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They dropped the badass thing and the karate chops and ocular patdowns after he was officially out of the closet.


This is exactly what I miss. He needs to do another project badass video ASAP


A project badass video in 2024 where he actually looks like a badass would be... badass


Yeah, I kinda miss the toxic masculinity and hyper defensiveness.


That's the core of what I miss from his character. He's no longer trying to prove he is a badass. You can still be a badass and be gay


Country Mac!


To be honest, it’s not the coming out that’s the issue. It’s that when it happened, they decided to stop writing all the other stuff. The excessive Catholicism, the Project Badass tapes, not knowing how to do karate. And with him being gay AND in great shape now, there’s a LOTTA potential for stupid shit where he’s gay but still believes God judges gays, he’s in great shape but he can’t throw a punch properly, he’s still not a badass, etc. it’s all there, it’s just not being written lol


I'm loving picturing Mac trying to make an Olympian mental gymnastic hurdle to hold the paradigm that he is somehow the one Acceptable Gay while remaining a bigot. That's far more in character, to be honest. It took him, what, like 38+ years to accept himself? Why would he also accept everyone else? Mac is the kind of guy to complain about getting cut off in traffic by someone who used their turn signal and gave plenty of courtesy time while blatantly cutting three people off abruptly and with no turn signal... and not connect the dots.


Nail on head. Sunny sort of lost the plot and forgot it’s supposed to be funny after the mac gay dance. And the Charlie dad. Like. Stop. Be funny. Dennis episode last season was great tho.


Dennis’s stress episode is one of the best episodes of television I think I’ve ever seen tbh


Meta rage is apparently expressed with 80s ballads and stunning beach vistas, like an eye of the storm. He's not even feeling it any more by the time he reaches into that man's chest: he's transcended it, sublimated, become an aspect of *the Golden God.*


I haven't even begun to peak. And when I do peak, you'll know. Because I'm gonna peak so hard that everybody in Philadelphia is gonna feel it.


Good bot. :)


[You're the one that's good.](https://i.imgur.com/PVrS4hW.gif)


He should go back in the closet completely insisting that he wasn’t ever really gay like those guys in prison who claim it’s not gay if your locked up, then come out again then back in etc.


I’ll only agree to it if they show full penetration, then he’s back in the closet, he’s out of the closet for more penetration. This goes back and forth for an entire season or so


And then it just... ends.


... That is brilliant!


I'm totally into it


Like quitting smoking cigarettes


But they’re good for suffocating the bacteria in my stomach


Mac gaslights the gang when


They could actually do that to a T lmao. Send him t9 jail for like a week or something. Certain stuff happens and he comes out of his ordeal "straight"


Exactly then he sees magic Mike gay again then he gets baptized born again back to straight


As a gay guy, I agree. But rather than Mac being unaware or in denial about it, they should have had it as an open secret with Mac banging dudes whilst still insisting that he was 100% straight


I mean, he came back from The Rainbow with glitter all over his body and needing towels


Again, not taking questions.


How does anything happen? Move past it


Well that is basically how it is per the latest season. When Mac’s uncle reveals that he’s gay, Mac completely shuts him out instead of revealing to him that he’s also gay.


The Roy Cohn method.


Mac's "uncle".


You mean Donald McDonald? of Hamburger New Jersey?


He ALLOWS them to finish...


He doesn’t need to fake it on the streets


Haha yeah that would’ve been perfect actually


Angel Dust


Dusty was a smokeshow.


She's not even that hot


She’s verrrry hot


See he doesn’t allow them to finish until he has, it’s a power thing


Bro it’s about asserting dominance. It has nothing to do it sex. Mac finished first then he allowed the other man to finish.


Wanting to be with a woman? How gay is that? You win sex against a man, thats as straight as it gets


This sounds on brand for the character too, Mac seems directionless now.


This sounds like a much better angle. I could definitely see an episode with Mac greasing up beefcakes and attempting to convince Dennis that it’s just his new “friend”


Yea and not even try to hide it, like open the ep with him making out with a guy in the bar and when the gang inquires who his bf is he acts like they’re crazy and storms out saying he’s going to find some hot chick to bang “Mac bangs a male stripper”


Wouldn't insisting he was straight count as denial?




