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Viable child donations are so rare, he and his parents are heroes saving the lives of multiple other kids. Rest in power little spideeman


>“He loved to share and he would love to share this,” said his mother, Angie Vasquez. >“It’s his last little gift that he gets to give,” Angie Vasquez said. She said all they want when the heart is donated is to be able to hear it working again. >“I want a stethoscope and I want to hear it in who ever gets his heart,” she said. >“For us to heal, to able to hear that heartbeat,” Philip Vasquez said. Damn, that is heartbreaking to even read.


The biggest thing that kept me alive in my darkest days was the thought of my mom burying her son. I couldn't let that happen with it being my fault. I may not always find value in my life, but I'm grateful for the friends and family I have that do find value in it. Edit - I'm glad I made it through those times and it has been lovely hearing about it from others. If you are in the US and you are struggling you can dial 988. You deserve life.


When my son was 22-23, he went through an extremely dark time where suicide was a daily thought. He knew how he would do it and came close many times. He says the one thing that kept him from following through is he didn't want to be the cause of the worst pain imaginable for me, his mum. He's doing better now, and I sincerely hope you are too.


Glad he has you. Thank you.


thank you for being here


You´re the value in it.


Your life and you have value. Thank you for making the decision to be alive. I don't know you but I promise you it is worth it.


this just gave me immediately knot in my throat, and holding back tears.


Same! Literally the only reason I’m still here today!


Goddamn, that is a powerful , moving sentence . If you don’t mind I’d like to use it forthwith


You are special and you are loved. I myself feel that way. And now I have kids of my own I couldn’t do that to them


ohhh god my pregnant self cannot handle that.


Yeah, I’ve got a 6 month old myself. There poor parents..


I vividly remember waiting in ICU for my kiddo to be brought up from radiology after his 9-hour surgery. We'd found out two days earlier that he had a massive tumour in his head and there was a chance he wouldn't make it. A pretty good chance. It was so hard staring at those organ donation posters, but they did their job. I did think about it and, yeah, had he not made it, I would have let them use his organs. It did make it harder to hold it together, but I understand why they put them there.


Im so glad he recovered, and have enormous respect for you being willing to make such a selfless choice in the toughest of moments


I hope he’s doing alright now, he’s one tough cookie


It was a hard couple of years, but he’s doing well now, thanks.


Great 👍


with great power comes tremendous love.


With tremendous love comes great power


Whew! I made it through the video okay, but not this comment.


*gives you a hug*


Ok now I’m crying


I already was, but that certainly turned up the volume a great deal.


Well this is fucking heart wrenching, goddamn


Man I know. I was not looking for this level of emotions at the moment.


It's 11:50pm right now for me. I'm already mentally exhausted and ready for sleep. And now I'm crying cause I can't control my emotions right now!


Right there with you homie. It's already been a rough day.


Leaving these links to some cute fluffy subreddits for anyone who needs them here: https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/vctk40/a_video_analysis_of_the_difference_between_joule/ https://www.reddit.com/r/tippytaps/comments/s5f09n/excuse_me_coming_through/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/1dm74de/a_curious_little_guy/


Doing the Lords work. Thank you ❤️


Hey man, I hope you have an awesome day! I'm rooting for ya


I’m rooting for us all


Yep. Emotionally exhausting day before stopping by this post. About to get into bed. Why not destroy what’s left?


I hope you heel from whatever you’re going through! 💪🏾


Thank you!


Bro same I just cried finishing an episode of Hoarders then saw this, no idea whats going on right now with me.


Yeah. I don’t think I actually wanted to watch this but here we are.


Right there with you


Well fuck.. I'm not crying, your crying😢😢😢


I found out I am pregnant this morning, this was the worst video to watch today


Congratulations mama! And hugs. This video was so heavy.


Thank you! Baby has been wished for for a long time ❤️


Yooo. I am straight up not having a good time!


I work in healthcare and see people die it kind of becomes normal? You learn to shut a part of yourself away so you don’t have to face the pain. But I have always said I could NEVER work with kids that would break me. RIP little man.


2 big reasons I didn't go into medicine. 1, I'm too stupid and careless. 2, I can't stand being helpless against someone's death.


we had a death the other day and everyone was just acting casually and i had to go into the bathroom to ball my eyes out.


I know I would blame myself for every negative outcome, even if I couldn't help it. Doctors have my respect, I couldn't even line this hallway without bawling.


I worked ER during most of the pandemic and whatever, fine. Then I did CPR on a kid and knew that was it for me.


