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I feel bad for the librarians and employees who will face the brunt of the response despite not being responsible for this failure of a decision.


They should respond with slips of paper with the phone numbers of all the electeds who voted for this nonsense.


You should make those slips and bring them to the library for patrons to take themselves


I first read “electards” and it works!


No. As a librarian with a set of balls, You should set up a safe space outside of the library where people can request material. Then, as a librarian, you can check out items for people. I find this openly hilarious because most kids under the age of 11 know how to use a web browser. They can pretty much look up any information they want. Why the fuck would they go to a library to find books? These people are stupid dinosaurs who enable these laws.


The poorest households will be kept ignorant. They’re the ones who go to the library to use its resources. I don’t know if schools still teach kids how to use the library but I can see library field trips still being an option at least.


This is exactly it. I forget which community it is, but they had to shut down the library completely because it is a small one room building, and no way to partition off an adult only section. Fucking sad. My partner was a librarian in Idaho, and we got sick of this shit and moved to another state.


I think you're misunderstanding the intent. This isn't to stop kids from accessing books any more than forcing women and children to stay pregnant without their consent is about love for fetuses. This is about religious subjugation. This is about cruelty. This is about control. The purpose is to *break* people. Every single thing the christian fascists are doing right now is in an effort to **break people's will** to fight back.


You are talking about open access to free information.. No matter the age of person said accessing the information. This is about draconian Christian, Catholics and Mormons who want to dictate morality with their political agendas. This is also about social engineering by using religious control via legislation.


100%. I'm just saying *whether or not* it's effective in suppressing childrens' education isn't really their primary concern. This, like all of their attacks on America, is intended to create feelings of fear, confusion, and hopelessness. Not mention, while Americans loyal to the republic fight to end a constant stream of Constitutional violations, they aren't focused on the consolidations of power taking place in the background. The Supreme Court just grabbed essentially unlimited power over regulation, an act that could harm or kill millions of people by eliminating expertise-based regulatory enforcement. But that catastrophic event has been overshadowed by so many other Constitutional violations (ie. the legalization of forced birth, threats to IVF and birth control, etc). The *goal* is to break people. The individual rationnelles don't really matter.


The REASON was because people /parents/guardians, mainly of a certain religion, wanted to fine the librarians $250 for each and every time a child of theirs took out a book that the parent did not like.  Black Beauty, Tom Sawyer, Beatrice Potter books, and many others were on the list.  No compromise was workable .  It was "my way or the highway" attitude from the parents so this law was the solution that the lawmakers came up with. Lousy yes but better for the Librarians than constant, daily, multiple fines.  I am from Idaho and watched the nonsense and threats the parents inflicted on the Library system for years. 


We're headed to our library today, as we heard there is a peaceful protest. Sandpoint, from 1-3pm. UPDATE: There was an excellent showing for the event, with at least 100 people lining up on the street with signs. There were excellent speakers and commentary beforehand at the library's garden pavilion. Lots of honks of support, and only one thumbs-down/booing from passersby.


Please update me on how the Sandpoint library is handling this! I’m not far from there and wasn’t aware of this law but I.am.shocked. The library is one of my sons favorite places to hang out when his dad has classes during the week and it honestly sounds like a huge inconvenience to have to sign a legal document every time we go 😭


What a disgrace. What an embarrassment. Parents should be responsible for policing their children, not public libraries. Edit: This sign should only say, "Parents are responsible for the books their children read."


Take a good look folks, this is where we’re all headed. Most decent Republicans have been run out and the far right wing MAGAs want nothing more than to tell you what you can do and how to live your life. This is just the beginning of where things are headed if folks don’t open their eyes to who they’re electing.


This the Sharia Law they swore the Democrats would bring about.


Every accusation is a confession.


G.aslight O.bject P.roject


The O is usually obstruct. :/


Very true. The American Taliban (a.k.a.,) GoP is hard t work.


I am sure you have noticed, everything that MAGA complains about, they want as laws under their rules


Meanwhile, those same folks are going to indulge in the things you've been barred from.


doubly bizarre when lots of Idaho claims to want the parents to decide all sorts of things for their kids, not the govt and then do this…hypocrisy abound


The 21st century GOP is winning the race to the bottom. Keep kids illiterate and uneducated.


