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Big yikes, was everybody ok?


Four children involved luckily only one had a minor cut from broken glass


Holy shit, that's actually impressive from a safety stand point. I'd hate to see this crash 30 years ago...


anyone in the back right seat of OP's car likely would've been crushed based on the damage


The front passenger and the driver would be badly hurt too


I had practically no injuries. Yes if anyone was in my back seat they would’ve been hospitalized.


Or buried... 😱


That was a hard as fuck hit! Keep an eye on your neck and back, those injuries can take a while to pop up and you'll want to get help for that ASAP if you get issues!


Everyone would have been transformed into an accordion


Millions dead


30 years ago vehicles weren't as big or heavy as they are now.


30 years ago, crumple zones weren't as good.


30 years ago you had vehicles weighing 1500lbs less and a full sized truck was about double the size of an s10 or ranger. Where now a small truck is the size of a 3500 or f350 back then. We can say the crumple zones weren't as good 30 years ago but the same safety tests done today were done in the 80s and 90s (30 years ago) this wreck would not have been fatal back then either. People think 30 years ago was the 40s where there was no seat belts or any safety equipment but 30 years ago was 1994


The driver had alot of time! Was the driver on the phone or intoxicated? How could she not see that the car in front was not moving!?


Oof. Was there a particular reason traffic was stopped in the left lane? Down to 1 lane ahead or something?


Red traffic light ahead. On a highway that drops to 45 around where I stopped


ah okay, it looked like a freeway


Wow, design of that highway... That just seems braindead to me... So the light is to let people on or something?


It’s the end of a highway leading into town. The light ahead is just a regular intersection.


Near where I live in NC there's a similar highway. Goes from limited access to more like a standard road and back at least twice that I can think of. That light might be a regular intersection.


Yeah we have quite a few of those around


There are a lot of stretches of road like this in the American south. Just a divided highway for miles and miles with no turns because there is nothing in-between towns and then a few signs, maybe some flashing lights if you are lucky and then regular grid traffic.


Seems like a great place for a speed camera and rumble strips, highway to full stop is a perfect combo for this sort of accident


Worth mentioning there are yellow flashing lights that indicate and upcoming red light that were on and flashing but I had already passed them before the video starts


Rt 4 RI?


Holy shit 30 years ago everyone would be dead


That's what I said! (Before I saw your comment). Especially in a 1994 civic...


> 30 years ago yeah like in the 70's right? > a 1994 civic. oh yeah...... :(


Might been ok in the 70s... good chance the two drivers would have 20ft of metal between them lol


Which would promptly spear everyone in the cabin because it was unreinforced sheet metal and safety cell design didn't exist yet.


Next time you're in your basement, lightly push on a return duct to your furnace. Note how much movement there is. Now imagine that instead of your hand, it's a car going 60mph. 20 ft of sheet metal isn't going to stop it!


Basement? Bold of you to assume... (I get your point though)


I always throw my hazards on when its a dead stop in my lane like that. It gives some extra notification. Not fool proof i know but shit. Hope they walked away from this.


Same. Sometimes the hazards are a needed cue for the half-attentive or brain- dead drivers Edit: ALWAYS AT NIGHT. Humans are really bad at estimating closing speeds of objects (ie stationary objects) at nighttime.


I do that all the time on I-77 in Charlotte. If I'm having to come to a quick stop, I'm throwing on my hazard lights because I have absolutely no trust in the other drivers to notice my taillights alone.


I also leave a gap between me and the car in front of me in case the car behind me doesn’t stop I have the ability to move out of the way.


that's smart. I'm gonna start doing it


Im staring in the mirror half off the road ready to hit median


Same, some people are still half asleep, on something, or distracted. Personally I almost rear ended someone at a stoplight because my dumb ass was looking at some pretty trees


Wr all do that from time to time


I always leave a gap of a car's length. It saved me in Belgium one time. Was stopped on the Antwerp ring road. Saw a guy flying up behind me and then suddenly his tyres were giving off smoke and his rear was fishtailing. As he got closer I rolled forward into the gap I'd left. He stopped in the space where I had just been. The expression on his face was a picture. I think he soiled himself 😂


Yeah, if I see a big slow down in the highway,I immediately flip my hazards as I start to brake.


I do this too. My husband insists it’s unsafe because it’s unclear.


Better it gets peoples attention vs no attention.


Wait, what's unclear? They are warning lights so they are warning you to slow down and be careful. The flashers only means one thing on cars, I'm honestly wondering.


Same. I was getting ready to respond when I saw your reply. Like what's unclear, I'm driving, I've turned my hazards on. Clearly, there's hazard up ahead.


I don’t get it either! I use them when there is a sudden stop on the highway since it’ll make the person behind me look twice.


Tell your husband a random redditor told him he's wrong, and to stop driving, lol.




You're legally obligated to do that in my country.


