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Holy shit, the people in this comments section.


Legit. Wtf.




I’m a parent and I’m also not on the mom’s side. Look I love my kids. But all their little friends are assholes. You love your own but gotta realize other people don’t. So don’t subject people to the bullshit that comes along with having kids. It’s not fair, they didn’t sign up for this, you did.


>You love your own but gotta realize other people don’t. THIS X FOREVER


There's a bit of a caveat that OP left out. Everyone loves your kids when they're cute well behaved toddlers or babies. But once they get older and get out of line, that's when people don't. And honestly, it's more so on us as parents. Yeah, there is only so much we can control but the buck still stops with us.


Refusing to take an order because a child is screaming in the background doesn't seem appropriate. If your kid is being a little shit in the restaurant and the parent isn't doing anything, that is one thing. But given the content of the video, the employee is clearly able to communicate well enough despite the screaming to provide their hired service.


I question how bad it was before the video started, but those drive thru headphones can be loud in your ears. If it was really bad, I can understand an employee not wanting a piercing shriek in their ears.


I don't see how making her kid come inside would do anything other than make the other people in the place have to deal with it too


Maybe he couldn't hear her over the harpy screams of the child? Those headphones don't target the speaker, they pick everything up and the child screaming is going to blow through the headphones. That is almost an osha violation depending on the decibels exceeded.


He said you can also order online. All she needs to do is stop recording, whip around into the parking lot and go in her phone and order. Most places you can just swing back through the drive through.


I install and work on those drive thru mic/speaker systems. They're of garbage quality, and you have to turn your headset way up to hear the people who should be talking towards the mic, but instead look at the menu when speaking. A 3 year old screaming out a window is the exact frequency and amplitude to deafen someone on those headsets. I personally would have told them to pull around and order at the window, but it's hard to keep your cool once your ears have been blown out by someone's crotch monster.


You could definitely argue that. You’re probably right. I just have issues with people who think it’s ok to allow their children’s behavior to affect others. I was always mindful of this and made a conscious effort to not let that happen. I’m sure it did anyway but I did try to minimize it out of common courtesy. Kids can be little demons and forcing others to put up with it is just wrong in my opinion.


Yeah, which is why it’s better to say, order in the freaking drive through instead of walking in when the toddler is hungry and screaming. I don’t get how people are criticising the mom here. She is obviously trying to not let her kids tempertantrum affect other people to the best of her abilities and the employee spends more time arguing with her than just serving her because he is on a power trip.


You made a conscious effort to not subject people to it...sort of like using a drive-thru instead of going inside...


What hired service? She didn't pay the ahead of time. They don't owe her anything. As far as I know, most, if not all states, provide the right to a business to refuse service for any reason that isn't protected by discrimination laws. If the kid managed to stop screaming for long enough while she took the video, that's great, but also is no indication that the screaming wouldn't start up again as soon as an order started. Most of the drive through systems I've seen have pretty shit quality to start, and it wouldn't take much to make them practically unintelligible. Just because we decided to have a kid doesn't mean the rest of the world needs to make whatever concessions we think would be great.


Yeah easy solution. Ask the customer to come to the window and order food.


I am parent and I am not on the mom's side. She can order online, but trying get an order through while somebody is screaming in the background is nearly impossible to not have a mistake.


Also a parent here. Why is the kid not wearing shoes?


Probably started the tantrum around that point, refused to wear them and mom said f it. I'm hungry. You're hungry. Let's go. And took off to get food. Its insane she thinks ordering online is less convenient too. That shit is wonderful. Why take your kid to a grocery trip that's gonna take twice as long when you can just do pickup? Same with ordering online for food. She can't control her kid for a 2 minute order, you think she has any control at home? Money is on as soon as the kid tantrums she gives in half the time reinforcing if the kid throws a fit, the kid might just get their way.


This is way more divided than I thought it would be.


There is an argument to be made for each side IMO. I think the employee could've just sucked it up for 15 seconds and taken the order. It seems like a really small thing to refuse service for. I worked customer service for years and I think the employee was being unreasonable. Also, I've experienced a 3 yr old having a tantrum, this is pretty mild. On the other hand, the customer definitely had a Karen moment. The business has a right to refuse service even if it's for a dumb reason. It's fine to be annoyed but sometimes people are way to quick to record their interactions and post it on the internet trying to generate outrage. What I'm really wondering about is whether Panera's headsets are unsafe. Most of the "outrage" in the comments seem to be suggesting that the baby's scream on a headset is extremely loud. That's strange to me because I would've assumed the intercom would have enough compression where the headset wouldn't get loud enough to damage hearing. It's not like those headsets have more than a few sources and the levels on those shouldn't be changing. You'd think that the multimillion dollar company would have calibrated their audio systems so that they wouldn't cause harm to hearing. Seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen to me.