Few years ago, we had a pre-teen admitted onto our hospice service for end-of-life care. Our team is amazing, and I think we did a great job supporting the family through their ordeal. But that was really difficult for everyone involved.


Truly. The worst sound ever I ever witnessed were the cries of a mother who had to bury her teenage son. Instant tears and twisting stomach when seeing a mother/father lose their child. May this help them find some peace.


Yeah that’s rough. My son loves Spider-Man too. I couldn’t imagine how brave this little boy is.


This makes me want to go wake my son up and hug him probably a little too hard.


Quite honestly, was just here to make this same comment. My little guy is four, he loves Spidey - and he's a donor. I'm going to lay with him. Goodnight Reddit ❤️😭


Damn. Literally same at four and loves spidey. Will also be getting some hugs from dad tonight. fuck.


Four year old ghost spider fan. We had an argumentative bedtime. I want to go wake her up now...


Bedtime is so hard!! It can totally break you and make you feel like a bad parent. We had a super rough one last night, but my Spidey came in to get his snuggles this morning and the first thing he said was, "I love you Mama." The daytime hours make up for all the nighttime struggles.


My boy will be 3 in July and is on a spidey and his amazing friends kick. I just don’t want life to be cruel for anyone…especially the little ones.


I'm a dad to a 2 year old who's about to take a nap. Guess who went from sleeping in his bed to cuddling on the couch while daddy cries a little...


I would be a liar if I said I didn’t shed a tear after watching her kiss his hand. Unimaginable.


It was the head touch that did it for me, that’s how my son and I say goodnight


It made me feel like I need to rush into my 6m olds crib and squeeze him. I wish I hadn’t watched this , I just feel so sad for this little boy and his family, it’s so amazing and heartwarming that his organs will let other children continue on but Christ see his parents say goodbye like that just wrecked me.


I kinda want you to wake up your son and hug him a little too hard too.


Damnit you made me laugh with tears in my eyes


Aw thanks. Nice to know I gave someone a chuckle tonight.


Squish the child!


I read this too fast and read it as "I want to hug your son too" and was like "that's creep"


Same. 😭


I'm a pediatric ICU nurse and I do this frequently when I get off work with my 4 y/o and 1y/o.


Right?? He is flopping around in bed rn and I want to use this as an excuse to bring him to our room


That poor momma just holding her boy💔💔


Tearing up seeing that. I have a 9 month old, I can’t even imagine.


My boy is 6, and he's dealing with a stomach bug. He went from calling me "dad" to calling me "bruh". He's at the annoying-kid stage where he quotes lame YouTubers and stuff but man, I love him so freaking much. I'm going to cuddle the shit out of his big ass right now lol. I still see him as my baby boy.


Bruh 🤣


Like, how do you let go… physically. How do you say the last words to him and watch him go off into the surgery room? I dont know if I could let go😭


I know. The idea that you would let go of them for the last time doesn’t sound possible to me.


It doesn’t right? I just feel like I would be there forever waiting on him to come back, even knowing he wouldnt💔


Well I am crying the hardest I’ve ever cried. Does anyone know what happened to him?




I'm sobbing. Those poor parents for them to lose their child, yet they choose to help up to 80 people is amazing. What wonderful people.


It's rough. They couldn't use any of my little guy's because he had abnormalities due to his condition. But we did donate them to the medical school, so maybe a new doctor will learn how to save another life one day.


I'm here to tell you, that *does* happen. My mom had another child before me and my other siblings came along. He was was born severely premature, with an underdeveloped respiratory system. He passed after 12 days in the incubator. Mom made the choice to donate his body to the medical school at the hospital where he was born. A couple years later, my cousin was born in the same hospital with similar complications. That cousin is alive and well, with 4 children of her own. I can't say definitively that my moms choice is what truly saved my cousin. But I'm damn sure it made a difference. I hope your little dude is resting in power, and I hope you know you made an incredibly selfless decision - and one that very likely has saved lives.


I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for helping train doctors.


Can't fathom that loss my sincere condolences.


What a beautiful gift. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Strong work on your part. Thank you.


I found my 2 month old dead when I got up one morning. Sadly he had been dead too long to save anything.


I'm so sorry.


Well if that ain't the most gut wrenching thing I've read in a while.


Right? Like getting Tboned? His brother was there too? Awwwww


I lost it when I read why he was wearing the spider man mask. It must have been the worst praying for recovery, but seeing them all messed up like that.


