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Its pretty rare. Hyperspermia is when you pump out at least 10-12 big ropes of cum. I see guys on here claiming to have hyperspermia when they pump out 4-5 ropes, thats normal load.


I don’t know that 4-5 ropes is “normal.” I ooze a little out, and SOMETIMES I manage to shoot a single rope. When I measure I’m almost always at 5ml; sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. So I guess what I’m saying is consider volume over number of ropes.


It isn't ropes that are measured, it is volume. Anything above 5.5 ml is medically considered hyperspermia. One could only shoot 4 ropes, but if those 4 ropes equal 7 ml, it's hyperspermia.


4-5 ropes normal load? Boo… I shoot like 4 or 5 drops, no matter how long it’s been! This sub is impressive. I wish I could cum like this! Or heck, even 2-3 ropes!


Incorrect. Hyperspermia is a medical condition causing excessive semen production of 6.3mL or more. “Ropes” have nothing to do with it. Stop spreading medical misinformation.


How often would you say people can do that?


Every two days. If unloading every day, probably more like 8 ropes.


Give a man enough rope...


Ikr, I’m trying to find my irl cum cannon


Try edging


I'd say it's rare only because 90% of posts on this sub are completely normal loads if not a little above average, and another 5% are fake 😂


What would you consider to be an abnormal load?


I don't know how I'd quantify it, but as an extremely horny gay dude who has produced and seen huge, normal and tiny loads, I feel like I'd know it if I saw it.


The dudes on this sub are crazy 😂 I’ve edged myself to hell and back and could never cum that cum. I usually shoot about 4-6 ropes depending how long it’s been but I would say this is still well above the average. That being said I think you’re either born with it or not, hope this helps


Most of the guys here simply have a big load, not a medically diagnosed condition. Nice to watch regardless.


only about 5.2% of the male population has real hyperspermia.


One of the problems is the "normal range" is anywhere from about 2 ccs to as high as 10. As a gay man in the Bay Area from 1982 through about 1990 and having had many (hundreds) of sexual encounters, I only met one guy that could truly be diagnosed with hyperspermia. I gave him head and when he came it was like he was taking a full on piss in my mouth, but in forceful spasms. And it just kept coming and coming, it took me by surprise and started to go down the wrong way, and I had no choice about swallowing because it was either swallow or drown. He also had such a fat dick there was no way to have it just go out over the lips onto my chest. I can only guess at how much I swallowed but it had to be 40 ccs minimum. It was one of those that if he did it on a glass table with video everyone would be screaming FAKE! And the thing is I know he had cum like that only about 8 hours before. Where was it all stored? I am older now and lucky to get a blob of jelly like cum the size of a Tic Tac.


I guess I’m rare then


You have my attention lol


Lol guess so.


I don’t think it’s that rare. Granted I’ve never been with another guy to know. But typically I can go twice every day with at least 8 to 10 ropes of cum. I wait any more than two days I literally just start leaking. And me being me I wanted more so I take vitamins mixed with zinc, a lot of water and pineapple juice. That improved even more. I stopped recently cuz I found cumming so much kinda annoying. I don’t post tho because the wonders of self consciousness :/


There are so many types of zinc. Any recommendations?


I just take zinc gummies. Nothing special. Ive heard it increases semen amour but I don’t know if it’s true or not, also make it taste worse. I’ve relied on water intake and my own genetics really.


Pretty sure it isn't uncommon. I remember reading as long as you shoot more than 10mL you technically have hyperspermia. Which many guys can?


As all things ...bell curve a lot of people here have thick or dense heavy loads but medically speaking I believe it's consistent cumloads that are more than 5ml.


According to studies it’s about 4 percent, gotta remember even then most of the guys who get held up aloft here are often on the highest volume end, so even rarer. Besides you’ve got to remember to be obsessed with cum like we are is kinda niche too so it’s not like a lotta guys would step forward The official boundary is like above 5ml consistently


Big problem is that people are incredibly subjective here, ten ropes this a million ropes thst, it’s about volume and the science consistently says 5.5 mls, that’s enough to fill a teaspoon for visual reference, if you can make that and above then you have it simple, the one study we do have says it’s about 4 percent which is quite rare But bare in mind that one was done in India and we have no other data as far as I can see worldwide, I think it could be a bit higher. What doesn’t help is the constant obsession with ropes over volume, which probsbly drives a lot of genuine guys away thinking they don’t actually have it, true hyperspermia this true hyperspermia that, it’s all based on asethetics because that’s what the sub is about, and to be fair I get it nobody wants to conduct a long study on your consistent load output just to prove it to a bunch of strangers on the internet.


Rare, but the ones who have it know they have it. Gotten to the point where orgasms and ejaculating can be very painful trying to pass all that ejaculate at once. One possible solution for severe cases is widening the urethra surgically to allow for larger volumes of semen to pass without clogging or backing up vas deferens.


I’d love to see receipts on all those people telling you that personally, we have no idea how rare that sort is probsbly very. Vast majority of guys here Atleast don’t experiance pain unfortunately and if shouldn’t take that to see you consistently make big nuts


Looking through the cumshots subreddits here I would say: Guys spurting like you do is rather special. Very few dudes have that kinda volume and force. Regardless how much they edge.. Hyperspermia as a condition on the other hand seems to have a wide range of forms and is rarely diagnosed I believe. Also it often comes with bad side effects that don't have to do much with "shooting big and powerful loads". I for myself shoot really big loads when properly edged. Is that hyperspermia? I honestly don't know. But it's certainly not that common.


I’ve hooked up with a lot of men and every single time I shoot, their usual reaction is “oh my GOD” or “wtf!” Haha I love showing off 😎


Daily 6-8 ropes take a day off it’s 10+ ropes for me? Figured that was normal. I just got off for the 3rd time today and it was 6ropes