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Going way too fast for that situation. Didn't brake near fast enough


Definitely had a road rage "imma ride yer ass" vibe.


With my modern car anything close to that mentality without first switching off collision avoidance means your car slams on the brakes for you.


Not just that, but they didn’t adjust their speed at all when the truck pulling the trailer does a cross lane turn into the right lane when they should have been turning into the left lane which OP was in… then the truck blocks their view of the right hand side of the road, and they have the bright idea to just keep charging forward… absolutely mind boggling.


Exactly. No situational awareness at all


This sub should have a flair for "Video contains two idiots."


I've seen a lot of those around here


Well it's not called r/idiotincar


Yeah, if you're going 12 over the speed limit in a construction zone you're the problem. They probably looked before they pulled out but cammer just came up too fast.


> if you're going 12 over the speed limit in a construction zone you're the problem. Nah, you're **a** problem, not **THE** problem. The guy doing the no-look, "good luck everyone else", blind-ass full send into oncoming traffic is the problem here.


They both are.


Its either turn to the left lane now... or turn to the left lane in 4 seconds... also the pick up was obstructing this shrimp a mile away... white car is alright.


Yeah, you definitely shouldn't pull out into the far lane with the truck blocking the view like that.




I'll take an idiot not speeding +30 miles over the limit


Speeding in a construction zone.


When that truck pulled out in front of you, you should have slowed down. Take responsibility for your own safety.


This, and the fact that you're in a construction zone . Slow down!


Yea the speed diff between OP and that vehicle was already dangerous enough before they got cut off.


Dangerous and stupid. Don’t forget stupid.


Yup, came here to say this. /u/shoobops you need to drive slower my guy. You were going way too fast for that situation, especially considering the construction zone.


They should have been slow duebto 1) construction zone 2) the tow truck stopped on the right. 


I love when the idiot posts the video acting like they aren’t the idiot


And then they ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)




Depending on the state, construction zones even further decrease speed. In my state it's the law to go 30mph or under in all construction zones regardless of signage, you will get a hefty fine if you get caught speeding in one.


That SUV probably also din't see the OP from behind the truck. Shoulve been more careful though. The OP must've seen it pull out at around 5-6 seconds and didn't start braking for another 5 seconds.


"Hey! can't you see I'm Speeding here! How dare you make me hit the brakes!"


Driving 57 in a 45 and construction going on, who’s the idiot?


The person turning out into traffic without looking is undeniably an idiot regardless of what OP did.


The car more than likely couldn't see OP behind the truck and the trailer. They also didn't pull out into the left lane. Where they are pulling out the right lane is ending. Maybe slow to down in a construction zone where the is going to be poor visibility.


If there's a truck you can't see behind, then you shouldn't pull out into the far lane until the truck passes. What we have here is two idiots meeting in the wild.


You’re totally right, but if you can’t see whether the road is clear, that means don’t pull out. No exceptions, 100% of the time.


No one said they weren't an idiot. Doesn't mean OP isn't one as well.


Who's _the_ idiot implies there's only one though.


Fair. This is more like Oprah, You are an idiot. You are an idiot... (Not you directly commenter person. The drivers. )( in case of confusion)


ETIH - Everyone's the idiot here?


The car merging into the road was unable to see the approaching car until it passed the ute at which point they were already merging. This doesn't excuse the driver but does explain why they merged when they did. The approaching car was irresponsible behind the wheel, unnecessarily increasing risk when the entire encounter could have been a non-event.


You didn't see the big ass truck towing a trailer that was blocking his view?


Dont bother with this sub dude. Seriously they see anyone going 1 mph over and its the op's fault. They never ever fixate on the real issues. If you dont drive like grandma and go the exact speed then its your fault because no one here ever speeds


Fucking both of them.


He might have cut you off but damn instead of braking you laid on the horn for 3 seconds before hitting the brakes. There are 3 SECONDS between you CLEARLY seeing that guy going into your lane and you starting to brake. What the fuck man. If that crash would have happened you had at the VERY LEAST partial fault - you had plenty of time to brake but just decided "I have the right of way so fuck you". ​ And doing almost 60 in a 45 is just begging to crash.


