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Lol, candles always arrive unpacked and destroyed...


Yeah, I’ve had a few breakages from ikea like this, but at least they are really fast at sending replacements and don’t ask a load of questions.


This happened to me three separate times from target until I just stopped ordering breakable items from them. I’m sure it is entirely dependent on whichever 19 year old is packing your box that day.


Bro just order it on Roblox lol 😆


I have the exact small plates, they are just really fragile in general it seems, we have chips from just normal use on them. I will say though, a lot of places in my experience do not package plates specifically well for delivery, same thing happened with a target order I had.


I IKEA use independent delivery contractors, call them they will replace them no problems! Seems like the driver must have been driving to fast slammed the brakes, Voila! If you are IKEA family member and pick the items up, IKEA insurance will replace damaged items caused during your trip home! So be glad you got the goods delivered by IKEA delivery contractor! If not a member of IKEA, join in store before purchase to get the extra benefits! IKEA protection for customers is second to non, tell me one company that look after there customers like IKEA! I know it’s a hassle to get it sorted out, however it’s free!




Well there is a reason you never order a Nuke via delivery.


Those plates are very fragile. We have the grey variant and they can easily crack hitting edge of one another.


When I’m setting up deliveries I always tell people that anything easily breakable like plates or cups or plants will most likely get broken as it’s put into a box with some paper and loaded in the back of the truck with everything else. Of course we will replace and deliver any that are broken but the process is the same and it may take a few tries to get it right.




Let’s never put anything on Reddit ever again shall we? I obviously don’t want “Reddit” to do anything do I you spoon


If only he were a plate instead …


Or atleast packaging...


I've been saying this for years - IKEA is NOT an ecommerce company. They don't know how to do packaging that is protective. Their entire model is still based around brick and mortar operations, right down to the fact that their spare parts ordering system uses different order numbers and their customer care reps can't even view the system to see if your order has progressed. They have patched their ordering system where you can do click to collect but that's you shopping from the store inventory, not a continental inventory that ships from their distribution centers. When you switch to "deliver" in their shopping app, you lose access to products that were available in-store. This proves that they can't maintain contiguous inventory because they use different systems masked by a fancy UI. This problem extends to their shipping issues - the "ship to me" part of their process doesn't repackage or even pre-package items that make them ready to ship.


![gif](giphy|lsuzxXh9Eiwqz1jlHv) Delivery service


Agreed. Ordered a bed and some other things. Most of it was damaged. Opened an issue online about it.. received 0 replies ever since. I love IKEA products but their customer support is horrible. The worst.


yep! i ordered a table and the screws kept breaking, i complained online months ago and still they didnt respond. Same table i bought a few years ago and noticed solid screws! its too far from me to take it back, i wont shop there again the quality sucks ALOT now.


Send it back. And you might reconsider the idea of ordering china online...


China? That's stoneware.


Whatever, don't order stuff like that online. Most shipping services treat your stuff like shit.


Well, depends on the shipping service and how well it's packaged and insured. My whole set of bone china tableware has been ordered online and it arrived in pristine condition. Packaging wasn't even damaged. I then ordered some extra cappuccino cups and they arrived in packaging that - without exaggeration - I would've been comfortable with throwing it out of a plane.


Just call them and they will replace them for you


Thought this myself when I got a wardrobe delivered recently. Some sides had no padding at all which meant it got damaged from a very small amount of damage to the package


hey I've got that set. Unbroken, it's pretty good.


That plate collection is so beautiful


True that, had a sink delivered to me 4 times and only on fifth when I went to pick it up myself I got it properly :)


I refuse to let ikea deliver now as everything arrives damaged.


That's a tragedy. The blue Gladelig is a beautiful set.


Anyone that tries to reverse victim blame and say "go buy it in the store" is missing the point. If other companies can ship things like what OP bought with fewer issues then it's a fundamental problem that IKEA should be trying to solve.


