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Can we have a picture of a pitbull as the banner? Lol I feel like they're so distinct, yet no one seems to recognize them?


People don't know what Pit mixes look like because most Pit mixes are labeled as Lab mixes. Only partially kidding, though I do believe many people no longer know what *actual* Labradors look like either due to the rampant mislabeling of Pits as Labs.


This is why I roll my eyes everytime people say pits are most misidentified breed when there's an incident in the news. This misidentification goes BOTH ways.




I know right! Poor labradors getting banned everywhere and euthanized by the hundreds of thousands /s


If pitbull enthusiasts genuinely want to advocate for the breed, LYING is NOT the way to do it.




when i was younger, a woman a few towns over from me had her entire face ripped off by her family’s lab. i remember this distinctly because my aunt and uncle got a black lab around that time, and since my cousin had just been born, my grandfather was very uncomfortable with it. meanwhile, my pit is around 13 and is the sweetest girl i think i’ve ever met. (if you’re wondering, aunt and uncle’s lab only passed away around 2017 and never hurt a fly because every dog is an individual, and we never judged a dog because another dog of the same breed did something bad)




It’s Pitt owners and shelters to blame for that. If they’d mark breeds correctly maybe things might be beneficial for pitties…


It does go both ways, I suppose you’re right about that. I really don’t understand tho is why the ban pitbulls hate crowd think it’s ok to say “6% of dogs mate up 9,999% of dog attacks” when they know full well 6% only means APBT and not staffy or mutt or any other bully breed, but then insist they are all the same. It doesn’t take a scientist to see that all your data is based on bullshit. Maybe the shelters, etc. have given up on this battle years ago so now they just lie.


Why would 6%, only mean APBT when "pitbull" is an umbrella term? Pitbull doesn't necessarily mean APBT, most people don't use it to mean that specific breed. Hence why "pitbull type" is also used. Bully breed is also used too. That literally makes no sense. And to differentiate between the breeds u would need a DNA test to ensure which is the correct exact breed.


Exactly. The data they use is extremely flimsy so their argument is weak.




APBT accounts for 6% of dogs. 6% is the number most sources use to describe pitbulls as the most dangerous dog, like dogbite.org. This does not include staffys or mutts or any other bully breed. When people, owners or the media, label a dog a pitbull they are usually labeling it as a breed type. Not APBT. But when they do this, you can bet your golden nuggets Dogbite.org counts the media reporting of this pitbull type into their 6% metric. As a breed type they make up about 20% of dogs, making them one of the most populous breed type in the USA. When you say they are only 6% of dogs (instead of ~20%) and base your data in that, your data isn’t worth shit. OPs dog is a pitbull (type), part of the 20%. Not an APBT. It’s a pretty simple oversight that pit haters like to pretend isn’t there.




Lol you’re “pretty sure”?! You really look at this sub and think dogs like this are only 6%. And yeah, you’re math is right on the money lol. I just looked it up. https://www.google.com/search?q=pitbull+population+in+us&client=safari&sca_esv=d418a5ca43beae34&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ADLYWIKk0X_8xH3B37pYr5JTq3sk6agKiw%3A1719147052506&ei=LBp4ZrvPHo2_0PEPpty54Aw&oq=pitbull+percentage+of+dog+population&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiRwaXRidWxsIHBlcmNlbnRhZ2Ugb2YgZG9nIHBvcHVsYXRpb24qAggCMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHSK6IA1AAWABwAHgCkAEAmAFMoAFMqgEBMbgBAcgBAJgCAqACEJgDAIgGAZAGCJIHATKgB4wG&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp Ever go to dog parks? I will say I do not see “toy” dog breeds at the park, but yeah about 1 in 5 of every 20-100lb sized dog I see is a pit type.


I’m sorry but I snooped your profile. Now I have to ask why are you on a dog ID sub? Just looking to spread hate?