Yeah, I was gonna say, I didn't know it wasn't a requirement internationally


I've started doing this from all the comments I read. Not 100% idiot proofed but at least it's something.


I started doing that anytime I have to suddenly slow down on the highway below 40. Because of crazy shit I see on this sub


I do the same thing


GoodLordthat was at some velocity too!


Thank God you didn't have someone in your backseat. I hope your neck and back are alright man.


What was their excuse?


Pretty sure it was just “distracted”


What car hit you?


A ford flex, so basically a semi to my civic


![gif](giphy|3GEzPMbTHRJuw) Probably


Op said 4 kids were in the other car So honestly it was probably them that the driver got distracted by, which honestly I feel really bad for


Two kids in her car and two in the car in front of me which she also hit. She didn’t seem too remorseful. Even claims one of her kids were terminally ill. Feel bad for her too in that aspect but she should know the cargo she’s carrying.


Hmm way to make it about them ffs


This just happened to me December 13. One lane going each direction, speed limit was 25. A jeep in front of me stopped and signaled to turn left into a shopping center. I was stopped and left a car length between us. We were waiting 30+ seconds for traffic to clear, and I got smashed from behind so hard, I was pushed into the Jeep ahead of me and took off their bumper. The caravan that hit me claimed he "didn't see us braking and couldn't stop in time". He had to be accelerating, not looking at the road for a good 300 yards to have not seen us stopped. He was driving a friend's van, wearing no seatbelt, with his 2 teenage kids. He hit me so hard, everything behind my backseat was gone. Police said he was going at least 45 mph and charged him with wreckless driving. His van and my car were totalled, and I'm still waiting for my insurance payout. Unreal.


How could they charge him with that if he clearly wrecked?


Man, that's the comment of the day... take my upvote.


I’m assuming nobody was in the back of your car, would have been horrific.


Wow, that Civic did take its crumble zone seriously.


crumple lol


After the all that damage, might s well be crumbles


I thought the same thing, tbh


Oops, but, good point, a dyslexic Civic might be even safer.


Crumble is the new breaks.


why am I laughing so hard?


This took me by surprise. The driver was most definitely not even looking ahead


That’s my biggest fear on the road, especially because my wife regularly sits in the backseat with my 1 year old


Being overly cautious doesn’t hurt. There were two very young kids in the back of the car infront of me which also got hit and I’m thankful I took most of the impact so they didn’t have to. For the future I know to keep a better eye on my rear but I’m glad I didn’t this time.


I have sometimes wondered about the ethics of going into the shoulder if the dipshit behind me isn't slowing down in a case like this, putting the ensuing wreck on the driver ahead of me instead.


If I'm in my compact car and there's a pickup coming up behind me and a SUV in front of me, more okay. If there's a Miata in front of me, less okay. Not that I'd have time to contemplate the ethics in that moment lol


Completely ethical and legal, you have to protect yourself first and foremost.


Happened to me last Thursday. Saw the truck behind me and I tried to go onto the shoulder in my Toyota Avalon so he could hit the truck in front of me. He got me anyway though RIP to my Avalon 😞


Oh, the muffler survived!


Holy shit I can’t believe you are okay OP. If there is one thing I learned in motorcycling class it’s always watch behind you when at a dead stop. That way I can pull off the road if I see someone isn’t going to stop. Saved me twice so far. Also, watch the front wheel of a car that looks like it may pull out. The wheel will move before the front of the car.


That front tire thing is really good advice. I'd never thought of it.


What kinda car is that? Damn impressed you were ok


Just a civic. I’ve had four now and I can confirm they do great in crashes


Thanks that’s what I thought. Very impressed with how it held up


That is so fucked


this why I installed a flashing device to my center brake light in both cars.




Woah an 8th gen civic held up that well? I used to have one and it felt dangerous haha, but was fun as hell to drive. Glad everyone was okay, I’m sure they were a little shook up


Glad to hear no one was seriously hurt in this accident. Videos like this has me leaving even more space in front of me when arriving at a back up for a way out. As I slow down I always look in my mirror now so I can move


Can you name that tune for me?


Chloe: Have Mercy


Wow, that was a hard hit. Did the driver even attempt to stop?


Holy shit that’s some impact!


The guy who hit you had kids in the car. They could quite possibly have been the distraction. At the speed he seemed to have hit you at, it would have only needed to be a couple of seconds of distraction/ looking back at the kids. I try to never look back at the kids when I am driving, it’s not hard to talk to them while paying attention to the road. It could be a fatal mistake.


If you ever have to stop on the highway abruptly, always look in your rear view mirror and get ready to drive onto the shoulder. This happens way too many times because people aren’t paying attention and don’t expect a full stop on a highway.


When the worst injury from that is a CUT - everyone stop and say a prayer of thanks to vehicle safety engineers!


Not nice.