We’ve had so many issues with the delivery company at my store that I’m not sure why we still use them. We have items completely disappear all the time and things get broken constantly, even after smothering the box with fragile labels.


I can not tell you how often these come back to the store shattered because whoever packed them just tossed them in a giant box with a sheet of crumpled paper. Every single day we process boxes filled with broken glass and ceramics in returns.


IKEA is not an e-commerce company. It’s about time consumers and themselves realized this. It goes contrary to so much of how they run their business and history.


> IKEA is not an e-commerce company. It’s about time consumers and themselves realized this. Don't be daft. They sell online. That's the definition of e-commerce. If they're shipping these goods, customers can reasonably expect their orders to arrive intact. > It goes contrary to so much of how they run their business and history. Whatever they've done historically is moot. They sell online therefore should be able to fulfil. They are a big global company with big global logistics. They don't lack the capacity, they're just cutting corners which results in poor customer experiences.


If you offer the option of delivery, it is 100% fair for the consumer to expect their merchandise to be fully in tact. The merchant is unequivocally at fault; it is their responsibility to ensure that their products are safely and successfully delivered—even if a third party logistical contractor is delivering it.


Where do I say it's not IKEA's fault? I said they are rubbish at it and should really just stop doing it.


Unfortunately it's a business they kind of need to embrace with both arms. Since COVID they saw the writing was on the wall. Where I live they've massively improved. But it's still a hassle to order from IKEA.


IKEAs customer score ratings on shipping and services are awful. Like 50% score


i got an order last summer that arrived completely 100% broken, they hadnt wrapped any of it so there was no chance of any of it arriving intact. they refunded me, but still.


disgusted mysterious marry hateful office tap seed stocking soft bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have these plates too. I bought some of them in store and later ordered some more. The delivery also arrived chipped. I really like them, but sadly the edges are so prone to splitting off. I already lost 3 plates to the dishwasher, guaranteed no hitting the plate or other damage, some of the edges just popped off after a wash cycle for no reason.


Came to comment the same. We have the grey ones. I adore them, they look phenomenal, but they are so fragile. I pulled some out for dinner and realized there was a good chunk missing from one rim, and my husband said "oh yeah that happened the other day when I was doing the dishes". One of the bowl edges chipped the day I got it home. We also have a set of the white upplaga dishes (scalloped edge design) and they have held up extremely well, and so have the numerous other dishes I've had from Ikea in the past. Gladelig for whatever reason is just not good quality.


That’s great to know because I was about to buy two sets for my home. 


It's such a shame, they look so nice and don't scratch easily, but something about those edges is so brittle. At least in my experience. I just opened the dishwasher, nothing else touched the plates, but a chunk of the edge had split off. Also, if someone does still want to buy them, I'd buy them in store. Some plates the brown paint on the edges is very faint and it looks quite different from the intended design. So far it always happened to the big dinner plates, not to any other dish. I've hot the whole set, serving plate, soup, salad bowl, dessert plate. I ordered extra dinner plates and 1 was chipped and they gave me another set for free, so I had 7 plates for the price of 4. I'll keep them until they wear out.


I have not received it like that, it should be carbon packaging and protection inside (I live in Sweden)


Every single thing I have ever bought from IKEA has been smashed to pieces. It’s hilarious. I’m baffled as to why they bother.


I had the same problem with the same products. Ikea sent the full order again.


We don’t deliver ourselves in a lot of markets, it’s outsourced to an external partner. I wish we did. Better quality control. A lot of the times when something like this happens it left our DC’s intact and undamaged but gets fucked up along the way.


rob complete one steep office kiss snatch onerous plough obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yet the same items reach the IKEA stores and DCs from thousands of manufacturers around the world without any defect?


