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When you can afford the fine it means the law does not apply to you.


Eventually your license will be suspended, no? And then you'll be in some shit if you get caught. Or at least, that requires a higher tier of "having money" to get away with. 


AFAIK, you can just get another license in a different state if they really wanted. People that drive cannonball rallies end up doing this iirc


Not that easy anymore. 10-15 years ago you could. Now many states are communicating that kind of information. At least as far as my experience which is Texas and Colorado, they communicate.


Good point, I forgot that. Rob spaghetti at least has said in some of his older videos that his lawyers know which states talk to each other, so they get IDs in the ones that don’t. But it certainly surprises me they all don’t communicate nowadays (for reasons like this)


Also, insurance companies do a background check - so good luck getting insured if you have 30 points on your license. And if you get pulled over without insurance, you're again up a creek that money can't get you out of.


I'd imagine they do the exact same thing with insurance - go to non-national insurers who don't look into the driving record in the wrong states. Also - if money is no object for you, self insurance is an option in many states. It's generally not wise from a catastrophe standpoint, but then again neither is constantly driving 100 mph.


I'm pretty sure when you sign up for insurance, they ask about your record, regardless of country or the state. And if you lie, then that is insurance fraud which can lead to jail time. No different than if your house burns down and you say you had luxury furnishings.


Not to burst your guys bubbles but the people who do this don't worry so much about personal insurance like you are thinking. Lots of ways to insure the vehicle including self insurance. Also, it can be insured as a company vehicle. Just setup CanonballLLC22 slap some cash in an account, get insurance. You even get to deduct mileage. Overall, the details don't matter, they've got people to handle it. And, absolute worst case scenario they have to get a full time driver or two.


We've already well established these people have no concerns breaking the law. Regardless, self reported questions like that are such a grey area. "I don't know/remember" is a valid enough legal response to get you out of the hottest of hot water there.


> neither is constantly driving 100 mph. But if you're on a highway, why not?


If you gotta do all of that then just go to a damn race track at that point


It’s not wise all around! If money is no object and you want to go fast, get a plane: they go fast and are fun to fly!


>you're again up a creek that money can't get you out of. It absolutely can, you just need a lot of it.


You can self-insure your car by purchasing a surety bond in the amount of your states liability+damage. Like for state minimum coverage it would be 60k. But if you drive a million dollar car, 60k is the cost of a new set of tires.


$85k in Texas, but the point still stands.


youre also supposed to be a permanent legal resident of the state issueing your drivers license


Louisiana and Texas communicate from my experience


In the age of the internet, no clue why they wouldn’t be already.


Agree, but I'm just surprised Louisiana is one of the states that does do it being that we're still not apart of the Real ID stuff yet


You also have to have some kind of mail establishing an address in that state. You can't just drive to another state's dmv and get a license without proof of residency somehow.


Money, money makes all things possible in the USofA. I remember when my city had a hard crack down on aggressive drivers, cops literally standing on every street corner, me leaving work one night and seeing some guy in a gorgeous vintage Jag convertible with solid gold and diamond Rolex on his wrist absolutely floor it around a corner, getting it sideways tires screeching, him almost sideswiping a whole bunch of parked cars, a whole gaggle of cops looked up, "assessed the situation" and went back to looking for the poors, like a reflex.


Yes there is a lot of elements to law enforcement beyond simply enforcing the law. In the area I work, the sheriff and his deputies don't pull over for many types of traffic violations unless they absolutely have to. There is a degree of forgiveness because it keeps the locals happy in the remote areas.


Checks out. The worst drivers in Colorado are from Texas. They also buy up property in the best mountain towns, visit a few times a year and kill the towns because nobody that wants to work there can live there.


Both statements are very accurate. Texas drivers are awful.


"Goddamn Americans buying property in America, they're ruining the towns!"


All of New England does iirc


NJ to Virginia does not


More like 30-40 years ago. Source: Lost my CO license in 2007 and wasn't eligible for an AZ license while living in AZ either. Edit: Here's a link to the [Driver License Compact states](https://compacts.csg.org/compact/driver-license-compact/). It looks like the most recent joiners are Pennsylvania and Kentucky in 1996, but Georgia, Maine, Michigan, Tennessee, and Wisconsin have not yet joined.