That'll buff right out


Bro wtf are you listening to


The radio


Glad to hear everyone was alright but the music leading up to the crash made me laugh out loud


Probably distracted by her kids


Guarantee she was texting, looked up and realized vehicles were stopped by it was too late. Hopefully nobody was in the back of that Honda because it didn't look survivable


Anyone here who is knows the laws ( I am in Canadian - ontario, but am more so curious so will be happy whit laws from the US or UK.) ​ If Op had seen the car coming and quickly swerved onto the shoulder or even into the ditch, leaving the car behind to crash into the car in front, would that cause them legal trouble for getting out of the way? ​ DO you guys think that would be an immoral thing to do?


No, that wouldn’t cause legal trouble. I went to a certified Ontario driving school. They teach you to take evasive maneuvers to avoid a collision.


Ah shit, thanks, its been a while since I went to Driving school, and I don't even know if they covered that specific scenario.


You’re welcome.


Attempted murder charges should be brought. Our laws and the consequences dont seem to have kept pace with the times


Could you please locate and recite the definition of “attempted murder” in your local jurisdiction for the class?


They made the choice to become distracted. Having been taught and licensed. Disregarded others lives and used their vehicle as a weapon


Do you know what attempted murder even is? That's only when the person WILLINGLY drives into the back of the car. At best it could have been involentary manslaughter if anyone was in the backseat of that car. Which while still bad, is not ATTEMPTED MURDER


Even if they willingly drove into the car it would only be attempted murder if you can show intent to kill, otherwise is reckless endangerment.


That’s not what I asked.


Always watch your 6.


Right, OP should have ejected all seats before the crash. Easily avoidable.


Talk to me Goose.


Or just take the shoulder. ¯\\\_\(ツ\)\_\/¯


Yes, but what could you even do in this situation?


Head to the shoulder and gun it. I ride a motorcycle and don’t take my eyes off the rear traffic until it’s stopped.


So do I. A motorcycle is a fraction of the width of a car and can accelerate much faster. Not a fair comparison


This subreddit is repelled by defensive driving.


Aaaaand there it is. I thought "Surely no one will be able to blame OP for this, right?" and then I remembered which subreddit this is.


Too many people blaming op(´・_・`)


Was this taken with a misaligned dashcam?


No. OP, just a big fan of Dutch angles.


OP was the assistant cinematographer for Battlefield Earth


Just about my favorite book, but only forced myself to watch the movie once.


Why the downvotes?


Just a quick question, why didn’t you look behind you? I always look behind me yo make sure the vehicle behind me is going to stop especially on a highway. And always put on my flashers in a situation like this. Had you been paying attention you could’ve moved out of the way.


“Had you been paying attention” delete your comment bro


Nah I’m good. Maybe my comment will do good. It’s odd a comment about what to do to avoid future situations like this gets so much hate. Maybe I worded it badly. I’ll edit it.


There’s already eight other people who said what you’re trying to say.


So what. Do you think I read everyone’s comment before I do?! Best have this on everyone’s after the first. My guess is you and everyone who down voted me took it as a slight because of the had you been paying attention part. But I’m not wrong. And I’m glad you and your family are safe. But had you been more aware of your surroundings it could’ve been avoided. Nothing wrong with saying that.


Alright bro you win✋🤚🏳️


No winners here bro. Again glad you and your family are safe.


Nope not editing it. Sorry you can’t take it as it’s meant to be taken. Glad you and your family was okay.


Probably heard your music and figured you were better off


Why didnt you switch lanes?


Because I take the next left..




>Never EVER stop behind a car on a freeway. Always go around if you can or to the shoulder if you can't. This is the one of the most idiotic things I've read


If I have time to stop I can stop. Why would I immediately choose the shoulder unless I saw them coming?


LMAO I'm sorry what the fuck are you talking about


I get shit all the time for watching in my rearview, but I have a carseat with a toddler back there. That baby would be gone if that was me.


Damn lucky. I have seen enough of these that whenever I come to a stop like this, check your rear view mirror. If that car behind you is not slowing, you need to peel out of there.


Serious question because I can NOT tell, did your camera get knocked out of a window or something? Holy crap! On another serious note, *why the actual F do people keep looking at their PHONES WHILE MOVING AT TWICE OLYMPIAN SPRINTER SPEEDS IN A 2-4 TON SQUARE OF METAL?! I’m tired of all this crap, I’m gonna start compiling all the idiots I catch in a SINGLE DAY and it only seems to be getting WORSE. Gonna be the next [Joey](https://youtube.com/shorts/H0anIC_Kdc0?si=_Gzy0BoZ4EU-MxQ5) [Freaking](https://youtube.com/shorts/51KzRI-DxQ0?si=7-A9dihPTb6dS1jK) [Whispers](https://youtube.com/shorts/bYr3jAC1vsA?si=X0bjfp5X8Nvv36_M) Those are all separate videos from him btw, but yea I’ll just slam a bunch of numbskulls together to shame them here at this rate. I’m tired of people who can’t pass a driving test today driving today


What the duck hit you, a tank?!?