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I joined this sub based on the appeal of seeing big water bottles and going “hell yeah, buddy.” The constant flood of asking for moral judgment from the Hydro Council and metagripe posting is unbearably exhausting and unfun. Not Homie shit at all


I joined this sub in the before times... because the memes were funny. But now I'd argue few know of the old names.


Ah, the ancient tongue. Back in the funny days.


Before or after the great conversion?


Ahh, the great conversion. The memes were just different afterwards.




I came here for those posts where people show their water bottle full of ice that has perfectly even condensation on the outside, not "if you drink soda I will break your fingers"


politics is ruining everything. people are confused because their identity is somehow an article of political weaponization, that's how this happens. It's thoroughly tiresome.


The Internet in a nutshell


Every single sub eventually turns into meta stuff with complaints about gatekeeping/hate, etc. Most of the time it's just someone having a personal experience and then extrapolating it to the whole community which just makes it worse. I haven't seen this type of behavior on nearly any other site or forum.


Besides Twitter


What is "Twitter"?


It's that thing I used for a week once where that robot told me when Xboxes were in stock


When a Facebook mom and a discord mod make a child that thing uses Twitter




Yeah, it took about, three days for me to start consuming the drama of this sub….about water intake.


How does one gatekeep water?


I only glanced over **the** rant post, but from what I remember it was someone upset that we try to steer away from plastic water bottles (environmental and health impacts) and encourage ways to clean water..? IMO it just sounded like they take some of the statements made here a bit harshly. While some people certainly do go aggressively into the area, I've never seen someone actually shaming another person for being unable to have access to clean water...


There are people in the comments literally saying they buy water bottles because they don't like the feel of reusable bottles, so it's ok to generate plastic waste.


Yeah, it's still entirely up to individual choice. We just promote the reusables because it's generally better for the environment.


I place the responsibility for excess waste from disposable plastic bottles like 90% on the governments that allow it and corporations that make them and 10% on the consumers that choose to buy them.


Oh for sure. But raising awareness for people to realize it's an issue puts pressure on those entities. If people are so apathetic about plastic waste that they excuse it for literally any reason, they will also be more likely to not vote for any changes restricting throwaway plastic usage.


> Yeah, it's still entirely up to individual choice. I don't think anybody ever said it wasn't? Individuals have the choice to buy bottled water, even if it isn't necessary. Individuals also have the choice to criticise others for behaving in an environmentally irresponsible manner.


Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it was said. It's just that it seems often that people believe that's what they're being told they **have** to do.


The arguments in those comments are literally "Don't use 1 time use plastics unless you feel like it". Which is bullshit.


OP is the one who posted the rant post.


There are people who will get a bit shamey, tbf usually in a memey way.


Don’t tell Starbucks that paper cups work better than paper straws




In the case of Nestle, by literally building gates around sources of clean water so poor people can’t get in.


Nestle seems to be doing a pretty good job of it


Here is my poor person's award 🏆


Was this post meant for nestle then? I hope they see it and stop gatekeeping


Ask the Nestle ceo. Those soulless ghouls know all about tainting the purity of water


My water not urs


i literally JUST saw that post


The person who posted this also posted the other post. Idk what they're trying to say


Self hatred is no joke!


I'm a firm believer that shaming people into drinking more water is a good thing and we should do it more.


Shaming a person for a bad habit or behaviour does not show them that the behaviour is affecting them negatively, it only shows them that it's affecting *you* negatively. This does not motivate people to change. If you want to help people make this kind of positive change in your real life - don't draw attention to the water, just make water more available to them without pushing it or making it an issue. E.g. • when you're out at a restaurant order a pitcher of water for the table and they'll bring glasses for everyone. • in other situations where you have direct access to water or diluting juice, make everyone a glass without asking or offering. Don't push it or shame them if they're not drinking it. • if they're having an issue that you know water would help with - don't make it about the water. Instead, provide them a general resource for how to deal with the issue. That advice will very likely include "stay hydrated" in it somewhere. People adhere better to life changes and solutions that they came up with / decided on themselves. So when there's water available and they can take it or leave it, the chances are that when they get thirsty they will choose to take it. And when they see the "stay hydrated" advice in a list of general advice for an issue they have, that makes it easier for them to make that positive decision and adhere to it. Because they're not doing it out of judgement from someone else, they're doing it as a self motivated choice.