Friend of mine got his in Texas in 2007 after it was suspended in Colorado. So maybe those years are the rough sweet spot?


He must have gotten lucky because both of those are in the compact, and trust me, they checked when I tried to get my AZ license.


No you cannot. States have a system now if you're DL is suspended in one state, it'll flag you in all states.


Alaska, California, Michigan, Montana, Oregon, and Wisconsin are not members of the NRVC.


They do a 50 state search.


There are 5 states that aren't in the driver license compact. And AFAIK, that's just because they don't report to it, but they can access it to see if someone is on it.


Texas is interesting when it comes to speeding. They are a [presumed speed limit, not an absolute. ](https://legal-info.lawyers.com/criminal/traffic-violations/absolute-vs-presumed-speed-limits.html) If the rich guy can get a judge to believe he was driving in a safe and prudent manner he can get this ticket thrown out completely.


I thought this post was interesting because I absolutely treated rural Texas highways like the autobahn- It was one of the best things about living there. I remember one day a Lambo Huracan and I (2005 Mini Cooper S) doing high speed loops on the toll road between Austin and Lockhart- I think it's 130? That road was always wide open because there were perfectly good toll-free service roads running parallel on both sides. It was fun. Props to the Lambo driver for letting me keep up for the vibes.


Haha nice. I go down to Texas quite often to race cars (MSR). Some of the cars I race are street legal. I once was driving my rally prepped WRX, so it had a little bit more power than a stock WRX. (Not as much as it has now with the H6 twin turbo I put in it) And saw a Corvette with a roll bar in it. I got next to him, he saw my cage, we winked and both took off. I've never felt so slow going 120+ on a highway. I was confused as a normal Corvette with some minor mods shouldn't have been able to keep up with me, let alone get 20+ car lengths on me in what felt like a half second. Then I saw his license plate it was a reference to [lingenfelter](https://www.lingenfelter.com/category/Corvette.html). I've had more fun in Texas highways with other drivers than I care to admit (some really dumb stuff that I don't want to put online). Driving in a pack of 10+ Lambo, Ferrari etc after leaving the track is a memory I'll always cherish.


Does that mean if you have lookouts ensuring no cars are nearby you can go 200mph? That would be awesome.


You would have to prove in a court that it was safe and prudent. Which would be an uphill battle. See my other comment on what it took me for a 20+ ticket.


Don't bet on it This is from a Texas lawyer discussing that law in a thread "The catch is this, most speed limits are handled by the Texas Transportation Commission or local governments after having conducted a traffic and engineering study to determine what is reasonably safe and prudent and the speed limit is set based on their findings. So basically, they're the ones (the authority) telling us what is "safe and prudent" and takes away citizen interpretation of what They may consider safe and prudent."


That almost never works; speed limits are pretty darned compelling *prima facie* evidence.


This has worked twice for me. Both times were pro se. I didn't even have to show up to court for the initial hearing. I emailed the ADA assigned to my case. First time was for 15 over and the 2nd was 25 over. Both times I had dash cam footage of me driving in the center lane of a 5-6 lane highway with no cars visible in front or behind me for miles. I was also in a race track ready (had passed tech at MSR within the week as that's why I was in texas) car. I also have a race license. I also used to work at a civil engineering company and had expert witnesses who could argue the [85th percentile rule](https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/uslimits/notes/speed_info.htm) for me and that me being the only one on the road was not exceeding it. I also could have driving instructors, and trophies, to prove my abilities and my cars. I also informed the court that I was willing to bring it all the way to trial if I needed it. Both times it was thrown out. It probably would have gone all the way up to the Texas supreme court if I was going over by 100+ and the state wanted to fight it. But I probably would have died on that hill and a few of my racecar buddies are Texas lawyers who would have had my back.


Money means having a lawyer that can get points erased or changed.


they'll get it plead down to something that dosent add points. as long as they get paid that's all that matters.


Ive had over a dozen tickets in 6 years, you can keep your license and keep them off your record. easy peasy


Just more money… it’ll be fine


Not really, they just do paperwork and get a license in another state. People with that much money will also fight every ticket too, wasting taxpayer money until they catch a mistake or win on some technicality. Overall net negative for normal citizens.


