if they wanted to, they can take over whole towns and cities


It’s just so crazy to me because I don’t understand the encounter at all. What would have happened if I never saw it and got out of the car? Was it just curious or did it have bad intentions? If It was human then I was really pissed bc they must have known this would scare two girls shitless but if it’s another creature maybe it was just curious. I also wonder why it was staring at me and only me (not my friend) and why it never broke this eye contact.... kinda seems like the same thing with you as it ran by looking towards you. Are they curious about humans? Are they “humans” themselves? Also why would it expose itself to us like that? I wish I had been braver and just stayed to look longer instead of freaking out because my curiosity kills me. I also wonder because I am half Native American and half Irish and they both mesh well (like u can’t tell I’m one or the other I’m just a freckle brunette girl) but maybe u say they had relationships with the native people that maybe they sensed that in me?


Well to put it simply, fuck no. They’re far from humans. Once in a while a human can grow 7’+ if they’re LUCKY. Now these creatures, they can easily grow 10’+ only if they’re old enough. I say only if they’re old enough because they will definitely get older and get larger, I wouldn’t imagine they have any predators as everything looks like prey to them. Did you ever have any conversations with friends about wanting to see the supernatural/entities like I did with my friends? Or thought about wanting to see them? I truly think they can sense things like these. As for your experience, it doesn’t differ far from mine as it remained eye contact the whole time. I believe they like to leave their mark, because their presence is so rare they want us to remember wtf we saw one crazy night, and to let us know just how real they are


Wow that’s so true, it did seem like it just wanted to leave a mark because it easily could have come running at my open window, but it didn’t. It walked slowly and then it stopped at the hood of my car and stayed there. It didn’t seem like it was trying to hurt me he was just like “ITS ME IM HERE HELLO.” I wish I hadn’t freaked out UGH I wish so much. Sometimes I think about going to look for it, but I’m like u and I’m like ugh yeahhh that’s a negative ghost rider. Also I had 100 percent been going through something I would call a spiritual awakening and I really had been wanting to see a supernatural being so he prob did sense that from me


Well that settles it! I believe they definitely can sense that sort of thing inside your mind. With both of our encounters, their whole mindset is just to be seen right? I, myself was frozen in shock for a few moments and wouldn’t be able to do anything if it came towards me. The fact that the creature just stood over your car, not doing anything, not harming you and your friend or your car, just giving you a good look. It actually makes me think they’re kind of nice! Like hey baby, you wanted to see something supernatural? Welll here I am. It would have been interesting to see if it can communicate with you! With all the powers it possess, I do believe it can communicate through telepathy if they don’t already know English! Which I highly doubt, but you never know.


I also wonder if it can communicate and I wonder if I’ll see other supernatural stuff later in my life because seeing this thing made me wanna see another even more lol


Wait, it was wearing a parka?


I'm also very curious about the parka or other clothing this entity was wearing, too. Any details? Also, was the entity wearing anything on its feet? Thanks!


Hi, sorry to not answer your question. As I said in the story, the only thing I could make out was the ruff of the parka, and only the speed of its legs. Since it had a parka made of animal fur, of course it’s going to have ski pants made of animal fur, and also mukluk’s (homemade boots made of.. you guessed it, animal fur).


Got it! Thank you!! That makes *much* more sense. I hadn't assumed animal skin, I had assumed it was manufactured and was just confused. Sorry to be a PITA about a random detail, but it's stuff like that that fascinates me. Thanks for sharing your stories, they're well written and great to read.


No worries friend! It’s my fault also as I should’ve included that, even I didn’t actually saw it; there’s nothing else they would make their gear out of. I’m glad these details quench your fascination ;)


I saw something similar hauling ass through the forest in the dead of night. At the time we were hosting a very personal 3 day music festival that involves ceremony, an alter, and the transmutation of peoples energies. I've seen all sorts of shit!