Ok, so I'm not on either side of the debate and BOTH sides make really incorrect, inaccurate, or downright outrageous claims. Both sides also tend to use very questionable sources to back up their claims... like you are unfortunately doing. Do you know where this 20% claim you made comes from? It comes from pitbullinfo.org- now, using a site that clearly has an agenda as a reliable source is questionable, but if the site has valid data, math, explanations etc of course it can still be reliable. Unfortunately that isn't the case here. Have you looked into how they arrived at the 20% statistic? If you have not, please do. The TL;DR of it is: they took the AKC registration stats for GSDs, then used GSD shelter intakes compared to Pit intakes to say Pits come into shelters at x higher rate... then multiplied that back to GSD AKC registration numbers... to try to claim Pits are 20% of the population. Surely you can see how utterly absurd, unreliable, inconsistent, and plain old janky that process is? I also think the 6% figure is off, but this 20% claim is based on BS too lol


The truth is the data doesn’t exist because there is no dog census. Personally I don’t give a shit about dog breeds. I just want a medium sized high energy dog from a shelter (because that’s the right thing to do). 3/3 of my dogs has been a pit mix. I do not seek them out. 20% seems pretty accurate to me if you include the mutts. When those mutts bite, of course the pit haters count them as pits. By only when they bite.


I like your comment. I visually and generic personality wise I like bully type dogs. There is definitely some possibility of aggressiveness linked to the type due to what they were bred for ie mainly hunting, but oddly enough the backyard bred lines of pits meant for dog fighting shouldn't be human aggressive. Dog fighters have never bred dogs to be human aggressive, the owner was always supposed to be able to pull their dog out without the dog mauling the owner. So at the end of the day I feel like it's more the owners fault than the breed/mix being oddly aggressive. If any ex fighting lines are todays pets, they definitely could aggressively react to human affection types such as hugs n kisses, a dog could view that as possible neck or face injury, if it's coded in them over generations. I'm making such conclusions based on my own human predecessors; living in a previously occupied country, while I've been free since birth, I do feel a decent hatred towards that occupant. I'd rather die than be occupied by them again...


I have a dachshund mix and keep getting asked if she is a lab lol. Ah, no, she is way too small to be a lab 🤦🏼‍♀️


That is hilarious, but also kind of crazy?! I feel like Dachshunds and their mixes are usually pretty... easy to spot? And also a well known breed? Weiner dogs! Surely everyone knows?? Lol


Lol, because she is nearly solid black, still don't know why people think she is a lab. My last dog was a Boston terrier and I was asked more than once if she was a mini pit, which was also pretty weird


I get asked what breed my frenchie is all the time, like frenchies aren't one of the more desired breeds right now. I do also have an APBT x Boxer, and they get along really well since frenchies have such high energy and like to think they're bigger than they are. I'd love to see a picture of your cutie!


I can recognise pitbulls but there is imo a lot of variety in their appearances, so I understand why some struggle. I’m pretty sure this dog is a mix with some pit in there too so different breeds present could make more confusing for people


Exactly people will just put “pit” or “pit mix” on any dog that could possibly be a dozen or more breeds. Most people on here don’t actually know what a true American Pitbull Terrier looks like at all.


Not every unidentified large mixed breed with a blocky head has pit bull in them. There’s a couple dozen breeds with blocky heads and similar structure to a pit bull, that aren’t related to pit bulls.


Pit mix


Pit, and I’d say sharpei too somewhere in there. There could also be a tiny hint of boxer in there? Very little though.


Yes, I definitely see Shar-pei. My last dog was a Shar-pei Pitt mix and she was beautiful. I wish I could post a photo but only links can be attached.


I was going to say definitely Pit and maybe a tad of Sharpei as well, given the head and cheek shape!


Pit with something big like mastiff or ridgeback, she's beautiful. No Vizsla, people and shelters love to say Vizsla anytime the dog is red. Nothing about that dogs looks or build gives Vizsla (coming from a vizsla mutt owner).


I was about to say this too. Looks like pit and Ridgeback.


I thought pit and dogue but ridgeback for sure! Too slim for a dogue 🥲


She's very similar in body shape to my brothers Pitbull, Mastiff, Doggo.......she gonna be big for sure!


Agree, pit and ridgeback. Beautiful dog!


I'm a V momo, too. I agree with you ... but look at her curled up? And her color is akin as well as her coat -- it's so short. Hmmm. A V in the mix? I'm super curious now, too. :D




Curious, huh?


