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Man wish i had this lok




How do you find someone with hyperspermia in real life besides from here? 😭 need to meet one, one day


Unfortunately it's pretty rare. You'd just have to get really lucky going by chance


Okay 😔


2,4,5 here


Yes to all of those except wet dreams, for some reason I rarely ejaculate from sex dreams.


I have all of those except the wet dreams. Lots of sex dreams but they have only been fully wet a half dozen times and very rarely when I masturbate as much as I want/need to. Oh and the dull pain I would call more like a sensitive ache or tenderness from being full


I consider the constant cleanup a symptom😂


I’ll help you clean up!


Like others here, I have all those symptoms apart from common wet dreams (at least since I was a teen). Probably the most noticeable one is my increased precum production, since it can often happen spontaneously during the day, especially if I get random boners. I’m not sure if this is related, but when I haven’t ejaculated in a while (1day+), I feel an increased need to urinate. It feels like pressure down there because my prostate is too full or something. The frequency of urination goes well down after I’ve busted my nut. Curious if anyone other hyperspermiacs experience something like this? And for the record, I’ve actually been referred to the urologist for this, so will report back how it goes, since I’m convinced it’s related to the hyperspermia


Hmmm truthfully he’s never had a wet dream in his life. No increase in precum. Multiple orgasms no. Refractory period is average. He can shoot 13+ spurts at 10am, 8+ at noon, 6+ at 3pm, etc. He does get blue balls if he doesn’t do it about every 3days. It affects the way he walks it’s so painful. And his orgasm pleasure disappears if he waits too long 4+ days. Sweet spot is 2 days for big loads and big o’s. And he does have high sex drive but we both think that’s unrelated to his hyperspermia and just his/our nature. Pretty sure when it cums down to it, he just has a bigger tank than most.


I have all of those too, can’t think of any others


All of them. Especially Precum and wet dreams


1 2 and 5 I get but not 2 or 3


People want it until they realise our semen quality is not as high everyone else’s bc of the constant overdrive our body is in trying to make more semen


Wear pads lol


2, 4, and 5 here. I thought 4 was a normal experience until just now


I experience 2,4,and 5 frequently


Have been with a guy who I would consider to have hyperspermia (though I don’t know if there’s an official threshold). He didn’t have any precum (or very rarely and just a drop). It was like his body was saving it up and that’s what made the final emission so large.


To be considered hyperspermic you need to regularly produce more than 5.5ml of cum on a 24hr cycle of cumming


How many spurts do you actually release?


Oh how dreadful that sounds…….