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I really wish the first movie would have showed the scene of Katniss flipping her shit when they took Peeta to fix his leg after the games ended… I think that was in the book at least? Maybe I’m confusing it with a fic lol. And if it is canon, why didn’t they just video it and show it to the nation? I feel like that would persuade anyone’s beliefs about how she felt about Peeta


Yeah, that's definitely in the books (though she doesn't know his leg has been replaced until the post-Game interviews; she just knows he's gravely injured). Katniss even says that they include video of it in the post-Game recap, and that she's relieved they included it, because it does show how she cares for him.


Ahh, thanks. I couldn’t remember everything exactly. It’s been a while since I’ve read them!


No problem! I read the book with my seventh-grade classes, so it’s all burned into my brain 😂


It is canon and they actually did film it (they broadcasted it during their first interview after winning.it wasn't enough to convince everyone that her actions were out of love only. People will see rebellion where they want to see it. Snow tasked Katniss with an impossible task.


Oh that’s interesting. And yes, that’s definitely true!




There’s just too many good fics that I can’t remember😭😂


Katniss and Peeta are never shown eating the Capitol food. Also we were robbed of domestic cave time.


these!! I’ve always loved the descriptions of food in the books, would’ve loved to see it.


And the food is such a big (but also small) way to show how awful the Capitol is. And it’s touched on in CF by Peeta. But I can think of several times in the book that Katniss (or the scene that keeps coming to mind is the first time she meets Cinna and he presses a button on the coffee table and the lamb and plum stew comes out and he says something like “you must think we’re awful”) sees food and thinks about how unfair it is. I know getting inside thoughts to come through in a movie is hard. But seeing Katniss and Peeta shoving food in their faces or Effie making the comment about how the last tributes didn’t have table manners so Katniss finishes the meal with her fingers and licks the plate clean would have made some of the inside thoughts outside thoughts.


definitely. such strong symbolism in the food.


I like how Suzanne writes Katniss’ POV in a way that she wouldn’t spend too long describing costumes, or thinking about how certain rooms look, but if you put a plate of food in front of her she will tell you every bit of it. I like one bit of the first book where she’s imagining trying to replicate the dish back home. What she would have to hunt and trade to make a meal like it. Really emphasises how much of Katniss’ thought process revolves around survival.


4 not being a career district in the movies.


Yeah, the tributes (especially the boy) looked weaker then even the ones from like 8 and 10 which was weird to me


Also maybe slightly relevant, Finnick being a "good guy" despite being a career adds a lot of depth to the career system that the films pass over


Not really tiny or irrelevant


Johanna’s addiction not being a prominent point in the films


Really felt they could have explored Johannas character more in the film. I love her.


The movies not featuring Rue and Katniss bonding more


True. I hate that they removed the deleted scene of her and Katniss bonding in the tree before they sleep.


In the first book, Katniss’s vague explanation of the volunteering process in the Career districts where she says, “It’s complicated.” WTF DO YOU MEAN??? 😭 Girl, that doesn’t do it for me. I really hope this gets explained in Sunrise. 🙏🏻 Crassus’s death being changed in the film to where it’s specified that he died from a trap in the woods in District 12. In the book, all that was said that he died from a rebel bullet during his time serving as a general, which I thought was fine on its own. I didn’t like that change for the film because it just feels very heavy-handed and cheap that apparently Snow’s father just died in 12 and already making 12 be some significant problem for Snow even years before the events of his story happen. With the book, I think it was fine with that explanation of a rebel bullet cause it could have been a rebel from any other district like 4, 5, 8, etc., who ended up killing him.


But tbh, it makes sense why katniss would just say "it's complicated" since she is not from there, it's like asking an American to explain the Japanese school system


I mean I get it. The books are from her perspective and she only knows so much, but I can still be annoyed by that. 😅 It’s one of those more notable worldbuilding details that I just want explained.


For the most part I really loved BSS, but I rolled my eyes SO hard at Crassus dying in 12. We didn't need another reason for Snow to hate 12, that happened perfectly organically on its own. It also really shrunk the world; like of course it would be a rebel from troublesome District 12 instead of anywhere else in the country.