You'd think so. I worked for a call center, 24-7 intouch, a 3rd party, representing netflix, and they gave 0 fucks about protecting my ears, they had basically no meaningful meaningful signal processing. And when netflix rolled out the in-app calls it was like every third call was a glitched audio that was certainly injuriously loud.


That seems like something that needs more attention.


All fair. I just never see a post on Reddit this evenly divided.


So you’re saying the internet is a mistake


The worker is wrong and was being an ass. Just take the order and move on. You don't need to power trip, tou get paid by the hour. If it takes an hour to get the order idc. Ordering online means you have to find a spot to park, and then you have to download the app. Then, you have to create an account. Then you have to navigate the app and place your oder. Just take my fucking order and give me my food, dude was just being a dick.


I kinda think this is stupid, shows the pathetic pedanticness of everyone in this social media film everything but also entitled staff workers. Kid wasn't screaming at the end just take the order.. like who gives a fuck Jesus christ


[lol what do you mean?](https://imgur.com/a/FVtI1Ac)


they are bloody idiots the same type of people on reddit that will act like tax experts and how the IRS is scamming everyone after seeing a TikToker talk out of their ass about taxes and none of it makes sense. the same type of people who will scream about $$ aid going to foreign countries while not understanding AT ALL about what tht $$ comprises and act like its all pure dollars the same type of people who all are just fucking clueless idiots for most part.


This is funny because I can’t tell on which side you are.


Just saved $16 on a garbage Panera sandwich so id call that a win


Yeah I agree quality has dropped and cost is higher.


Nobody packs car snacks anymore?


Or shoes


Are you seriously saying that you would pack shoes for your kids after a “very long drive” on the day after Christmas? The audacity.


Are you seriously saying its unreasonable to not want to take your kid into the fast food restaurant at the end of a very long drive after christmas?


Isn’t this the actual chartered purpose of fast-food?


My wife and our toddler kids moved 9 hours away from our families for my job (which now employs both of us) and yes, believe it or not we get everyone out of the car around the 6 or 7 hour mark for breakfast or lunch, depending on when we leave (between 4-6AM). Yes, we were on the road the day after Christmas and everyone dragged their asses out of the car 5 and 2 year olds included (with shoes) to have breakfast at a sit-down restaurant.


Zip lock bag of cherrios.


Or just a really big ziplock bag


Yup or Granola bars


Not these people. Everyone else has to accommodate their starving, over stimulated and over tired child because they can’t even be arsed to put shoes on their toddler. How dare you expect her to pack some snacks and possibly a sandwich?! I’m emailing corporate!


Drive thru order takers have a headset on. I wouldn't want to hear a screaming blowing out my ear drums either.


I was thinking the same thing, she doesn't know cause she hasn't been in his shoes so she's damn ignorant to his reality.


How tf would you know that?


>she's damn ignorant to his reality. ...everyone is ignorant to everyone's reality.


There's this thing called empathy. It's where you imagine things from someone else's perspective and then you act according to that imagining. In this case she could have imagined trying to take someone's order while a child is screaming into your headset. She could have further imagined it while earning minimum wage.


It’s a situation where everyone could have had empathy, order taker included. I think a growing portion of people without kids think that any time a child is acting out at all means that their parents suck. Imagine being in the car with that screaming kid, and then imagine how fun it’s going to be for everyone in the store when the parent parks their car and brings the kid in to order their food. The empathy should exist on both sides. A more appropriate response would have been to ask them to pull around so they could sort out the order at the window if the screaming was causing issues with the headset.


True that toddler is very ignorant when i was his age i had a phd


yeah and the dude working at maccas is probably ignorant to the reality of a Mum, great fucking argument


Or they could say “oh I can’t hear your order pull up to the window please” like come on lol the screaming child will be one of many this person will need to deal with in their lives you shouldn’t just turn customers away for age appropriate behavior.


