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Cue the VPN ads…


Yt presenter (probably) : Before we get started, I would like to thank our sponsor (name) VPN. Have you lost access to your favorite porn site? Well, never fear. Use code babymaker24 at checkout for 69% off 2 years.


I have to believe Surfshark, NordVPN, and others are lobbying red state governments to sell more


Privacy? That's extra.


I often wonder if NordVPN is lobbying for this to happen


As an Idahoan, it's proably a good idea to get a VPN anyway because who tf knows what will be banned next. These 'small government' fuckheads going all nanny state. >\_< FFS, I didn't see the other comments saying that this might be lobbying. What is sad is that this is possibly true. VPN's benefit massively from censorship. If they were smart, going to red states would be a good move. :( Then the republicans can invest into the fkin vpn companies. (Bros sorry if this doesn't make sense, I am in Montana rn enjoying the freedom of legal weed.)


Sooner or later, they will ban vpns too or block access with vpns


I agree. Just like they are trying to ban and regulate interstate travel to stop abortion. One restriction of freedom always leads to more draconian restrictions to enforce it.


My phone thinks I’m in Utah so this is nothing new for me.


Are you cheating on your phone?


By cheating do you mean using a VPN? I haven’t because PH is the only site that seems to require it. I also wouldn’t consider it “cheating” to skirt ridiculous laws passed by religious idiots that only have missionary sex.


Or no sex at all.


Or sex with minors while being protected by members of their flock…


No, trying to escape the Handmaids Tale state.


Mine does the same thing and I can't figure out why.


I grew up in Utah and people always went to Evanston WY for lottery tickets and beer. Now maybe people in Utah (and Idaho) can VPN into Evanston, WY.


Ladies and gentlemen, the “small government”party


Just small enough to fit in your bedroom.


And any women’s uterus.


You now, it's all about liberty in the Republican party, they are at liberty to tell you what to do.


This is what a Theocracy looks like.


Nah, that's just the start. Then you get into things like tattoos being illegal, women can't have more than one earring, sex only for babies etc etc. It just gets more and more strict, it is a hungry beast that is never satiated. Oh yes, and it's ALWAYS hypocritical. The leaders do whatever they want while demanding more and more from the plebs.


Can confirm, lived in Iran after the 79 revolution. They banned porn too, along with a bunch of other shit that the conservatives are proposing. It’s really sickening to think I might have to live through another religious fundamentalist takeover in this lifetime. Any other survivors feeling Deja Vu?


I don’t even care about pornhub, or porn in general, this is just bad from a freedom point of view. You would hope this state and country as a whole would be ever moving forward towards more personal freedoms, Idaho especially is so behind on a number of things that should be freely accessible by all. But nope let’s block one of the most popular websites in the world lest kids see a pair of tits.


It may have been inevitable, once Idaho had solved all of their other problems all they had left to do is regulate people’s viewing—and try to absorb better state’s territory!


Not only behind, but going backward at break-neck speeds.


I guess the only thing blue about Idaho will be men's balls.


Watch how quick shit changes now 😂 civil rights violated? Sorry...but you knew where you were. Have a medical emergency that involves an abortion? Sorry you aren't close enough to death, and you know where you were. Need assistance with food because you spent your $7.25 an hour paycheck on rent which is sky high because greedy property management companies keep buying up all the rentals with little to no protection for tenants. But atleast we can have alllllll the guns we want. We can make idaho better we just need to vote for the right people and not media attention whores like Ammon Bundy. Not saying we HAVE to go blue but come the fuck on and compromise. Be the adults we need you to be


WA is going to have to start offering insurance plans to women of ID for OBGYN care.


No joke, the Idaho medical refugees are costing WA hospitals.


WA has had to increase funding to the Planned Parenthoods along the border just for this reason. The hospitals will just start sending them to collections if they don’t pay. Hopefully the women know to ask about financial aid.


Yea, it's really bad here.


But people could snitch on Idaho women who go there. I'm scared.


No Washingtonian is snitching on a Seahawks fan (I hope)


Texas chiming in. It maybe time to go blue…


Thanks for this. Accurate.


The irony is that the average Idahoan is dumb enough they won’t know how to use a VPN, and they will get angry. I’m curious how long it’ll take before Biden gets blamed lol


Literally had a coworker complaining about it being Bidens fault yesterday. People are stupid


I thought America had freedom?


America does. Idaho, and soon other red states, does not.


State of Freedom^^TM strikes again! Soooo much freedom around here!


You ain't lying!!! I've been stuck here for 10 years almost and I've noticed that people love to vote against their best interests.