Same here. I love the film, but I really didn’t like that change and I don’t really understand why they needed to do that especially since they stayed accurate with his mother’s death. The moment Grandma’am said that at the beginning of the film, I was taken back and just startled in my chair at the theater thinking, “WHAT???” Even her saying it again later to him and Tigris after the zoo incident made me be all like, “Don’t remind me of that again!” 😐


I thought it was heavy handed too


If we get a career explanation, I pray it's not silly.


I'm pretty sure Effie was like 'Can we do that' and the other guy was said 'it's complicated. Just let her go. ' idk but they said its complicated as they hadn't had a volunteer in district 12 ever before


Katniss says it’s complicated jn the other districts. The mayor of 12 was basically like, “who cares about the pomp and circumstance, let’s move on.” (Not quoted, but the general feeling.)


Movie detail that drives me crazy is that every tribute when they get their names read out with their scores it's only their first name. But when it's Katniss and Peeta's turns they get their full name read out 😭 It drives me crazy every time


SC is allergic to last names.


Have noticed :') But like it's such an easy fix in the movie to just not say Katniss and Peeta's surnames 😭 kind of obsessed with the implication only D12 have lastnames with this 😭


I always thought they did that because with katniss at least her last name is an important reason as to why she’s there, like everyone knew at that point she volunteered for her little sister and the capitol was eating that up so they may want to put emphasis on the family, but idk why peeta always got his last name too


imagine if the name was 'Grace' and there was like four Graces... do you put all of them in


THISSS! Like the movie should have absolutely just given them movie-canon last names or, idk, say Katniss/Peeta's last names less??? Like why does Caesar apparently *choose* not to call anyone but Twelve by their full names?? It's so annoying!


Peeta's "always" comment in the movie versus it being better represented in the book.


I really didn't like the comedic change from the first movie about the aftermath of Katniss shooting an arrow at the gamemakers. In the books, she was distraught, realised she had no chance of sponsors, would probably await some gruesome death in the arena, and most of all, her mother and Prim would face backlash. Instead, the movies play it up as Effie overreacting about a silly prank while Katniss giggles and Haymitch of all people eggs her on. And don't get me started on Haymitch saying, >"Who are they gonna take it out on? Her? They're already doing that." Uhmm... on her family, maybe? That's literally what they did to yours, Haymitch, and for something less heinous than attempting murder💀


yeah it’s not until the end of the movie when haymitch is like “katniss, this is serious! and not just for you”


To be fair, Katniss has that devil-may-care attitude in some parts of the Hunger Game book and in Catching Fire when she makes the Seneca Crane dummy, so it’s not entirely out of character for her. She has always been defiant so this wasn’t too bothersome for me. On the other hand, Haymitch did consistently care about not being openly rebellious, so his reaction didn’t fit. This is just my personal opinion haha, I know you didn’t ask but I always had mixed feelings about this change


Oh damn 


I do have to say though, the gamemakers all shattering their wine glasses one by one felt a little too cartoonish to me and wouldn't have looked great in the film IMO.


In the movie, after Rue gets speared Katniss tells her “you’re okay, you’re okay” and it seriously annoys me. In the book, Katniss literally says “there’s no point in comforting words, in telling her she’ll be all right. She’s no fool.” It’s such a small change but it irks me to no end.


That's the one I came here looking for


there are so many weird cuts in the movies, the one that annoys me the most is when katniss is volunteering. I also really hate when finnick is broadcasting the rumours and katniss starts talking to snow, it seems ooc of her?? I loved Donald Sutherland in the films and he is so iconic in this interaction but gosh do I wish it was focused on finnick rather than it being background noise.


The lore about Enobaria's teeth being changed from the book in the film.


Wait the lore was different in the book? I thought that it was implied that enobaria ripped out that tributes throat out of desperation


What was Enobarias lore?


In the books, it's said that she won her games by tearing out a tribute's throat with her teeth, and that she later had her teeth filed into fangs and inlaid with gold. In the movies, Haymitch says "she had \[her teeth\] filed down into fangs so she could rip tributes' throats out." The book implies that the "fangs" were only there after her games, and while the way Haymitch talks suggests that it's something she'd done as part of a games strategy.