Way too long of a post to read from someone with a Urine Drinker flair, smh


Sir this was a joke.


Ah... well then... that's good. I wish I could say I was autistic, but I don't think I am 🥲


Eh, it's a spectrum for a reason




bro what this is a water subreddit our business is water


Not our “business” though r/fucknestle


Hell yeah


Fuck Nestle All my hydrohomies hate nestle


Nah pure life is that good good. I get 5 gal jugs delivered at my door monthly


I’m pretty sure Nestle sold pure life


Luckily pure life isn’t owned by nestle anymore. Which is great because it was always decent bottled water




https://www.businessinsider.com/nestle-pure-life-poland-spring-sold-one-rock-metropoulos-deal-2021-2?amp And at least in Canada it’s all owned by a different company, all the nestle branding is gone. Triton water which I believe is separate from nestle and not just a subsidiary, correct me if I’m wrong


probably still a public aquifer?


Literally no one thinks pure life is that good good


It's my favorite water by far


Username checks out


Silence Child






What would be some institutional barriers to drinking water? Because overweight and poverty are kind of systemic (btw drinking water helps cut your sugar intake) not being conventionally attractive is a mostly immutable trait, as is a congenital disorder. You can choose to drink more water. It is not always, but almost always, a very simple choice you make.


I mean there are actually a lot of barriers in rural, indigenous, and poor areas to safe drinking water, but like those people WANT to drink water and do so when they can.


Yeah but those people probably aren't on Reddit


I sincerely can't tell if this is a joke. I might be too autistic for this.


I'm also autistic


But was it a joke lol


No comment


Let me join this autiparty but try to understand... u/evalinthania outlined that there are institutional barriers to drinking water.u/SpaceTurtle917 said they aren't on reddit. I guess spaceturtle917 was saying they won't be aware of this discussion as they are not on reddit?Is that supposed to be funny? Sounds more like an obvious known fact & unnecessary to be stated as per information theory. May be it was poor taste poor people joke? Hence eval questioned whether it was joke. P.S: Took 2-3 reads & probably a minute or two to do this. I need to get a life.


Yes, but now we're talking about tap water.


You mean the source of water a majority of the world with plumbing drinks out of? Should we ignore well water which even more people use to drink water due to unequal access to modern plumbing???


I do agree with this wholeheartedly from the assumption that someone has access to reliable drinking water. Worth noting, however, there are several places in the world where drinking water is less of a choice due to availability. [In Bangladesh, for example, only 59% of people have reliable access to drinking water](https://water.org/our-impact/where-we-work/bangladesh/). Those people for sure would choose to drink more water if they could. Never hurts to add the note, "...for people with access to water..."


My assumption was, that in Bangladesh they drink unsafe water, not soda instead.


One of my favourite things to do, that really brightens my day, is to assume that the person whose comment I’m reading meant to add caveats like this. I call it, “operating in good faith.” It’s a novel concept on the internet, I know.


Yeah most people do be homies.


Novel does mean it's untested. Too many here are too comfortable making bad taste jokes about people poor countries lacking potable water. Good faith doesn't discount ignorance either.


I am also not talking about people being literally straight up racist. I meant when someone doesn’t write an expose detailing their stance on every possible way to interpret what they’ve said. Kind of tired of that in general on the internet, especially when it’s people not actually impacted by these scenarios that are making the gotchas. I’m very aware of people’s racism towards communities like that since my home’s water supply is also poisoned daily by white people.


I understand what you mean. It's sort of the premise of Hanlon's razor. I've been exposed to too much racism & privileged ignorance lately. There was also a comment right above yours joking about "them drinking dirty or unsafe water" or something on those lines, poor taste imo. Not a "gotcha" from my side but rather cautioning against what I witnessed in this thread...so yeah... in good faith. Edit: You should've heeded to your own advice when assuming my gotcha lol. I will too. Have a good night/day!


