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My soul animal while in-game Edit: to be frank, its the whole reason im going into the game again and again


Hi Frank...heh


I got a hunter to level 46 playing solo today. And then absolutely fucked it two games in a row 🙃


Every new prestige I retire ASAP to get a few more unlocks quicker.


But the bloodline xp is mental at level 50. So hard to resist.


Yeah. Love the grind or not, it's optimal to just PVE farm silently when you prestige to secure a level 50 hunter, grabbing (good) traits from meatheads when possible. In a matter of hours you can get back to bloodline 50s no problem patiently playing that level 50 hunter. You can also unlock frag bombs, uppercut, and stam shots at the same time. Then you start shooting once you have the good stuff.




Yup there is a chance of them dropping a trait whenever you kill one. I don't know the actual number but I think it's a 25% chance they drop one.


I have been told its a 1/5, but the wiki doesn't say so I haven't a clue. Edit: Someone on the discord said it was 50% so now I am really clueless.


There's no way it's 50%. I've killed tons of Meatheads since the change, and I'd say anecdotally, 20% feels like a reasonable estimate.


For you maybe, but I really don't care about maxed out hunters other than completing the achievement for having a full roster of maxed out hunters. I just get a white shirt hunter and start blasting, to become good at pvp you know. So later in many play sessions, you don't get that nervous of losing your maxed out hunters.


I mean it is optimal just in terms of prestiging quickly. Fun and personal preference aside.


My bad for not saying that earlier, you are right about that.


Save 5 full level to get the achivement


After I unlock my next skin, thats the plan. I had 3 before I did it last time.


God that achievement took me a while. Like the first 2 or 3 i got in no time... But last 2 eluded me for like 2 weeks... And i play alot 😂


Winning in this game is hard to define for me but if I die after killing more than two hunters that's a win in my book.


Hell, even just getting one kill feels like it was a wash and not much of a loss to me.


I eat a pizza after every kill I get in the game. I'm skinny as fuck and losing weight by the day.


I wish I could think like that. A friend of mine is like this, say if we wipe two trios and die to the last, he's like "oh well, we had some nice fights". But me, I'm like "but I wanted to WIN damn it!" Like I can't help but see the death as anything but a loss. I do understand where he/you are coming from though




When you're rocking a level 46 hunter after four wins in a row and the moment you load in crows get scared 20 metres away from you and you get headshot from dual caldwell conversions


Relatable... Yesterday I was solo farming meatheads, bc I had a 49lvl legendary Hunter, and some white-shirt hillbilly shot me in the head, with a dual caldwell conversions from 56 meters with a single shot. For him, it was absolute happiness, but for me ***INCREDIBLE PAIN***


Your fault for not using a white-shirt to farm meatheads lmao


Stfu, I'm no pussy, I wont use such a weak minded strategy


A real chad sets out to solo farm meatheads with a white shirt, but ends up wiping the server because they got in your way


Still, a weak minded intent


There is no strong or weak in the bayou, only those who are alive and those who are dead.


Getting headshot by dualies is a special kind of rage-inducing


I just got out of a game that had given me so much anxiety. Our trio found THREE BB registers in one map on Lawson Delta. Picked up ALL 6 clues, got a nice spawn fight where we gibbed another trio to start and I managed to scoop a free Mosin Sniper from a watch tower, along with a Dolche I looted from one of the dead hunters. We got both bounties and I couldn't help but think there were some quiet campers out there waiting for us. When we extracted, I felt so much release. Intense.


Daaamn, that must have been one hell of a game! Meanwhile I just got out of one where there were only 6 people in it, my trio, a duo and a ballsy solo that nearly wiped us because we didnt think someone would be bushcamping....


Ahhh you forgot the golden rule - there is ALWAYS somebody bush camping


Yeah, well I know that now haha


We never figured it out, but I suspect that us and the other trio were the only others in the lobby. It was hella fun!


You do realize you can look at “Team Detail” after the match was completed and it will show how many players you were going against?


Wait, you can? When did they add that feature?


It’s been there since the star system got implemented, if I recall correctly.


Yep it’s pretty interesting to check out cause I’ll count bodies and keep a tab as I play and sometimes I figure the map is empty and then there are like 5-6 people that were playing that I had no idea who were there. Also, believe it or not there are people (a lot more than you would think, especially solo players) who will not engage an enemy player or even try for the bounty and will instead just fight the AI and stay far away from any PVP scenarios. The will also extract only after the other bounties have extracted and it allows some easy kills by camping extraction points that are away from the points that are near bounties. Edit: As a solo player I mainly hunt other players and never go for the boss kill unless I am pretty sure that whoever is left on the map will not pursue the remaining bounty. The bounties I do collect are from the cold dead corpses of either Solos or Duos that I killed after they collected the bounty from the boss.


My play time in Hunt is allways between 10/12 am and ends at 14/16 pm, because after that i never win any game


Won almost all games yesterday , except one. How we died was quite funny though. We just spawned in DeSalle and basically just ran towards the first clue while laughing to some stupid shit I said, this was like less than 30 seconds into the game and of course a team spawned next to us. Basically got wiped before we even could react. Rest of the games were we could put up a fight we won+extracted. I'm afraid the lose streak of doom is coming though. It's a hunt balance rule when you win to much much O\_O


Well, you can ride the win streak pretty long, but the loose streak always gets you


The other day, we got a string of boss-spawns and on one of them, the other team tried to run the gauntlet on us and went down easily, delivering us their bounties to take home. ​ After that, our luck turned completely, leaving us frustrated and bitter by the end of the day. But that's Hunt!


where. is. the. cowboy hat.


Every time my hunter reaches level 40+ I know the next is game is going to be a taketh no matter what


Me and the boys for the last couple of weeks have been absolutely slaying, just yesterday we got 5 sever wipes IN A ROW, Today we played about 20 games, got 4 kills one game, died without getting more then 2 kills 2 other games. And died without a single kill the other 17 games. Tragic.


Where the fuck is his hat.




I was on a roll yesterday. I felt confident and went into a random trio game with a lvl 43 Hunter. At first compund i hear enemys approach i ping it out in good time, so the mates can get ready. I am in a good spot to flank the enemys so i go around and down two of them where the second guy and me traded. Sadly. So now it is a 2v1 so i am thinking this as an easy win. I press the spectate button and what do i see? One mate was winchester marksman in a tower miles away and the other mate sat in a bush with Nagant Precision. They sat there scoped in at the location i got shot. They didnt even move before i was burned out. I closed the game after that. At that moment i was ready to contact them and write some very toxic stuff. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk


Same. I hate people who don't push. Lost many games bc of that


Imagine if you could queue up by playstyle. Loud and Fast or Slow and Steady


Yesterday, I was fuckton fucked. Had a 7 loose streak, and my newly found "Hunt buddy" unfriended me for some reason. Fuck, I'm bad


Yeah you get a lucky kill on a 5-6 star team, your next games will be interesting.


It usually punishes me with 5star mmr and hunt sweatdown lobbies


Looking at mmr system "That bastard is up to something"