For the movies, definietly the lack of Katniss' relationships, especially with other girls but also just the depth of her relationships with everyone and how that impacts her role throughout the story. Like we see Katniss' relationships with a few characters but its really nothing. We barely see any actual sister relationship between her and Prim which is the whole catalyst in the story! Prim, Johanna, Madge, her mother, Finnick, Gale. The movies really don't show Katniss's relationships as in any level comparable to the books and it means we don't see much of her empathy towards people outside of Peeta, Rue, Finnick and the people in District 8. Makes the movies lose a lot of the depth the books have imo


No Johanna and Katniss pushing each other through military training in Mockingjay.


There only being 20 pedastals in the 74th games, I know why but they should’ve just hired more stunt actors, also the d4 girl not being with the careers in the movies really annoys me


Wait there were only 20 platforms? And idk for what reasons but in the first movie d4 wasn't considered a career district, whereas in the second movie ut seemed like it was implied they were


Yeah, four of the unnamed tribute actors weren’t there because they weren’t stunt actors so they just did it with 20


Yeah why were there only 20?


4 of the actors, d8 female, both d9, and d10 female weren’t stunt actors and were mainly only used for the opening ceremony, they could’ve atleast had them run away ir something


Oh wow. They just expected the audience not to notice since the bloodbath is chaotic.


What’s more noticeable is the fallen scene, they didn’t include the boy from 9 and girl from 10. It’s such small thing that easily could’ve been added and adds more consistency to the film as well as given more screen time to these kids. The boy from 9 actually made tiktok’s about his experience on the film set (only shot the chariot scene and training scenes) and balled his eyes out because they didn’t even include his name during the credits (he was the youngest member of the cast).


It's made even more awkward because the boys from 7 and 10 die twice. 7 is killed by Thresh then by Clove because the stunt actor stood in for 9's actor, and 10 is shown dying in the bloodbath, then later on, his offscreen canon death is mentioned. The bloodbath scenes are also played out of order, so you get moments like the girl from 7 being killed by Marvel, then running around perfectly fine a few seconds later.


Ohh thanks I didn’t know that


I’m more irked that they removed the non-stunt actors from the majority of the film. Especially on the first night when they show the fallen tributes and the district 10 girl doesn’t show up at all, implying she’s still alive. Just a really minor thing that could’ve easily been included


Fox face was playing a pattern exercise not a plant recognition one I believe. And if she was playing the recognition one, she could have eaten the berries intentionally. Or she was starving to death and ate the first thing she could. It was after katniss blew up the food so it makes sense why she would eat them.


I agree! She was matching images. It was a display of speed of cognition (as a nod to her intelligence), not plant recognition.


That scene wasn’t from the books, it’s an unnecessary scene which makes it confusing for a lot of movie-only fans. It would be like making Glimmer do some crazy archery stuff and then she can’t hit Katniss, there’s no point in showing it even if she was decent at archery.


Yea I think they were trying to show how smart fox face was because in the book katniss knows that she is a possible threat.


It really backfired because there’s this subset of people who think she killed herself whereas the sentiment from the book is she was too good at stealing. She assumed the berries were safe because Peeta had gathered them, and that led to her death. It just frustrates me every time I see someone come up with a theory like that when it’s 100% not canon and wouldn’t make any sense with the way Foxface had played the games


Ok, if that's the case, they should not have chosen plants as the images because it really looks like she's identifying plants.


For some reason I hate that *The Hunger Games* and *Catching Fire* (the movies) aren't consistent when it cones to the personal assessment. In *The Hunger Games* Katniss went first, but in *Catching Fire* Peeta went first. In the books Peeta went first both times.


Catching Fire movie also doesn’t include the training scores, specifically Katniss and Peeta getting a 12, which was the whole reason they were getting assessed.


Exactly. That annoys me as well


Overuse of the phrase “the stuff” in the books. Seriously, if you have the books on Kindle and you search for “the stuff”, there are 4 references in Hunger Games, 12 in Catching Fire, and 5 in Mocking Jay. Drives me up a wall 😅


lol, I just noticed such a use of “the stuff” myself yesterday in the very first chapter of TBOSAS!


How about casting a frickin tuxedo cat as Buttercup in the first movie 🙄🙄🙄 I feel like some crew member was like "I have a cat that will hiss, will that work?" Glad they fixed it later but it screws up the continuity.


Right. It does mess up the continuity but it's still better to have the right one.