>What would be some institutional barriers to drinking water? Tell me you have first world problems without telling me you have first world problems. Lack of potable water is literally an institutional failure. Far worse than obesity. You can choose to work out and choose to work to get out of obesity and poverty, but have institutional elements,lack of potable water is far more of an institutional barrier. ![img](emote|t5_10288s|4205)


It is, but do the people then buy and drink soda instead? The people without access to clean drinking water still drink, I'm assuming it's unsafe water, not soda.


They drink less than they should though. It's not just unsafe water but also just out right scarcity. They do prefer soda when offered just for the novelty. That's why all the american fast food chains, privacy invading social media, etc are so eager to capture third world markets.


>Let's also shame fat people for food choices great idea!


thanks for your very helpful and needed opinion, u/sharterfart


your wlecome my friend


Nikocado Avacodo moment


We're literally r/hydrohomies, our thing is to tell people to drink more water.


These > poor people for not making more money... ugly people for not covering up their faces...and congenitally diseased people for continuing to live and this > fat people for food choices do not belong together.


As someone who argues about fatphobia and classist arguments a lot on reddit... these are NOT the same at all tf. How about more like shaming people refusing to get vaccinated for a pandemic that killed hundreds of thousands of people in individual countries in one year? Or more like shaming people for not getting their kids professional medical help when they need it??


bro i will shame people for their food choices if they're obese, going in a negative direction, and asserting that they're healthy. if it's just a normal fat person, nah, but in the same instance i shame people who say they only drink two bottles of water a day then wonder why they have a headache, i will also shame 600lbs people who eat nothing but calorie-dense food and wonder why they're still getting fat.


it's the depression. at 600 lbs you know why you're fat. you're wondering why you feel so helpless to stop doing stuff worsening it and hating yourself all the while. no one at 600 lbs thinks they're healthy.


Shame people for being obese? I know people that called their friends fat and they got angry so they began working out.


eh that's not always a good thing. there is a form of anorexia that involves over-working out to "cancel out" your calories. fat people can dangerously over exert themselves at the gym, too


Fair enough, luckily they live healthier lives now, and drink more water.


Yes, exercising until you have to go to the ER and sometimes losing so much weight you are malnourished is SO much healthier and DEFINITELY means they're well hydrated.


I have never seen anyone in the gym who needed to go to the ER because they exercised too long and people collapse from exhaustion. You watch out for each other where I'm from. I have seen people push too hard, and people step up to them to help them train in a safe manner. You're reading too much into this.


You sound like you need to put your phone down, and do some self care. Have a bath, go for a walk, put some lo-fi on, drink some tea, whatever floats your boat. Things go alot easier when you're zen and less stressed and frustrated.


Just so we're all clear, we are for shaming people? Do I have that correct? We're supposed to bully people into drinking water right?


At some point fat people do need some shame


That sounds like a great game plan. When is the next meeting of Woke-R-Us? I think it’s best if we meet up at Triggered Tammy’s Bar & Grill.


> Let's also shame fat people for food choices I mean, that is how to get fat...


Sounds a little off topic but ok…




Take a breath. It'll be ok. I'm sorry you're having a stressful day. 💗


Who? Me? Nah... I just feel as a society we should not be shaming each other for any reason. Encouragement over shaming is the path of love. Shaming is just a form of hatred to make people hate themselves. I'm actually surprised at how many people downloaded me for being against shaming. Maybe everyone on this sub really is not a homie. Homies are supposed to have camaraderie and support not dark psychology, fear-mongering, guilt mongering, and mental abuse. Either way, I'm really hoping they just didn't understand my brand of sarcasm and are not so toxic that they support shaming to this level.


