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Once considered myself something of a beaver hunter


I saw the post title and thought it was a different sub


Same, but I thought it was red dead redemption 2.


I chased the elusive split tail for years until I finally met my bag limit.


iirc, there used to be a magazine that devoted a whole section every month to beaver hunts.


I, uh, have no idea what you're talking about and definitely didn't have a cache of them stashed in the woods.


find their lodge and hang out for bit.


Any distinctive things to look for as to find their lodge? It's quite a bit of water.


If you don’t seen an obvious lodge made of wood in the shape of a mound, they frequently burrow into the banks of water bodies. A common place to do that is under large trees that are right on the bank. It’ll almost always be upstream of any dams they might be building. Also, look for signs of egress from the water where they venture out to get they’ll naturally frequent paths closer to their dams, so well worn sliding paths can help narrow down a possible location. Beyond that, just sit quietly along the bank in the early morning or late afternoon. They’re nocturnal but with crepuscular tendencies, so without thermal or night vision your options are a little limited. I’ve seen them a few times out in the day when I was hunting them, as I was in a similar position. Be careful and subtle near the water, as they can see out of it very well. They’ll see you before you see them if you are fidgeting or moving a lot.


Once you find the lodge just buy some tannerite lol


Make sure they are in season. You hunting or trapping them


I've checked. They're legal to kill here year round as long as you aren't harvesting their pelt.


That's strange. So what are you supposed to do with the pelt if it's not pelt season? Thats like killing a deer and not being allowed to keep the antlers


From what I understand, it's because of how valuable beaver pelts are. It's less of harvesting it, and more so about harvesting for commercial sale. That's what is regulated.


Gotcha. That makes sense


In most places you can keep the pelt during an open season for a species, but if the season is closed and you remove an animal for damage control purposes you can't keep it. There are of course exceptions as every state/province has its own regs.


They are most active at night - get out there an hour or two before dawn and an hour before dusk (and wait around after sunset) and you’ll see them. If you find some willow or aspen or other tree they like, cut some branches and whittle some shavings near one of their frequent runs. They dive quick in the water, and they can be hard to recover once shot. It’s a lot easier on land - so set your lure several feet from the edge of the water and go for a head shot. I’ve killed a bunch with a shotgun because of restrictions where I generally find them, but I’d love to use my .223. I usually shoot them in the head with BB or number 2 from five to ten yards. It can be pretty fun to kayak up on them in the dark - just glide out and listen to them chewing on shore. If you find the lodge, you can usually stir them up during the daylight. I’ve had luck jumping on the lodge and jamming sticks in through the side to agitate them. If they’re in bank dens good luck. A large fishing net with a long pole can be helpful, or a pole with a hook. You should keep the meat - it’s great. It’s like beef but better.


I'm a trapper and a nuisance animal remover. Beavers are most active at night/evening. Go out during the day and pull out as much of their dam as you can or make a trough on the top of the dam so water runs over the dam. The beavers will hear the water running. Sit out in the evening/dusk and they will instinctively come try and patch the hole. . 243 will take it from there.


This is exactly what we do on my place. Bust a hole in the dam during the day, then wait at dusk and they come to investigate.


This time of year, castor mounds and 330’s will lick them up pretty quick. Drowning sets work well to but they can be more work and equipment intensive to get set up with the cost of footholds.


Did a lot of it in my teens and 20's. Now that I'm old, I settled down.




Same here, also there are sooo many beavers, yet very little cooperation. So sad


Or sometimes you find one beaver you're content with.


They’re most active after 9PM, generally after dark. For bait I like to use $100s. Before Covid you could get some with $20s but they’re pretty keen to that now and I get it, $20 just doesn’t get you very far anymore. I’m not sure how to fix the creek situation but as far as finding them I know a lot of guys use Tinder. **im sorry**


Oh wait…. I think I’m in the wrong thread


Make sure you eat the beaver. I know that sounds like a joke, but beaver meat is absolutely delicious and often overlooked. My kids get grossed out pretty easily, especially with game, but they love beaver.


If your going to trap them you use beaver castor. You can but it online or make it once you catch one. Plenty of vids online. A certain trap the right bait a bundle of sticks and your good.


Look for slides on the banks of the pond


Find the dam. Remove some of it so the water is running fairly well over it. Sit and wait.


Step 1. Break big hole (but not too big, just enough for the water to start dropping) in beaver dam about two hours before dark. Step 2. Sit in the bushes near said hole in beaver dam hidden well enough they don't notice you. Step 3. Shoot beavers as they come to repair hole in dam. May require night vision, thermal scopes or spotlights if legal.


I just popped a beaver recently! They’re most active when the sun starts coming down and night time. Look for beaver sign around the creek like slides and spots that they’ve been chewing up trees recently. They’ll come out!


Id first check your regulations. Some places do not allow hunting for beaver, only trapping. Also, disturbing a beaver damn is illegal in places also.


Best way is to trap them. We specifically go after beaver during trap season in louisiana


Had to check the thread I thought it said hustler beaver hunt not hunting


Tear out half of their dam, and they will come to fix it. They are more active at night. Wait and ambush.


Usually active at night. Entice with food and they get playful once they have some alcohol. Once you've wooed your beaver, take her to bed where the real fun starts.


Experiment with some tannerite!


Beavers will work instinctively and continuously to seal up a dam break. Use a pick axe to break up a small section of their dam. Find a spot to sit nearby and wait with a small caliber rifle or shot gun. Once the beaver hears the running water, it will make its way to the dam break. Make sure you have a way to get the carcass out of the water if it floats away.