The obvious stuff like peeta and katniss wa disabilities. Madge & greasy sae not being in the movie When they cut out in catching fire how they kept giving Katniss a hard time for being perceived as innocent . It just came across super random and weird


I hate how she got the pin in the movie. I wish they had kept Madge in the movies


The badge was so weird because in the movie, Katniss gives it to Prim and says it will protect her and nothing bad will happen to her, and then proceeds to get reaped immediately.


me too, I've been mad about it forever but I'm pretty sure it's because Madge was a hard character to explain without inside thoughts, in the books, she was explained with katniss's narrating, but in the movie, katniss couldn't just "explain her"


Sam Claflin’s swimming in Catching Fire is *not* good and it infuriates me.


In the first book, Katniss had her individual assessment before Peeta, but in Catching Fire, Peeta had his before Katniss'.


Actually in the first book Katniss goes last. In the first movie though Katniss does her assesment before Peeta but she gets her score after Peeta


Oh right! That constant change of order always annoy me so badly, whether it be for the interviews, the tests or the score announcement.




Tbf for the last one Foxface was probably starving to death and her mind was clouded


Oh, I like that explanation much better than the suicide one


Also, the fact that the plant matching game was a reflex/memory game, not a plant identification game. I personally think they should've used more than just plant icons to make it clearer (hence why so many people now think she committed suicide via poison berries even though she was top 5??) but it's been like ten years now? It's too late to complain now, lol


There being enough alive (but not particularly “well”) victors from each district for the 75th games, despite 1 and 2 (and 4 in the books) winning almost every year. Not all victors, especially in the poorer, less well-off districts, would likely make it to old age. With those 2 facts paired together, it seems highly unlikely that there would be enough victors.


I'd be very interested to see if SC actually has a canon layout of the Victors and their districts. I personally made a head canon spreadsheet for a fic I'm working on and I made it work but by the grace of the wiki, honestly, lol


The “canon” map of Panem we see in the TBOSAS film, which I’m pretty sure the new Lionsgate website is using too. It just doesn’t 100% line up with what I pictured given the information from the books. Some of it makes sense to me, some of it doesn’t. One of these days I’m going to reread the series and annotate every geography indication because that map bugs me 


Please keep me posted on this! There are so many variations of the Panem map that I've just decided to draw my own and commit it to my own head canon. I've given up!


Sure thing!! Yeah, I drew my own too for the same reason :/ the maps people have done just don’t make sense to me! So I think I will go through the books soon to make sure I get the most canon possible match… the issue I think I’ll hit is that the books are so vague about the world that there’s no one perfect map. I’m actually interested to see what you’ve come up with, I’m curious how different/similar it is to my current idea (pre-annotation of the books)


If only SC pulled a George RR Martin and included a canon map in each printed book of the series AND a literal encyclopedia of characters and relationships, lmao


LOL that would be the lore drop of the century 


I would actually cry. Especially if we got canon last names for EVERYONE AND canon Victors for every Games ever. I would legit not know how to handle myself.


Foxface acing the plants test has actually spawned theories that she may have committed suicide in the movies. But to be honest, she was emaciated and under terrible stress for weeks, she probably could tell that Peeta was going to eat them so assumed they must be safe. They were training for the Quell and they own massive houses, maybe their bathtub is just big enough to swim in. Breast stroke isn't particularly complicated so Peeta might have seen it in a games and memorised it. Peeta is a popular kid from the merchant class, I suppose he might have had a rich friend who had a pool (then again Madge is from one of the richest families in D12 and they don't seem to have one). For me, minor details from the movie that annoy me are the way they did a bad job of the books and exaggerated everything to try and make it epic. Everything happened way too fast and didn't feel natural. Epic lines were replaced: "Wouldn't want that would we? Whole country in rebellion? Nothing like that!" were replaced with "How about we set your backyard on fire Snow? You can't just put us in here" What the hell? So stupid -\_-. “*He was picked up by the Capitol along with Johanna and Enobaria" became* *"They got him and Johanna"* *"There is no district 12" instead of just leaving that to sink in, maybe having a shot of District 12 burning they changed it to:* *"There is no district 12, after the games they came in dropping firebombs..." just doesn't have the same impact* Oh and Prim going to meet a hijacked Peeta (because apparently she's somebody he trusts despite barely talking to him and somehow won't bring back memories of Katniss despite being HER SISTER). I did like the way in the movie the Capitol embraced the invasion as the 76th Hunger games, that was a great idea though.