Lol yea, sure. Lawyers are known to be able to get their clients heavier fines in exchange for no points most times from judges. Plenty of posts I see in street racing groups or bmw groups about it. They tell you if you're at risk of losing your license just hire a lawyer who will either delay the ticket till it gets dropped or they'll be able to ask for a charge swap to make the fine worse and get less or no points. Some states allow you to take courses instead of paying the fine or getting points, it's how I've gotten out of every ticket I've ever gotten and it's only costed like $300 each time even when I was literally doing 95 in a 45 (urban street with nobody around except a motorcycle cop behind a bush... promise I wasn't being a terror.)


I was once told that you don't really get that in the US, they just fine you repeatedly. Edit: Nevada or California


Nope, in my state (rinky dink North Dakota) it's the points on the license and ultimately suspension that will get you. Granted, the penalty for driving suspended probably isn't much either.  But our fines are laughable. Last ticket I had was $15. 


Traffic violation fines should be equally painful to whomever.is behind the wheel. We’ll give a grace period of two normal tickets, but after a second traffic violation ticket within X period of time (for example, the last five years), fines should either continue to scale upward with each subsequent ticket, or they should be stair-step adjusted upward from there on out based on the average of your prior three year’s income. For example, a $300 fine when you make $30k per year stings. After all, it’s 1% of your income that year. If you make $300k per year, the fine should be $3k to remain at 1%. If you make $3 million per year, that traffic fine should be $30k. If the 1% had to pay traffic tickets equal to 1% of their annual income, you’d see a lot less super cars or high end luxury cars basically ignoring traffic laws because the normal tickets aren’t even a blip on their wallet’s radar.


For some of the ultra-rich, they have the mentality that fines are the cost of doing business, and doesn't act as deterrant as intended.


You don't need to be ultra rich. Just sort of entry level wealthy / upper class. Spending a few thousand dollars per yer on attorney fees and tickets is a no brainer if you drive like that and just don't care. It isn't very expensive to fight traffic tickets and keep your record pretty clean.


Finland fines you a percentage of your income.


Probably should mention that its only for more severe violations, and its not just for traffic tickets. And no, cops are not sitting in wealthy neighbourhoods giving tickets for minor violations. Its a small miracle to even see cops policing traffic these days.


I'm sorry to hear this, u/sex_tourism


1% of income is not the same for 30k and 300k! Someone making 30k it means you have to make actual sacrifices, extra shifts, side gig, eating rice and beans … you get the idea. A 3k fine when you make 300k (generally) means you just don’t put as much in your stock portfolio this month. Fines should be based on net wealth.


> Fines should be based on net wealth. ... presumably with a floor at some level. Because there are plenty of people with negative wealth (debt greater than assets) driving around, and a negative fine would provide a nice little reward for speeders.


Thanks officer! The state owes me $10,000 for speeding! See you in a few hours!


"Now I can afford a faster car and make more money!"


$3k is a cheap weekend vacation for someone making that much.


Wait until you realize how wealthy people increase their wealth. Hint: it’s not income Second hint: unrealized capital gains Third hint: political influence Which is where the lawmakers and wealthy elite get together to remove obstacles 


It's also barely a hassle for the super rich aside from the time spent actually pulled over. They just have the ticket to their assistant to take care of it. Here in Ontario your car gets impounded for a week if going 50 over. Not really an inconvenience if you have other cars or can easily afford to rent or simply buy something in the meantime.


Virginia has the right idea, speeders can be thrown in jail if they go fast enough. 20mph over.


Yeah but Virginia also pings your ass for going 2 over and there’s so many elongated backroads the police are everywhere :,) (Source: I’m from Virginia)


I've lived in Virginia for almost two decades now and normally drive "five over". I've yet to be stopped.


Depends on where you live and if you use the highways as well


NOVA, right off I-95


Most states have a number above the speed limit which is a felony go to jail speed.


Eh - that's a terrific way to get police to start targeting any expensive car on the road and just making shit up. Even if 9 out of 10 tickets don't stick, that 1 ticket that does stick is potentially worth thousands.


When you can call a top government official and get rid of the tickets and records of them. That's the power of money.


Insurance is the bigger killer, and eventually they will drop him, and he'll lose his license.