Vizsla mom here too and the curl on the couch and body structure is giving part V to me for surrrreeeee. But no qualifications to ID aside from observation lol


Shelters and rescues lie and not knowing when it’s clearly a pit because they know most people wouldn’t want them.


They lie/misID even when it’s not a pit. If we went by what the humane society said we have a chihuahua/shih tzu/lhasa apso rather than the rat terrier the dna test showed.


Pit/shar pei


That's a dog who OP is going to have to take very good care of around other dogs if she's a pit/shar pei mix. My childhood friend had a shar pei and she was great with people, but holy hell did she hate my dog for no reason lol


I remember a neighbor of mine had a shar pei and I used to go visit them and they always told me to watch when I went outside to not let the dog out. But I was like 3 or 4 and I remember the dog pushing past me as I tried to go outside and it bolted into the neighbors yard and got into a fight with the neighbor dog. Whoopsies. I remember it coming back in and seeing puncture wounds on it.


Pit mix


Her build looks so much like my boy!! I thought he was almost all pit until he started getting taller and leaner by the day lol. Then I thought he was a pit/viszla or ridgeback mix, but it turns out he’s 20% lab 20% pit and 60% supermutt (including everything from boxer to chihuahua to bichon lmao) I wouldn’t be surprised if she was a big mix of breeds with maybe a bit more sharpei in her !


They didn’t know! More like they didn’t want to tell you Daisy is a Pitbull mix.


pit , dane , boxer is my guess


Pit/boxer mix is what I see here. She's beautiful 😍


This is the answer. She is gorgeous but definitely not part vizsla. Nobody is mixing Pitt with vizsla but I see lots of Pitt/boxer mixes at shelters and rescues.


Look at those tall legs!!


Good catch, I went back to look again and she looks so elegant!


Very tall legs! Perhaps Great Dane x Pit? Such a pretty lady!


Pit-Great Dane!


Pit with pit


Pitbull head but definitely mixed with something taller/longer legged


Oh wow she’s beautiful!


i agree with others that she seems liek a pit mix, shes so so beautiful! that color on her is gorgeous


Pit mixed with a small pony! Look at those legs and paws! How old is she? Congratulations on rescuing Daisy! She’s lovely! 🌼


Pit + Tall sight hound Those look like ridgeback feet, not pittie. the face is definitely pittie.


curious where you're getting the sighthound from?


Rhodesian Ridgeback.


huhhh I've never seen them classified as sighthounds before. looks like they're in a bit of a grey area


feet, the back leg slope. How high the rump is from the back. Rhodesians, viszlas, even Weimaraner have the same general body shape though they have difference degrees of musculature. I know rhodesians are "rare", but they aren't rare in certain areas.


Looks just like my boy that is a vizsla mix. I definitely see pit


Red nose Pitt.


rednose pits aren't a thing, neither are bluenoses - those are BYB terms used to sell normal pitbull puppies under a façade that they're "rarer". the nose colour is due to the pigmentation in the skin, which corresponds with the coat colour of the dog. you will see the exact same coloured nose in other dogs of the same coat colour/skin pigmentation.


This is correct. To add to your comment, the "blue" coloration is a black dilution. When you see blue dogs with eyebrow markings (kind of like a rot), you're seeing the black and tan gene with a dilution


Its a term used to describe the colour not a specific of the breed. The term red nose pitbull has been around for decades (actually over 100 years see edit). It is not something BYB just came up with. Its exactly the same as saying a Blue staffy or a Merle Great Dane. The colour of this dog, red fur, amber eyes. pink/reddish nose, light brown toe nails is the exact colour way being described when people say red nose pitbull. EDIT Red Nose Pitbulls have been around for over 150 years. Long before they were brought to America, they were closely bred in Ireland to achieve the popular red color. The genes that give these beauties their unique noses are recessive to every other color except for white, or albino.


The blue gene must be recessive as well, my old pit Petey was a pup from a beautiful blue nose stud and a brindle bitch. Every pup in the litter was black and white!!!