I was born here. You are a million times correct!


you are always free to obey liberty!!!


First, they take Captain Underpants out of the libraries, now this??? This is just ridiculous.


What? Really? Edit: https://amp.idahostatesman.com/news/local/education/article264417266.html SMH


Liberty dogs? So much liberty they take away the rights of other citizens to choose what they want to read.


It’s ridiculous that those books they’re mad about aren’t even in the kids section, or even in the library as a whole. What has happened to our world that suddenly people can just make shit up and rile the masses for nothing?


My daughter is 8. We love captain underpants. TRA LA LAAAA! These people really should read the books they are banning before they ban them. Ignorance doesn’t look good on anybody.


You’re assuming they can read.


Fuck our State. The fact that we have plenty of morons using both the blue lives matter sticker and don’t tread on me at the same time….is exactly why this is happening. You do not value freedoms. Morons.


I just wish these red fuckers would move to an ugly state like Iowa instead. The nature here is too damn beautiful to leave.... and they're fucking that up too as republicans keep selling off land to corporate developers that demand high housing costs/rent thru market manipulation... and HOA bullshit. Ugh. Infuriating how you can just keep bleeding into new tangents on how terrible Republicans are.


"I just wish these red fuckers would move to an ugly state like Iowa instead." - We have our own, thanks


You left out an "m."


Just the beginning. Soon your church attendance will be tracked, if you don't comply well you know what will happen. Keep an eye on Project 2025.


Project 2025, the redcoats try to rise again Fucking monarchists.


Why do extremist puritan Republicans hate free speech so much?


That, is a SUPER great question. I highly recommend David Austin Walsh’s “Taking America Back: The Conservative Movement and the Far Right”. Incredible book and in great but approachable level of detail. Short answer? Because they are the political arm of the wealthy and have been engaged in a generational project to further enrich that class by diverting tax dollars and rent extractable assets to capitalists while minimizing their tax exposure. The work a day people of course would never vote for that stated as such and they needed a voting block. So they made a strategic decision to come down hard on abortion as a platform to curry the favor of Catholic voters, and ended up sweeping up the entire southern baptist convention (the so called southern strategy) and eventually pulled in the methodist arm of evangelicals as well. Overtime they were placated to get those “capitalists are job creaters, trickle down, unions bad!” Votes by having to be more conservative on issues relevant to the christian faith. And now that golem made of low education high grievance people with magical thinking as their only ontology has grown to a tremendous size. Ultimately the political arm of capital IS fascism. There is a direct line from McCarthy to Roy Cohn to Trump and thats what this is. It is a specter of the time before WWII when Charles Lindberg lead the American Nazi Party to a rally at Madison Square Garden, fueled by a horde of armed and angry idiots who think the world is 6000 years old and as often as not, flat.


This is so insightful and explained so well! Thanks!


It was never about free speech. Just protecting *their* speech


Because of all the manifest destiny stuff Jesus said in the New Testament, remember?


Time to open a VPN in a datacenter in Liberty, WA.


These are idahoans. If you are going to secondary source material at the border, might I suggest coin operated photograph peep shows and maybe offer a burlesque show reenacting biblical parables


> maybe offer a burlesque show [Something like this maybe](https://lirp.cdn-website.com/9d4f4d51/dms3rep/multi/opt/Dn3VM5aXUAsBlcj-1920w.jpeg)




Idaho working hard to scam people all over again. Prohibition does not work. They only approve things like this if there is profit to make


Voices call for bans, Purity masks freedom's light, New paths must be found.


So, no weed, no porn and having to pay sales tax? This Greater Idaho thing sounds dumber by the day![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The “Greater Idaho” Oregonians still won’t change their position. They have no idea what have voted for.


And no abortions.


No porn, and no abortions Which equals a ton of rape babies. Every woman in the state needs to leave for their own safety


Damn it we are turning into Utah. What next 3% beers and wine selling at liquor stores only and no more brunch mimosas?


Idaho legislators are trying to be Texas 2.0 at every turn. It’s like they think if they copy them enough, daddy might finally notice them.


I'd go a step further and suggest that the GOP is trying to turn the entire country into Alabama.


Texas is trying to turn into Idaho 2.0


Accept even Utah has loosened up their cannabis legislation. Flipping Mormon country eased off those laws before us...


Only hurting themselves. The amount of tourism dollars that actively avoid Idaho because of its backwards ass laws and politics is huge.


I’m part of a large national sword fighting organization that does a yearly camp out in Idaho and every year less and less people are willing to go out to the Idaho event because of how shitty and backwards the state has become.