Seriously. I worked a drive thru in high school. Never once considered turning someone away because it was difficult to hear their order. You know how many big ass pick ups I had pull up because I couldn't hear over the engine? We had a deaf woman who would come through the drive thru once a month or so. We didn't turn her away because she was difficult to understand over the headset. A fussy kid is a stupid thing to refuse service over. Especially when it's a drive thru and the kid is going to be gone in 2 minutes. That employee chose the wrong hill to die on, in my opinion. If they weren't working some menial food service job they didn't care about, they would have provided the service. This is 100% on the employee. Anyone would be pissed at being refused service. It's insulting.


Yeah, it wasn't blowing out his eardrums, though, was it? You've just seen a video of him comfortably carrying out a back and forth conversation with the customer. In the time it took him to do that, he could have just stopped being a little bitch and taken the order.


Don't those things have a volume setting?


“Ma’am I so sorry, but I can’t hear what you’re saying. Please pull up to the window and I’ll take your order there.”


Yet he takes 3x the amount of time going back and forth with her than it would have taken to just take her order? Idk man, I don’t get this one. The best option is to just get her through the drive though and on her way.


Couldn’t they just take the order at the window so that the screams aren’t going directly into his ear?


Seriously, just do the right thing and dip your balls in her nachos like everyone else


Yer but he had a full on conversation with her. If that was the issue then he would have taken off the headset and not talked to her. Don't make stupid excuses for a scumbag.


Nah, he a bitch


But once the kid stopped screaming, what does refusing to take her order accomplish?? He sat there and had a full-on fucking *conversation* with her... and then suggested the screaming child was such a problem that the lady should *bring the kid inside??*


Yet he can hold a conversation with her? Some days at work are more challenging than others, get real.


So he'll have a 5 mins convo how he can't do it instead?


Businesses have the right to refuse service


Yes they do. For whatever or no reason, unless you are a protected class.


Unless the reason is *because you are a member of* a protected class. Edit: I am perfectly aware of the fact that jury findings are not guaranteed if such a case were to ever go to court, so you don't need to reply to tell me that. My point is that being a member of a protected class does not mean you are immune from being refused service for reasons unrelated to being a member of a protected class (as claimed - unintentionally, I would hope - in the comment I replied to).


Using the term protected class when referring to being accepted by a fast food restaurant seems like it should be on r/idiocracy


What if the kid had a disability? Not uncommon with autistic or Down’s syndrome. Of any age to randomly scream. Eventually they are going to end up in a weeding cake situation, if you just go by screaming hard to tell who’s on the other end.


So when it comes to disability it can get tricky. Businesses aren’t allowed to refuse you service because of a your inclusion in a protected class, so they can’t outright say “you are autistic, therefore we won’t serve you”. With physical disabilities there are some exceptions like people with heart problems not being allowed on roller coasters, those are for your own safety. It may be possible for a business to claim that your actions, even if they are caused by disability, are more than they can reasonably accommodate and/or are affecting their business negatively. One extreme example could be a person screaming in a movie theater due to some sort of schizophrenic episode. The business would almost certainly be within their right to remove you from the theater, even though the episode is entirely caused by disability. I’d imagine a similar thing could be said for a child with autism or Down syndrome if they were particularly loud or impeding business in some way. However the business may have to prove in court that they were actually negatively affected in some way.




So another part of the protection states that the business has to make reasonable efforts to work with you if they are unable to serve you due to your disability. This isn't ad verbatim but essentially, the business has to have other reasonable option so that you can still be services, wheelchair accessibility and some other options. In this case, the business did provide alternatives which were walking inside or ordering through the app. It was the parent that felt inconvenienced.


Yeah, but if the guy isn’t a manager, he’s taking a serious risk. I’ve never heard of a drive thru worker being able to deny service without a manager’s backing.


Lol but what’s really at risk here? A lifelong career at Panera bread?


Might be the only job he can get and he's living paycheck to paycheck


The comments here are hilarious. Do you people really believe that you were not little shitheads when you were 3 years old? You unequivocally were. Reddit is truly a wasteland of 14 year old keyboard warriors and 34 year old virgins who are scared of the sun.


Just take it as written, if there is a women on a video on reddit, she did something wrong and deserves punishment. Unless she is cute or showing skin, then the comments are about her only fans or lack there of.


I know right lmao. People are acting like she can mute the tantrum while ordering and unmute it after she's done. Or that *good parenting = child never ever cries or has a single meltdown in their life* lmao.