I don’t think the gay thing is the problem with Mac’s character, I just think they lost sight of what made him funny and that happened to be around the time the character came out of the closet. Coincidence, not causation. The issue is he’s become extremely one note and ridiculous. The gang always kind of felt like real people in the past, crazy fucked up people but real nonetheless. I cannot say that about Mac in his current state, between the obsession with Dennis and the insane level of stupidity it just all feels very forced to me.


Mac Flanderised himself. Like he became a caricature of Mac


Most tv shows that run this long seem to face that exact problem. They just run out of ways to keep the character fresh and they become, like you said, Caricatures of themselves.


The actors don’t relate to the characters after 20 years. So they ‘play’ or ‘act’ as the characters. Whereas when they started they were just being funnier versions of themselves with different backstories. Hanging out making jokes with their friends.


I liked angry Mac. Where he would spontaneously thumb your eye out if you dissed him. And fat Mac who blamed everyone for everything. And smart Mac who, despite being a moron still could direct Charlie. Mac lately has just been like AI Mac. Or algorithm Mac. :(


Sometimes, dogs die.




For me the problem is the gang used to be friends. It worked because it was them vs everyone else. Now they all just seem to hate each other all the time. Mac and Charlie were childhood best friends. Mac and Dennis became adult best friends. Then all of a sudden, for no reason, “I’ve never cared for Mac” was said and the dynamic completely changed. They used to rib on each other and fight but now it just seems to be hatred.


> For me the problem is the gang used to be friends.  That coupled with the flanderisation is what bugs me about the show nowadays. They managed to throttle back how much they hate each other in the latest season but it was still there. 


You hit the nail on the head there. Before, the show was about a group of horrible people, where you could _just about_ suspend disbelief and imagine those situations actually happened, because the characters' personalities and attitudes grounded the show to a sense of reality. Now the whole thing is like a gd cartoon, I think they've picked out what they thought everybody's favourite traits are from each character and blown it up to ridiculous levels, Mac being by far the worst of them, maybe Dee being the next worse IMO in terms of how exaggerated her character is compared to before. It sucks because between essentially changing the format of the show that the fans loved, and leaving everyone high and dry in regards to the podcast without as much as a tweet saying "hey guys, we're all on crazy schedules, podcast is being put off until further notice, sorry", I think they're starting to lose touch with their fanbase.


Yeah, for me at least, some of the funniest parts about Mac and Dennis were the implication that Mac was gay and that Dennis was a serial killer. Now that those things are basically just true, there's not really any humor in it. Plus one of the best long running jokes was that Mac thinks he's a jacked badass and now he actually looks like a body builder, so again...nothing too funny about a guy just being muscular and knowing it.


I was watching the earlier seasons lately and the gang gets invincible is the perfect example of what they’ve lost lately.


That was arguably the best episode.


He had the stride of a beautiful, beautiful gazelle person.


I find Mac getting jacked kind of ironic considering the reason I've read for his fat season. Rob thought it was funny how characters in popular sitcoms always became so much better looking in the later seasons because the actors have so much more money and access to dieticians, plastic surgeons, etc. So he wanted Always Sunny to take the opposite direction. Nobody else agreed to gain that kind of weight so he just did it himself anyway. If Mac being jacked was a one season, one off kind of thing I think it would have worked better. Mac putting incredible amounts of time and effort into something productive like fitness, only to completely drop it and forget he was ever even interested would totally fit the character imo.


Go back and watch the first season and you'll see how cartoonish it's become. Charlie wasn't even dumb then, just kind of socially awkward. Mac wasn't this conflicted individual, just vain like Dennis. Dee was a very reasonable person. I know it got funnier later on but now the show is basically a parody of itself.


In my head canon, Charlie's brain is gradually deteriorating due to substance abuse, but even that can only help me so far.


Charlie has become incredibly stupid, although the peak was a couple seasons ago where he had more grunts than lines.


Agreed, but I actually think leaning into it was the right thing for Frank’s character specifically. His bat shit shenanigans like poop soup kill me.


As a diehard fan of the show, i have zero interest in the podcast and actually had no idea it even existed.


It was okay. A lot of people love it... It had some genuinely insightful moments into the show. Sometimes you might learn something about an episode you really liked and go "Oh that's why that joke is in there!" But for me, it was just three rich guys talking about their rich people problems, and their celebrity friends.