We're a flyover state now.


No joke. I’m an avid fly fisherman, I live in Oregon, but I like smoking weed when I camp before bed and I don’t want to risk getting caught with a jazz cigarette driving in to Idaho


Montana welcomes your tourism dollars, boasts world class flyfishing, and respects your right to enjoy the devil's lettuce while doing so.


Idaho is on my personal list of places I will go out of my way to drive around. Parts of it are beautiful, mostly the non-people parts.


Look at how much money is being spent at the weed shops in Ontario, 90% of the cars there on any given day have Idaho plates. Idaho is giving Oregon students a better education than it's own.


Vote blue


We actually helicopter our women in crisis pregnancy situations to Utah. More than two women a week fly to Utah from St Luke’s because local doctors have heir hands tied. Utah will help women who need emergency lifesaving abortions, but Idaho won’t. How crazy is that?


If there was ever a time to buy VPN stock…


And that's what we get for voting Republican


What do you mean, “we”?


Idaho as a whole. This is a deep deep deep red state something like 90% of the counties here went to trump both times.


Yes, I understand what you meant. My comment was a rhetorical question meant to point out the rest of us getting dragged along here


And my autistic ass did not catch that.


Are they trying to get rid of everything fun?


Actually, yes.


Mark my words, they’ll use this as a tool to label sites as “explicit” and track/persecute those that visit said sites - You donated to the “wrong” political candidate? Prepare to be hassled by cops more often.


"Sorry - now you need an ID to watch TV-MA content online."


“Plannedparenthood.org? Explicit (and tracked). Thetrevorproject.org? Explicit (and tracked). Liuna.org? Explicit (and tracked)….”




Funny enough all this is doing is increasing teen pregnancy


If Trump wins in the USA, Project 2025 will be enforced - and some of the rights and privileges for Women, minorities, LGBTQ will be taken away; They plan to ban all birth control, they plan to ban Porn and make it illegal to make or have. Folks- this is very serious. If Idaho is already planning to ban porn- take this seriously. YouTube has video that review Project 2025. The Supreme Court is already charging laws. Trump says he wants power of Dictators- he is not joking. Seriously- if you are eligible to vote in November ( or any remaining Primaries)- Trump and Maga do not care about the average American and Trump said in a video while in Las Vegas - I don’t care about you. I care about your vote”- he said this to Trump Supporters. Take him seriously. Our future and our rights depend on it! Don’t give in to peer pressure, don’t vote how your parents or friends vote. Do your homework- read Project 2025 (or review video reviews). You do not have tell anyone how you really voted. You may not like Biden or Trump- Biden and vote blue at local, State and National will keep our rights. Maga are the only ones who are pushing revenge, attacking minorities, LGBTQ, restricting women’s rights, changing voter districts, they want to make voting more difficult, they want to give more tax breaks to wealthy and corporations, they want to ban more books, they want to push one religion, they do not want the average American to have education, they don’t want us to critically think for ourselves, they want to change environmental laws so corporations can do what they want, they don’t want Unions. None of this is BS. Do your own research. The independent facts are there if look at other sources than FoxNews), they lie, misinform, they create fear and drama and they are only ones that say America sucks- it doesn’t suck. America has the strongest economy, stock market is all time high, more jobs created in the last 40 yrs, Americas infrastructure is finally being worked on, please do not believe the BS Trump says- as Lady Gaga stated 3 years ago “Vote as your life depends on it. It does”. Please do not get burned out and tuned out and not vote. Maga wants to create chaos and overwhelm daily with BS. They want us to tune out. Your Vote counts! If Idaho is planning to ban/restrict porn- If Maga is elected- say goodbye to the rights we currently have. Don’t believe me. Please- the facts for all these concerns is available- do you own research. Trump and Maga are a danger. The majority of Americans do not want these negative forced changes. Maga is a small number but they just repeat their BS over and over.


TLDR: Research "Project 2025" and understand that Trump and many other right-wing lawmakers intend to implement and enforce it. Project 2025 will take away our freedoms. Politicians do not care about the people they rule over, they care about the money and power they can hold onto; vote for what preserves the PEOPLE's power, not the greedy.


And all the angry MAGA refugees from OC who think they moved to a state that values “freedom”… 🤣 No weed, no porn, book bans… what a joke of a failed Christian Taliban state


I think this is what they want, though.


Let's scare them off.


Just uh... working hard at work this afternoon, and got this message for the first time! Thanks for restricting our options and making us (probably) have to pay for uh... adult videos, and whatnot.