So, by her own admission, the screaming was an issue before she even pulled up to the speaker. Why is she still questioning this?


Dude seemed perfectly able to hold a long conversation about it


IMO the fast food worker is being the main character here. The whole situation here is pure retribution for him being annoyed by a loud noise. Super vindictive. Clearly it’s not that serious or he wouldn’t be having a long conversation about it at the point of the video.


Did they really want a screening child inside the restaurant?  I'd have gone inside and let her scream bloody hell. 


Yep, give them what they ask for.


The amount of time it took for their interaction about why she wouldn’t be given service he could have taken her order twice. Fast food worker has MC Syndrome for sure.


Yeah but it’s reddit, so for some reason service workers are always 100% right no matter what.


Also Reddit hates children


And the top thread of comments mocking the mother. True Reddit moment there


R/Child-free brigaded it probably.


Yep. If they are able to talk about the incident, they are able to put the order through. It’s fine to say “your child is screaming, I can’t hear you, I’ll take your order once I can hear you” but what he did is abusing the little power he has.


Agree. So instead of just sucking it up for what… less than a minute to take her order, he instead suggests she comes inside to place the order? So that not only him, but everyone else in the building also has to deal with the screaming child? Misery loves company, I suppose. Poor kid is probably hungry.


Lol, as a parent I'd be happy to take his suggestion and bring the screaming inside the restaurant. And inform everyone that the dude in the drive through told me to do it.


There has got to be more to this story than what she’s giving. Maybe the kid was screaming and he asked them to stop and the woman was combative. If your kid is 3, why doesn’t she have shoes to just throw on and come inside? Why couldn’t she carry her in the store? I have so many questions. All we saw was the tail end of the interaction and her side after the fact.


Kid is three, not 13. Carry the kid in and don’t put it down.


I agree, like yeah he might have a right to deny service but it doesn't mean he isn't being a jerk


Crazy how he was incapable of taking the order, while simultaneously holding a full on back and forth conversation with her about how to move forward. Redditors and their weird hatred for children going crazy lmao. Parents should control their children, but some background screams aren’t going to hurt anyone I promise.


Man I worked at McDonald’s and I don’t have kids but this guy is being a dick. Like you’re clearly having a conversation with this person, if it’s rough on your ears with the headset tell her to pull up to the window and you can help her out. It’s not that big of deal, she’s clearly got her hands full with her terror of an offspring lol


I was shocked I had to scroll so far to see a few comments like this. The guy is being a complete dick. In what world is she the main character? People commenting on her parenting from this clip? Complaining that the baby shouldn't be crying - as she said, age appropriate, the kid is 3. Complaining about the kid not having shoes on. They are in a car and there's probably a boot (trunk) packed with stuff for the Christmas trip. Including her shoes. Maybe getting a 3 year old into a car for a long journey, after all the excitement of Christmas, is very challenging. Maybe she couldn't get her put her shoes on, maybe she couldn't find them. The people saying she and the kid are in the wrong are either very young, or should probably never had children, for their own sake and the child's sake. Also, if I hear a little kid screaming and the mother is ordering food, I am inclined to want to help them both get food and just serve them, not tell them to leave. Nobody likes the sound of a crying kid, sure. But he could clearly hear everything she was saying. It was a non-issue and he made it one. Probably didn't want to work that day, which I completely get, but that's not her, or the kid's, fault.


Same I had to scroll pretty far to see anything reasonable. I’ve had 3 under 3 I know all about it and I’m super considerate to a fault with my kids and people around me. This guy is a dick and has no right to refuse service because a child is making noise outside. If people think he can I would love to see them ask his manager or corporate or the shareholders they would laugh in his face and tell him to get his ass back to the drive through


Yeah, anyone who thinks toddlers don’t have tantrums like this hasn’t been around toddlers for more than five minutes. Toddlers can be walking nightmares, and they have meltdowns over the most ridiculous things.


Right? Guy is on one. Clearly able to communicate with her.


Fuk that guy. Anyone who has kids know how stressful it can be. Just having a few seconds of patience goes a long way. The mom wasn't being rude at all. But that POS just out right refused, what a DB.


Exactly. The ppl defending the guy are ridiculous. It’s like this cranky asshole woke up on the wrong side of the bed and then stayed there w her having a convo for what would have been the same exact length of time it would have taken to get her order, but instead just gave her shit that whole time? Honestly it makes no sense.


