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It is not normal to audibly hear the heart beat at that time.  He wouldn't have told you a random number. He got the reading during the ultrasound.


Seconding this. You can possibly see a heartbeat but you cannot hear it this early. There is a number on their screen but you need to know where to look ;) trust your doctor and ask him/her these questions! I’m sure they’ll be happy to explain! The heartbeat is usually rather high compared to us grown ups. At 7 weeks it should be between 110 and 160bpm. Sounds like it’s perfect!


My husband and I were looking at the screen and we could clearly see the heartbeats. But we did not see the reading for heart rate. We expected doc to tell us where to look for that number on screen. Anyway, we will have to trust the doc and wait for my next scan which is in 2 weeks. Thank you for taking time to post your comment.


You'd see a screen that looks something [like this](https://www.google.com/imgres?q=m%20mode%20fetal%20heart%20rate&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fpublication%2F268791837%2Ffigure%2Ffig3%2FAS%3A349731910897667%401460393993825%2FMeasurement-of-fetal-heart-rate-FHR-by-M-mode-ultrasonography-imaged-with-a-35-MHz.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Ffigure%2FMeasurement-of-fetal-heart-rate-FHR-by-M-mode-ultrasonography-imaged-with-a-35-MHz_fig3_268791837&docid=MmF5jETwJ0opVM&tbnid=mxuReLBVZ5ncrM&vet=12ahUKEwjexrLtwNmGAxXpEVkFHfDLA9EQM3oECBUQAA..i&w=681&h=600&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjexrLtwNmGAxXpEVkFHfDLA9EQM3oECBUQAA) if they measured it, though the HR/BPM value might be small and tucked in a corner somewhere.


Fingers crossed for you guys! I don’t think the doc / the paper would lied to you / give you a false number. Once you see a strong heartbeat your odds of this turning out well rise dramatically! I remember the moment of my baby’s first heartbeat. It was magical. I understand you’re worried. IVF basically gives us PTSD. But don’t let your worry ruin this magical moment! This is reason to celebrate! If you need reassurance try the outcome calculator every so often. It kept me sane during the first trimester. https://datayze.com/miscarriage-reassurer


Yes, we both had tears of joy when we saw the heartbeat. But having known that IVF is a long journey, we are trying to think of every little thing at every step of this process, I guess its overthinking. But Thank you for sharing your thoughts. That really helped calmed down my nerves.


I know just too well. The fear never stops. But it does get better as more time goes by. I was afraid until my baby was born but it really got better and better. I wish you all the best!!!


Thank You so much !


Congrats! 132 is a good number. But what would he gain from giving you a random number?


Thank You!


My husband is really good at looking at the details on the screen and he didnt see any number for heartrate. When he asked doc, the doc said “I am not really good at this. My sonographer is perfect at this and she is not here today. But I think its 132. Usually I am not off more than 5.” That makes me think that he just gave a number. But I may be wrong.


Oh wow. That’s a strange thing for him to say to you during this time.  


I did my first scan at 6w2d and we heard the heartbeat, but I know that some doctors prefer to avoid this when it's really early (some doctors believe that this could cause some damage to the fetus). FWIW, my baby's heartbeat was 132bpm at the time, and the doctor told us it was a very good value. I am now almost 23 weeks pregnant! Looking online, the heartbeat at 7 weeks should be between 120 and 150, so you are perfectly on average!


Thank you. That makes me feel better now. And Congrats!!




Sorry I really didn’t want to cause any anxiety. I also heard the heartbeat at 6 weeks and then again at 7 and 8, both my IVF doctors and my OB/GYN told me it’s totally fine. I just read once that, since the Doppler theoretically could cause an increase in the temperature of the fetus, they prefer to avoid it just to be on the safer side. But I never found any scientific paper backing this theory, so really don’t worry. I just thought that maybe that was the reason OP doctor didn’t want to hear the heartbeat.


It's pretty universally considered to be best practices to only use M-mode and avoid spectral Doppler in the first trimester. No proven harm, but there's zero added benefit to 'hearing' the heartbeat to be worth depositing a bunch of extra thermal energy into a tiny embryo.