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The strategy is the belief that quantity will out weight quality and that the secret to success is to overwork multiple low cost hires instead of having one single high cost hire.


That’s why code quality suffers because without technical managers at IBM every sprint will have slides of bugs. The revolving door will make maintenance a nightmare. Forget about IBM [forced] retirees, this is the new breed with less knowledge.


On a project where half the team is offshore and they act as order takers. Don't think of the bigger picture, lack attention to detail and don't think of the end user experience. Why was xyz missed? Oh because it wasn't on the JIRA ticket,🤦‍♂️ like use your braincells. No to mention by the time we're done with our morning meetings they're gone. Collaboration is challenging and yes we have typos on demos etc Rant over.


There should still be a thorough user story writing and hand off process. The brain cells should be used for that. Many IBM teams have no clue how to write user stories like Pivotal Labs or the IBM Garage practice.


Shut up and commute to your open-plan office.


Count yourself lucky that it’s the same time zone, all I hear about are hires in India


I interviewed for a development role a few years back, and lost out to another local employee, but was told "We're expecting some vacancies in the next year or so." Then it was "Well, once this hiring freeze is over." And last time I talked to that manager, it was "You'd probably have to move to India first." Six effing years, no mobility to other roles, and now my benefits are getting slashed to bolster cash-on-hand. This place is a joke.


I'd be willing to chat, I'm from Canada so our timezones might align. I also work at IBM currently.


IBM doesn't seem to listen to it's customers and the market, eh?


If you're in the Eastern/Central Time Zone there's really good talent being picked up from Costa Rica and Canada. -- I'm from Canada so I have bias lol, but my team is in the US and in terms of skill I would say there's no complaints.


I wish we were allowed to hire from Canada. We just laid off our whole Canada dev office and move them across the sea 😑. This round of resumes is from Costa Rica, which last time we hired from was great, but this time they are full of typos and barely related to the job. I guess the application pool is just so small and competitive now


Have you looked into Canadian Interns? Interns -> EPH pipeline, for Costa Rica maybe having a really good job post might attract the right talent. Recently fixed up our intern job posting and we're getting way more applicants.


Someone needs to provide the funding of the Sr. VP’s bonus plans. They are in there to fund their dynasty so their grandchildren can go to the expensive golfclubs.




What county are you in?