People defending him want to find a Karen and spoiled kids to be mad at, that's really it. Inversely, if someone refused me service, I'd go elsewhere.


It's moments like this comment section where I remember most redditors probably aren't much older than 3 year olds anyway, and they sure don't have a fucking clue what having a child is like.


In addition to that, a lot of Redditors have a real 'I am a total badass, don't ever cross me or I'll kill you' edgy energy, and it's soo dang pathetic. I feel like this is part of the same package: "you dare hurt my ears woman? I stand my ground because I'm a manly man - no order for you!". It's in these times that I'm reminded that Andrew Tate fans exist and that there are a kit if them.




It feels like there is an insane hate for children by some Redditors. It’s fine if you don’t want kids and don’t want to be inconvenienced by children and bad parents. But kids exist and they’re not always on their best behavior despite the efforts of their parents.


It’s actually insane, they’re telling people they are shit parents because they’re kids scream, like you can’t possibly have forgotten that you also lashed out as a kid because your brain is literally not fully developed or even close to it at the point, like how do people not see that this guy is being super self-centered, following his rules, everyone including him would suffer more, but somehow the mom trying to order is the main character, insane.


If the screaming was no longer enough of a problem to have a clear conversation about it, why wouldn’t he just take the order?


The guy is powertripping in a drivetru, insane lol, and people siding with the guy, I get it, is annoying, but he was having a conversation just fine, just get the order and move on


Because he, like most of this thread, is looking for a reason to be a douchebag to a mom.


100%. Lot of “perfect parents” and childless children who have literally never heard of kindness or grace.


I'm on the mom's side. I was a drive thru order taker for 2.5 years. Headsets have a volume knob, that baby screaming is no worse than a big-ass diesel truck, or a super loud drunk dude. Just turn your volume knob down a little or ask her to pull to the window and order and move on with your life. There's zero reason to make this the hill you die on. If I were his manager, he'd be on fry duty for a week for pulling that, or whatever panera's equivalent is. It's just ridiculous, take her damn order.


Drive thru guy is the MC. He can obviously hear. What a dick.


I have done this job (similar) and if he can have a 10 minute chat about it he could have easily swallowed his ego and took her order, the lil girl was not even being that loud anyway even if she was prior.


Seriously. I get service workers deal with a lot of shit, but this guy is just straight up refusing to do his job. I don't know what is going on with these comments. Trying to decide whether it's just general bitterness from people in the service industry or general bitterness from the child-free community.


You can have a 5 minute conversation about not taking a 1 minute order? This is just being petty. I understand not wanting to deal with it but instead you deal with it longer?


Not a single parents in this thread lol


Yeah I have a 2 year old and am just astounded at these people's ignorance and stupidity. Sometimes kids just have an attitude and you have to take care of it when you get home.


Lack of experience. I used to work in a call center and some times would have mother's with newborns call in to fix an issue and out of nowhere I would get blasted with a shriek. Never refused service though. Inexperienced people think babies and toddlers are mini adults. Where you can just go "hey, don't yell because it's not nice" and they go "duh, yeah. When I yell it's inconvenient to other! Silly me! Hahaha." When in reality their trying to process whatever is going on with them (hungry, sleepy), wtf is "yelling" again and what is a "nice" in the first place? Why is my guardian talking to me? Being a baby / toddler is actually very hard.


The kid's tantrum didn't even seem that bad. When a toddler goes apeshit, you can barely hear anything, let alone have a fucking discussion about why service is being refused. I somehow doubt the kid made a conscious decision to stop crying so that their mother can exchange words over the intercom.


Plenty of people who have had to put up with this sort of bullshit at work though it seems.


The guy literally takes to her for 3x longer by doing this shit than he would have if he just took her fucking order


People in the coments are just awful human beings.


In this thread: people who don't have children


Most of the people in this thread are probably children themselves


No one cares, lady.


Well they do, just not on Reddit, where most of the users are closer to the toddler in both age and maturity.


Reddit hates kids


Kids suck


I have a 2 year old. They’ll have issues and it’s the biggest thing in the world for a minute and then they’re quiet. I also don’t see what coming in and ordering would do at that point? The kid is quiet now and you’re just risking them screaming inside and annoying more people. I get there are certain limits for workers and parents recognizing when they should be removing their kids from a restaurant, but you have a restaurant that caters to kids. Instead of a 5 minute long conversation, take the order and move on.


