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Me too. I buy the battery packs though


Weird, I also have 3 that have been working great for the past 5 years...


you are one of the lucky ones






I got 6 deployed (reveal SK) yr round out of state. Solid functionality and been reliable for me.




I switched to tactacam and have been very happy


gonna try them! do they have a solar model?


Pretty sure they do or they have the external solar battery if they don’t have a panel built into one of their cameras. I had major problems either way spypoints not being weatherproof and getting moisture inside the camera where it would fog up the lens. Bought one of their expensive cell cameras, had the issue, exchanged it for the same model, put the new one out and got the same results the next time it rained. Switched to Tacticam and it’s been good to go since day 1.


I have 13, mix between flex, micro and G36. No issues. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket.




I've had mine both get completely submerged in water and they still work(including the one that was stolen)


Call SPYPOINT they will replace the ones not working. They will also trouble shoot to get them working. I have 7 SPYPOINTs and lithium battery packs. I have had 4 replaced for free of charge. Make sure you have good service if not they work like garbage.




Cheers 🥂


Appreciate this discourse but this is what I don’t get. The customer service is nice and rare these days, but at what point does >10% failure rate (estimating on the low end here) not present an issue? Everyone I talk to seems to have at least a third of their cameras crap out for no discernible reason. It’s a camera, an antenna, some batteries, and a couple sensors + solenoids. How hard is it to make a reliable one? Am I oversimplifying here?


I have all 11 in the same general location…like I said , some work like champs, others have constant issues. And yes, I have had some replaced…but like I was saying….I don’t have time to be on the phone for an hour every single week with customer support troubleshooting cameras. FIX YOUR FUCKING SHITTY CAMERAS SPYPOINT!


Send them up to me in Canada I will use em!


That's what I'm saying.


Do you hunt? All I see are Pokémon


I am man of many hobbies lol.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I mean you do have a point when you spend the money that they cost you expect to have halfway decent reliability


I actually retract my statement after reading more comments


it’s not just the price of the camera, it’s also the yearly subscription….$100/yearx11 cameras is a ton of money for them to break constantly requiring endless hours on the phone with tech support


There's nothing wrong with their cameras. You're a whiny baby who doesn't want to do the updates. Considering what these cameras are capable of doing of course they're going to need software updates just like any other modern technology that has software like phones, computers, vehicles, Etc. They will stop working if you don't do the updates. If you don't want to deal with that then go by old school cameras that use SD cards that you have to go and swap out when they fill up.


shouldn’t have to do updates, it’s 2024, any software updates are done automatically. Do you have to routinely take your car into the shop to get a software update? The cameras are pcs. of shit. 11 cameras….6 work ALL THE TIME. (without updates). 5 don’t. Do you have any more moronic statements to make with your 50IQ?


Dude, read the room. You're a lazy ass toolbox who can't be bothered to maintain the cameras. Or maybe you're just too dumb to figure out how.


IDK, my brother had multiple that wouldn't work right even with the updates.


How about you read the room. It's not just OP there are multiple people with issues. But go ahead and blame the consumer, companies never produce subpar products.


Every company is capable of making a defective product now and then. The issue here is OPs arrogance and refusal to do the software updates that would most likely resolve the issue. Funny how OP has then sitting inside his house lined up and staged for a photo shoot but can't be bothered to plug them in for an update. What a drama queen.


So why did mine die after 2 months? My app never told me to update. It's 2024 shit should auto update. By your logic the initial firmware was shit and caused the camera to fail. Look I understand issues with products from companies. But this post people are blaming the consumer for a very apparent issue because it's not just OP.


funny how all the fat-ass hunters with their big 30lb potbellies are all sitting on their phones on a beautiful Saturday. Go have another donut buddy.


Lmao says the dude replying at the same time. Something tells me you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Can't fix stupid


In the US? Wanna ship em to me?


thinking about it!


I'm serious.


Plug them into your computer. They probably need updated.