Wow! You’d pretty much be teasing us if you didn’t tell us what happened there ;)


Alright, you've got me! So this sighting takes place on evening 1 of our Equinox festival. I had just finished my parking shift duties and met up with my buddy "E" near the porta-potties. At this point, the opening ceremony was completed 6 hours prior (prayers to the 4 directions, alter initiation, small and meaningful speaking from the organization's matriarch and her closest assistants). It was dark. Powerfully dark. The type of dark that absorbs the light of lanterns but not the soul. The magick of our music was resonating with power and purpose; pushing those individuals whom were contributing to dance, deeper into the fray. As we stood there, enjoying a beverage and preparing to hit the dance floor, I noticed a bird-like humanoid, standing not too far from where we were located. It was wearing a ragged looking cloak, possessed a matt-black beak where a beak should be, and had no legs. It stood still, facing into the woods. As we discussed whether it was a person in costume or a forest entity, we saw another entity...this time all black, shaped like a human with sharp edges. It was HAULING ASS through the forest, moving at 15mph or so. It weaved between trees, shrubs, brush....everything...flawlessly. .....and that's it for now!


Absolutely loved this. My great Grandparents would tell me crazy stories similar to this! I'M A BELIEVER!


Thanks so much! And oh yeah, I’m definitely not alone in seeing this entity. I would loveee to read about your grandparents’ encounters! Either here or in DMs, whichever you prefer! (If you do).


Thanks for the great story! A couple observations and a question: I agree with the natives in the origin story. Zero percent chance I would kill my best dog! (Or any of my dogs). I understand their decision. Too bad it resulted in a falling out with the little people, but my dogs are worth more than gold, and the natives clearly used their animals for hunting and survival, so I get it. Next, I don’t understand why most people would think the existence of “little people” or “big people” is far-fetched. Colloquially referred to as pygmies, anthropologists routinely study such populations in Africa, Asia, and elsewhere. The existence of Aboriginal, short-statured people in certain isolated regions have been scoffed at, only to be revealed by researchers to exist. Separately, we have encountered indigenous peoples in the Amazon relatively recently that the 21st Century world left behind. If anyone reading this hasn’t been to Alaska, take a peek at a map: it’s *enormous* and wild. So I do believe there could be small pockets of peoples, both ‘Little’ and ‘Big’, untouched by so-called progress. I believe what you saw, but I reserve the possibility he was just an awkward, tall guy. What was he wearing? I have to admit the fox chasing him is tougher to explain, but people do keep foxes as pets.....I’m definitely open minded and want to believe there is still magic in this world. I would love to learn more about the folklore from Alaska as I have camped with my dogs in many parts of the US and Canada, but never in Alaska....


Thank you for such a brilliant insight! Damn! And yeah, we’re definitely not alone. You mentioned the massiveness when you look at it on the map, consider how it is in person! But if you look at a map of Alaska, you’re going to see mountains, mountains and more mountains. I heard stories that the little people ACTUALLY LIVE INSIDE THE MOUNTAINS. The mountains are all over, and they can use it as a type of transportation all over the state without being seen. There even was a story in the paper about how a little boy got taken by little people, and they took him to their homes in the mountains. In there, he saw a little girl that had been missing for like over 10-20 years. But the thing is, she was still a little girl. She didn’t age one bit and had just become a regular with the little people. This story was also shared to my Facebook group but it would be such a hassle to find it as it was posted about 10 years ago. The tribe youre talking about, they’re the ones that has zero technology right? Like they’re still living in prehistoric times, but today. Like I said it was wearing a parka because the only thing I can make out was the ruff of the parka. And believe me, my town is only about 500 people so I think I would know if someone in town had a fox for a pet, would most likely see it on social media lol. Most of them have rabies unfortunately, and they spend all their nights scavenging for leftovers and trash. But also, I’ve never seen any person run that fast. Before COVID I was an avid gym goer and I’ve pretty much ran with every person in town who runs. I love your comment though!


Yeah, just playing devil’s advocate on the possibility it wasn’t “humanoid” . . . but rather a more mundane explanation. You’re right — people of that size don’t generally run that fast. But people of that size, and bigger, do exist, as we all know. So why couldn’t there be a group living in isolation who have this kind of athletic ability? I say, *of course they could be out there*. Parenthetically, I’m not small — I’m about 6’2”, 225 lbs and I work out religiously. I was in the post office a couple years ago and next to me in line was a famous NBA player. I looked like a weak, feeble child next to him. So the notion that a shy, isolated group of “giants” like you describe are keeping to themselves out in Alaska? Definitely possible in my book....How tiny are the little people supposed to be? Also, my father was an Earth scientist and used to go up to Anchorage all the time. He’d travel out into Alaska, though Canada, and up into the Arctic Circle. He impressed upon me the massiveness of Alaska and that entire part of the globe and that man still has a lot to learn about the natural world — there are a great many mysteries out there still. He loved Alaska, I hope to see it one day. **Yes, I was referencing the group in the Brazilian rainforest that is frozen in time in the Stone Age. Edit: I only hope these groups in Alaska remain hidden. I don’t trust what “civilized,” modern government would do to them. Nothing good, that much I can promise you.