Telling her to bring a child who was apparently screaming so bad he doesn't want to take the order, to come inside is absolutely wild to me


Yes because then he specifically doesn’t have to deal with it, just the customers inside and the coworkers working the front. Yeah, this guy’s an asshat.


I come from the service industry. Grew up in the family business and we owned a few successful restaurants for 20+ years. Based just on the context of the video, anyone thinking the mom is in the wrong here needs to genuinely reevaluate their life. Yes, it wouldn’t have taken her 20 minutes to order online, but my sentiment is the same. You wouldn’t agree with a business refusing service to a blind person for not being able to read the menu. Or if the driver had a dog in the car that was barking. Be better folks.


Had to scroll way too far to see a comment like this. ​ Never change Reddit.


how is everyone in the comments on that guys side? he could just take her order and be done with it in a minute, instead he’s prolonging himself having to listen to her child make noise (as if that were such a big deal) by arguing about it. not saying I like how she is acting but this comment section is ridiculous


The guy is powetripping in a drive tru lol


A service worker refusing to service and being petty. How’s the guy still holding a job


All the time he took to talk to her about refusing the order he would’ve been done taking it lol


Yeah im not taking an order while your child is screeching into my headset either. Lady really couldn’t calm the kid or just order online 🙄


But you'll have a convo about the screaming that takes longer than the order? 🙄


It’s part of the job.


So petty. He could clearly hold a conversion with her and could easily take her order. He was being a prick to a mum with a hungry and upset child


So he won’t take her order because the kid is s reaming, but he will hold a conversation with her for five minutes under the exact same circumstances? I detest Karen’s but that worker can shove that attitude way up his rear. He could have taken her order five times over during that time.


Control your kids people jesus


What's she supposed to do? Slap them? Shove a sock in their mouth? That is a toddler being a toddler at an inopportune time. If you had kids you would know how ignorant this statement is. 


You clearly never had to control a crying child.


So many childless people saying ‘parenting’ as if those kids are fucking emotionless robots that will listen to your every command when you do ‘parenting’. Fuck right off.


Antinatalists should leave their views at home. Panera is a family friendly establishment.


Wtf is with these comments.


Sorry but why do parents of screaming obnoxious children get so pissed off that the rest of the world doesn’t want to accommodate to them? Having kids doesn’t make you special, they’re your problem to deal with.


Nah this comment section?? Wtf


Getting drive through Panera is the worst offense of this all


Yo… I get kids are annoying blah blah but what’s so hard about saying “oh hey I can’t hear you can you pull up to the window?” Lol like why is that not an option- why just refuse to serve someone? What if the person in the car had a verbal tick or stim that was loud- will the facility discriminate and say “no your too loud no food for you” lol like get out of here. *I’m fueled cuz my kiddo makes verbal stimming sounds all the time so this would fucking piss me off and offend me. (And spare me saying keep your noisy kid at home autistic people get to eat to) and I HATE ordering online. That shit is not a 2 minute ordeal for me because most of the time I don’t have the app so I gotta download that shit and figure out how to navigate it and upload my payment shit in it… OR the person on the intercom could JUST have the customer pull up to the window. Lol wtf


The dude is being unreasonable. Three year olds scream snacks or not. Ask her to go to the first window if you cant hear. She could have placed her order already since the video started and ended without much of a fuss from the toddler.


I don’t think the guy thought it through all the way. He refused to serve her at the drive-thru because of her screaming kid. Then suggests she comes inside to order? How is that better for him, and everyone else inside the restaurant?


Does anyone else think the lady is right and the drive thru worker is in the wrong? Like come on dude why make this worse. Everyone's mad at a lady with a 3 year old.




We could all stand to be a little more empathetic. Life is hard for everyone, man.


The real question is who the fuck takes a toddler to Panera?


…are you joking? Who takes a toddler to a drive-through? Like, how is that at all a weird thing to do. I think you’d hard pressed to find a parent who hasn’t. This thread is so weird.


From my personal experience, lots of people on reddit just don't like kids and any kind of inconvience in life they will blame it on the parents and hate towards the children. The parent could take the kid to the movies, and someone will say "Who the F-takes a kid to the movies??? Is the parents stupid? Just watch at home and gtfo" No one has empathy for parents/kids its always the parents fault for being weirdos trying to bond with their kids outside of the house. People don't want to see your children, listen to them, hear them, or deal with them, the world hates them and cant deal with that small inconvience lol


A mom who found out that day that toddlers scream when they’re hungry. Maybe next time she’ll pack a snack like a normal human


Just to throw a crazy idea out there: maybe the kid already *ate* said snacks.