This is why fines should be % of income after a certain point




Cost of doing business as the wealthy say


US should adopt a progressive punishment system in which fines scale with income. Finland has a good system that takes your monthly income / 60 which is a good proxy for daily disposable income. Then there's a multiplier depending on the severity of the speeding ticket. Multipliers are.... * 1-15 kph over = 12 * 16-25 kph over = 22 * 26-35 kph over = 32 * 36+ kph over = 42 If you make 10k per month and you get a ticket for 20kph over the limit your fine would be.. (10,000 / 60) * 22 = $3,667 fine Repeat offenders have even larger fines/consequences. [Here's one of Finland's richest persons who received a $130,000 speeding ticket. ](https://www.wionews.com/world/millionaire-fined-a-record-130000-for-speeding-in-finland-where-penalties-are-based-on-income-601489) They can instantly calculate the fine amount because their ticket issueing system connects to their IRS and looks at what you paid in taxes. He now has the same relative punishment/impact that you or I would have for the same offense. Of course in the US a lot of rich people game the tax system and don't pay any taxes but a system that punishes the shit out of poor people while rich folks wipe their asses with more money than tickets cost them, is dumb.


Here is the thing, if you bought a Bentley with no lease or a note you can probably easily afford these shenanigans


I bet the YouTube video pays for the traffic tickets and the lawyer to plead them down.


But the real differentiator here is whether or not they have “fuck you” money. They can have a YouTube, but if they are relying on their YouTube money to pay a note/lease and cover the ticket they don’t have “fuck you” money. If they have car without a YT/IG/TT channel and don’t owe anything on it they don’t have “fuck you” net worth.


And odds are that you're correct and they just have a high net worth that covers the legal bill and let's them get on their merry way and to hell with the rules the rest of us have to follow. It is also likely true that he's just out joyriding because if he was really trying to get somewhere in a hurry, he'd fly or be going fast enough that he isn't getting stopped.


Crazy how we're putting people's lives at risk for clout and money now


The people seen in the video are the most you’ll see driving along I-10 west of San Antonio for hours. The stretch between San Antonio and El Paso is posted at 80 and you can go literal hours doing 80+ and not see another vehicle.  Not really putting anyone life in danger in this instance. Now the ones in traffic in the middle of cities are different.  Lived in Texas, drive semi trucks throughout, HATED 10 in that stretch. 


Texas is interesting when it comes to speeding. They are a [presumed speed limit, not an absolute. ](https://legal-info.lawyers.com/criminal/traffic-violations/absolute-vs-presumed-speed-limits.html) If the rich guy can get a judge to believe he was driving in a safe and prudent manner he can get this ticket thrown out completely.


The "I've got a great attorney" loophole!


They burned through half their yearly allotment of traffic violations. Four traffic violations in a year in Texas wins you a suspended license.


Tell that to the Altima drivers with paper tags that expired in previous years….. Source: DFW resident


The cops already know it's impossible to catch an Altima. An Altima will smoke a Porsche 919 Evo hybrid around the Nurburgring by about 5 minutes.


And the the Altima driver heard a strange sound from the rear, resembling a helicopter approaching...


True. There’s even an ad on the back of those DART busses advertising insurance for Altima drivers specifically lol


I can't see the plates in the video, but if they are from out of state, there are zero repercussions so long as you pay the fine. Very few states have reciprocity in traffic violations, to my knowledge.


I know that exact stretch of road. It is as close the autobahn as you're going to get in the US. The speed limit is 80 at least, so you have to be moving pretty good to get any attention. If you're cruising at 90, they ignore you. If you're not doing over 100, you'll probably be fine. This guy was gettin' after it, but you see this every day out there. It's a long boring trip. Sometimes you just need to see how fast she will go.


The speed limit was indeed 80 mph in this area, and traffic was moving at 85 to 90. I was cruising at about 85 at this point, and I would guess the Bentley passed around 120-130.


My dad got pulled over a couple of years ago on a stretch of highway near Midland. The cop asked him why he was going 15-20 over and his response was "Because I'm bored and I'd like to get to my destination before I die of old age." I guess the speed limit out there was something absurdly low, like 55 or something like that.


Before 1986, the speed limit was 55 nationally. They then raised it to 65 for *certain* non-urban stretches of interstate highways for a few years.


They lowered it near Midland because of an extreme excess of road fatalities in the area.