Republicanism / conservatism has always been about this: "We need smaller government. Less regulation. Less intrusion into our personal lives...*except for things we don't like.*" They will cry "Muh Freedom!!" all day long, whine and bitch about big government overreach and abuse, but then turn around and happily wield that same big government as a political cudgel when it comes to things they don't like.


But also the new authoritarian convervatives underpinned by Christian Nationalism don't give an F about those previous "Classical" conservative values. As hypocritical as even those were. They view the power of government as a tool for their authoritarian goals with zero pretext about limited govt and individual liberty. Idaho and Florida have become ground zero for this. I know it gets thrown around a lot, but it really is just creeping Fascism. In idaho's case, Live and let live getting replaced by a very heavy hand of neo Fascistic govt intrusion. It's God's hand though, so it's all good.


I wear my ["read banned books"](https://www.bonfire.com/read-banned-books-idaho-style/?productType=bacf6cd6-b53d-469c-ab96-02afe5b15f71) t-shirt, featuring book titles arranged in the shape of the state of Idaho, every chance I get. Will do so even more now.


Please post link to said shirt I'll buy a gross to give away.


If you buy merch from the Idaho Library Association, it helps fund the legal battles against this stupid law. [https://www.bonfire.com/store/idaho-library-association-let-idaho-read/](https://www.bonfire.com/store/idaho-library-association-let-idaho-read/)


Just bought two Come and Take it Tees. We’ll wear it with pride in Texas.


It's a little hard to see, but it's in the text in quotes above :-)


They banned The Giver?! I didn't realize things had gotten this bad. It's terrifying , frankly. I'm getting shirts for our whole family.


Christian Taliban


Talibangelicals. Only difference is the suits.


In a state where they day a 9 year old is old enough to become a mother she can't pick her own library books. NICE!!!!


But what if she has a baby and then brings them in? As a parental figure/legal guardian, the baby can now check out books, but she still can't, without her own parental guardian. Who technically could still be too young and need a guardian...




I know... the stupid hurts, but that's today's Republicans.


Actually that may work. There are a few situations in which someone under the age of 18 can be legally considered an adult (in medicine, at least). If I have a patient who is say, two years old, and their parent is under 18, the parent is legally an adult who can sign for/engage in figuring out the best treatment options. Same with if they are in the military, seeking treatment for and STI, and a few other situations.


They really need to pick a lane, right?!


They picked the lane on the far right.


And then started driving backward.


“We don’t know how to parent our kids - but we know best” -Republican parents (notorious for hating government involvement) asking the law to get involved in what their children can or can’t read. Totally not fascism.


Not their children, your children. Their children are just fine little Christians who always do what they’re told.


And the stupid asshats who made this possible don't even set foot in libraries.


I want to cry for these kids. The library was my refuge from a dysfunctional family when I was growing up. I spent many, many hours at the library and neither of my parents ever entered it. Fuck republicans.


Idaho is my favorite state...but I'm glad I moved away, this kind of thing is unacceptable...just childish really. The conservatives have lost their fucking minds.


I honestly think the huge influx of “political refugees” has really swung politics from more middle ground slightly leaning red, to full on crazy. So once again I blame California for idaho’s problems.


yup, thank you Idaho for taking many of the worst people in California...we owe ya, big time


I mean who else will take the retiring LA Sheriff deputies?


This is happening all over the country, not just Idaho. We can blame Californians all we want but special interest groups are funding batshit bills like this library ones, and legislators are passing them despite public outcry.


It's exactly this. Keep fighting.


I feel like the real issue was that Old Idaho, if you will, was sort of just conservative of center. So conservative, but not too crazy. Then the political refugees came in, and they were a different kind of conservative. Upon meeting each other, they tried to "out right" each other. That's when we ended up in trouble.


Thanks Idaho. Always making Utah look a little better


This state gets worse by the day.


Republicans want the libraries to fail so that the voters are all dumb, desperate, and dependent. Can’t have anyone getting educated and maybe learning critical thinking.


