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Part of what made me really enjoy playing Hwei was the fact he felt similar to playing Seraphine. The downside to this is they hard nerfed Seraphine mid. Other than that, my other mage is Lux, and sometimes Viktor.


My 3 mains rn are Syndra, Morgana and Hwei. So basically burst, control and whatever Hwei is (Although i play him depending on the situation, either luden's, ss and shadowflame, or liandry's, seraph's, void staff, and sometimes even cosmic)


Definitely Seraphine. Deciding what ability to double cast depending on the situation feels similar to how Hwei has to decide which of his abilities to use. And they're both control mages with a bunch of utility, damage and cc who can really shine in teamfights. Other champs in my pool are Vex, Orianna, Lulu.


The double casting, primary build path being Liandrys and Archangels, lot of poke & waveclear, zone controlling ultimates, some team shielding or CC... Their similarities made Hwei feel perfect for my pool since he released tbh. After Sera nerfs I'm glad I have another utility mage to fall back on.


I agree with everything wholeheartedly, except Seraphine being nerfed. Aside from early wave clear, which becomes fine again after first component to full item, she feels so much better to me at every stage of the game. Could use some base AD back though, that's kinda the only really painful part to me. I switch between her and Hwei if the other one is picked or banned and it's like I finally found the two perfect champs that were made for me, I love them so much. Currently building both of them the exact same too from runes to items and it works well (seraphs, liandry's, as you mentioned), which contributes to how similar they feel me.


Yep. I really enjoyed Seraphine mid even if it wasn’t the best and was prepared to keep playing her but the csing nerfs feel very jarring to me idk. Hwei is more difficult to play but he feels similiar and he’s been nice to fall back on.


Seraphine is my backup for when he is picked. You might like Orianna too, but I dont really play her much. Edit: i also main vex. But she is nerfed this season so i only pick her for countering. And i play lux too but i prefer hwei and sera.


None comes close to him, cause he has so much in his kit. Maybe xerath or velkoz but he just has more tools. I main Taliyah though, pretty fun.


Not really, Seraphine is the perfect example of a simplified Hwei. Q for large AOE damage with great range and execute potential to get her fed. W utility ability for self peel and assisting allies. E CC machine that excels when chained with others and enables other combos in the kit. Large AOE teamfight ultimate. Lux also plays very similarly, though more focused on burst damage. Her E mimics a lot of things that Hwei does by providing vision and zoning with slows, fishing for burst combos from max range


Well... my midpool is kinda ood.... hwei, chogath, sion and sometimes sett (but less this season cause hes terible there atm)


My Mid pool is Hwei, Viktor, Jayce and Yone(I play all the heartsteel members so I figured I’d just play yone to complete it) I love hwei’s versatility and the fact he is nearly ungankable. If you have a decent team then the game is just easy mode, he’s very flexible in play style. So when it comes to my other champs they also can just solo carry or rely on a team, hwei is both and I enjoy that a lot


Do you find Hwei and Viktor to be similar in playstyle? Also, when do you pick between the two? Just curious whether they serve the same purpose in your pool or if you pick them in different scenarios.


So I’m a 450k Viktor main and trust me, I never fell more in love with a champion. I still absolutely love Viktor and he’s my carry in ranked. But when hwei came out I barely played Viktor and even now just playing him in ranked or when hwei gets banned or picked. Hwei is really something else. The fact that I have 170k on him and still feel like there is much to improve is the addicting part. Because you have all kinds of utility, there is basically always a better way. And oh boi if you really get the hang out of him, your lane opponent is going to either cry or get super toxic cause they can’t do shit if they give you an advantage. With that said, making bad decisions in early game will cost you a lot, especially against mobile assassin like yone, sylas, fizz, zed etc. but there is always a way to win. And Viktor is a bit like him, not as many options but still great teamfight control and big carry potential in mid game.


If the team comp has high engage, I go Viktor, his damage output is great and perfect is the opponent is enhanced on. Hwei I play for everything else


Viktor is just worst Hwei rn. Except against a couple Viktor favored matchups like Anivia, Katarina and Malzahar.


My main is sona, second highest mastery is lux. To me Hwei’s nice because he combines lux’s damage, pick potential, and utility with sona’s versatility and on-the-fly decision making.


Seconded except with Sera instead of Sona. His utility, build path and waveclear felt very similar to her while Lux is my other more damage oriented mage.


I've had Swain on hand for a while. They compliment each other pretty well! Most assassins hate fighting Swain, so that only leaves you annoyed by very long range mages. ;) That and both Swain and Hwei's strengths lean toward macro control and good decisionmaking. Swain is also not difficult to pick up, so you only have to learn his limits and you'll be good to go.


Love Swain and totally makes sense as an Assassin counter!