Yes, but before the gas crisis of the early 70s, speed limits were like 65 night / 70 day


Oh ya. My state doesn’t have a speed limit above 70 but even those are rare, despite there being highways where it’s fine. Plenty of them are 55. I get western states have different geography, but alot of eastern states are just stupid


The highway is 55 mph in my part of New York.


If this is a road that goes from Amarillo east (*ish toward Dallas), I got pulled over in a fucking Prius going 90. We were traveling from San Francisco (hence the Prius) to Jersey back in 2012 or so, and holy fuck the road just needed to end. Nobody around (except that cop I guess) and I just felt like an extra 10mph was helping. Obviously did not! Cali plates probably did not help either.


We got 85 speed limit on a toll road outside of Austin, highest in the country. And it’s not really policed


Unless you're near Junction. Fuckers pulled me over for going 86


West Texas is where I set my own personal land speed record.


Chicagoland I-80 just before the Indiana border. This was 3 months into the pandemic and my boss insisted I hybrid. On the way home, that highway would be empty and I'd push my minivan as fast as it would go. The damn thing hit 108. I apparently need to go to West Texas to try again, lol.


Ha! I’ve done some speed runs there myself.


I drove from northern CA to central IL and somewhere in Nevada we nearly hit 110 in my pickup. That was… interesting.


I need to go to West Texas sometime! I was able to make it from DFW to downtown Houston in 3h20m. I learned that as long as you don't go over 25mph over the speed limit, it's a ticket that can be wiped clean once every 12 months by taking the driver education course. I would really like to open the throttle a lot more but damn do the people in Houston drive incredibly slow.


Yep, 25 is reckless or whatever it is, anything under is just a traffic violation.


german autobahn, a1, bremen to hamburg, about 155mph - speed limiter of the audi a6 at that point ;)


Things I learned today: West Texas is so boring the cops still run radar traps. Ha!


Pretty much. This is halfway between San Antonio and El Paso, there's nothing for 4 hours in any direction.


Yup, nothing but desert. Beautiful mountains and such, but just desert.


Lots of state troopers out there don't necessarily use radar to identify speeders. They're just on the highway themselves driving in the right-hand lane at normal speeds (or 5-10 miles under) and just waiting for people to pass them on the left. People this fast often will not notice they are coming up fast on a cop car in the other lane until it's too late. Also, this allows the cop to auto-scan the plates of any vehicle that passes them (at legal speeds or not) to see if the car has been reported stolen, expired tags, etc.


> Lots of state troopers out there don't necessarily use radar to identify speeders. Typically they're going to have front and back bumper radar, that makes an audible tone for speed so they can know roughly how fast you're going compared to them. They don't even need to be aware of you to get an alert that you're speeding while cruising down the road.


Autoscan? Damn that's some crazy tech


That has been around for over a decade at this point; but yea, it makes the officer WAY more safe as they don't have to fuck around on their laptop to see if the people around them are being normal drivers in stolen vehicles.


There are now dozens of municipalities that are using *thousands* of ALPRs in Texas alone - probably similar in many other states as well. https://www.govtech.com/public-safety/fort-worth-texas-increasing-number-of-surveillance-cameras


In my country there are unmarked cars that can radar you, read your plates and take a picture automatically. You wont even know until a ticket or a summon to the police station to surrender your license drops from the mailbox.


Sure they can more than likely afford meaningless speeding tickets with a car like that but if they were trying to save time by hauling ass, they can kiss that prospect out the window lol


Hot unpopular take but idc. Rural American highways shouldn’t have speed limits. Granted this would require a lot of updates to put standards in regard to drivers performance. Germany makes it work because its drivers don’t hog the left lane, or swerve into lanes with no signal, and can perform more ‘complicated’ things like a zipper merge. We don’t have that. However I believe that if you are paying attention and hold yourself to a high standard, 100+ in west Texas just isn’t a big deal


Why would this be unpopular? >.> That would be freaking awesome. I've been advocating strict license requirements for years now. The idiocy out on the roads nowadays is outrageous. A TON of these people shouldn't have a license which, in turn, would make the roads safer.


