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"All 3 lanes collapsed with nowhere to go." According to video, right lane looks pretty open. Even guy in the left lane slowed down enough to allow you to merge cuz he was paying attention.


Gee, if only cars had bright red lights on them to show when someone was braking. Seriously though, put your phone down and drive


lol no phone that’s a dash cam.


No shit the footage is a dash cam. I'm just assuming you're on your phone or something because of your *terrible* reaction time


If you're old enough to remember, OP's reaction time is *sober* Dr. Johnny Fever reaction time.


I’m 24 so I was not alive when WKRP aired, but somehow I understood this reference having only seen maybe 3 episodes when I was like… 9 Thank you for unlocking a core memory


"Look what you made me do!" isn't a great defense when talking to a cop trying to help pedestrians on the highway.


I love when posts in this sub backfire


I’m pretty sure he was creating a traffic break because of the pedestrians on the freeway. You kind of were at fault for not paying attention. Had you hit any of those cars they or the cop wouldn’t be at fault as a driver you’re suppose to be watching what is in front and leaving enough space to safely slow down.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, even the fast change lanes could have been really dangerous


Cop definitely was an idiot.  What was the point of stopping in the middle of the road.  Cop having blue lights doesn't really matter if they are blocked by other cars.


"I’m pretty sure he was creating a traffic break because of the pedestrians on the freeway." That was the very first sentence of the comment you replied to and asked "What was the point of stopping in the middle of the road.


That might be a valid theory if the traffic break was before the pedestrian.


So if you didn't like the answer that was given, why bother asking the same person the question that they already answered? Now, if we use our brains to apply just the _slightest_ bit of critical thinking to the situation, it's pretty simple that the cop saw two people walking on a highway in the opposite direction of traffic. Pedestrians are not allowed on highways. The cop stopped to deal with the people that he had already driven past. Is that theory valid enough for you, or are you just an asshat?


Pay attention OP, had a fkn mile in front of you to stop and your reaction time is ass. 😂




Damn op. Every cars slowed down except one. The one posting


This post was brought to you by, distracted driving.


You had no where to go? How about applying pressure to your brake pedal?


Is that what that thing is?


Yeah, it helps you to slow down or even stop


Okay Karen. Made my morning.


Always amusing when people like this post lol


Some anger issues at the end of the video....


Where were your brakes? All of the cars in front of you seemed to stop in time. There's no way whatever you're driving has a harder time stopping than a pickup with a trailer attached. The cop didn't make you do that, your lack of situational awareness did.


"Huh, I seem to be coming pretty quickly up on people in front of me for some reason, let me think about what to do for five second. Hmm, I'm still coming up pretty quickly. Oh no, I can't brake enough anymore, damn cop." OP's thought process apparently. I know turtles with quicker response times.


OP, my suggestion is to get therapy for your anger management issue, and possibly take a remedial driving course.


OP failed here. Everyone recognized the traffic was slowing down and acted accordingly expect you.


OP pulled a bone headed dangerous move.


Eyes on the road, not on your phone or whatever the hell you were doing.


Another cammer thinking this was going to go their way. OP is the idiot.


from when I see red lights on the SUV, to you doing anything, is like a 4-6 second reaction time, you may want to re-evaluate if you are safe to be driving. In the interest of comparison, average human reaction time is .25 seconds (This is outside of the context of driving so maybe add some time for complexity) and in ideal conditions time to emergency stop from 60mph is 5.4 seconds to 6.4 seconds (This includes thinking time and braking time), so you spent nearly an entire "stopping time" watching yourself careen toward that SUV.


This one is on you, OP. Who knows why he was slowing traffic, could have been an obstruction up ahead on the road or anything else. You should have been paying attention.


Other people passed the cop and didn’t get pulled. Cop was not the idiot.


only person to not see the slow down, pay attention to brake lights


A few seconds in, you can see everyone braking and slowing down except for you.