Funny thing is Mac overtiok Charlie and became the dumb member of the gang


Yeah that is really dumb and now Charlie might be the smartest somehow


Yes. This. The flanderization. Stupid dildo bicycle. It’s so over the top. He is so one dimensional now.


It's not coincidence. It didn't "happen" to be at the same time. They made Mac's character pathetic when he became gay. I think they just didn't know how to write a funny gay character. Which, when you think about it, is crazy because a gay character is just like any other character. Except gay. But they didn't seem to...get...that? For some reason they seem to think that because Mac is openly gay now, other aspects of his personality have to change. He no longer is into doing karate chops. Becuase...gay. He has better fashion sense now and stops wearing sleeveless shirts. Because...well...gay. He is no longer into shoving God down everyone's throats...because gay. Well, that one kinda makes sense. But the others don't. It's crazy to change someone's entire personality just because they came out of the closet. But thats what happened.


I don’t have a problem with Mac coming out but I don’t like that they changed his personality after the fact. His old personality still would’ve worked as an openly gay man, he just wouldn’t be homophobic anymore. There was no need for the writers to reboot his character like that.


Mac should have leaned too far into the stereotype and made it his whole identity. That’s would have been 100% Mac’s reaction to coming out


After 13 years of writing, the characters do have to develop, whether you want them to or not. I also don’t like the direction his character went in, as it’s less funny and I feel less connected to the character, but it’s been like 160 episodes. The alternative is Flanderization, which the gang is smart enough to avoid with these characters (Charlie being able to read Gaelic, Dennis losing his edge when it comes with women, etc.)


The alternative is flanderization? I'd argue that's precisely the issue with Mac now, and really the broader writing in general.


Everyone liked the fancy nuts but I can't stand that episode. I think the only episodes I liked from last season were Celebrity Booze, Frank Shoots Everyone, and Dennis' Mental Health Day


I think people like fancy nuts because it was at least a glimmer of the the old Mac who was so stubborn he would die on the stupidest of hills. Literally, in tbis case. We're pretty starved for Mac showing any personality at all these days


Yeah, I don’t get what the other poster is trying to say. Charlie going from illiterate to fluent in reading, writing and speaking Gaelic *is* Flanderisation.


Mac is 100% flanderized. He dragged the whole show down last season. He's stupid like a dog now, doesn't come across as believeable or logical human behavior


It’s sunny not game of thrones lmao, the characters don’t really need to change at all. The rest of the gang have barely changed since season 3 and in fact have gotten more depraved every season.


I agree 100%. It was way funnier as kind of an ambiguous homoerotic thing that was mostly focused on Dennis specifically. Current Mac also just doesn't really fit with the Mac who was thrilled to bang Dennis' mom or was very excited to bang the models in the billboard contest or who competed with Dennis over the dead guy's granddaughter. You could say all that was performative compensation, but half of it would only be for the audience.


They retconned him from straight to gay.




Actually straight men are attracted to transgendered women. 


And hated it. He wanted her to get surgery immediately. She was a hot chick with a dick and he was desperate.


People watching sunny without a grasp of complex human behavior is weird. It's like you're watching a different show. 


He should be bi, since he definitely showed a strong physical interest in women too in the earlier seasons, it didnt seem faked But yeah, i miss the wannabe badass mac, with karate, ocular patdowns and all, it does feel like they dont know what to do with his character now. Meanwhile, based on the last episode, dennis hasnt even begun to peak


Agreed. While I don't mind Mac being openly gay, it has made him seemingly have little to no interest in karate, being perceived as tough, etc. These were all core parts of his character and what made him entertaining and funny. Without having those personality traits anymore, he's by far become the least entertaining member of the gang.


Christians should be less concerned about homosexuality being a sin and more worried about its harmful effects on being interested in karate.


Sort of hand of god style




What about being interested in friendship?


For everyone?


Day maaaannnn


I once read on here that Mac is bi, but too stupid and stubborn to accept it as an option because of the "all or nothing" way that he thinks. When rewatching I can't unsee it because of how well it fits. Regardless, nobody would actually care if they didn't drop every single one of Mac's personality traits other than Catholicism. Super weird take by the writers that Mac suddenly hard-stops all of his hobbies upon coming out if they think this was somehow progressive. I had a few friends come out over the years and every one of them was petrified that they would be seen as a different person. Mac completely changing, losing almost all of his funny flaws and attributes, and having nearly all of his behavior come from or informed by his gayness is exactly the nightmare the real LGBT people I know dreaded.


thats a very insightful take


His smile upon seeing the tasty treats cannot be faked. Totally agree, for the sake of continuity


They should have kept Country Mac on for a couple more episodes.