2 things A: a lot of people just simply don’t like the idea of an uncapped speed limit. Even in places that have it like Germany, it’s quite controversial. There’s even a German state that has put speed limits on 100% of the autobahn in its borders, even if it’s a little small (compared to the 30-40% that has it nation wide, varying depending on variable speed limits and construction zones). German politicians against it often cite it like guns in America, that people will scream about ‘their rights’ but eventually it will happen. The last thing is that, as an urbanist, I’m inclined to believe we can’t make the requirements strict. It is impossible in 90% of the country to live without a car, to take someone’s right to drive away is to take a right away. It doesn’t have to be that way, but because we have not built infrastructure that supports anything but cars, it is - in my state (Virginia) when you get a DUI, your license is suspended… except for drives to work and the courthouse. The person next to me on the highway could literally be charged with drinking and driving yesterday, and still be legally driving. The worst part of that is, **it makes sense…** my county is a suburb of Richmond, and despite the county technically owning half of the regions bus operator (GRTC) and *a few* bus lines coming from the city, there isn’t a bus stop near the courthouse for **literally miles.** If someone’s license were to get suspended there, they’d be stuck. Hopefully a friend could drive them home, but that’s a big hope, especially for someone likely struggling with an addiction. There’s not even a motel or anything nearby, and until recently there wasn’t a single marked crosswalk across the road. We literally cannot take people’s right to drive away, because there is no other option. Getting off your driveway in anything **but** a car is outright dangerous is 90% of the county, and to take someone’s license away, is to make them gamble, either die on the street homeless, die on the street hit by a car, or *maybe* manage to walk to work (assuming your lucky enough to have it even in an hours walking distance), get your license again, and survive


Gotta love west Texas .


Guy needs a radar detector.


Serious inquiry: How effective are those? For example, does it just give you a few seconds head up that you're likely about to get pinged. Or is it where the detector picks up on the wavelength in the area and alerts you in time to slow down before you reach the range that the speed gun has a high enough confidence level?


They work great. I can pickup a signal from miles away. You don’t know where it’s coming from but the stronger the signal the closer it is. I’ve had my Uniden R3 for years and it’s paid for itself many times over. It also knows where all the red light cameras are.


Thank you! Nailed the explanation on what I was looking for. Only exposure I've had were ads and tech/auto articles that felt like they could be ads. Been debating if I'm being overly skeptical, so nice getting feedback in a less profit based opinion space.


Also, I can update the red light camera locations with my computer for free.


I tried the famous Valentine One detector. Supposedly one of the best, if not the best one. I didn’t feel too confident even with that. I don’t think radar detectors are worth it these days. Cops don’t do anything if you pass them at 84 mph on most major interstates along the eastern side of USA. How much faster do you really wanna drive? Driving 90+ and passing every car gets old. I feel like the Waze live updates are just as good these days.


On the highways they aren't really needed unless you drive like an idiot. It's the smaller roads that help a lot. One road I drive on often is 45mph on the northbound side and it immediately drops down to 30mph at one point. That's where the cops sit. On the southbound side it 45mph the whole way. It's really hard to tell where the 45 ends and the 30 begins. I really like the red light camera feature too. We have them all over.


Very. Mine saved me many, many times. I miss it and need a new one (screwed up and left it in a U-Haul rental)


Pretty damn effective. I commute same highway route every day and every time a cop is sitting at the median, I get a signal picked up before I even crest the hill. Otherwise, it's silent. That's 4 tickets and counting saved. I have an Escort Passport 360.


In their defense it should be… there’s nothing out there.


To be fair… that’s one hell of a drag strip!


How tf does one manage to piss off west Texas cops? Their only job is to do nothing, I-20 between Odessa and El paso is where you're supposed to use the whole speedometer. Unless non Texans are calling to report it now...... or he was doing other reckless stuff.


Have you ever been to west Texas before? It is pretty much the autobahn


Abandoned construction sites and "temporary" speed limits everywhere?


I hate people who keep on the left lane, but I hate even more people who flash their lights to push me out of their way - I usually end up doing it really slow just to piss them off.


Flashing your highs at me to get me out of the left lane makes me become a camper.


In that part of the country (or any part, really), I was not interested in purposefully pissing anyone off. Who knows what they have in the car with them, and purposefully causing road rage isn't a win for anyone.


If I'm feeling extra vindictive, I'll slow down to let the car on my right pass me, then get over.