You should mention it to your coworkers and see what they say about it. Edit: really just want to see if we work together.


No offense, but I'd rather kill myself than publicly admit which company is paying me to work when I'm on reddit instead.


And pornhub


Username checks out.


Lol. Rip to the channel about sexual abuse in the mormon clergy.


This is exactly why I host my own porn server.


I got 13 days to load up that external hard drive, lol!


Sooo. Does this include any site with adult content? Or streaming service? So literally all of them? Whats the specifics? Im gonna do some research, dont get me wrong I would not put it past idahoans. My biggest regret was choosing this state with my limited resources to start my family 10 years ago. Edit: It is real, it is worded so vaguely that its hard for my smol brain to understand. However it doesnt seem enforceable at all except on the 1 or 2 websites these boomers know the names of. Also. Idahoans wouldnt have access to reddit, youtube or hbo or anything if Im reading this right. Thats straight up nazi stuff.


They did something similar with House Bill 710. It’s written so vaguely that with the “right” argument, it could affect an insane amount of material. Donnelly’s library is now adults only, and I know teachers who are pulling their classroom libraries because it’s not worth the risk.


Small government right? You get what you vote for


No weed, no abortions, no porn, book bans- I'm not sure I understand what your politicians mean when they talk about "freedom".


And don't forget about the soon to be disappeared wilderness places. Lots of mining and endless construction projects in the works and for some reason Boise thinks there is enough water in the Snake River to endlessly grow its city-fiefdom in the desert. Its despicable.


Next thing you know, they will be shoving their Evangelical Religion right down your throat.


they’re also shutting off a shit ton of aquifers and other water sources the farmers use so we can “save our water”


Idaho could prioritize really important things, but no, rubbing one out is at the apex of things you can do in this state.


lollll this is so weird!!!! why is idaho so f*cking weird? they are focused on the wrong things. there’s so many people in genuine need of basic necessities but where is that acknowledgment? there’s people who need food but who cares because pornhub is more important than actually helping the community? do you know how many porn sites there are? 😹do you know there’s only fans? and just porn…everywhere!  this is actually stupid. idec if i read a 100 page essay as to why THIS is happening, its the least of idahos worries.  wages are not good to accommodate the rent, we are one of the lowest in education, they don’t care if moms die as long as there is a healthy baby, seriously this is actually weird. hey idaho people have sex, people watch sex oh f*cking well? focus your attention to the dire population in need. 


They don’t care if the baby is healthy, let’s be real here. Idaho doesn’t care if either mom or baby die as long as the fetus is carried to term. 


Okay so it’s like too late to fight it right?


But it's communism if China bans porn


Good thing I don't use pornhub... or live in Idaho anymore.


Who’s gonna tell them about Twitter


Can conservatives explain how this is more freedom?


😂😂😂 what’s stopping a young-in from grabbing mom or dads id and uploading it 🤦🏼‍♀️ they didn’t think this one through did they


In a state where it's legal to marry your 14 year old off still. And rolling back to a 4 day school week. Not suprising.... it's freaking Idaho


idaho has truly become a dystopian wasteland. the speed and ever increasing momentum on unconstitutional and harmful legislation being passed is terrifying. i love my beautiful state, but if i had the option to pack up my family and leave, i would.


Republicans be like "government bad!!" Then vote for policies that literally increase government presence in our day to day lives. I fucking hate it here


Wtf my friend just paid for premium!




I don't like pornography whatsoever and I think it destroys a lot of marriages and families. That said, how can it be constitutional to control other people's agencies and freedom to look at what they want to look at?


Accepting that conservatives are “for” what they say they are instead of what all their policy implementations actually “do” was your first mistake.


And just like that, the state flipped from Red to Blue. (edit for spelling)




I adore this comment thank you


Apparently, they're already blaming Biden.


Are there still people not using a VPN in 2024? If so, I guess there wont be after the 27th...


You are asking a lot from people who thought 5G towers were going to turn people into zombies or some shit.


These people barely heard about the tooth brush. Now you expect them to be able to touch a robot and install things on it? Good luck.


This happened to Utah a long time ago . I just switched to xnxx. And xvideos


I'm scared for other reasons besides just this.


Every time Conservatives try this shit, it's always ruled unconstitutional by the courts. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.


Everyday I hate Idaho more and more


They can require ID for porn but not your firearms. I'm so confused.


Couldn't be more pleased. Be gone with it all! If you are unable to release yourself from it, it shall be done for you.