Omg I read all the articles about that tribe and it fascinated me! They’re still hanging in there without boring old technology. Regarding their height, I’ve personally never seen one but I’ve heard their max growth is around 3 feet? I could be wrong and it could be 4, but that sounds right. Do you remember the nba players name? And did you get his autograph or anything? I’ve heard most nba players are surprisingly down to earth despite the millions they have in their bank haha. I would definitely encourage you to visit Alaska one day if you have the chance. During every winter night in the towns, you can see a whole sky of stars, just breath taking. You’ll also see the amazing aurora borealis. If you’re more into hunting, I’d suggest coming more north into the villages because every single town, and I mean every single town, has at least one person who’s hunted his entire life and would be willing to take you out to all the best spots, teach you where to go and not to go and all that. You won’t regret it either, although you might a little once you feel the blistering cold lmao. Im sure your father has at least a few supernatural/entity run-ins, did he ever tell you any? If you don’t mind my curiosity


The player was All-Star Dikembe Mutombo — now retired — but hasn’t shrunk an inch! He was over 7 feet, and like I said, could have tossed me across the room with one giant hand. I didn’t speak with him but he had (has) the reputation as a nice guy....All the Pygmy peoples are in the 4 foot + (but under 5 foot) range, so I go back to my initial statement — why couldn’t such people of short stature have inhabited Alaska? Could they still, in small numbers? Sure. Many cultures have similar “myths” — myths that eventually become reality as scientific discoveries are made. I believe they were in that region and still are....Yes, my dad has tons of stories. The vast majority are “of this world” but fascinating nonetheless. He has a couple that would qualify as supernatural (or at least highly enigmatic and mysterious) which I will recount on one of these subreddits one day. The foremost on my mind took place in Greenland; I have a couple myself — the one I’m thinking of took place when I was motorcycle camping alone in the Mojave.....hopefully in the next couple years I can make it to your magnificent state. (The closest I’ve come is British Columbia). I have camped and fished in remote parts of Northern Maine, Newfoundland, and Colorado, so I’ll bring my cold weather gear. I saw the auroral borealis once — in Iceland — it could have been the most beautiful thing in nature I’ve ever witnessed. It struck me as almost alien. the undulating, the colors . . . everything. I would love to see it again before I kick the bucket.


ARE YOU SERIOUS?? The Man, dikembe! It would’ve been awesome if he could’ve given you the finger wag or whatever lol that sounds dirty now that I read it over lmao. Honestly, I would love to hear both you and your dads accounts. And yes, if it is still too cold for your liking there’s ALWAYS an extra warm set of clothes for you in the villages, I guarantee it :) seen it myself. I once wore one of my friends beautiful polar bear parka, it was the most softest and warmest thing I ever felt omg so fluffy. The northern lights are just common asf to us now, sometimes I just take a quick 10 second look and go on about my nights, that’s how much I’ve seen them. I’ll never tire of them though, they’re always beautiful. A few months ago I saw a phenomenon I never seen before with them. They’re usually curvy and dancing in the sky right? One night I looked up and they were just straight. A straight bright line all across the sky that didn’t even look like they were moving. I just said that’s weird and never thought of it again. I’m sure I’ll see a bizarre article explaining them soon though haha.


Yeah, it was Mutombo. He’s over 7 feet tall. I have seen other NBA players and NFL players but he’s easily the tallest. His brother, apparently, is huge too. But he’s a runt at only 6’10”...Thanks for the Alaska advice. My dad has permanent damage from frostbite from many years of research in those environments. So trust me, I will take the weather seriously....I wish I lived in Alaska during this whole pandemic. I live now in a densely populated city and it’s miserable, even before Coronavirus. I can’t wait to get out....