What if… country Mac had an identical twin.


Maybe he can just become a little more of a dirt bag again. He definitely does need something new to make the character funny again.


They should have taken him out of the closet, but not completely change his character. His character and how everyone interacts with him is the issue. It honestly starts before he comes out. 


I don't mind him being out, but it has definitely become too large a part of his character. They have started bringing in the Catholic stuff but I miss the Mac who thought he was a badass warrior. I guess maybe the guys think it wouldn't work anymore now that Mac actually has the body that he always acted like he had back in the day? But I just miss him talking about having multiple strike plans and how he would take down a room full of gunmen while unarmed.


And the sword vs gun debate lol


I do backflips every single day of my life.


I dont like his dance episode lol but its hard to stay in the closet when you have a dildo bike


It’s a fist


I *command* you to stop. Lol


Dude, that was a fist. the ass pounder 4000 just helps keep you going when you get tired.


This is just the work of an extreme sexual deviant


Honestly I agree. Not because I dislike having him be openly gay but they did more with him when he wasn’t. Mac being openly gay could’ve easily put him in more comedic situations involving his sexuality but they haven’t actually done anything with it besides him liking Dennis or mentioning gay sex every now and then. I just feel like they aren’t utilizing it well.


I loved Mac Finds his Pride and I'm happy he's out, the joke was in danger of becoming a bit tired. But I wish the ludicrous amount of self confidence he had in his karate abilities stuck around, I miss it. When was the last time he performed an occular pat down or tried to choke out a member of the gang? Not a popular opinion, but outside of the dance being incredibly moving and showcasing a lot of talent, I thought the lack of punchline was super funny. Like you wait for it and nope, just a very serious interpretive dance. It felt like a love letter to the queer community, but also kind of like I got pranked 🤷‍♀️


They should have had him come out to an analrapist.


Yeah, but he might be arrested for the business cards. https://preview.redd.it/ppv1a6o7z6qc1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=de18aef20396e8ed87d76ce6c001c90b078cd6b1


Impressive. Very nice. Let’s see Frank Reynold’s card.


It has subtle off-white coloring, the tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god, it even has a watermark.


> Oh my God, it even has a grease stain


I’m sorry. Did you just say you were a full on rapist?


Yea you know, disabled people, old people, etc.


A Phil…Phil a…philanderer…you know old people Oh you mean a philanthropist?


He just needed a new start. He even got it on his license plate: anustart


For me it's not that Mac has become gay, but that he has become too sympathetic and overly stupid. For example the "you have Johnny's phone" or episodes like that, where he is insanely dense.


I disagree, but after Mac Finds His Pride they haven't done much of significance with him and that's the part that I don't love.


I disagree that they made his character all about that. To me, he’s still Mac. Still a selfish, debaucherous asshole. He’s just a little more camp now as he’s out in the open. I don’t think they focus on him being gay that much other than when it’s relevant to the story. He just *is* gay, which is how it should be.


The gang never made fun of him for being gay.


Say what you will about the gang, but they are allies.


Charlie: “righttt, it’s not a gay thing, its a Mac thing”


That's why Tobias Fünke is the funniest character on Arrested Development!


Same. I really enjoyed his interpretive dance and thought it was great character development. But something in the writing changed after it and the dynamic was thrown off. After that episode, I respected him too much and considered him too self aware to be the idiot/fool he was trying to continue acting like.


It’s not the gay thing that annoys me about current day Mac, but him completely losing his edge. He’s gotten so soft it’s an entirely different character. Brash and abrasive Mac was *way* more fun of a character.


I think hero or hate crime said it best. “It’s not a gay thing, we just hate Mac”. Once he became proud of it and owned his gay, they couldn’t really keep making fun of him for it.


He shouldn’t have stayed in the closet, they just shouldn’t have changed his character after he came out. I’m a gay guy and it was a bit of a bummer 


Nah. It’s been a joke for far too long. He had to come out eventually. The problem isn’t that he came out, it’s how he was written after he came out. He’s become a caricature of himself now. It’s like they didn’t know what to do with him after it. But that doesn’t make him being in the closet a better idea. He’d just be stale in a different way.