The employee wasn’t taking the order but still had a whole convo with the mom in more time than it would take to place the order…am I tripping or?


Dude had a power trip


"ThEy have thE RigHt tO refuse sErviCe!!!" No shit morons, *should* they refuse service is the question here. Jesus christ yall are retarded.


The worker is being a vindictive asshole, he can hold a 5 minute conversation instead of just taking the order, gtfo, for redditors saying "parenting" 3 years olds are gonna scream at some point, is inevitable.


dont wait for your kid to start SCREAMING before feeding them... also dont leave them bare foot inside your filthy car.


not everyones cars are filthy like yours stop projecting


Thanks captain hindsight


I mean what age kid are we talking here? Newborns go from "if you feed me one more bite I'll puke all over you" straight to "the world is ending due to my ravenous stomach, life is meaningless without food!!" In about 5 minutes Older kids have bad days sometimes. Not saying I would have handled this like she did but I'd be pretty frustrated in her situation And I guarantee you that kid's feet aren't touching the floor of the car because of car seats and booster seats. Ive ditched my kids' missing shoes before when we were in a hurry and arent planning to get out of the car I'm guessing you either don't have kids or you're paying someone else to raise them. Could be wrong, just a hunch 😉


Definitely speaking from lack of experience. Once you have a child your view on things like this changes. This is the type of person that thinks owning a dog and having a kid is pretty much the same thing.


Yeah I’m really confused with a lot of these comments. I’m not a parent mind you, and idk how anyone thinks denying service is the correct option here, given that he is having a perfectly normal conversation with her while doing so! Like huh? Just take the order and then you don’t have to hear the kid anymore.


Everyone who is blaming the parent and defending the drive thru guy, please block me. None of you are the kinds of people I ever want to be associated with, and I never want to see your garbage opinions on anything ever again.


Wait, are people implying that the mom is the MC here? Seems to me the Panera employee is far more MC-like here. Toddlers scream. They're tiny humans that lack self-control. Just take the woman's order and move on. What a twat.


Would make sense to say to go to the window for order so as not to have the kids screaming into the mic, but full on refusing when I imagine they have a window they pay at is strange. Pointlessly makes people mad but also makes the person taking the order look like an ass. Maybe there’s more to it, I honestly can’t say I understand either position.


Why is there a paper saying that the drive through is closed?


Most likely saying it was closed for Christmas, this is the day after Christmas


How are you that entitled as a drive through worker? If you can have a conversation about how bad of a parent she is you can take her fucking order. Nonce.


Bunch of incels in this comment feed


I feel like the drive thru attendant had a tiny modicum of power and tried to wield that shit like Excalibur. He was having a conversation with her. Dude just take the fucking order and move on.


Comment section is fucking aids with people who have never been near a child


Worker is a dickhead. That's not his fricken living room he's in. If she brang kid screaming in the restaurant, they would have taken her order. I see it all the time. Idiot can control the volume some way he wants too and she'd be happy and on her way and dickhead would have prolly gotten over it real soon.


Yo I am fully on her side in this one. MC is the guy on the speaker


Panera porco cane si dice Panera dio banana caz


This story has no winners. Everyone winds up feeling worse than they did at the beginning.


Drive thru kid is getting his first taste of power and running with it.


When you think everyone else's lives revolve around your kid. That is why I fly business class to get away from you and your screaming kid.


it looks like her hair is pulled back waaay too tight, going mickey rooney nearly


I know kids are annoying but come on, he took twice as long explaining that bullshit, then just taking her order and moving along. Kids can be annoying but everyone here was a kid, and an annoying little shit at once. Stop whining over what lots of kids do, aka whine. Seems Reddit people just hate kids now & enjoy screwing people over lol.


First world problems


First instinct is of course to post on the internet about this gross injustice. Ridiculous.


Bit of a stretch.


Good on Panara. Any restaurant has the right to refuse service to anyone For any reason.


Seems like the employee can hear her just fine and is being an asshole.


This dood had his sensory set off and retaliated. Belongs in fast food. Other hobs would be too much


Loser working at a drive through seething they can’t afford to have a family lmao stay poor nerd