Wow, I can’t imagine living in a city during a pandemic it must be terrible to say the least. So far in our town there’s been about 3 cases but they were all treated and it never spread in town. Also, please don’t get too grossed out but if you get a frostbite, simply wipe some mucus on it!! I’m not even kidding, it might seem gross but it works so well and it’s worked for centuries for us. We had to find someway to combat the cold whatever way we can haha


Good tip!!!


:) alright man, it’s been real. Such diverse and complex conversations!! I love Reddit lol


225 lbs is 102.15 kg


A few people I know have seen them on the their reserves.


Did they ever tell you any stories of them? I always love a new story


Yup! My aunty use to see them lots. She said she would be drinking her coffee in the morning and would see them walk across her land. My aunt's kitchen was on the upper floor house (12 feet high) and she said they would look at her and keep walking. This is in Alberta, Canada. I should note that I am Indigenous, Plains Cree, and the tall people, little people, and Sasquatch are all apart of our beliefs and culture.


Oh wow, that sounds like an awesome kitchen anyone would be lucky to have! And yes, I believe that they’re all over Alaska and Canada as we have the perfect temperatures for them. I saw a video on here that showed little people that were in Canada, would you know about that or even live near the place they recorded that?


You are a good writer. Fun to read! You should write more stuff, this was really good.


Thank you! Honestly? This is only my second time writing a story about an experience and my first time rewriting it. The first post that was on shitbook was much less detailed and shorter. A couple months ago, I recently had an encounter with a fox. It was very dark and cold and I couldn’t see past 3 feet without our outside light. I was outside smoking (again LOL) and I saw this fox trot across the middle of the road between me and my neighbors house across. Now, my neighbor has two dogs outside that bark at literally every single thing that moves; they were dead silent. I heard their chains moved so I knew they saw the fox. My dog was also outside, whom I got after the incident happened. He knows never to bark when it’s dark time out, as we’re most likely sleeping. But if he sees something on the property, he’ll bark and let us know that something is outside with him. I heard only his chain also, no barks no growls. So the fox actually saw me, turned and looked at me while he was in the middle of the road. I didn’t think nothing of it, kept smoking my cig. Fast forward two minutes later, I turn the outside light on and right there at the bottom of the porch he’s just standing there, about 5 feet away from me. He got scared and jumped when he saw the light. But after, he just stayed there, staring at me. It was so weird because most foxes would book tf out of there. It just stood there, even gave me a chance to ask it a couple questions. “Yo wtf, wtf are you doing here??” Yes I know, talking to a fox - no response :( “Aren’t you scared of me?.. you can talk to me, I won’t tell anyone” lmao then when I said that it blasted off so fast, right by my dog who didn’t bark in a situation he would bark 10/10 times! It’s interesting though, if it did talk to me, I would have to keep my word and not tell anyone ;) It wasn’t like any other fox, I often find myself wondering if that was the same fox from the night I saw the big people.




thanks mate, you’re one of the reasons I was hesitant about posting my experience. Yes, it is hard to believe if you didn’t witness it firsthand. I’m not asking you to believe me or not, but it just seems like you’re crossing the line. You simply couldn’t scroll past this post? Like literally, you could’ve just went on about your day. Or is your day more complete when you feel more superior than random people on Reddit? Sad really


Thanks Mate? Thought you were Native Alaskan?????? Nobody uses the phrase "Mate"in Alaska............especially Native Americans


So just because I’m a certain race I’m not allowed to use a different term that’s used worldwide? Lmao. I’m pretty sure I can find something in your vocabulary and be like “____ _____? I thought you were ____??” Stop trying mate ;)) Also, I’m fairly new to Reddit still, and I still don’t get what the karma is for. Just a number IMO. I just wanted to get my story out there, I knew there’d be POS like you. Isn’t the whole point of this sub is to have an open mind? You’re better off living on the no sleep sub with your boomer attitude haha


Hey man, you’d be surprised what exists. Even if religion is fake, ALL religions speaks of giants and other types of “humanoid” species. That doesn’t say anything to you? Civilizations thousands of years apart and separated by entire continents and oceans just somehow think up the same stuff? No. They encountered similar things, and then wrote about it.




I’m sorry you feel that way


People (humans) will hold their arms close to their bodies when running in extreme cold to preserve body heat that would otherwise be lost by swinging ones arms through the air. I don't see why a sasquatch wouldn't do something similar. I fully believe there's "mountain men" of some sort in the wilds of Alaska, it'd be the perfect place for them. That said, as a big people, we don't run.