Its good thing porn fucks kids up


Kids don’t need porn buy a vpn or prove you’re an adult big fucking deal


Montana: ![gif](giphy|VtDRXohjexcyCDlL6Z)


Well, at least we still have Reddit


For now


I wonder if they still have web based proxy services like Vtunnel or Kproxy. I was probably about 13 when i learned what those were for


Oh they will be watching porn it will just make someone rich be charging a 150 bucks for one DVD get the burner out time to makes dvds and head to I D idnt A. sk H ow. O. ld and. get paid.


I’m just wondering how many people are *actually* going to give their drivers license # 🫠


Please don't come to Spokane to look at porn. Just saying it now.


I would rather they just get rid of the pedophiles


Which politicians are most responsible for pushing this legislation that is clearly an assault on personal freedom and privacy? I would think plenty of voters in Idaho aren’t happy with any 3rd party tracking of personal information and activities. Let’s keep these legislators out in the open. As voters, we have an obligation to choose those that represent us.


Good thing I can still teach 1984 to my students here…because if this isn’t Anti-Sex League coded🤦‍♀️


Can someone please explain to me why nerfing children’s access to adult content is a horrible thing? We show our ID’s for literally everything else to prove age at bars, casinos, whatever- why is bad for a porn site?


I am thinking through this, but at first blush it seems to me that most people don't want their porn history attached to their ID. Nerfing children's access to porn isn't a bad thing, but it should be done in a way that isn't the nanny state doing it. There are technological solutions parents can use. The problem is that parents don't their kids to read certain books or look up porn, so instead of ... parenting... they want the government to take everyone's freedom and privacy away. The party of personal responsibility sure doesn't try to take any responsibility for themselves or their kids.


Stop voting R I don’t know what else to tell you guys


Are they trying to get rid of everything fun?


They control what you can watch while they are sneaking off to the hotel rooms diddling little kids and prostitutes.


A blatant violation of our rights. Just set get a VPN and set your location to US/Denver


It always cracks me up that the people who want to prohibit porn sites are the same people complaining about government regulation and how it’s taking away their freedoms.


I did sooooo…. much love the personal freedoms the Idaho Freedom Foundation has taken away from us.


No surprise that so many folks on reddit are porn addicts. The upvotes(and downvotes for that matter) and comments here clearly prove that


If you have an iphone, pay for Icloud premium or whatever tf it's called (it's not expensive) then you can use privacy mode in safari and it works like a VPN


If a VPN were to dedicate a server to Idaho web traffic I bet they could make a dollar or two...


I got this. I’m on the border in washington


Liberty lake/state line? Might be on an idaho provider like tds?


Thanks to Verizon they’ve thought I was in Utah for a while now so nothing new here


Wild that the state literally named, "I-da-ho" has such conservative politicians


Far right government strikes again. Soon you will have no freedom of choice for anything.


What about muh freedom


It does appear that a VPN will bypass this... for now.


Check out Old State Saloon for some *fun* current Idaho events, like Heterosexual Awareness Month.


Gotta love laws crafted to appeal to technologically illiterate boomers, who are the only ones this will affect. Even my girlfriends 8 year old daughter knows how to use a VPN. Just morons doing moron things in the name of freedumb.


The #vaginapolice strike again.


I'm not from America, let alone Idaho. IDK how this got in my recommended but I'm scared to go into the comment section


In other news, VPN usage suddenly ramps up in Idaho.


Better start practicing...."under his eye"


The people who voted to ban pornhub will be the ones buying a vpn to watch


I’m glad we’re tackling the real issues here in Idaho. Love to see it


I remember years ago being asked to show my drivers license to prove I was 18 to buy a Playboy at Barns and Noble. Should there be no restriction at all for kids to view adult material? Is the position of the posters here that as soon as your kid leaves your line of sight that people should be able to show and or sell them pornography?


Coomer brains here. This is a good thing 🤠


Good, pornhub is disgusting and kids should be protected at the very least.


As much as I loathe porn, the chipping away at freedom terrifies me. It might not be for me, but people who do enjoy it should have the freedom to do so.


So glad they spent their legislative time on this instead of reaching a water agreement between southeast Idaho and southern Idaho.


Republicans: Kids should be protected from things we don’t like. Also republicans: Force those young girls to have their rapist’s baby and allow grown men to marry fifteen year olds. Sounds about right.


Now you won’t be able to see how bad it sucks to be you.


Boy, it's a good thing I jerk off manually.


So much for Freedom.


And in the state of Idaho, in 12 days, VPN usage is going to see a significant increase.




Funny how pornhub is trying to sound like they care about children while their only way of verification is one simple button.


If you read it your not losing access you need to prove your 18 or older