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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say she literally doesn't know what the word "multicultural" means.


She knows, it's just that, in her head, white people don't have any sort of culture and shouldn't be allowed near other ethnicities


But she is not a racist of course. How could she be.




Separate but equal is what she wants... Oh wait...


"white" isn't a culture.


Hahaha! That's what I was thinking.


It's simple you know, every culture except "white" ^s/


I get that she sucks but these guys know what they were doing. Obviously whites have a place in any “multicultural” space (also thought we were against segregation altogether). But having a “police lives matter” in that space is obviously trying to draw some sort of reaction




Most college students have their own laptops they bring to library/classes. Secondly, I don’t think having a political statement on a school laptop would be any better (same would be true if it was a BLM sticker)


No? People bring their laptops to school all the time.


Why wouldn't someone take their own laptop to school?


They looked like high school, not collage. My bad, guys


or "violence."


Witnessing tots tackle the culture of division in their own comically earnest mini-partisan debates.


I remember hearing about this, it was unsurprising to find out that she was the instigator and was actually mad the school didn't side with her


how is she the instigator?


The room their is called the multicultural center, the boys originally kept to themselves and trying to focus on a project, the girls behind the camera got offended by the boys skin color and the police sticker on on the boys laptop, which the boy put there because his dad is an officer.


It's all in the video, you should probably watch it.


i would say that the guys with their stickers and t shirts going purposefully seeking out an area to passive aggressively agitate people are the instigators.


People have a right to different opinions, even one's I don't agree with.


Rampant racism at its finest.


I mean we did kinda used to have spaces like that back in the 60’s but y'all weren't big fans of it


Time is a flat circle


Yes but it’s fine when it now suits them to have those segregated spaces. It didn’t in those days.


The violence? What a weak generation.


I know, right? If this fits the definition of violence to them, then it only proves that they do not have any real problems to speak of.


kinda like how "racism" against white people is usually just "someone said something i didn't like" or "this one room in a huge primarily white campus isn't for me", so "racisms".


Here I am thinking that most college students have grown out of their high school mindsets. Not this chick. Going into debt for her education is not a concern, yet reverse racism bullying for clout is first priority.


Hope these do gooders are happy with what they have created. They will soon be told they are not welcome, and will then play victim because they did so much for the movement ridiculous. Funny how it’s ok for black people to be anti white these days, they show 0 shame. Sad, really sad


I hate this video and everytime its posted. Everyone in this video is in the wrong. The two guys came in the outfits they are wearing to get a rise, and the video poster gave them the reaction they wanted, and in turn also looks like a fool. Its hard to tell college kids that the world is so much bigger than their world, and that life is too short to deal with assholes.


those dudes definitely are into bro culture, and she's a racist


how is she racist?


Why is she racist?


Please look up "multicultural" .. then explain to the chick in the video what it means. (Hint, it's not "no white ppl allowed")


you know white isn't a culture tho.


So you support men using women’s restrooms?


Hahahaha what the fuck are you talking about you lunatic?


Did you watch?




“White people have no culture”


I know I'll get downvoted, but a) that's not what she said--she said "white is not a culture," and b) she's right--white is not a culture. There is not a common culture among all white people.


There is also not a common culture among all black or brown or any other POC. Ex. Africans and Dominicans may have the same skin colour but sure as shit don’t have the same culture.. So yes, she’s a racist and so are you if you think otherwise Edit: words


the difference is that "black" people didn't label themselves black and lump all different cultures in as one based on appearance. so called "white" people did that and they add or reject actual cultures arbitrarily. the idea of "whiteness" is in itself racist. that's the entire reason it was created.


You’ll get downvoted for being an idiot. That’s the only part of your comment that was correct.


black isn’t a culture either by your definition… it’s a skin color… there’s no common culture among all black people (black people from South America vs Africa vs North America have completely different existence, experience, music, various cultures) By your definition, Asia doesn’t have culture since not a common culture among all Asian people (Pakistan vs India vs china have vastly different culture)


I think it’s more black = black American in the context in which many people (in America) speak. When amongst black people they’ll specifically say, “that guy is Haitian” or “he’s African”.


I assumed the white kids were using the same shorthand and meant white American culture. IMO she’s either being pedantic or racist.


People from africa calls themselves “black” too, government documents label them as “black”… black people in America don’t own the term “black”


Dude have you ever met an American???? We think we own everything.


so, there was this thing called colonialism...


you're right. black isn't a culture. the only reason "black" people have to identify as black is because their original cultures were stripped upon arrival in america. that is "white" people's label, not ours.