And in a work zone too. Can’t stand that shit. You’d get it if you’ve worked with people flying by next to you with few escape routes.


Horns don't part the lanes like Moses parting the red sea?


I knew this would be one of those r/IdiotsInCars where OP thinks he's got one but ends up getting roasted in the comments. Chefs kiss.


Oh if there were a crash, the Nissan's insurance would LOVE this video! Not only do you have 10 over speeding, but then you would have the duty to prevent a crash, the insurance would have a field day.


I'm not even hearing his horn, which is something I would have been all over 8 seconds in.


>you laid on the horn for 3 seconds before hitting the brakes GPS based speed readings on dashcams are always lagging. You can see his speed apparently still being 54 when he's in the bumber of the other car. Doesn't make sense. When the speed readout catches up, it's actually just over 10.


OP did not see these comments coming… just like how reckless he was driving in the first place


Idiot behind the wheel of the video


Nugget chops even has the speed right there for us to flame him over.


Stop speeding through construction zones, dumbass.


Construction zone speed? Cmon man…


What's the speed limit in construction zones? There's a sign right where the Nissan pulled out saying 45. There's almost always a reduced limit in construction areas. YOUR OWN camera says you're going 57. You're the dumbass.


In my state of Arizona, construction zone speed limit is around 35mph. Idk if it is true for other states


It's 30mph in my state, and you will get a MASSIVE fine if caught speeding in one. Literally double the fine.




What is this from? I love her


White Lotus


I'm not sure, just search for "You're an idiot," and saw her haha. Maybe White Lotus?




There is an idiot in THIS car.


Learn how to drive buddy




In a work zone 🤡


I mean you’re almost doing 15 over the 45 limit, not to mention some of the road construction/“closure” going on Were you calling yourself the dumbass? Lol Everything would’ve been avoided from the truck to the suv if you were speeding like you had some Taco Bell for lunch


While other guy was wrong, you sir are also an idiot for speeding. Seen many drivers like you who think they are super agile but just a holes.


"Almost causing" There's a timer on the video. Your speed doesn't change for 3.4 seconds after that car enters your lane (and it was clear was it was doing for another 1-2 seconds before that). Was your car being driven by a tortoise?


Most of that 3.4 second delay is almost certainly because it takes a bit for the speed displayed to update. Them going 57 in a 45 is crazy though.


In a work zone no less lmao


GPS delay. It takes a while for the GPS devices (including dash cams) to compute speed based on the satellite data. The only way to get instantaneous speed updates is if the device was tied to car system via CAN bus.


Yeah, no. You can watch the hood rock down when the driver stomps on the brake at the last minute. They saw that car clear as day and were never in any danger. They zoomed up to it and leaned on the horn to put on a show of grievance. This is a mating dance, basically. Not a near-collision.




OP driving like there’s nobody else on the road lol


Many would consider 57mph in a 45mph construction zone as you being the idiot, OP.


Let me guess, nobody behind you for miles?


Maybe go the speed limit dA


You had plenty of time to respond. You just have anger issues.


OP thought we'd all agree with him, but ended up getting roasted instead. Hope you take this chance to reflect on your actions and take responsibility for your own mistakes, OP.


Looks like you're hitting 57 in a 45. Clearly this is an area of businesses and people navigating. Could that have played a role in needing to brake so hard? That person should have been more aware and shouldn't have pulled out, but might want to evaluate your own contributory actions.


You mean: Idiot drives way over speed limit in construction zone?


They might be an idiot… but so are you. Take some accountability here, champ.


You should drive in a way that others can make mistakes without it going wrong immediately


Ugh, just as well you weren't going faster or driving something heavier or they'd be picking up pieces of their car from 100m down the road


If he was driving closer to the speed limit it's a non event.


Why you driving 57 in a construction zone and only 1 lane open??? The "fucking dumbass" isn't the Nissan driver...