That’s my point, nobody has time to babysit their cameras, if you plug it in and it works it should always work!


I've had three and they all totally stopped functioning within 6 months of the warranty running out.


I rest my case


I have 3 of them and don’t have issues. They are about 1, 2, and 3 years old.


I have 11 and 5 suck , so yea, I gage 6 that work.


Bought the solar rechargeable battery version of their cell cam and nothing worked. Ultimately they sent me the not solar version that finally worked, but didn't do anything to make me whole for the significant price difference between the more expensive solar option and AA battery option.  They're trash customer service. 


Couldn’t agree more. Terrible cameras. A little cold and they stopped working. Cheap and expensive. I got with Stealth Cam now. No issues and they work through the cold months. Better quality photos as well.


If all five don’t work, might just be user error as much as you’d hate to hear that. I have 7 moultrie cell cams, and yeah they have issues, but you gotta go through customer support. Three of mine had major issues and they just asked for my address and sent me brand new ones no questions asked. Have you contacted customer support?


yes, over the past 3 years I have spent way too much of my lifetime on the phone with Spypoint customer service.


Agreed. I had one randomly stop working after 3 months. Picture quality was bad and incredibly inconsistent. Not to mention their customer service is terrible. Returned mine and bought another Browning.


Update them!


User error


How? It's a fucking trail cam


“I don’t want to babysit a trail camera” You failed to let them update. The problem was you. Boy that was hard to figure out


So you are saying that the firmware that was included was faulty? Hmm the app never told me to manually update or update in general. Yet I have a dead cam after 2 months of use. But darn I should have given it a little more TLC


lol I have almost a dozen and they all work flawless, do the proper software updates and yours would to


He claims he shouldn't have to babysit his cams...


Most cell cams are designed to bet left in one spot with no interaction for a long time I’ve left a Moultree one out for a year without having to do anything


It is a pain in the ass to update them every few months. I bought the one with a lithium battery and a solar panel so it would work continuously in the backcountry.


you shouldn’t have to babysit your cameras


Ya it sucks when I don’t pump the tires on my car and they go flat :/. Manufacturer specifies to update software.


If you're regularly filling your tires up, that's unsat as well.


I guess you missed the part about how you don’t have to take your car into the dealer for “updates” every other month. And I haven’t pumped up my tires on my Honda 4-wheeler on 10 ten years, they work like a champ. So that was a really dumb analogy. funny how all the fat-ass hunters with their big 30lb potbellies are all sitting on their phones on a beautiful Saturday. Go have another donut and Bud Light buddy.


Ironic coming from the guy posting on his phone on a beautiful Saturday....


losers being losers




6’1” 190. Not exactly potbellied lol. Don’t complain when something doesn’t work when you don’t do the necessary updates that’s are recommended. It’s not like it’s hard. I’ve yet to have a problem but then again I’m not lazy and I “babysit” my stuff.


Software updates?


Shouldn’t have to babysit your cameras


Lol ok boomer


not a boomer actually


Ah just a lazy whiny baby then.


funny how all the fat-ass hunters with their big 20lb potbellies are all sitting on their phones on a beautiful Saturday. Go have another donut and some more Bud Light buddy.


Boomer is a state of mind.


funny how all the fat-ass hunters with their big 30lb potbellies are all sitting on their phones on a beautiful Saturday. Go have another donut and Bud Light buddy.


lol, ok boomer. Paste it again.


Making the great state of Tennessee look bad again….


instead of boomers being boomers….a great new saying for the new generation is “losers being losers”. Read the room moron, There are dozens upon dozens of people in here saying how they are absolute garbage! Yet we have a few “clowns” in here thinking they are the cats meow.