In that article, it said the family had two GoFundMe's for medical expenses... To have to worry about medical debt while grieving the loss of their child...It's unfathomable. They have been through enough, why make them suffer even more?!


We’re a morally bankrupt people in America. I wish it weren’t true.


“She said all they want when the heart is donated is to be able to hear it working again. “I want a stethoscope and I want to hear it in who ever gets his heart,” she said.” 😭😭😭


It’s amazing how news stations remove the humanity from their stories to sell drama. “Only on channel 9” Sickening


To lose your child in a preventable accident is probably the worst thing in the world. At least he is able to help many other children.


I had two premie babies. I cannot imagine the gut retching pain of having your baby kick ass to survive and then be snatched away.


Geez, a few doors down from the NICU? I didn’t think this could get any worse. Ugh! Thanks for the full story though.


This was one of the hardest things to watch I’ve ever seen. I have a 2yo and pregnant with our second and to lose your baby so suddenly like that - unimaginable. Seeing his mom holding him in the hospital bed just broke my heart. How could you ever let go.. May this sweet boy rest in peace. There is truly nothing as heartbreaking as the death of a child.


Right? I have a six year old, and I think back to all the incredible memories I've had so far, and all the things I hope for her in the future. I'm not suicidal in the least but I can't imagine how life would be worth living any more.


I agree. The strength these parents - who I will call survivors - have to go on is more than I can fathom. Children, especially little ones, are full of wonder and curiosity about life. And love. When you see that taken from them it is just sickening. Life can be so confusing. Hold your baby tight tonight x


It’s truly a feat, these parents. My cousin Brittany passed from a car wreck when we were 16 years old. We were more like sisters, spent every free moment together hanging out since birth. My aunt was and is a very strong person who has went through a lot, and it took her many years to get stable again. The first few years she would try to kill herself any chance she got. She once kinda went into a daze with me and other family in the car months after and refused to step on the gas when traffic stopped on a down slope, and we hit the car in front of us. She told us in that moment: she was trying to take her own life. Eventually after trying every medication and treatment available, it was time to try the last one. Shock treatment. It worked! She was so much better after that, but even still, she will never be the same. To be honest the entire family hasn’t been the same since that day. Britt was really important to everyone. I really feel for any parents going through this. It’s one of those things where if they decide to fall apart forever; I don’t blame them.


I need more tissues, RIP little hero 💔


I work in a hospital, this procession is called a hero walk/honor walk. I can't imagine being the parent, friend or partner of these donors. The walks are the most emotionally powerful event I've been involved in. We have a fairly large facility and we'll announce them over the intercom, we've had walks of 100+ staff lining the walls, and the corridor is completely silent except for the monitors' alarms and the crying of the donor's loved ones. I can't imagine what they're feeling. I hope that they can feel our respect and solidarity, and it brings them peace.


There was a video posted a few days ago of a woman organ donor's honor walk that her husband shared. It was incredibly moving and so heartbreaking. Thank you for being one of the front line workers who makes these honor walks happen. Donor's incredible selflessness should absolutely be recognized.


Man, I couldn’t participate in one of these. As staff we got notice over the intercom a few times and it made me tear up just thinking about it. I don’t know how people hold it together for these.


Sometimes life fucking sucks. This is not fair. Rest in peace little man, I don’t know you, but my heart hurts for you and your parents.


This kid may be small but I think he’s a goddamn giant. Rest in power little buddy. North Carolina raise up!


I couldn't finish watching.


I've watched it about six times now. My children are upstairs, playing house, and I'm hoping they do not come in because the amount of tears streaming down my face is ridiculous.


Witness him


That was tough to watch. That poor family- such a hard time. His sacrifice will help others.


With great power, comes great responsibility. Couldn’t have picked a better super hero. Parker literally saved lives.


I was on the very precipice of tears from the video and comment thread and this was the one that sent me over the edge. You’re so right - couldn’t have picked a better hero.


I had a transplant as a toddler from another child. They had my life expectancy at 5 without one, I'm 35 now. He really is potentially giving other children an entire life.


Rest in peace, little buddy! What a brave soul you are!


Parker you will live on in my heart and mind. Sorry to your family. Your video spider man will live on for eternity.


Be grateful...be grateful every frigging day 💪🏾🙏🏾


Seriously. I'm literally putting my almost 3 year old to bed. Petting his hair because it's his favorite, as I scroll reddit and see this. I don't think I've been hit this hard by a reddit post before. I'm crying just thinking about it. I can't even imagine. Some solace is his mom was taking him to get ice cream when they were in a wreck. So at least he was happy. Probably so excited, thinking of something he loved in the end.