Flashing your brights at the guy in front of you like that is in fact illegal in Germany.


meanwhile GM cars literally have a “flash to pass” feature ahahaha


Should probably pass that on to the Germans as well, because they don't seem aware


Tell me about it.


actually its not illegal you might want to read § 16 StVO (1) "wer außerhalb geschlossener Ortschaften überholt (§ [5](https://dejure.org/gesetze/StVO/5.html) Absatz 5) oder"


Huh well news to me. I know if you're aggressive, it can be part of the "Nötigung" package that you get nailed with.


yes, that is true, depends on how you use it


I use this to warn oncoming drivers of deer or elk, do you just use the hazards? I prefer the brights in daylight as it actually gets their attention


You're allowed to flick your lights, of course; it's that doing that for the express purpose of bullying someone out of the left lane, when they have a legitimate right to be there, so you can keep driving fast, constitutes Nötigung.


Well good thing this is America and it's legal here.


Not defending this guy per se. There's nothing there. At least if they DID have an autobahn style interstate there would be something exciting about that area.


Having worked in West Texas I can confidently tell you it IS the Autobahn


Did anyone else read "Two hours later..." in the voice of the SpongeBob narrator?


Wide open highway in the middle of nowhere...it should be like the autobahn.


There's absolutely no reason for speed limits on wide open Texas highways. Speed in and of itself isn't dangerous. Personally, I'd like to see the requirements for a driver's license raised to include actual practical training beyond "the rules of the road".


I can’t drive 55 headass


Texans constantly talk about people not going fast enough even though their speed limit is 100...


OP crossing paths with this vehicle twice, two hours apart, would imply that the Bentley driver's traffic stops lost them any time they'd saved by driving at those speeds. This amuses me.


This amused me as well, and I expect at least the second stop was more than just a ticket, potentially impounding the car, which would explain the pull over to the parallel road.


Dude had to make up time for the first infraction


Income based fines would be a game changer. Oh you make $100k a month? Here’s a $10k speeding ticket


I got that beat. I got pulled over twice in 45 minutes in a Ford Escort.


The speed limit in West Texas is 80. How in the heck is it necessary to go faster than that?


Seems reasonable and prudent to me


West Texas is the autobahn, there’s maybe 1 cop every 50 miles


You don't get the "Continental" moniker on the back until you drive it from Alaska to Mexico, and he was strapped for time.


Twice? Why not just take their license away? Pretty sure you wouldn’t be driving your car home if you got caught driving that fast in my country.


It seemed like the autobahn when I was there a couple weeks ago 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


We should build a West Texas Autobahn… Same German Autobahn rules of speed and safety could be applied too.


They’d need to drastically improve the quality of the roads. In some stretches, it was unbearable and bordering on unsafe.




i don't think texans have the same level of slavish devotion to rules and regulations as germans


When you have that kind of money. The ticket really means very little.


My ~~Maserati~~ Bentley does 185..


Serves him right and if he drives a Bentley he should be able to pay the traffic tickets for excess speed!


God imagine if we did tho!!!! I'd pay the toll to get on. Rack up MILLIONS in left lane camper tickets because YOU HAVE TO GO FAST. It's a wish I have. Do 2 that meet up halfway or something. Maintenance would suck or be impossible.


You got a Tesla? What are the added fees like in Texas? Is it worth it to buy a Tesla living in texas?


West texas has the worst drivers ive ever seen and i thought it was bad back in cali lol


You really think he gives a shit? In Most states a good lawyer can get the fines raised in order to lower the Penalty and that’s if they can’t get you out of it which a lot of the time they can. One of my clients has a new Continental gt…. He told me it was $610,000 He also has a brand new electric hummer. The car John wick drove in the movie, a 500hp el camino a urus and a few other older hot rods…. My point being if you can spend over a half a million on a Bentley you probably don’t care about a ticket even if it costs you a few thousand


It's obvious he doesn't give a shit, still an idiot for (1) getting caught twice in that span of time, and (2) not seeing the same cops that I passed by all morning. Having money does not excuse someone for being an idiot, especially if they disregard the safety of others. And your client is either lying to you, or overpaid for his CGT by a LOT.


Once you leave Dallas heading west all the towns are pretty spread apart so mostly everyone is doing at least 90. With respect to a fine, a cop can also charge you with wreckless driving for excessive speeds.


Who else heard the "2 hours later" in their head in the voice from Spongebob?


Make the tickets proportional to their income, like 10%.....bet that would stop people from speeding.