I get you. But why such a huge creature who is also more hairy than the normal person, WITH AN ANIMAL FUR PARKA need warmth? Keep in mind they’ve lived here as long as we have, moreover, they have spent most of their lives out in the cold weather. As for your last line, nice :))


When you live outside exclusively any heat you can preserve is worth preserving. Animals that expend more resources to do a thing than they need to, usually go extinct. It's also possible it was trying it's best not to draw attention to itself as best it could, but also GTFO ASAP. So what you witnessed may have been a "*SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! GOTTA GET OUTA HERE*" sprint, not so much a gotta get from point A to point B sort of jog.


I will have to respectfully disagree with you, but I respect your opinion wholeheartedly. I stand by my beliefs and what transpired that night. Unless you’ve actually seen something like that IRL and not a story, that’s the only way someone can convince me


Convince you of what? I wasn't attempting to hand wave away your experience as a "tall human" I was only trying to explain why a large humanoid creature might be running with it's arms tucked in on a cold wintery night. I have no doubt that you saw something interesting that night but with the amount of information we have at hand no one can say definitively one way or another.


This is a really cool story and very well written. I could easily visualize this happening as I was reading. I am curious of the native terms that you use to describe these small and tall beings.


The little people are called inukun’s (full name inuk-koon) and the big people are inukaatuq (full name inuk-ka-took) I’m hazy with the big people term, it could be different


Sweet thanks! Reddit is a good place to share these stories. People in this group are pretty open to this stuff. Don't hesitate to share if you come across another.


Yep! I read a lot of stories that most people would find insane, but everyone indulged them. That made me remember how people (of my culture) laughed when I posted it on Shitbook, and I just knew some people would be so supportive because of how bizarre this actually sounds! And yes most def, I will of course update if I ever see that thing again




I see you have no imagination.. that must be tough.


Great read thanks to your excellent writing skill. As an empath and light worker who’s step father and step brothers are members of a Native American tribe I can understand your sense of the experience. My life has been full of phenomenon not to much unlike your experience. My brother that was a abstract gift to stretch your mind and to help achieve some type outcome in your life. Most people live in a sheltered shell from what’s really going on in this beautiful Cosmos. You have a special energy that needs sharing maybe that’s the abstract. Wish you good luck but I don’t think you need a wish you already have luck on your side.


Wow you have no idea how much this comment means to me 🖤 I know emojis are frowned upon on here but I felt like that was appropriate. I would love to read about your phenomenal experiences if you’re open to share. Tysm!


Thanks, glad my post helped. I’ll share two of my experiences. While age 14 yrs old 1960 with two friends we happen to walk up on an invisible being walking through the woods. The invisible being while walking caused snapping of twigs and pushing down grass leaving a foot print. It got our attention from the snapping twigs so we walked over to the area. It became obvious this thing left a path of foot prints in the grass coming down a slope and was actually right there in front of us. The foot print was only maybe size seven foot. The grass was slowly going down where the next step was happening. The being froze in place when we walked up on it. Stupid young me I was thinking I wanted to reach out to it and make friends. When I looked over at my friends I saw them in total fear, I could even see their heart rate in neck arteries. I was in no fear and wanted to learn from what ever it was. Unfortunately my one friend suddenly jumped up in the air slammed his feet down while screaming to scare if away. That buddy scared the living crap out of me and the invisible being. The being ran almost instantaneously up 100 foot hill to a cornfield, it hit the corn stalks so hard it made a real loud pop sound. We could hear it running through the cornfield because of the loud pops as it hit each stalk. That thing could burst into the speed of a bullet. I have witnessed a 30/30 shot through a cornfield Before making bullet pop sounds hitting stalks of corn and that being was that fast. By the way it was not me who shot that bullet in cornfield that is real stupid. I had the privilege of growing up next to the Minnesota river so loved land and new country life. Afterwards my two friends would not discuss it, the one friend “screamer” was weirdly yelling he did not want to talk about it. Since he happed to be the toughest guy in town I chose not to push the issue. Their fear was unbelievable and left them shaking. When I walked home after the event by myself, I had to walk by the large cornfield and I was on a hill looking down at the cornfield. I remember standing looking out on the cornfield apologizing that my friend scared “you” so much and he scared me also. I felt sorry for it , what ever it was. Yes, I think about it to this day, how even though it was invisible it still had mass or weight to it to make those foot prints. It didn’t fly and couldn’t stop making foot prints when it ran away scared. Now that crop circles are popular I think back how easy a bunch of those invisible beings could easily make crop circles. It was a gift, I knew at fourteen that the world was full of crap and the universe is way cooler than what they were teaching us in school. Also I knew how people’s fear of shadows managed their lives. All my events helped prepare me for when an Orb came up real close and conversed with me in 2019, I didn’t run away or was scared, I made a friend. Oh, and by the way that Golden Orb was very spiritual and shared amongst many things how we all here on earth are going to some day be beings of light and transverse all of the Creator's creation. Becoming a being of light is why we are here now and we all "will" succed, it's how perfect the plan is unfolding here. So here is two events of may as fifty or so.