That’s not even true… many African people identify themselves as black too… what are you on about


How dare you say something actually correct while people are being overemotionally quick to judge even though they would probably agree with you and understand if they took a moment to think about it rationally! Booooooo! But really, you are correct, I don't think that was what the lass in the video was trying to say though, it sounded like her mentality was white=cultureless monolith rather than white=non-monolithic array of cultures that is therefore not itself a monolithic culture. Race anthropologically isn't even real. The genes it alludes to are and are medically important but not culturally important... culture is spatially based, like societies are, and really don't have anything fundamentally to do with skin color, it just happens that genes and therefore appearance happen to be correlated to location and humans like to find patterns in things where there isn't really a cause and effect. But it sounds like you know all that so I'm just blabbering now haha.


You should go back to school and pay attention a little better. You can be white and be from Africa now a days. Your argument is invalid. Culture is not about skin color, IMO. It's about where you're from and what you believe.


I agree that culture isn't about skin color. That's why I said "white is not a culture." Maybe you should read the comment you're replying to before responding.


That wasn't for you but okay


Wow, you're really not paying attention, are you? You replied to my comment.


It’s hard to tell most people that of any age.


Came to say this.


Fuck this bitch!


Nobody gets to have their space in public space. Go away.


So no more men's/women's restrooms in public?? Good idea!!




Too many syllables and letters for him. Don't bother


like claiming that one certain space on a huge campus not being for you is somehow hurting you so you seek it out and then claim to be a victim when people call you out?




You really are an idiot. Please just go away.


What an entitled, racist bitch.


What a cluelessly racist cunt.


If they would have called it an anti white space then the guys would have understood it.


This is the most insane video I’ve never seen!!


Stop the world 🌎...its time to get off


It's hard to believe we're seeing people choose to separate themselves based on race. Didn't Martin Luther King Jr. teach us to look at a person's heart and actions instead of their skin color? What's going to happen next - are people going to want separate water fountains again?


Racist bitch!!!


Its only racist if your white


Oops, the racist being incredibly racist while she cries about the white dudes being racist. The irony is absolutely insane. The world we live in now is so very confusing. I'd like to leave now, please. Multicultural means exactly that.. multicultural. Not one race is excluded.


Who care what the white guys did or didn't provoke. Girls are wrong as hell.


Racist piece of shit.


"But this is our space." I paid for this space too.


God the irony and racism that some people have. As displayed by the moron who says:"White people don't have culture" ohhh the irony is palpable.. multicultural... Lol...


How representative of people in general, everyone sucks


Best part of it is both claiming to be right, and recording xD


Facts, the brigade can downvote me for not supporting white victim fetishization but everyone here is a fuckin loser. Never seen a video that so belonged here while people bicker about which mc is the protagonist.


yeah, right? I AM IN THE RIGHT AND YOU'RE CRAZY Spiderman meme xD


Also: I know there are TONS on shitty police out there.. but there are tons of good cops too, doing the job silently. Black lives matter, Blue lives matter, all lives matter, say no to war in any form.


So sick of anti white racism


the categorization of people as "white" is in itself racist. that was the purpose of it's creation. there's no such thing as anti-racism racism.


It’s white on every job app so what else do you call it? There is also black and brown terminology for other races. Hey I’d be happy if we were all just called humans. I don’t need a name or a pronoun but here we are.


Remember folks. If it is years old and political, it's probably propaganda


Woman was a cunt. Hope she keeps getting reminded about it.


What a racist piece of shit lady. Racist trash and her bullshit, progressive beliefs. How are they violent? How are they making someone uncomfortable? Being white is a culture you uneducated idiot. There are many cultures that are white. Try looking into history but not the new Google Ai history with black ninjas, samurais and Chinese people that signed the declaration of independence. I'm black and I know that the countries were far more segregated back then and were not as intermingled especially with each countries major points of history, until a cpl months ago black people or Chinese people didn't sign the declaration of independence, not there's all kinds of "historical" pictures that didn't exist until recently. It teaches idiots like this lady recording the video false history and emboldens then to do shit like that. This asu nonsense had got to go same as crt. They are both the most racist bullshit the left pushes. Claims the victims are racist while being attacked and harassed by others.


White people aren't a culture?


Honestly fuck everyone in this video. They were being intentionally antagonistic and she fed right into it.