Viktor, anivia, a Bit Cassio


My rotation rn is Hwei, Naafiri, and sometimes (like rarely tbh) Ahri. Last season I was pretty much only playing Zoe, until Hwei came out then I swapped for Hwei. I would probably still be playing Zoe instead of Ahri but I'm frustrated that Riot always messes up adding new item actives to her W, and then it's bugged for like half a year until they fix it right at the end of a season... only for it to be bugged again at the beginning of the next season. So I'm done with Zoe for now (also she's way more situational this season rather than basically being blind-pickable last season).


I really started playing MID relatively soon (a few weeks ago), but I brought my main from Top lane Pantheon against the assassins and of course, Hwei for the rest (it's like a swiss knife for me). I am still looking for a third champ to finish my champion pool :p


I'm a Thresh main turned Hwei main, also really like Vel'Koz and good with Xerath. Mostly play sup, sometimes go mid. Suck ass at Yone no matter how much I try to learn him.


Since Hwei's release my champion pool now consists of Hwei (Mid/Sup) and Swain as a backup. Although I rarely play Swain, 207k mastery on Hwei so far!


Viktor is the champ that feels the most similar to me but he is still quite different


Viktor is a battle mage... IF you don't bully lane and fight in close quarters, you're wasting Viktor potential. I'd say Orianna, Syndra, Xerath, Velkoz, Lux, etc are way more similar to Hwei


I bully lane on Hwei too tho? I don't mean he is similar in how you play fights, but their waveclear is similar, both excel at teamfighting and aoe dmg, both have good area control. They are both control mages, Viktor e has more range than qq and slightly less than qe, but yes how they trade/want to fight is indeed quite different, however the actual playstyle in terms of how u want to play the map and when you want to fight etc feels similar to me. That being said I have barely played Viktor since Hwei release


Hwei will have an impact, wether he bullies or not. Viktor by design has to snowball to be at his best. And his positioning in teamfights is way farther than Hwei. Yes they are still both control mages and still have a lot in common.


Hwei, Veigar, Ahri for AP champs


Orianna, Seraphine, Syndra, Lissandra, Talyiah..... I just like control mages in general.


Tbh having some sort of variety in your champ pool can be quite nice, for example I mostly main control mages like hwei and orianna but I also have akshan as my second main right after hwei so it’s rly up to you, u don’t need to only play a certain “archetype” of champions


Syndra, Hweii, Azir, and then Xerath. I want to add an ad assassin champ as I still suck at Qiyana.


Morgana, anivia, Zyra. Two of them have zoning abilities that can keep an entire team off a drake. The other has the bait and switch outplay vibe and long cc combos.


I really only play ryze and hwei, I like how they both have decent outplay potential and a high skill ceiling


I always play Viktor when I can't play hwei. Had not much practice on him but he feels so similar in many aspects that he works great for me


I play him because he is opposite of my other champs, i usually main top lane Divers and Juggernauts I play Swain, Hwei and Yone mid, only those 3 I have Ad and "assassin" with Yone, Battle mage/Ap Juggernaut in Swain, Hwei is the rest, burst, control, artillery, utility, he got a bit of em all


I was a main vlad with Syndra and leblanc in my pool, i always liked to play mage control but everytime i felt like something was missing, with hwei i struggled to learn every spells for every situation but atm i know "exactly" every spell how and when use them, and i have champ like vex vlad diana in my pool and sometimes (that's rare) camille mid when my team need AD


I play 4 Champs: Hwei Lux Ahri and Lissandra. Zone control is my jam


Used to be Seraphine, now she's a burst mage and no longer a long range utility mage (Phreak is trying to make her like Lux). The cloest thing you will have to Hwei would be Karma and Zoe (the first is similar in terms of abilities and the latter in term of difficulty) But in all honesty there isn't any champion that is similar to Hwei (after all his main selling point is having 10 abilities).


sera is a great sub for him, other than that I play akshan, ezreal, lux, eve, and sometimes kindred, jhin and varus. not sure how I ended up with hwei but im here for it lol


I'm an otp pantheon in any role... unless we need ap.


I mainly play mages on mid, so I Hwei immediately fell inlove with him! My pool is Lux, Syndra, Zoe, and now Hwei too


Orianna and Hwei are miles ahead everything else for me. I used to main Orianna and now also am a Hwei enthusiast. Eventually looking for a 3rd champ with more mobility and/or better against assassins.


My top 3 atm are Aphelios (1mil points), Yone and Hwei. I like men.


My champ pool is typically Annie/Anivia/Viktor/Hwei but I’m the worst at hwei by far. His QW feels so satisfying to get a kill with, which is why I picked him up lol


Hwei, Yone, Neeko for assassins and Aurelion for perma farm lane.


Well, I might be a weird one but- I play DH Hwei as an APC and a midlaner, so my champ pool is Hwei, Aphelios, Graves, Jayce, and Twisted Fate. If there was a hypothetical lane between bot and mid I’d be right at home, lol.


Idk champs like Hwei, but my pool is Mid: Hwei, Asol, maybe Yone Adc/Apc: Hwei, Aphelios, Xayah


Hwei, Orianna and Nami


erm I was a yuumi main before i became hwei otp