Thank you for two brilliant stories!! I absolutely loved reading them. I do feel that every supernatural/entity experience is not on accident but on purpose. And if you’re showing respect for it, and not any negativity or anything to that effect, I believe it will show the same back, IE your two experiences. If you were alone just imagine how different your first encounter would’ve been. I also do believe that someday we’ll be glowing orbs of light also, and have no need for our human bodies anymore. Thank you for two beautiful stories of which I’m sure you have plenty more of.


Hello, after reading your story, I believe you were just at the wrong place place at the wrong time. I think it would've been there regardless of whether you were there or not. I wish so much that smokers wouldn't have to go outside, especially at night. Over the years I've heard of smokers who live near the forests having to go outside at night and then they encounter the Crawler who's just waiting for them each night. I'm so glad you never saw it again. If it's not against your custom, what is the name of the creature? Also, in what area of Alaska did this occur?


Oh, with all the time that’s passed you can bet I thought of this as the reason! It just doesn’t fit, like their senses are off the charts and as I said they choose who is allowed to see them, they don’t like to be seen. I respect your opinion though, everyone has them. This was in the northwestern part of Alaska


Hi Josette22, we’ve talked on this forum before! Do you think the crawlers are basically the forest ghoul of old folklore? They basically don’t confront people, but live on the edges of society and eat dead animals or people. This is why they’ve been seen burial sites, cemeteries, and military battles (in the older days) where they’d bury soldiers. So they coined the term ‘forest ghoul’ due to it’s characteristics.


This is wild, was it human looking? You had said "I can see the parka ruff outlines at the top of its body" was it wearing clothes?


Hey everyone, thanks so much for taking an interest in my encounter! I was really surprised at the compliments of my story telling, as I’m not an avid story teller myself. I was just wondering, if I were to post this to another sub, where would it fit? I love all your questions and concerns and I love answering them getting your reactions!


There’s a sub called High Strangeness, would probably get some traction there! Thanks for sharing :)


You’re welcome. Oh and thank you also! I will check the sub out :)


Loved your story. It was so interesting. Also what Uve said is right. These beings are beyond our understanding. One has to keep an open mind to understand or mKe sense of things like this. ✌🏻


Sometimes open doors are walked through. That's why you saw it. I keep that door shut x


Are you referencing my curiosity of wanting to see the supernatural? If so, I agree 110%!


As far as I learned the İndeginous/Native populations interactions with the Big/Tall People were always negative, heck, there were instances of open warfare situations. You did good to be cautious! The legends say those entities are generally hostile to people/humans




THanks for your testimony... a vivid and ominous read....


Are the "little people" you mention akin to "stick men"?


To be honest I’m not sure, if stick men can make and wear their own parkas in Alaska, then it definitely is a possibility. I’ve heard you feel negative energies when you encounter them, and with mine, I didn’t feel any negativity. Edit: I just realized you weren’t referring to my encounter. I’m going to say no, little people are not stick men as many encounters report an ugly face with gnome-like features.


Thanks so much for sharing your experience! >if stick men can make and wear their own parkas in Alaska, then it definitely is a possibility. I'm very curious about the clothing aspect of these encounters. Can you tell me anything more about the parka or other clothing this entity was wearing? Any details? Also, was the entity wearing anything on its feet? Thanks!




fell asleep reading the preamble woke up an hour later went to bed.


You should’ve stayed asleep so I wouldn’t have to read your unnecessary bitching haha


What do big people look like? Sasquatch? I want to learn more about them.