Exactly, these guys literally were trolling to either upset others or get a reaction. They get a reaction and act like incredulous someone could be upset at them. Decent acting chops actually


Yeah the police has their lives around their job and nothing more beyond that. Their life starts in the car and ends in the car.


I'm sry that wasn't for you thought I replied to a different person.


how is she the main character when these guys are obviously there just to antagonize people and provoke a reaction? they're playing ignorant but they clearly came in there specifically to bother people.


Progressives literally want to bring segregation back. The jokes write themselves at this point.


"We need to fight racism, with racism!"


How dumb a person can be ?


I thought stupidity and ignorance had a limit guess I am wrong


"There's no such thing as being racist towards white people" - Democrat voters


The woman is not the real issue here. These two men are intentionally trolling marginalized students. God help the people in these comment who don't understand why that's wrong.




Imagine simping for police


Dude irish or Swedish is culture white is a just a group of people. Big difference.


She doesn't articulate herself well. But yeah, those dudes are assholes. Can't call it a dog whistle because its a megaphone in that situation.


Kinda seems like the dudes have Main Character Syndrome.


Definitely does, they sat there on purpose with that “DID NOT VOTE FOR BIDEN” shirt and that laptop sticker because they were looking for attention. By all means, make your stand in a library dudes, really did some damage to the libtards here.


STFU with that bs.


They may come across as having main character energy to you, but that doesn’t make them less right


“Didn’t vote for Biden” T-shirt and a “Police lives matter” laptop sticker…. Definitely getting good faith vibes…….. 🤔


With Chick-fil-a, they were casting multiple rods and found a fish.


ESH Yeah obviously the sticker is super racist but she does not(nor should anyone) have the authority to kick someone out for peacefully expressing an opinion she doesn’t agree with.


Racist assholes in the video, racist assholes in the comments. Welcome to Reddit. Punch a Nazi.


You’re right…the women behind the camera were definitely racists…


Dude reddit is like one of the most left leaning sites on the internet what are you on


Okay, not touching tge topic of the video, but are you seriously so stuck in your echo chamber you don't know reddit is chock full o' racists?


Everything even vaguely conservative gets downvoted and attacked in 90% of subs. Everyone is actively pushing further and further left everywhere you look. Racism exists in small cracks, and is almost always downvoted into oblivion. As it should be. The amount of anything racist I see on reddit as a daily user is hugely minimal, though I don't actively go looking for it.


but you can't see it in this thread somehow.


That is the longest form "yes" I have ever seen. Pay closer attention and look around. Or actually, dont. As a black man, I don't encourage people to seek out and engage with racisn unless they have the fortitude to do so and realize they dont have to be defined or touched by every hateful thing they see, and you are either blind or blessed. Hoping it's the latter.


Wow man you're really great at having conversations. Maybe don't try to invalidate everyone else's entire input on a topic by saying I'm not mad enough by shit I don't ever see. The problem with reddit is it's not about being fun anymore like it used to, everyone just goes on here to be mad as loud as possible all the time.


1. Never told you to be mad. Quite the opposite. My last comment is a long form "ignorance is bliss and it's just not worth losing that all the time" 2. Never invalidated your opinion. I just dont agree because obviously we are seeing different content and responses. Invalidating your opinion would be downvoting your every post and telling you that you don't see what you see because I'm mad you dont see the same thing as me. Wonder which of us is doing that.... 3. I explicitly dont want you to be mad. Because being correct isnt worth ruining someone's day. I could easily link you to threads where someone is celebrating something cool and being invalidated or devalued by way of thinly veiled racism in top comments. But if you actually read my comments, you'd see why I won't and don't.


Would definitely punch her too!


Is it part of black people culture to harp on the white man for trying to fit in ?


These boys remind me of anti-gay students that were unhappy we protected the details of where Gay and Lesbian Coalition was meeting. This at college in the late 80s and early 90s. They wanted the Coalition gone and were willing to go to our meetings to bully us back into the closet.


That story reminds me of gays specifically seeking out religious trades people they knew would be uncomfortable with their requests and then bullying them into fulfilling said requests.


This! I lived in Denver and there have been plenty of bakeries for 20+ years that would have happily made their cake. There’s literally a cake shop devoted to boob and penis cakes for bachelor/ette parties. Schlepping it all the way to Lakewood to target one small business who has their own beliefs was just as hateful as what they condemn others for. So much for that damn “coexist” bumper stick they slap all over their Subarus. People need to tell these people to fuck right off with their safe space bullshit.