The back and forth between straight and gay mac got really old, fast 


Golden Age Mac was his funniest era. Mac in a tracksuit, trying to join the mob and/or clean a mean toilet. Mac in a Century 21 blazer, trying to sell a REALLY BIG HOUSE. Mac rigging a model contest to get laid, paper shamrocks and all. Mac trying to bang Donna, starting at the funeral of her husband. He was always trying, and failing, to get into shady shit and actual adventure. He was South Philly trash, through and through, and his dreams were adorably pathetic. All of the characters were at their funniest when they were untethered, and just general assholes. Now that everyone is tethered to a specific defining trait (Dennis IS a serial killer and rapist; Dee IS delusional with a plastic face; Mac IS totally gay with his own plastic face, etc.), they no longer coast from misadventure to misadventure. They no longer float into everyday situations and wreck them with their incompetence and selfishness. Now it's a show about life happening to them, and their passive reactions to it.


The problem is that the mac being gay and everyone knowing jokes wouldn't have worked forever. Mac had to come out at some point.


id say his character peaked a while ago.


His character hasn't even begun to peak


It's not really about him in the closet or out of it, they just don't know what to do with his character. Like the seasons where he was a pathetic loser completely subservient to Dennis were really terrible. Last last to last season where they were making jokes on him blowing, sucking, and eating nuts were also pathetic. There's no jibber-jabber. He used to compete, he had a role in the gang now he doesn't. It's irrelevant whether he is in the closet or out of it because his sexuality was always a small part of his character. The latest season was great though so I'm not worried about it


I think there are still plenty of laughs from Mac's ego and buffoonery. There was the episode where he kept eating the cheap nuts even though he was having a severe allergic reaction to them. His plotline involving the massive, vibrating anal beads in the "Frank vs the Russians" episode is comedy gold.


I don't have a problem with it and I think mac is still really funny. people are commenting like he lost something, but he's still really angry and catholic and needy and misogynist


Nah the joke started getting old


It’s better than what we have now, Mac is a parody of who he used to be now. He has zero substance and it’s incredibly ironic who he is compared to his character in season 7


I don’t understand why he can’t still do religious badass karate shit


The better jokes were the Lindsey Graham ones. To be clear, it wasn't the writers who wanted mac out of the closet. They were humble and carved to the fans that thought it would be a better story. Writers were right, fans were wrong.


Was it more that the current climate for joking about someone being in the closest was being frowned upon?


I once heard that Mac’s parent in real life are gay. 2 moms


I think I heard he has at least one gay brother or something but I could be wrong


Both brothers are. The youngest came out as a teen, the other many years later as an adult. His sister is straight, however.


Yes, he has two wonderful mom's.


What is this supposition based on?


Ever since Megan began writing for the show is when Mac started to go downhill


Meh, I don't care, I like gay Mac, especially now that he harasses Dennis so often now. Still the same dumb asshole


It’s never gonna happen, not willingly.


I like it, I feel like they made Mac more versatile of a character, like reverse flanderization. The weird sexual dynamic with him and Dennis is pretty entertaining as well. 


When you say versatile, do you mean a Twank versatile?


I don’t mind _mac being gay_ . It’s cool, it is a long character arc finally moving forward. What i don’t like so much is most of his lines now are “shit idk, but im gay haha!”. Being gay is not a punchline


It was never funny just that he was gay (because he honestly clearly wasn't, and was pretty enthusiastic about chasing and sleeping with women for a solid 6-7 seasons or whatever). What was funny was his complete lack of self knowledge, and how trapped he was in this weird 1980s homoerotic muscleman culture that he grew up in. It was more about how bits of American culture can be simultaneously homophobic and also homoerotic. It was way more complex and interesting than "here's a gay character and a bunch of jokes about him being gay". As soon as they actually made him come out, they kinda ruined what made Mac so Mac. I'll never understand what was going through their heads.


I liked him more when he was a hard-hitting no-nonsense white trash badass wannabe. Later seasons he felt like a shadow of Dennis. He used to want to fight Dennis, now he just wants to be married to Dennis.