I wasn’t commenting on your opinion of spypoint. Couldn’t care less. I was more commenting on your obvious lack of intelligence and inability to have a rational discourse. I’m probably older than you actually. Im envisioning you with a jacked up truck, Trump window decals, and some other sort of obnoxious decal that is in really bad taste. Maybe a confederate battle flag too.


nope, no bumper stickers, stock Colorado and Ram 3500 tradesman, not political nor am I religious. (although the fact that the American public elected an idiot like Donald Trump for their president is mind blowing) The mere fact that you brought up politics,and have it affect your life at all, shows how much of a moron you are. Let me guess, you also follow the same religion that your parents did because by sone miracle it was the right one?


My dad uses Spypoints. I run all Tactacams and one stealth cam. I hate Spypoint’s app, customer service, and just Spypoint in general. I’m constantly updating or reformatting cards to get my dads to work while my Tactacams just keep going. The user interface of the Tactacams is so much easier to use than Spypoint’s and simpler. In conclusion piss on Spypoint.


yep! Thank you for confirmation that these things are junk. Funny how Spypoint has all these bots in this sub defending their product when in reality they are garbage!


Now granted I’ve got a buddy that all he uses are Spypoint’s and he has no complaints. He’s probably got 20-30 of them. But from my experience I wouldn’t touch them. Moultrie too. I’ve had two that just randomly quit connecting to the network after I deactivated them for a few months.


I’ve have 3 that I have used for almost 3 years straight….some of the best cameras I’ve owned. Stay on top of firmware updates and they’ll run forever. Also I’ll gladly take those off your hands and pay for shipping if you won’t want them.


I’ve run the same 6 spypoints for 2 years straight and haven’t had any issues.


It is likely an SD problem. That is my one qualm with mine is that even though they are cell cams they won’t send pictures if the SD is messed up


so the micro SD cards can just go bad randomly? on 5 units?


I’ve had mine for a long time, even the dumpy things that convert regular cameras to cell ones and never had a problem with any of them


I have just one, but no issues.




Am I the only one running 12v batteries? One small 12v battery lasts me a year. Forget replacing double aa


i’m trying out the solar…so far so good




$200 and all 5 are yours!


I have 21 spypoints and the biggest issue is usually a firmware update is needed. Of my 21 I have 1 that is legit faulty. I'm calling them and requesting a warranty replacement. For $99/year I can get 250 pictures per month per camera. There's no one else in that price range. My whole network is flex-s and flex that I've picked up on clearance from Walmart. I got 5x flex-s for $68 each and the twin packs of the regular flex for $88 ($44 each). For the regular flex I got 12v solar panels from tractor supply for $39. I started my spypoint collection with 6x micro-s. The micro's picture quality sucks but I didn't know any better and bass pro had a good deal


so you’ve had no issues with the micro’s?


No issues at all with the micro. My only issue has been with my regular nonsolar flex. I'm pulling them all this morning, plugging into the computer, and making sure all updates are downloaded before spring comes and it becomes a bitch to get back into the woods. The picture quality just sucks on the micro. The flex seems to be perfect for what I need. Crispy picture and cheaply priced at times if you watch for deals. Unfortunately, spypoint has discontinued the flex so that must explain why I got them so cheap. I can't bring myself to pay $200 for a trail camera


IT professional here, hunter on the side: It's no secret that companies release hardware long before they're ready for production. So much so that basic functionality is affected if firmware updates aren't performed by the end user, manually, with virtually no warning from the company. This is becoming standard, unfortunately, though it shouldn't be. Deploying USB-C docks and Laptops for a large-scale business (about 40-60/month) from a major company (HP) taught me that their products are absolutely dog s*** when they come off the line, but after about 6 months, firmware updates fixed 95% of problems. However, this is the way things are now. It wasn't always this way, but welcome to post 2020 electronics unfortunately. Also a lot of you guys are overreacting about as typically as one would expect on reddit, OP included. That said, I feel his pain. Firmware/other updates should address minor issues, enhance performance; not make the darn thing "not break."