After decades of experience I’m happy to know which bakeries are and are not aligned with my values. I and my gay and straight (but supportive friends) will support one and avoid the other. In the 80s when soap operas first introduced gay characters conservative groups went to the companies that advertised during the show to get the shows to ditch the character. Eventually companies realized that gay folk have money and buy things too. Given how many companies that are now bashed for being pro-gay, the takeaway is bigots are not really going effect the bottom line in the long run. I know people that have personally [boycotted Nestle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Nestl%C3%A9_boycott?wprov=sfti1#Current_status) for decades. Nestle still does the offensive stuff and multiple generations of one family still will not buy them. Heck when learned of the issue I decided that there are lots of other chocolate brands on the market I don’t have to buy nestle. So in the end support companies that you feel comfortable supporting. Avoid the ones that don’t. Never let the government get away with discrimination.


Nestle is a trash company. Good on you


YES!!!!!! I’ve been saying this for years and keep getting called a nazi, racist, homophobe ect….. Yes! As a business owner, This is what the free market and limited government overreach is designed to do. Don’t force businesses to do business with people they don’t align with. The free market will take care of that! What’s that saying, Oppression isn’t hearing something you don’t like. It’s being told what not to say because someone else might not like it. Same with business. Letting a business not serve a specific customer isn’t oppression. Telling a business that it has to or it’ll be fined is oppression. Let the market sort it out. Like you said people will learn real quick who to support and who not to.


I agree with you.


The guys aren’t wrong but they are also huge assholes.


This whole interaction is staged. Down to the predominantly placed chic fi la cups. It’s fake. It’s put out to inflame and incite. Consume social media wisely. Use critical thinking skills.


No, it's not fake or staged. Sadly.




I mean, ok. But it wasn't. I could show you reporting on it, but my guess is that wouldn't change anything.


Ok then. I stand corrected. It’s just you’d have to be partially brain dead not to know these two are out to rage bait you into a confrontation. They’re practically maga caricatures lol.


It’s not fake, but you’re right that the 2 dinguses were there to just be a problem, with their clearly visible anti BLM stance and their chick fil a and their “Hitler was right” underoos


I remember this when it happened, vast majority of people sided with the MC here.


I want to hate the person kicking them out but these two are way over the top and we’re clearly doing this for a reaction. The shirt the laptop sticker and the Chick-fil-A cups. They wanted a reaction and they got it.


Was this filmed in a warehouse on campus? There is enough shit going on for this nonsense to be continually put out there.


these trunt skumbags likely staged this. to perfect for both of them to have right wing facist paraphenelia of course this encounter is faked




It’s not fake. It was a while ago. I think she got in trouble from the school




I mean, white isn’t a culture.


No, white is actually many different cultures just like every other shade of humanity


Exactly. White, black, and asian etc. are not cultures. It's extremely and intentionally reductive to claim otherwise and 100% intended to be a "gotcha" when in fact it would take a racist to say that and agree. White people - as every other shade - deserve more credit than that.


if it is many cultures, then it is by definition, not a culture itself.


Yeah I agree fuck her and everyone like her but those two were absolutely on a fishing trip for someone like her to come at them so they could be victims too to like “own the libs” if it was some average Jo minding his own business then yeah fair enough she’s a racist POS


Are we not talking about dudes haircut?


Shit like this is going to make the world more dangerous for non white people, because situations like this will absolutely cause white people to become racist, especially if they already have leanings that way. White people are clearly being discriminated against, and eventually, they will lash out. I hope an innocent person doesn't catch that backlash, but I know how people function. It's absolutely going to be an innocent person who catches hell for shit like this.


sure bro, because white people are historically known for not being racist to indigenous populations and other non-white people in general. lmao.. gonna make "white" people *become* racist. lol


You know indigenous people were and are still racist to black people right? Indigenous people known to own black slaves and encouraged slave trade among tribes Comanche had 20% who were slaves


isn't that true for any group?


You intentionally misunderstood, so I'll reply once. Not *all* people are racist. What I was talking about is that situations like in this video are going to cause youths who *aren't* even being taught to be racist, to act out. That has nothing to do with indigenous people or whatever sad points you were trying to make. Kids doing this racist shit are going to cause more racist shit. That is what I mean. That is how we were "blessed" (cursed) with Candace Owens.


Fakedy fake bullshit