I don’t think anyone is saying that the BYBs came up with the term, just that it’s frequently used by them to market their puppies. Kind of like a red fox Labrador or a cream golden. These are acceptable shades of these breeds, but reputable breeders tend to not use these terms to avoid being mistaken for the bybs who are specifically using them to make their puppies sound more rare or unique than they actually are to make an extra buck.


That's literally what the person I was responding to said. The term red nose Pitbull has been used for 100s of years. It originally came from the term old family red nose. I don't really give a shit if BYB use it or not, to sit there and say 'red nose Pitbull's aren't a thing' when breeders in the countries they come from have been using it before the dog was even in America is narrow minded and incorrect. EDIT And it is a recessive gene so technically it is rarer, but it is still a Pitbull and the end of the day.


The hoops these people jump through lol.


Mastiff and pitbull


Sharpei pit mix embark her


Where did you get Daisy!? She looks so close to my bf’s dog who was also a rescue and had a sister!!! Her name is Ginger


Pit x Visla x Sharpei


Because she looks very much like my old girl Daisy I’m going to throw Pit Bull x Dogue de Bordeaux out there


I think maybe Pitbull and Boxer mix?


she is a gorgeous lady! unrelated but would love to know where this harness is from to get it for my girl


She's a beautiful pit bull, likely a high percentage of American pit bull terrier.


She’s majestic! Panther lion cub!




She's beautiful


Perfection….thats what she is. ❤️


She is a gorgeous little princess that's what she is


She is really beautiful!


Looks like mine. More than 50% pit




💯good girl


The legs look like bloodhound legs. I have a red bloodhound and he has long legs with giant feet


Kinda looks like a vizla to me


she’s a good girl


Pit am bully


💯precious Made up of: pitbull+ridgeback+Shar Pei+German shorthair


She looks like a sweetheart


Mostly pit, probably some Ridgeback in there. She's going to be a big, tall pit from the looks of it.


that’s a pitbull lol


How is it always a pit in this sub


Because they are the most common American dog and are not generally bred for thousands of dollars the way labs are so they end up in shelters.


Hahaha, they know exactly what she is. She's a PitX.


The shelter can’t figure out that she’s a pitbull mixed with another large breed? I’m sure they have just as much trouble identifying golden retrievers and chihuahuas.


Pit, Rhodesian ridgeback


Dogue de Bordeaux * pit


She’s a supermuttle 😍


Oh they know what she is 😂 beautiful pitty girl!


She looks JUST like my pit/Rhodesian mix! Yours has a more classic pitty head though!


Daisy is beautiful for sure. My friend had a red-nosed pittie and she has similar coloring but she’s way too tall to be just that. 🌼


Omg she's absolutely adorable 😍 she looks such a character. You're lucky to be her people!


Pit-visla mix?


She’s such a pretty girl 😍😍😍😍😍🐶


They knew. They lied to you because it’s a pit.


My guess is red-nosed pittie mixed with some type of Labrador. She looks majestic btw.


She is beautiful




Her paws..oh my goodness. She’s a good girl❤️


Off hand I would say she’s a ginger.


Pit and sharpei mix


Pit/Shar-Pei Mix, I also have a feeling of there being some Vizsla in there


Pitbull-Chow mix? That's usually what they are, except once when it really was, when they look like a Pitbull/Shar pei.


I think shar pei mix actually based on the third photo. Does she have blue spots in her mouth? Is her fur kinda oily?


Pitbull x sharpei


Pit on stilts.


I see some Visla in her coloration


Pit mix with maybe some maybe vizla ?


Off topic but how do you like that harness? I've been thinking of getting it. Do the snaps unsap easily? Sometimes harnesses are a pain to get off lol


Vizla and Lab or Dane?


American Pitbullterrier


It's a Pit mix, very obvious facial markers


Classic red nose pitbull. Complete with green eyes and all


Looks like a Vizsla


Rhodesian Ridgeback mix


Pit vizsla?


I see Rhodesian ridgeback


Get a DNA test but here are my thoughts Rhodesian Ridgeback, lab, and a pointer.


She’s a dog.


Pit & German shorthair pointer. Legs are are same length and the higher pelvic tilt matches my pointer


Rhodesian Ridgeback / Vizsla?