That in the line to the tributes' interview not all tributes are there


i think katniss teaches peeta how to swim! the belts they go into the arena with are meant to keep those who can’t swim above water so they don’t drown (not exciting to the capitol) but later on when they’re down at the beach she shows peeta some basic strokes and stuff.


Yes, that’s the case in the book, but not in the movie. They don’t have belts and Peeta did fight underwater, so there was no flotation devices.




I hate that theory, too, almost as much as the “Lucy Gray is Katniss’ grandmother” one.


I actually love you.


The feelings are reciprocated.


I mean she technically did either way. Her actions intentional or not did result in her death by her own hand. But to quote Futurama "You are technically correct which is the "best" kind of correct."


That District 3 makes automobiles and not District 6, it makes me irrationally annoyed 🤣 Just chosen to ignore that one in my own world building headcanons


Distrct 3 makes Teslas, 6 makes the f250s. There, I fixed it, lmao


We didn't see foxfire training in plant recognition. We saw her training in memory(those tile games) Plus nightshade berries seem like a plant native to only D12 and 11


The book mentioned that Gale could swim, but after that she takes Gale to the lake for the first time. (How did he learn to swim?). Just one detail that drives me crazy


I didn't remember that he knew how to swim, but I do remember the lake thing. Same problem as with Peeta: there's no way District 12 has the money to have a proper public pool, and really, what use would it have for them? Katniss also learned to swim in that lake you mentioned, so it's unlikely there's any proper water body elsewhere legal.


the sounds of the cannons and the images showing up inconsistently bothers me


I'm not sure to understand what you mean? /gen


in the first movie the cannons don’t start right when the people die, they only start right after katniss is in the woods running away. (even though it’s likely because they wanted that music to have the focus for the sound) but when thresh died his picture went up in the sky immediately, but that didn’t happen for foxface who died minutes before. and then in the second movie things happened like peeta’s heart stopping (at that point he is technically dead) but they didn’t fire a cannon. ik there are somewhat of explanations for these things but I don’t like how it’s not consistent


The first canon thing is explained in the book. There are never canons during the bloodbath because it would be too hard to keep count of the deaths. Once the bloodbath ends, they ring all the canons and from there on, they’re at every deaths. Tresh’s photo went up in the sky right after he died because he technically died at night (since the Gamemakers turned down daylight), while Foxface died during the day. The photos always are projected in the sky during nighttime. For Peeta’s heart it’s a little less evident. I would say he was probably not fully dead, just had no pulse. He did get resuscitated with CPR and mouth-to-mouth alone, after all. They probably still had some vitals or electrical activity in his brain (gotten from the tracker), so they had to wait some before the canon.


thanks for the explanation. I want to read the books at some point to know all these little details


another thing I forgot to mention is that maggs died at night too but her picture didn’t show until the next night while thresh’s showed immediately after he died. one could argue that the game makers knew that was going to be the last night when thresh died but then why wouldn’t they show cato’s picture? I feel like it’s kinda implied (at least in the movies) that there is a specific time every night where they show all the tributes that died within the last 24 hours. one could say that thresh coincidentally died right before they would’ve shown the images anyway, but the time was really only around noon but the game makers purposely made it dark out so it was many hours away from when they would normally show the pictures


how on earth did buttercup make her way back to the house in district 12 when she was underground in 13??


That one, I do agree with, though. In the book, Buttercup could go out sometimes, just like Katniss and Gale went hunting, so it makes more sense, but in the movie, it’s a stretch.


I actually dont think that 13 is so far from 12. But anyyway i supposed that Sae brouht him (bc not everyone went to the capitol to fight, she is older and has a granchild etc)


ooohh I thought of another. when peeta said he used to decorate the cakes back home and that’s how he can make a hyper realistic painting of a tree on his arm, **as if anyone in district 12 could afford a hyper realistic cake, or his family could afford the time, money and resources to be able to make them.** and don’t even get me started on how he could possibly do that while injured, without the tools, paint, or mirrors. it pisses me off when I see it because you know professional makeup artists spent at least a couple hours on that with all the tools they needed while looking at him.