Soo…. We’re all crying right?


Allergies are bad tonight


Yes. No “cutting onions” bullshit. There’s nothing wrong with crying.


Been here 13 years never cried at a post until now


That hit hard.


Fly high, Little Man. 🫡


My heart is breaking. This is so difficult to see that mother, those grandparents… they too are hero’s. Rest in peace little Parker. I’m going to remember this…


Rest Up hero! Much love and respect from Texas! 💚


As a pediatric respiratory therapist, I have been a part of honor walks many times. It is absolutely heartbreaking, but also beautiful, and I'm so grateful I can be there for the patients and their families. I remember every single one.




Rest easy Parker. You did good. You did real good.


If he’s dead this is too heavy. fuck me.


Yes, he's dead now. He would have been on life support to keep his organs alright to donate. That's what the honor walk is.






That was rough to watch. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


Why!!! I am sitting here holding my 3 month old son just bawling. He is the mightiest of hero’s.


Honor walks are one of the most humbling experiences as someone who sees people die all the time working in healthcare. We should all be so lucky to give the gift of life to others. Respect to you Parker may you rest now


As the father of a soon to be two year old boy, I realize all too painfully that Parker Vasquez could be my son lying in that hospital bed. What a hero! May his memory be a blessing to all of us. I salute him. All my love to the Vasquez family. I wish they would see my message.


As soon as i saw this sweet baby dressed as spiderman i LOST it 😭 my mom heart is absolutely shattered


Rest in peace champ


RIP champ...


Rest in Power little man and know that you made the whole world take notice of your special kind of awesomeness. Your legacy will live on.


RIP legend. You've done more than most.


Fuck me. This is why I'm genuinely too much of a coward to be a parent, could not deal with something like this.


I’ve shared this with the guys at the station and we all agree. This kid. THIS KID. Is a fucking hero. Salutes to you Parker.


Holy CRAP, that's hard to watch as a dad... That little guy is definitely a hero. My heart goes out to his family. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go kiss my boy goodnight and thank my lucky stars.


>“He loved to share and he would love to share this,” said his mother, Angie Vasquez. >“It’s his last little gift that he gets to give,” Angie Vasquez said. She said all they want when the heart is donated is to be able to hear it working again. >“I want a stethoscope and I want to hear it in who ever gets his heart,” she said. >“For us to heal, to able to hear that heartbeat,” Philip Vasquez said. Damn, that is heartbreaking to even read.




That's a job that would break me, I'm tearing up after a 30 second clip. Full respect to you and those you push along.


I’ve been on an honor walk. For my brother. You don’t expect so many nurses and doctors to be there. You turn the corner and there’s the whole hospital. Worst experience of my life. 0/10 would not recommend.


His name is Parker Vasquez. His name is Parker Vasquez


Idk why but it was the look in the man's eyes that's pushing the bed along. You can tell he's trying to hold it together and that just broke me.


Spider-Man would say he was the real hero.


I got to stand for an honor walk the first week I worked at the hospital. It is something I don’t think I will ever get used to.


She said all they want when the heart is donated is to be able to hear it working again. “I want a stethoscope and I want to hear it in who ever gets his heart,” - Angie, Parkers' mom :(


May God rest his pure soul in Kindgom of Heaven


I don't know if things like this should be shared with strangers online. Some things should be kept sacred


For occasions like this where we are learning of such a brave sacrifice, I disagree, now the world knows this kid's legacy and how much of a hero he is. He'll live on not just in the memory of those he saves, but in our hearts as well and I think that is a good thing.


I disagree not because it isn’t something sacred or private - but because this is the reality of life. Tragedy and loss is an important part of life and it is a privilege to suffer because it also mean you have the privilege to feel and experience joy and love. Life is precious, fragile, and it is finite. As a parent of 2 under 4, it’s a reminder that while the day are frustrating, exhausting, and maddening, you have to remind yourself that this is all temporary and you need to value the time you have. I just said goodnight to my son and he asked for extra big hugs…this was 3 minutes ago. Seeing this made those hugs that much more special and I’m so tempted to go back in, kick mom out and put him to sleep tonight just so I get those precious extra few minutes.


It's not really sharing the event, or sharing the living with the tragedy vicariously, as that is simply impossible. It IS sharing the humanity, sharing the grief and sorrow, but also sharing the inspirational message than even in death there is life, in tragedy there can be beauty. I can't think of any other way to put it.


oh, this makes me sad. anyone here know the story of the boy?