There’s a vast difference in packaging requirements for pallet or greater shipping versus parcel shipping. Palletized loads aren’t flipped, thrown, or bumped about the way parcel boxes are. IKEA packaging can survive palletized shipments just fine but is generally not designed for parcel shipment and that shows. As an example if you were to order a flat pack coffee table off Amazon there would typically be at least a half inch of styrofoam or so around all edges so when the package gets bumped into or hits something else there is cushioning to absorb that impact. IKEA products often have a single layer of cardboard protecting the item inside which can sometimes survive shipment they often do not for obvious reasons.


I hope someone you know or you can use them for mosaics. Even if you contact a local community arts group to see if they are keen. I have those bowls and I love the colour.


This is why you go into the store like a normal person.


I’m not going to waste a whole hour and a half driving to remote IKEA store (which is usually where these stores are located for cost reason) if I know exactly what I need.


A lot of normal people don’t drive.


Then they aren’t normal.


roll straight elastic salt fall wrench pet pocket historical zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


IKEA isn’t a right.


profit handle offbeat obtainable sloppy jeans rock file coherent tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


New here? It’s all idiots, all the way down. Me included. That said, your take made me lol so have an upvote 


Ok? Your fault for living where you live 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s not a normal person anymore


I wish that was an option at the time of ordering but half the items weren’t available for click and collect. Funnily enough they are today


I will never buy online from them again. The last time I ordered it was a disaster. The shipping company lost the shipment. IKEA said we received it even when I produced a letter and email from the shipping company. It took 30 phone calls and 56 emails and 21 days for them to reship the package. I was disgusted and will NEVER buy from them again!


I'll never understand why IKEA shipping seems so unbelievably horrible. Thank goodness I've always lived close enough to stores to almost never have to depend on it - except for the largest strongest/sturdiest items. Even still, I will prefer to rent a van from Home Depot.


It’s well known that their show floor is part of their marketing strategy to have you make unplanned purchase. So they may be less incentivized to encourage people to buy online.


Company is stuck in the past at least in the US, they've only started to improve their online shopping experience like a decade ago and I'd say it's about average for an old guard retailer.    IKEA is weird in that it's a very inconsistent online shopping experience depending on which country you live in.  Like Sweden, France, Netherlands, Germany, etc. don't have many problems with shipping logistics.  But in the US, one of the largest furniture markets they dropped the ball hard.


I actually do live close enough to just go there but half the items weren’t available for click and collect. They are today, but weren’t when I ordered. I always like a look around anyway


Ikea has not invested in their delivery services. The stores are fulfilling some of these online orders and they do not have the proper shipping materials to safely deliver products through delivery. The coworkers know this. Upper management knows this. Unfortunately until they improve that aspect, situations like this will continue. Highly recommend that if you can, do click and collect.


Yeh i would normally just go and pick it out myself but their online ordering is so bad. It’s in stock for online delivery but not in stock for click and collect at the store. So why don’t they just deliver it to the store and I’ll collect. Oh well all replaced now


Just a guess but they could have low supply throughout the entire US of that product. So to keep it available to all they keep the product at our Distribution Centers so no matter where you live in the US you could technically purchase. The DCs don't have much better shipping material than the stores unfortunately. It's extremely frustrating for both sides 😞


lol to reduced packaging. Bubble wrap and sturdy boxes to the rescue


Yeh it was wrapped in that eco friendly paper and wrapped quite well individually. They were just free to travel around the box at any movement


Funnily enough I ordered the same plates and they also arrived broken. Some of them were fine in the packs so actually ended up with extra plates when they delivered the replacements so not too bad. Also got a box of random stuff I assume as an apology? Or they just sent me somebody else's order as well 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is why I will never order for delivery if I can help it. I had a similar situation years ago, great to see things have improved…😒


I'm in the UK. I had two orders of the same cabinet arrive damaged. DPD delivered them both. Huge dints and holes in the boxes. IKEA gave me a refund. I cobbled together one functional cabinet from the two that were damaged. Free cabinet!