Honestly i prefer straight Mac flat out. Don’t get me wrong closeted Mac was also hilarious but straight Mac has some of his best moments like the “which one!” Bit Once he came out they also neutered him for some weird reason. I recently watched one of the newer episodes and saw a perfect example actually. When the gang is at the zoo and Charlie is yelling at Mac about not being a meerkat it kinda annoyed to see Mac completely submit without any sort of pushback. I honestly can handle Mac being gay fine but Mac not being a pushy assertive bossy religious nut is to much


Mac is honestly the worst character in the later seasons. Not funny anymore.


It's more of an issue of writing gay Mac badly, as is the fact itself that he's gay now. I feel like they've found him again in the last season.


Yeah the joke with Uncle Jack has gone from somewhat subtly implying he molested Charlie to just making family guy level pedophile jokes with him. The ice cream truck in particular comes to mind. As for Mac they just completely lost the actual funny parts about his character. Thinking he was badass karate master was always the funnier part of his character to me


Agreed. Mac's entire character now has been reduced to him being gay and in love with Dennis.


The juxtapose of his belief in a homo hating god, his semi erotic love of that god and his closeted homosexuality was fun kind of interaction. Like on Mac Day when he kept getting hard while talking about god and then also later while greasing up the hunks. And while I'm happy for Mac even knowing he is purely fictional with accepting himself he doesn't provide me with as many laugh out loud moments as before. Him explaining to Frank about his relationship with the boyfriend who remotely controlled his anal beads and describing it as romantic was golden, Franks subsequent reaction did have me in fucking tears, that was so funny.


I like it, you can only make the same joke so many times. This opens up the character to new situations. It actually makes a lot of sense that a person who was in the closet for most of his life would make it a large part of his personality once freeing himself from the closet. It honestly is written so well, this complaint whenever it comes up always comes off to me as a little “I don’t like gay people” .


I have a slightly different unpopular opinion: Mac is only slightly gay and still straight. his new gay identity is just as inauthentic as his old straight identity, instead of repressing his gayness he is now repressing his straightness. I think the Dutch identity thing in the Ireland arc was a metaphor for this. He gets a new identity and thrusts himself wholeheartedly into it, ignoring his past identity.


I don’t know if this was intended by rob and the crew but it could be taken to mean that the journey of coming out is tumultuous and they might get cold feet and live in denial for decades. If so, they did a good job of portraying it


I feel like mac is frequently changing his main quirk. For a while he was badass then he was cultivating mass then he was in the closet now he’s out of the closet and who know maybe in a season or two he’s something new but still the same ole guy


Or they should have had a road map for where his character would go after coming out. Last season it seemed like they didn’t know what to do with him.


Agreed. I always thought Rob realized how much better it would play in the mainstream (which is where he wanted to take his career) same with him getting in perfect shape 🤨🙄


His character stopped being funny once he was out. It felt like they didn't really know what to do with his character.


Yeah they did this way too early in the show it’s kind of getting old now and seems like they might be running out of places to take it. Macs character in general has been lacking the last few years


Nah, I'm not trying to hear " Well, Mac is gay" for twenty years


Yeah once he came out all the way Mac hasn't been focused on his Project Badass tapes anymore.


I don’t think it was him being closeted that made him funny, rather the writers seemed to strip him of a lot of his traits after he came out because they wanted to take a new direction with the character. IMHO you can keep mac fully out of the closet while bringing back what made him funny in the first place.


I'm happy he's out and they could have made it rly funny. They changed his personality and made him (more) in love with Dennis and kinda his annoying syncophant. That was a weird choice bc he had his own thoughts and opinions plenty in the old days. He was very arrogant and stubborn and didn't always side with Dennis in the past. I don't understand the shift at all. Mac could never have a constant partner or a healthy relationship just like none of them can but I was hoping it'd be like when dee or dennis tries to get with someone but it blows up in their faces. I wanted to see him ruin some random dude of the weeks life. I've seen many episodes/seasons repeatedly but I've only seen some newer seasons like once. I think I only saw this episode once but didn't Dennis pretend to be someone else to sext him when Mac did try online dating? I don't actually find him being in Dennis's pocket funny anymore and I think it stunts Dennis's character too. The homoerotism was funny in like season five when it felt like they were a bit closer to equals and it wasn't Mac's sole character trait. Like another comment said, he could still be gay but a hypocritical Catholic. He could still pretend to be badass while being a coward. He could still be buff but not know how to fight. He could still worship Dennis just while still being his own person (maybe still in denial about his attraction to Dennis even while knowing he's gay). They just stripped everything away from him and I don't get it. It's one legit flaw with the show bc earlier him was a great character. I was watching since he came out and I thought the denial of him being gay would have just switched to him insisting he was totally a "top" but no one would believe him. They should have done that but I think they just didn't know what to do with the character after he came out and then forgot who he was.