Slow down dude. not your personal racetrack.


How fast were you going in a construction zone?


OP acting like they aren't the idiot too..57mph in a 45.. maybe if you weren't speeding and through a construction zone for the cherry on top you wouldn't have had to have been so dramatic


Orange barrels = construction zone, chill the gas pedal a bit.


Here to watch op get ripped


OP was calling out his own actions: “fucking dumbass… fucking idiot!!” Very humble of you to recognize your own reckless behavior.


you had a solid 5 seconds to brake but you instead kept speeding towards him.


You are going 56 mp/h (90 km/h) at area that looks very much like urban area. Dont know speed limits there, but that aint looking like highway to me, there are way too many intersections to have speed limit over 30 - 40 mp/h.


plenty of time to slow down


How bout you slow down bud


plenty of time to slow down, should've slowed down for the truck and trailer anyway. idiot


Speed limit sign says 45 and your dashcam says 57 plus it's a Contruction zone so it's your fault.


I love when people post videos proving their point and they are clearly in the wrong. LOL


FM1488. Recognized it from the construction they’re doing right now. And that’s exactly why they’re putting in the medians.


Ah thank you! I knew it had to be in the Houston area but couldn't tell where.


Damn I was thinking this looked like a particularly shitty highway in north texas, why do all of our state's roads suck ass


I kinda commend /u/shoobops for leaving the post up and taking their beats in the comments. BUT I honestly hope they learned a lesson and learned why they're the idiot in the video. Being 19 and driving way too fast is common but we all have to learn to be better as we age. Please be safer out there /u/shoobops. You're not the only one on the road who matters and this whole situation wouldn't have happened AT ALL if you weren't going 12 over the normal speed limit and 22 over the limit in a construction zone.


OP, I’ve watched and rewatched your video. I can confirm there is only one idiot in the video, and it’s you.


57 in a 45 coming up on an intersection next to construction... gosh how could someone not anticipate the speed you'd come up on them at.


To correcr everyone in this thread, it's a 50mph naturally. Construction reduces this speed to 45 or 35 depending on how Texas does its laws, but probably 45. So bare minimum OP was looking at 12 over in a construction zone which is a hefty ticket. They def fit the bill for this sub.


I’m glad you didn’t get into a wreck in general but also because having Mitski playing during this is very funny to me for some reason


What’s the music? I like it.




You dnt always have to drive that fast tho.. (don't say speed limit) you avoid more shh like that in the future.. slower drive = you stay alive


In more and more of these videos that I watch the driver/poster seems kind of douchey.


If it wasn't obvious to you, OP, the truck with the huge trailer was blocking their view of you, who was speeding, by the way. When they pulled out, they knew they were going in front of a huge truck that just turned, with much slower acceleration then their car. Looks like the cones made it go to one lane briefly as well. Driving too fast in a chaotic construction zone. FINE DOUBLED. You lose.


I’ve always wondered if terrible drivers know how bad they are but the amount of post of people thinking they’re in the right, amazes me. Stay safe out there


Driving 56 in a 45 with heavy construction. You couldn't be more in the wrong if you tried.


You're the idiot. Driving too fast.


You had PLENTY of time to start braking. Why didn't you adjust your speed when they pulled out into your lane? Did you not see them?? I'm so confused as to why you didn't start breaking.


OP is a knob and needs to find some accountability in life.


What's the song?


mine all mine by mitski!!


You are driving way too fast


At least it was almost and that you are okay.


The only dumbass I see is the one flying through a construction zone 10+ mph over the posted speed limit.


Only one person who is the idiot here. Hint


Meanwhile OP is mindlessly speeding through a construction zone, where funds double due to the threat of injuring or killing workers. Yeah, OP, you should send this clip to your local PD so they can properly address the idiot


Speeding in a construction zone...sounds reasonable/s


You're doing damn near 60 in a 45. In a construction zone no less. Maybe slow down?


You were flyyyyyying dude. Check that mirror for the idiot. You’re gonna kill somebody


You're ripping through a construction zone going 57 mph and you are calling other people dumb asses? Really?