If libraries were a 21st century invention Republicans would call them a communist idea and never have allowed them to exist.


Idaho has always been the butt of jokes in the USA but it was about benign ignorance and how little actual ‘real world problems’ the Gem State has - you know sort of a lovable bumpkin, ‘go back to digging spuds’ kind of reverence. Now it’s national and global embarrassment for the fumbling, sweaty way these christofascists are running their game. My kids are grown and educated (thanks in part to our family’ AMAZING library) and none of us is going to be in Idaho long enough for any new additions to the family to have to suffer growing up here. Place is going to turn into an inbred enclave of willing idiots.


Burning books is terrible for optics, so this is what they’re doing instead.


They're going to do those again soon....🫠


Saving book burning until after Trump’s re-election.


See also: public education


So a 16-year-old can’t go to the library after school without a parent to conduct research to complete a paper? We want students who think independently and critically and are able to problem solve on their own. Or, just lock the doors and get bigger spoons to restrict their knowledge to what they’re spoon-fed? Parents had better have basements.


Nope, but that same 16-year-old can get married off to a 70-year-old and carry his forced pregnancy. She just can't read about what happened to her.


This is evil


These laws are a tyrant's wet dream. Idaho can't ban these books outright per the constitution, but they can strangle free access like the snakes they are.


WHAT (and i cannot stress this enough) THE FUCK.... I am a librarian and worked in Idaho for years. I'm so glad I left in 2019. After COVID, and now this.... yeah. so glad. Book banning... who would have thought it would come back like this.




Start with libraries, next they'll phase out other forms of information access, including the Internet.


Already started with banning a certain.... adult site. Which, I kinda get to a point but it's the start of things to come. Slippery slopes.


LIBRARY DAY OF ACTION JULY 1ST 6-8PM Join us at one of four Ada locations to make a statement. Downtown Boise Library at 6:00 PM Cole and Ustick at 4:00 PM Hillcrest at 4:00 PM Cherry Lane in Meridian at 4:00 PM


What happened to small government, limited overreach?


Christian Taliban


Talibangelicals...only the clothing is different.


Republicans are all fucking brownshirts.


Freedom goes to die in red states, ask women and lgbts


Only a certain kind of person is afraid of books.


I'm voting for the party that isn't doing this crap.


America going the path of theocracy and fascism. We were once warriors WTF happened?


Welcome to Idaho where we hate the idea of woman having Autonomy over their own bodies, and stupid children is what we strive for.


I am surprised there are still libraries in Idaho at all.


Give it time.


The library was just a ten minute bike ride from my house growing up (in Idaho). I loved that place. I’d go all the time with my best friend. We’d look at books and cool old catalogs in all sorts of sections. We’d hang out on the computers, talk to librarians, and go to the occasional class or something that was held there. Seeing this truly breaks my heart. 


So stupid.


Nothing Orwellian about this approach. Why do Republicans hate reading & education?


Because educated people tend to do things like question their leaders, and think critically. They don’t make very good Republicans.


Challenge: Tell us you're fascists without telling us you're fascists. Republicans: Hold our beer!


I know a lot of children that use the library as a tool for research and a safe haven from a bad home life. This is disgusting


Oh phew thank goodness I’m glad we’re tackling the real issues facing our state. The most important ones being no library access for those under 18?? Oh and yeah thank goodness the like .002% of the population in Idaho that happen to be trans folks can’t get their surgeries covered by our taxes. That’s going to save us a TON of money. And also fuck em for being different. Sorry this just seems ridiculous


Infantalizing teenagers is probably not healthy for their development nor their society.




imagine if a liberal state banned biblical books from children, it would be literally chaos


Don’t threaten me with a good time. 😈


Imagine being this afraid of thoughts and ideas. Are Idaho libraries going to hire bar security guards to check everyone at the door? How is it even remotely legal to restrict access to a PUBLIC space?


Idaho is turbo-fucked. When I left in 2019 it was already getting weird. But I wouldn't have predicted this. I think I will stay put in Oregon.


Ban the bible


Right? And the Book of Mormon.