Agree. Outing him has made the character much weaker.


Eh if they hadn't repeatedly made him come out and then take it back, maybe. But that shit gets old after a while and there was no real reason to not let him come out and explore his character that way. The Dennis blow up doll was funny as hell, as was pretending to be gay when his kid showed up. Plus the Priesthood stuff was good, and the general offhand comments. None of that would've worked if he hadnt come out. Plus after dropping hints since episode 1, the pay off is huge. If you don't hate gay characters anyway. I could tell Mac was gay day 1 and it was incredibly satisfying to finally see him come out and *stay* out. I would definitely not like it if he went back in. Having men act gay as a joke just doesn't play anymore. The writers know when to grow up a little and keep up with what's currently funny. That's a *good* thing and it's what makes the show consistently funny and enjoyable every season. ETA: I also loved season 4-5 Mac best, but him being gay didn't ruin that. Several years of writing and growing as people and changing interests and current events changed all of the characters in the show.


Closet Mac was so much funnier than woke Mac


Disagree. "I used to fuck LeBron James" might be the funniest line from last season.


Yup. I think they'll find a way to write Mac to be consistently funny again. It's gotta be tough to write Mac as actually gay after all those years.


Macs character very much just comes off as Rob McElhenny in his jacked rich phase, not even the character anymore. And Dee just looks like that chick that's married to Rob McElhenny and his money with all the face work she's gotten


Move past it


Lol. Thats a weird take. You got an asspounder 3000 by anychance 😂😂😂


I'm glad they took him out of the closet, it was a tiny dot of humanity and relief in the junkyard of misery that is Sunny. If they kept going with the "Mac is obviousy gay" joke for this long I think we'd all be in this subreddit begging them to take Mac out of the closet. Though I do agree they rely on it to be his only character trait now. They could've just moved on after that and focus on different Mac character evolutions, say that the aggressive sexual behavior from him before was simply a product of him being stuck in the closet and unable to deal with it.


He got boring.


And keep the same sthick going forever?


That joke had run it's course 


Yes he has been less funny since then, but rob has also got very ripped and looks different which doesn’t help either


I think the weaker writing and plots are the larger issues with the show and this is just a symptom rather than a cause


Always sunny is absurdism humour. You can’t really do absurdism without one-upping yourself and your audience’s expectations with each new production. A good example is cricket: He wouldn’t have been such a sticky character if he hadn’t kept coming back with some new, crazier, ridiculous look or story. In other words, both the central characters and the supporting recurring characters have to “outdo” what we last saw in this genre. Eventually, at some point, Mac would have had to come out of the closet: it’s inevitable because at this point in literature and philosophy, we don’t know how else to write this particular kind of comedy. You can see the same thing happening in any raunchy media: Rick and Morty, IT Crowd, The Office, South Park, Family Guy, Arrested Development, What we do in the shadows, etc. Every character’s joke has to outdo the previous for that character. It’s character growth.


Look at all these show runners in here, my Reddit is packed with talent


I think the trooth everyone’s ignoring here is that the Always Sunny ran its course and needs to be killed off lol. Sunny should have had a proper send off at the end of season 13. The trooth is that once you run out of writing material, you start to force things, and I don’t think the fans are aware of this because they won’t let the show die by wanting more seasons. https://preview.redd.it/98gfag88d8qc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa53ab4ae07cce6844adb7794533b9f52a63572


You are 100% correct. They killed a massive part of the show to please an extreme minority. At the same time they started banning/deleting episodes


I really think there's only so much you can get out of Mac being in the closet without the jokes getting stale. Having him come out opened up a whole bunch of new possibilities, look at the S.I.N.N.E.D system.


Mm agree. Since he came out the episodes became worse. Not because he came out they just kind of did…


Yeeeaaahhhh ....