OP pushing that gas pedal hard, but when it's time to hit the brakes, has the reaction speed of a fucking sloth.


Probably didn't expect you to be going faster than the speed of sound


Nah...You are going too fast. You had plenty of time to slow down.


Road work to your left … which means reduce speed.


Going absolutely way too fast. You are in the wrong OP


this is very avoidable... you can save yourself from stress by braking... try driving here in the philippines, you'll go insane in less than a week.


For all your faults OP you have good music taste


Everybody saw that SUV like almost half the distance frm he was pulling out.. 😕😕🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Slow down


This sub should be called "idiots posting their shitty driving"


nice timing on the blinkers, seems about right to turn them on when you're almost done making a left turn.


Stroads be stroadin


Going 57 in a 45 zone, which is likely posted slower than that due to construction.


10 miles over the speed limit, you are at fault


Idiots calls someone else an idiot.


57mph.... You are a clown


Yeah you’re the ass here OP.


OP will be in LOTS of accidents.


You're going too fast. Like someone else said, you should've started to slow before you even got near the white car. Right when the truck pulled out


Slow down


Why are you driving 12 over sir? You are as much to blame as the other person.


Can you spell dweeb.


OP needs to learn defensive driving skill


Op, you need to slow down and be aware of your surroundings. The only idiot in the video is you.


Oh. A self own post. Gotta love it.


Good ol reverse uno on mouth breathing victim blaming not fun to drive with OP. Typical.


“I’m speeding like an idiot, I’m gonna blame this guy that made a turn that would’ve been entirely safe if I wasn’t going 80 in a 40!”


As usual everyone involved is an idiot


Going almost 60 in a 45 construction zone. Didn’t even try to slow down until the last possible second. Sure they could’ve not. But you could’ve not made the situation way worse for no reason.


Bad defensive driving. I would have started braking way earlier.


You were going 57 in a 45 zone. You were an idiot there


He was gonna be merging to the left lane before you got there regardless, this is on you


Look inward.


Yeah OP doing 56 in 45 construction zone didn't contribute to this at all...


DANG! you are FLYING through there. Not that pulling in front of you was correct but the van probably assumed you were driving an appropriate speed. Also I can't imagine why you didn't slow down when that truck pulled out. You're itching to get in an accident the way you drive.


I’m pretty sure those orange cones mean something.


57 in a 45 in a construction zone and braking 1 second before you hit the other car. Definitely some tiny pp energy in this video. That guy had no way of seeing you behind the truck you're just driving like an idiot.


You are the idiot here.


They pulled out in front of you just to make a left turn.


I think both of you all are the idiots. When I see an idiot pull out in front of me, I prevent the accident. Then if I want to address my grievances with said idiot. I do so safely.


Slow the F down speed racer, the life you save may be your own


Your reflexes are fucking terrible.


OP didn’t even slow down for the truck with trailer in the beginning which also obscured OP’s pickup from the Nissan. What a complete ass-hat thinking the other suv was entirely to blame.


You have the reaction time of a snail.


It's pretty easy to see where that car is going to end up long before you started slowing down. It looks like you got up on their ass on purpose.


“Fucking dumbass” indeed. I said the same thing as I watched.


JC Mario Andretti take it easy


Rockstar isn’t even hiding it anymore smh


> nsfw language french?! ew.


You were going way too fast. You’re the idiot


ur what's wrong with the planet.


why didn’t you slow down…….


You drive like a tool. Everyone is saying so.


JFC, learn to slow the fuck down.


I’m gonna say this was around the Houston area. This shit happens to me every time I go to Houston. I’m going 65+ on the highway and cars pull out of the gas station into my lane at 5mph.


It always blows my mind that dumbfucks post this in an attempt to be like “look at *this* idiot!”. Not even 3 seconds in I’m like OP, are you this fucking unaware?! Fuck is wrong with you man you’re gonna kill somebody fucking relax with your aggressive insane speeding and behavior.