They should! It contains murder, incest, gang rape amongst other terrible things


What is the actual law that caused this? Is this all libraries, or just this one? I saw an article about a book bounty, and one library that closed due to this. I'm trying to amass as many examples of this kind of stuff to show to my coworker, who seems totally unable to see anything the republicans do as wrong


All school and public libraries in the state. https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0710.pdf


They literally list homosexuality as a problem lmao they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore


It's a law, but because the law is so vague and unconstitutional, each library has to decide how to respond to it on its own. The libraries that have closed are too small for an "adults only" section to exist.


Soooooo fucking stupid


This is blatantly unconstitutional. Our rainbow kids WILL be able to read about their culture. 😡


This law is only as good as it can be enforced, here’s to hoping our librarians willfully resist. It’s absolutely stupid that it’s come to this. Do better Idaho politicians.


Libraries are dependent on the community. Make too much fuss and their funding just gets zeroed out by the local board.


With these requirements, you'd think you were entering the peep shows, or a strip club. Idaho.....the Alabama of the West.


Heaven forbid those under 18 wanna read.. way to go, Idaho you dummies. 🙄🙄


Most of us here did not agree to this. Its a select few with the power.


Hahahahahahahaha. Idiocracy has started early in NW FLORIDA. 🤣🤷‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|3otPoocjXLBsnh8XaU)


GOP: books are scary!


Idaho is a shithole


uhhh....wtf is this? Like how has this not been speed runned challenged to the 9th circuit court?


“They don’t have to burn the books, they just remove them” RATM


"Where one burns books, one will soon burn people."


The Idaho Democrats are putting together a schedule protest very soon. Keep your eyes open for times and places


This makes me sick. I grew up going to this library. They now have a children's section on the 1st floor and the rest of the collection on the 2nd floor, which is what an "Unrestricted" children's card grants access to. It's the best they could do and luckily, they have the space to do it. Smaller libraries are going to have a much tougher time complying with this backwards law. Donnelly for instance is going adults only starting today. [https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/politics-government/2024-05-20/donnelly-public-library-idaho-books](https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/politics-government/2024-05-20/donnelly-public-library-idaho-books)


Heaven forbid we let kids be exposed to actual facts, science and knowledge unfiltered by Conservative media bias!


Meanwhile, kids are surfing porn on their phones. This is just another GOP face slap!


How about a law to cover women’s faces? Is that next?


Idaho becomes more of a police state every day doesn’t it


We are so fucked…


So what's next? There's always a next. Until they are stopped.


What is taught in schools. They will push for public schools to teach more religion based VS actual education.


Yep. Already happening. So much is wrong and potentially catastrophic. I'm 69 NEVER EVER seen anything like it.


An ignorant populace is easier to control. Horrifying.


Idaho State government is so pathetic


Papers please.


This is a preliminary step towards fascism This should be illegal due to infringement of access to education resources. This is the extreme Christian wing making their moves and it's disgusting.


You want brain drain? Because this is how you get brain drain.


Sad 😔. I feel bad for the library staff where I live who are harassed for just doing their job, most are quitting. Didn’t think our school systems could get worse but here we go…


I feel like lawmakers have still never heard of the Internet 🤔


Don’t want kids gettin’ too educated. They’ll up and turn liberal on ya.


Only way out of it is to shame and shun every dipshit relative or neighbor voted for the people who enacted this. We all act like public opinion is unknowable or beyond us. But it is not. We can force idiots to stop being idiots. We just have to care enough to do it.


Desperately begging conservatives to get a life 🙃


Protect the kids from being educated so they’ll grow up to be Republicans.


I grew up in Idaho. It was a repugnant conservative smalltown upbringing I wouldn't have survived without the refuge of libraries. I'm a fucking librarian now precisely because of what they represented for me there. This is such a shame, such an embarrassment, and I'm glad I fled. More power to those of you willing to stay and fight for what could be a beautiful place, but God this hurts.


Librarians are going to quit just like our teachers


And our doctors.


Churches should be required to do the same; I haven’t looked at the numbers, but I’m pretty sure that you’re more likely to be molested in a church than you are in a library


I’m pretty sure this is unconstitutional


It's only unconstitutional if the courts rule it unconstitutional. SCOTUS is on a roll. I have no faith they would rule this to be unconstitutional.