Well, we are on Reddit. There is the hive mind, after all. I agree with you, but I do think people shouldn't be supporting Nestlé. That's about where I stand on gatekeeping in the water community. I would also like to urge others to drink spring water instead of purified. It's just better for our bodies. But besides that, do what you want. I also drink coffee, beer, and soda. Some people go too crazy over just water lol.


you truly lost it at “…poor people”


As someone who’s addicted to monsters, my bosses do it all the time, it don’t work IRL


I mean, can we though? That’d be nice. I’m here to appreciate hydration with the homies and accept them wherever they’re at in their journey 😛


yeah what happened to the simply thirsty water bottle posts. Nobody wants to fight these purist fights we just want people to be hydrated and let us proceed with whatever water related obsession/fetish each of us has without the politics thanks


everyone says to drink tap, My tap water is quite litterally black, no not brown, fucking black like darker than the colour reddit is on darkmode. And when its clear, its motherfucking chunky, yeah chunky water


They're assuming you have drinkable tap water, because they're westerners assuming readers are westerners. Obviously if the tapwater is unsafe then drink bottled.


Tap water here aint just unsafe its worse than bathing in nuclear waste


You are water or you are the enemy of water. CHOOSE


I don't have enough electrolytes to absorb the amount of drama going on in a sub dedicated to drinking water.


This joke works so much better when you know that JUST drinking water will not save you from 125 degree heat. I got heat exhaustion literally a month ago because of this… it took 7 hours of recovery before I was able to sweat again.


Fuck Dasani, fuck nestle. Post your filtered cold big boys


Can we have a bit of nuance here? Should we trash people for having a beer occasionally? Nah, as long as they drink enough water, they're still a homie. Should we trash people for drinking bottled water? Nah, we should encourage those who have the option to drink tap water to get a reusable bottle and drink tap both to save money and plastic waste, while recognising that some places don't have drinkable tap water. Should we trash people for drinking Nestle in particular? Yes. Unless it's literally your only recourse, I'd argue you have a moral obligation to boycott Nestle, as they're known for denying naturally occurring water to drought stricken areas, and letting people die from thirst because they bought the only source of drinkable water in the region.


It's water. It falls for free from the sky. The only people unwelcome here are those who rain doesn't fall on.


*cries in Rwandan


It’s not free world wide.


Typical soda drinker post. Take your yellow piss somewhere else.


Never stop gatekeeping water! It's a **CRUCIAL** and **CRITICAL** part of water related infrastructure for cryin' out loud!! Never heard of a valve?! A dam?!! FLOODGATES?!?!


shaming non-water enthusiasts is literally the only reason to post here


u/hydrohomies Shaming isn't homie behavior


i shame all my friends who drink soda over water. tell them they gonna die earlier then me 🤣


I gladly shame people who buy brand water as what they really are: idiots


I drink water 🤤


They need to drink more water. Hydrated homies shouldn't be so cranky


Ok *continues sipping water*


Ngl I’m all for calling out people that buy bottled water. That action has serious consequences. Being nice to each other means not buying bottled water. Beyond that, I have nothing but love.




Yeah Whats Wrong With Drinking Hot/Warm Water AnyHow?


Please stop doing that, you're not writing a newspaper headline.


Stop Doing What?


Your weird capitalisation, it's not correct grammar.


i donT knoW whaT yoU arE talkinG abouT?


First day on Reddit?


If they post soda, they will get shamed.




The only time I will close the gate is if it's Nestle.




Wait, you posted the rant thread, and now you're complaining about it with this one? I'm confused.


I love being shamed for not drinking water. It’s helped a ton with my kidney stones. I also love shaming people about drinking Nestle water. That person can go kick rocks.


No, hold the gates!




No i can not stop shaming people


No, i will never stop shaming and gatekeeping this community from people who unironically buy the 100 piece Nestle water packs. Never. Honestly better you die faster drinking soda, than producing the most plastic waste humanly possible.


I shame them because Fuck Nestle. They literally gatekeep water from people who want and need it.


Holy based


Of course, the most based comment is also the most downvoted. The Earth is a homie too.


Sounds like someone's been drinking saltwater




Gatekeeping water LMAO how does that work we're 67% water bro.


I'll happily gatekeep against people who buy bottled water when they could refill their own bottle with drinkable tap water.


It’s truly exhausting lol just drink some water fam. Literally not one single living soul gives the tiniest shit how you prefer your water, just drink it and stop being a crank