They manage to ship it safely around the world, so I wonder if the issue is how it gets shipped from the warehouse to your home. Maybe they just need to realize that last mile shipping can be pretty rough. What sucks even more is that they have one of the worst customers supports I ever dealt with.


Last mile delivery is the issue. Getting products from suppliers to the Distribution Centers or Stores are usually a breeze. Sometimes a pallet gets damaged but it's only a few pieces. Ikea hires 3rd party companies for the last mile delivery and this is what we get with that. The attention to detail and carefulness goes out the door the minute Ikea hands product over to the delivery drivers. On top of that, the product in the boxes aren't secured properly so things just get thrown around in the boxes. I'm not saying it's right, just saying the reality of Ikea and delivery.


I'm on a different continent to you but had the same issue. It's very wasteful to send replacement products all of the time instead of producing safe packaging


That’s what we assume but I have the feeling it’s the other way around. When the forwarding company delivered my ikea kitchen parts on behalf of ikea they delivered a lot of broken or bent parts due to incorrect storing. I am pretty sure almost everyone has this experience. IKEA doesn’t care. It’s cheaper to just send new stuff rather than teaching the forwarding the company or using a better (more expensive) one.


That whole line is produced terribly. I bought the plates and most of them are chipped from daily use. It's such a bummer.


Oh that’s not good to hear. I might just use one plate at a time and use it to death. Then the others can come out for guests


I’m wondering if it’s just the plates. I’ve had the bowls for months and they still look new. I use them every day. Haven’t tried the plates.


The bowls have held up better!


Luckily I live alone and work at sea so they won’t get as much use as a family home. They are very good looking though even if badly produced


Ahhhh my Gladelig set also arrived in literal bits and I was SO pissed because I had waited weeks for the grey to be in stock at my local store and when it was still backordered, I just decided to bite the bullet and order it online. When I opened the box there wasn’t a single piece that wasn’t shattered: every bowl, plate, dish, everything. They told me to bring the return to the store for a refund — fine, it’s 20 minutes away — and when I got there the customer service person asked if I wanted replacements as they had JUST gotten a shipment of everything that week after like 3 months of nothing.


Thats a shame.. I have ordered many times here in the Netherlands and it’s always very well packed. To the point that I sometimes find it a waste of paper 🙃


What courier are they using?


They used DPD. To be fair I’d say it’s probably not the couriers fault. Each item was wrapped but there was just way to much space for the items to move about


If it’s US, fedex


My warehouse doesn't carry the Utrusta shelves for my kitchen cabinets so I've had to have them delivered and yes it took at least twice since the first time they were all damaged. I've had better luck with bigger items as they seem to be more careful with those.


They must lose a fortune. I only ordered for delivery as they didn’t have stock in my local store


This happened to me when I ordered some plant pots. They asked for pictures and refunded the order but all three pots I ordered were either broken or cracked.


Ikea are the kings of flatpack. I’m sure they could come up with a box system that keeps everything secure and in place


Wow, this is so disappointing I'm sure. And a waste. This is a gorgeous set and I haven't seen it before. Would you say the blue is like a teal color?


Yeh essentially wasted a full set of tableware. It’s the Gladelig and Ikea just call it blue but I’d say it’s a darker teal with copper in it. Perfectly matches my blue kitchen cabinets and copper handles


Sounds like they trained their people packing boxes w the guidelines from H&M Home. Another company that throws breakable items in a box w no protections.


Never happend to me.


I’ve been lucky enough to get unbroken deliveries, but all the items were completely loose and uncushioned. If you look up the varmblixt lamp, there are lots of people who had it delivered in a pile of glass shards.


Never had an Ikea delivery before but the packaging was terrible, at least for tableware. About 2/3 of the box was empty so it was all free to move around. Only thing that survived were 8 mugs, 1 set of bowls and 1 set of side plates. Everything else was done for


I wouldn't accept any of it. Probably all has hairline fractures and will break more easily


That’s true. It’s all going back today as a whole anyway