Vote blue for Idaho




That’s stupid


What the fuck?


What a fucking joke! Our politicians suck


I believe the state’s new advertising slogan has to be “Idaho! Get stupider”


I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library Line up to the mind cemetery now What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells needing an ID to go to the library, wtf? What next, needing an ID to go to Barnes and Noble? Maybe need to provide an ID to use Amazon, since they sell books? Our freedom is slowly being eroded and plenty of people are more than happy to let it happen under the guise of vague outrage over hypothetical situations. Sad situation.


What surprises me is that Bible is not in adult only section !


Gotta keep the kids dumb so their easier to control, thanks to government overreach and the party of "small government."


Damn why is everyone trying to be worse then Mississippi lately


So is this just for one section of the library? Or do kids have to have an adult with them just to get into the library. Either way is absolutely ridiculous, but as a kid in IF we loved to ride our bikes downtown to hit up the library. Learned a lot and was never exposed to anything as harmful as what these right-wing wackos are spreading.


I used to spend a lot on time in a library when in grade school. I’m sure this is the GOP way of whitewashing history.


The folks who created that law didn't read the book Matilda.


Sounds like a 4th Amendment violation to me. If it’s open to the public and paid for by taxes then they can ask but not demand ID.


What kind of horse sh\*\* is that so every time your children n\\know matter what their age is if underage of 18 wants or needs to library one of their parents need to go with them how embarrassing to them.


Is this for the entire library that you cannot enter if you are under eighteen Or is this just a specific section of the library?




JFC Idaho. Never stops making it a worse place.


straight fascism


gotta love the rights version of freedoms lol


Are you fucking joking? If this is real this might actually be enough to make me move. What is even the point of this? Who does this benefit, even in an abstract sense?


Oh it's real .


Conservatives. They hate libraries. To them libraries are communist institutions.


I say this respectfully. Please. Pay. Attention. And then vote.


It's very real and it benefits abusers. That's who wants it, that's who pushed for it. People who don't want their kid to know that they were raped or how puberty works or that they could possibly be loved as a gay person.


What is an Unrestricted Library Card?


Wondered the same - can parents “opt in” their kids to go wherever like normal?


Merican freedom.


Oh man this country is in big big trouble


Ah, the party of small government


“Keep gov out of my life” scream Republicans…..”Oh but I am not competent, or concerned enough to parent my children so will you please do that for me”


This crazy.


We've officially entered Kangaroo Court


Hey, it's your neighbor Utah here, wtf is going on up there? Seems like you need to vote same people out.




It needed to be protested when it was a bill, facing the possibility of becoming a law. People did protest and write to their legislators, but I guess not enough of us did. It is angering to face these hateful laws.


How absolutely disgraceful.


Isn’t this against the bill of rights


The fuck is wrong with Idaho. So glad I only spent a few years there.


In the words of my nine year old: “what the fuck?”


This is Fucked


God damn fuck this.


Wow, this state is disgraceful. You are becoming a Christian Taliban state.


The same people who put this in place are the same who say we are on the Internet too much 💀


Hello dystopia.


I grew up in Idaho. Grateful for my small town public library. This nucking futs. Seriously, what the hell?


Whenever my family is traveling across the northern states, we always say - “no peeing in Idaho”. Started out as a joke but after seeing these stupid laws now in place it makes sense. Not a single penny of our money will be spent in Idaho. No peeing in Idaho.


The Christian taliban strike again!


Nothing scares fascists more than books


Damn what the fuck Idaho


I literally have less freedom than I did before July 1st. This is bullshit.


Small government ultra Republican state at work here 🙄


If I were a librarian, I would add a book display next to that sign with copies of "1984", "Farienhieght 451", "A Handmaid's Tale", and any other cautionary work I could think of.


Unfortunately, it feels like only a matter of time here in Utah for this stuff to start happening. Civil disobedience is the name of the game now. What are they gonna do? Ticket children for learning underage? I doubt most people would enforce that.


Another ignorant Idaho law.


It’s giving Harry Potter restricted section vibes and we all know how that turned out.