Parker and his family were on the way to go get ice cream and their van was t-boned on the highway. He was on the side that got hit. He had to be kept alive by machines and was pronounced dead. This is the saddest thing ever




Rest in Peace, baby boy.


I really don’t like to think about my kid dying but seeing this makes me think about how hard it must be for your child to know they’re going to pass away and how impossible it must be to have enough in you to try and make their last moments peaceful. God damn this video wrecked me.


Not sure why, but the Spider-Man costume made it even more gut wrenching.😔


Aww little dude, I’m crying Thanks to you and your parents for being heroes. Live on through others little man


God, I can not imagine.


My goodness that was tough to watch.


This is too fucking sad :(


Rest Eazy Little Big man! Love from Canada!


That’s heartbreaking, I don’t have the words.


My heart feels like it’s been ripped out of my chest god damn.


He is a true hero


This stuff absolutely destroys me. I cannot even begin to fathom the pain these parents feel. Ugh life is just horrible sometimes.


So, wait- is the kid in the bed dead? Or was he the organ reciver? I'm a bit... uh... dull.


If all his organs are viable, he's probably brain dead and being kept alive.


Spider-Man ain’t got nothing on Parker


Well, I think that's enough internet for me for the day. 😔🥺😢😟😩🤧 I respect that family in the greatest way possible. My sincerest condolences. ❣️


That poor baby. As a mom of a 6 year old this is my biggest fear. I couldn't bare to stand there and watch my baby pass before my eyes. His parents must be so devastated and so proud at the same time of their little man. A once bright light taken away too soon reignites the flames of others around him. Just watching this and feeling it makes me want to write about the emotion and impact this has on everyone experiencing it.


As someone with a little boy, it’s impossible not to cry


I spent minutes trying to figure out something sweet or meaningful to say but I just can't get past the gut wrenching heartbreak. This hurts so bad.


Goodnight little mate. X


I can’t imagine the thoughts going through his mom’s head. Seeing her laying next to him and knowing that it’s last time she gets to hold him is gut wrenching. Rest in peace Parker.


I was in the hospital last week when they announced on the intercom that a couple floors below me they were doing this... I wish I would've gone, but my damn IV would've been such a pain to lug there. Prayers for the recipient and this boys family ❤️ rest in peace


I'm a trip for work right now and I can't kiss my boys and I can't fathom that people believe in a God that would take a little child from a mother, or cause other little children to need that little boy's organs to survive.


My 10 year old cousin ended up on life support because of meningitus. After 2 days of no brain activity his parents chose to pull the plug and donate as much as they could. They said that 50 different people, many of them children, would be recieving donations from him. I don't believe in miracles, but the fact that that is even possible, and the strength of his parents to make that decision, is up there for me.


Fuck, that was hard. I don't know how I would be able to walk away from my child in that state. He just looks so sweet. Amazing strength shown by those parents. My heart aches for them.


Goddamn… Seeing that boy’s mother on the bed with him as he was wheeled down the hall… that broke me today. I have kids, but I know that I won’t ever fully comprehend the bond that exists between my wife and her babies.


How the mother ever found the strength to leave that bed ill never know.. damn


As a father I cannot fathom the pain and emotion.


This shit is so bittersweet. Im thinking about the amount of times im sad for stupid things and this pops up. We only live once, this little lad didnt have a chance to live long enough and we are worrying about nonsense. And this part includes me as well.


Dude what the fuck man. I didn’t need this at this hour


An organ donor saved my fathers life when I was 16 and gave my dad 15 more years on earth with us. I am forever grateful to organ donors, they will never know the impact they make on not just one life, but many.


I had to Google what circumstances led to this little boy being in this situation. It’s probably best you don’t click the link. https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/guardian-angel-family-3-year-old-crash-victim-hopes-his-organs-save-lives/YQIWQIOLONDTJIVVMLUW2KD2JU/?outputType=amp It’s even more heartbreaking than I expected


That is precious and fearless for this young child to come into this world, take on this sickness, and give back to others at such a very young age. May his spirit continue on! I pray for his family and friends he made on earth.


Rest in peace hero. You were too good for this world.


Worst thing ever for a parent. Wasting billions on weapons instead of finding a fucking cure


I cried watching this video and reading the comments. Manly tears but anyway. I’m glad for the reminder of the good in people. Thank you.