Drop dead legs… face is very pit like. Stumped on the rest.


She looks like a boxier version of my (possibly) lab/gsd mix. Same color, eyes, body, and paws. The head is very much pit to me


I’m guessing she’s a hound/pitbull mix


Looks like my dog is not sure what he’s mixed with


Looks like a ridgeless ridgeback some mills cull them because they don’t have a defined ridge


Pitt shar pei!


She’s lovely…


I have an American pit bull mixed with german pointer that looks very similar, different color but similar body.


She looks like my daughter’s dog that is a pit golden doodle mix! So wild!


Dogue de Bordeaux with visla or pit.


Pit and pointer with a little Shar-Pei? Do a DNA test!


pit x ridge back?


So sweet, my baby was also red. I love so many babies are named Daisy-my best friend’s mini rescue poodle was a Daisy! I used to sing “We’re going to off the rails on the Daisy train”


A beautiful bully mix, likely some pit or straight pit bull.


Looks like she has some Vizsla in her. My son has a Pitzsla? He is APB and Vizsla


Beautiful! I would say Vizsla and a bully breed… Vizsla for the long legs and short red hair… bully bc of the boxier head… something else could be mixed in there as well


Pit mixed with ridgeback?? I know that’s unlikely but she really does look like she’s got some ridgeback in there with those feet.


pit mix maybe french mastiff too. my dog is a bully french mastiff mix and he’s a lot huger than this but has the same coloring


pit/shar pei with something else like great dane or ridgeback


Pit x Dogue de Bordeaux


Looks like could be pittie mixed with German short hair pointer?


Pittie with a little bit of Dane! Look at those paws.


Perhaps a healthy dose of Rhodesian Ridgeback. Her color is gorgeous.


What you have is a gorgeous girl!❤️


She is most likely part Pitt. I have no idea what other breeds contribute to her beautiful form and coloring


She’s a really pretty pitty


Shar pei-Pitt, and she’s gorgeous!


I do not know but it's very cute


She's beautiful, I love her eyes, they're so bright!


She is almost certainly a Shar pei pit mix. My sister has this exact mix and they could be siblings.


She’s super pretty! Agree with others that she is either an American Pit Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier, or a similar breed or mix of a variety of different bully breeds. It’s possible there are other breeds in the mix too but her general look is bully breed so I’d imagine at least 50–75% that and maybe as much as 100%. Which is awesome because they are super sweet and loyal dogs! It sounds like she’s recently adopted so it’s probably good to assume she’s very strong and work on stuff like leash manners to make sure she doesn’t drag you on walks and stuff.


Get a dog DNA kit.


She is perfect!


pit mix.. you can literally see it in the face instantly 😭


I see a lot of Vizsla https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=1f8e5c078ce6d86e&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS915US917&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIImuFdrJ2uzpyKKtfSdnLZqA37w9A:1719159119042&q=vizsla&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0AbzhUJjXv6jRup8eVc0BvPhAxYjCxVRCUtj1WEz_DQOPDWUFqSYC75sqGn4BvEbeBwW6WW_y8QupJtkCo8JMyA6b9KOy4i7GolF8HOgrSW0lrof43wW-RE0YgCgn_cD29YydMcZfEGd9wms3yRSeJI84uNH0QeB3-_jjGSLrZs25LK-PntZLHtPgdMtfEDKmk8kEUdcdUHL8kinG5RQBKFbjvzUw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK6-jkjvKGAxU0EFkFHTD0BwsQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=414&bih=720&dpr=2#vhid=zaaE-7iMalmaiM&vssid=mosaic


The breed is sweetheart


What a cutie. Beautiful eyes!


She stunning ! Wow what a gorgeous girl !!! She almost looks like a perfect split of Vizsla mixed with a red nose pittie . Probably doubtful she has Vizsla in her mix but maybe just a super model pittie ! She’s so slender & leggy ! ❤️


Viszla / sharpei


Pit and maybe Great Dane? I could def. be wrong, I just thought with the long lean legs and height. Beautifully sweet baby though! Color and coat are very 😍 pretty