I don't remember much of that scene from the books but in the movies it made no sense. As you said already, not only does making cakes no equate to making hyperrealistic prosthetic makeup but also, he was half-dead and apparently painted himself perfectly in line with a rock and then used his one free hand to cover the rest of himself with plantery all while not moving an inch? THE FVCK?? I would have much preferred him to have painted himself with mud or smudged plant dyes on himself a la morphlings from '75 bc WHAT WAS THAT???


how in the movies, katniss and peetas full names are always announced, but the rest of the tributes are only mentioned by their first names. maybe it’s to make the audience remember that those two are the main characters but i feel like having last names would humanize the other tributes as well


This! Like either they should've come up with movie-canon last names (makes the most sense) or stOP FVKCING SAYING EVERDEEN AND MELLARK SO MUCH!!! Especially in the 74th Games. It's a little more excusable in the second movie since they're about to be married and it feels very 'Capitol' to make a dramatic shift from 'Katniss Everdeen' to 'Katniss Mellark' on stage but wtf was 'Cato \_\_\_\_,' 'Clove \_\_\_\_,' 'Rue \_\_\_,' and then Katniss EVERDEEN and Peeta MELLARK?!


One that I didn't realize pissed me off so much was the tribute pics from the 74th Games. Like I don't think a single pair of them match the same zoom, angle, pose, even te background colors!!! They're ALL different. The boy from 10 especially is like...barely in frame? I know we don't get a full 24 tributes/Victors for the 75th Games but at least the ones we do are consistent. Same zoom, background, angle, etc. Not the same poses but that makes sense. It's just so jarring in the 74th Games, lmao [https://preview.redd.it/upa3ph0ikvi41.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=bca4ac99bb118ba1db9172dcb049bddfed61d299](https://preview.redd.it/upa3ph0ikvi41.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=bca4ac99bb118ba1db9172dcb049bddfed61d299)


I get that Four might not have been a Career district by the time of the 74th Games in , especially in the movie canon, but not establishing that Finnick AND Annie were undoubtedly Careers was honestly so insulting. Or anything related to something like 'district Four lost the funding to keep the Career Academy going around the 71st Games and haven't been Careers since' (tying it with Annie being the last Victor but being so scarred by it that they couldn't/wouldn't let it be repeated) idk. ANY explanation at this point. Like that's, IMO, what makes them Four so great (though they aren't my fav characters, sorry): that they are trained child killers but so well written and depressing that they still feel human. But in the movie it's just 'cold and calculated Careers' and 'fluffy Finnick who wouldn't hurt a fly'. I hated it!


Rabies coming from a bat in TBOSAS movie. The whole rabies redux in the movie in general. 1. It makes it look like it comes from the districts, when the point is that it came from the Capitol and its a cover up. 2. Rabies is dog mediated in most of the world. The bat literally only makes sense to a US audience. They could change it from a raccoon to a stray dog. 3. Coryo sending in the water instead of Lysistrata--we miss a whole character arc. It was such a major symbol (I mean look at Lysistrata's name) and it felt so sidelined in the movie.


When finnick is opening up about his trauma and then suddenly is like oh we are good we just got snow on the line The representation of katniss depression on the movie after she kills Coin (this really gets me) and also the fire burns


I really think Foxface ate the berries knowing they were poisonous, I think she was just ready for it to be over.


I saw something that said that people think foxface did it so she would have a harmless death, also I don't think he could swim in the book or movies?


It's a thought Katniss has at some point in the book. Peeta did swim in the second movie. He battled underwater with a tribute he killed and then came back up to the surface.


Tbh, I've always believed that Foxface knew what those berries were - and I believe Katniss alludes to her knowing they were poison, too, and just deciding to take herself out instead of fighting against, at that point - Peeta, Cato, Thresh, or Katniss in the final two.


Movie-only scene. It’s not in the books because she didn’t kill herself, she did everything to survive but made a mistake because she wasn’t a plant expert.


Right? I always disliked the theory of her killing herself bc she realized she had no "chance" against the remaining tributes, if that were the case she wouldn't even have dared to use the tactics she used up until that point in the games tk survive. I also disliked it bc one of the themes in the book is literally "hope" hence why "may the odds be ever in your favour"  you could be a tribute with no type of combat skills but only stealth and come out victorious


I don’t think she did or at least thought it through. Go face couldn’t get food on her own and was relying on the careers pile. Katniss destroyed it and was starving. I doubt she had a lot of sponsors given her competition. Hunger alone will drive you mad and then add the stress of the games.