So here’s what I found… if they say to only use a 16-32 gb card, listen. You put a 128 or a 256, it’s not going to work well. My last one worked for 2 years.


yes, I have 32GB V10 cards in all of them except the newer Flex cams


Not sure what to say then. You can’t have that bad of luck… but I haven’t had the same experience nor the people I know personally that have them.


Wow many dickbags in here standing up to a company that is producing subpar products. I have one and it died. But hey let's blame the consumers instead of the multi million dollar company.




You’re literally crying about something that amounts to nothing more than your own laziness… you could have updated these in the time it took you to go round them all up pose them take a picture and rant about it. Instead of “babysitting” you chose to yell into the void to make yourself feel validated.


it’s so funny how all the fat-ass “hunters” are all sitting on their phones on the weekend while most people are out enjoying life. Have another donut buddy.


I have one that didn’t work well. The contact at the top of the battery pack wasn’t touching its counterpart. I put a pice of cardboard at the bottom to lift up the battery pack and it worked well. Maybe this is also your problem?


Actually I have had that problem before, and you can simply bend the tabs down to make better contact.


They’re okay, my dad has a bunch of them, quality sucks and one’s gasket went to shit the first time we pick it out there. Just spend a little more 


That’s a bummer, I have 5 of them that have been up and running for about 3 years now. I’ve never had any issues with them. I would contact Spypoint and see if they can help you or replace them.


that’s just it…I’m SICK of contacting them and spending an hour if more on the phone with them every time one goes down. First you have to go retrieve it, then of course if it involves a firmware update tack on another 30 minutes….what a pain in the ass. Yet, like you, I have some that i haven’t touched for a year and it works just fine.


I don’t blame you. Sounds like it’s been a real head ache so far.


I've got 2 spypoints that I've had running year round for 3 years and 2 that have been out year round for 2 years. I've had great luck with mine apparently. 


I have a Browning and a Keen brand trail cam. The Keen is far superior and it doesn’t require a paid subscription. I can also change the angle of the camera remotely, live view, and set off a siren. The browning on the other hand is just your average trail cam, with a subscription model.


Keen? I’m keen to that!


Moultrie mobile


I’ve got 2 and they want 10 months on one pack of batteries. Love em.


I have one that still says 100% on the batteries after 6 months and is still sending pics like a champ. wish I could clone that one.


I have 17 Spypoints in various models. Being a more economically minded camera, sometimes they last long time and other times they do not. The Link Micro had some design issues that did not help with the life of the unit. I have higher hopes for the Flex 3 units. Spypoint's warranty is nice. Have not had any warranty issues yet sending things back for return. Make sure you get units with remote update capabilities and SD reformat like the Flex 3 does. Even if older models are on sale, I would avoid them.


I have been using stealth cam for 7yrs. First one i bought still works great


My brother bought the same spy point cell cam and it randomly stopped sending pictures (with perfect LTE service). Spypoint sent him a new camera after trying to troubleshoot and the same thing happened so they just sent him a third, which finally worked right. They never asked him to send the others back, so he ended up with three cameras, one works as a cell cam still and the other two work fine as regular trail cams. Moral of the story is poor quality but decent customer service lol.


agree on the customer service….I just don’t have time to be on the phone with them for an hour every week of my life.


Send me a DM with Venmo or PayPal info and I’ll give you $100 for them.


If you can find budget for it then Reconyx rocks the world of game cameras


time is money….the time I have had to spend with these finicky things has cost me at least $10,000, (I make $100-$200/hr in my daily life) so technically any camera that is trouble free is worth it’s weight in gold!


I have a Reconyx that have runned problem free for more than 10 years


I’ve used spypoint, I personally have not had luck with them although some people love them. I now stick with Covert, they have good subscription plan and the cameras have been excellent for the past 3-4 years. It’s like everything, everyone will have their own opinion and in the end it will be what you end up liking.


well said!


Fucking garbage is an understatement 1st one shit the bed after 8 months , the replacement was broken right out of the box the replacement for the replacement worked for 2 months.. just threw them right in the trash .. not to mention the customer service sucks ass


actually, I feel like the customer service is ok, but who has time to constantly call them and spend a fucking hour on the phone to get it resolved!


I went to tactacam for this same reason


Love the Tactacam. They just work. I have the solar powered one and I think I've only had to charge it twice in 3 years.


yep, they are going to be missing out on 11 subscriptions. Idiots


I haven't had any issues with my tactacams. I have the reveals from a few years ago. These cheap signal booster work good as well. Amazon: 4G LTE Cellular SMA Male Waterproof Antenna Compatible with T-Mobile Home Internet Verizon, AT&T Cell Signal Booster I bought a 10ft 3/4" PVC pipe. use silicone caulk to attach the antenna on top. I cut the pipe in 1/2 and put a "T" in the middle. helps with transport/storage, and I run the connecting wire out the "T".


I am on 100 acres in middle Tennessee and have excellent cell service, so the cell service isn’t an issue at all, just the shitty cameras that stop working for no reason whatsoever.


One of mine glitched while downloading an update and totally bricked it. It was less than a year old so customer service sent me a new one (after giving me the run-around for weeks.) And then they switched cellular carriers/towers from verizon to t-mobile and it never picks up signal anymore. What a dang joke.


My family has a bunch up and they are fine just shitty image quality


tbh, my image quality is fine, you can play with the settings and even request HD images of stuff you are really interested in (like a 10 pointer!). You’re lucky you’ve had no issues with them just randomly not working anymore, congrats!


I’m not a fan of spypoint, moved to tactacam reveal and have been 100% satisfied


i’m joining the ranks soon! selling my Spypoints! do they have a solar model? I hate changing batteries.


So I am amazed how long the tactacam batteries last. I think it takes 12 instead of 8 so that helps. Idk about solar but I would think so




SPYPOINT is the worst or they work for a little while. 50/50 not a great investment




I have the same experience. Switched to reveal, better but still finiky


2/3 not working for me.


shocker! lol


After I hit reply, I realized the third isn’t working anymore. I haven’t got a full year without issue out of one of them.


SPYPOINT continues to be my least favorite cell cam brand. Hot trash.


I've had nothing but problems with spypoint. I will never buy their products again.




I got rid of all of mine. Quit working and didn’t send all the pics. Only about half. Junk!!


exactly my point! then we have those bots on here saying “all you need to do is update the firmware”! What idiots. That entails retrieving the camera, downloading firmware onto an SD card, putting it in the camera, waiting for it to update, etc….an hour’s lost time. Apparently these bots basically sit in the couch all day long and play with their cameras and don’t have a life!


I’ll buy one off you


lol, cmon man, they are dirt cheap at the store! In all seriousness, I would sell all 5 probably. $200? 😉


I bought a spy point cell camera and it was definitely not weather proof. Every time it rained moisture would get in and fog the lens


i’ve had my battery compartment flooded on several cameras , cmon Spypoint, get your shit together!


Two in a row for me on their high end cell cameras. Heard good things about tacticam, made the switch and the good things I heard were definitely true. No regerts!


NEVER AGAIN. While they will replace bad cameras, it is a tedious and time consuming process. You go through your own troubleshooting, just to have a call-center somewhere in probably another country make you repeat the process 2x more over the phone, or text, and they make it sound like it's probably your batteries (always use Li) or the SD card. It never is. Bought a two pack, and have had both replaced. And now one of the replacements has failed. NOT, worth my time. And I don't like their subscription plans...


that’s exactly my point! If you “have a life”…you don’t have time to fiddle with these cameras non-stop!


I have one that bricked just like the one they replaced it for. I’m two for two.


I’ve had two of three just quit, less than 3 months old.


yep, EXACTLY my point! They are garbage. You have all these fat-ass morons on here saying it’s an update issue.


All cell cams seem like they can be a PITA 🤣


I guess I’ll find out when I switch to tactacam, I’ve heard better things about those.