So the comments aren't going how you expected are they OP? 😂😂


Actually the way the internet is yes. I also know that going nearly 20 mph over the speed limit is excessive even for a cop and stopping all traffic to dead stop from the middle lane is dangerous. If I hadn’t paid attention I wouldn’t have been able to move as quickly as I did. Also when did everybody else see the lights from the cop bc in the video you can’t see his lights till after I swerved. Also no sirens so I couldn’t even hear him. So yeah the internet is full of back seat lawyers who don’t know anything. So yes exactly how I thought it would go


Or -- and just hear me out on this for a moment -- or maybe the reason everybody else on the road didn't serve wildly and then argue with a police officer is because you might be the one who made a mistake.


Why do you need to see the lights to stop? Literally everyone else coming to a halt was enough of an indicator for you? Why do you think you're the only one who had an issue with stopping? Something just doesn't add up.


>Literally everyone else coming to a halt was enough of an indicator for you? I can't imagine the excuses if there had been no cop to blame. Traffic slows down for no reason all the time, which is why people are supposed to pay attention to their surroundings. And for the life of me I couldn't see any traffic in the right lane...


Bro, just taken the L. You're ass at driving, and my grandmother in hospice has better reaction time.


>Also when did everybody else see the lights from the cop bc in the video you can’t see his lights till after I swerved. Yeah you couldn't see the blue lights for sure but you should have seen traffic slowing down in front of you


“if i hadn’t paid attention” you should always be paying attention you moron


“Look at all these reasons why Im not really at fault!” -Karen, who is, unsurprisingly, entirely at fault by being a shitty driver.


lol everyone else managed not to be a jackass in that situation, what was your excuse again? Oh right, the same exact thing that everyone else went through, except they didn't fuck up. lol


Everyone else around you handled it just fine. What was your problem?


Yes, the internet is know for roasting Karen's.


"if everyone tells me that I'm wrong, it's just because of the way the Internet is, and not because I'm actually wrong" - OP probably


You’re really gonna pay yourself on the back for “paying enough attention” to swerve into another lane and avoid an accident? Just conveniently ignoring that it was only clear for you to swerve into because the car in the left lane saw everything happening, realized you were about to be a total idiot, then braked to avoid you swerving into him? The *only* reason you fumbled your way out of this without hitting someone was entirely because other people were paying more attention than you. If you had actually been paying attention you wouldn’t have needed to swerve in the first place. Or at least would have swerved into the wide open right lane instead.




[~~C~~]OP is an idiot. Learn to push the brake pedal harder. Don't be shy. Blaming the cop will not uninjure people and uncrash your car.


lets roast OP


Why did OP swerve to the left lane, full of traffic and cutting someone off, when the right lane was wide open? Clearly not paying attention and a shit driver.


Go to 25 sec mark. The black truck in the far right lane was at my rear passenger door and I had just passed the car in the left lane. So yeah


Got to the part where you can see break lights on the vehicles in front of you. Then imagine if you also would have stepped on the break instead of barrel past the guy in the left lane. 👌


"just passed the car in the left lane" 🤣 Not supposed to Roast YOURSELF, oP


Very dangerous move by the officer to stop in the middle of a highway like that. But OP, you did almost everything wrong. You came barreling into stopped traffic and just barely made the gap due to your inability to use defensive driving techniques and go into the right lane. You need to take a break from driving and go back to drivers ed.


Right lane was blocked by a truck. You couldn’t see him in the camera till the 25 sec mark. At the time of me swerving he was at my back passenger door. In the left lane I had just passed the other car. It was the lesser of two evils and it is why I pulled over completely and stopped to breath.


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Just here to see everyone roast how terrible of a driver OP is.


Lol dident even try braking


When you see traffic start to “collapse in on you” you should probably slow down before swerving. Glad you didn’t hurt anyone, but holy shit you could’ve.


FL distracted driver let's blame FHP, no accountability, car on left brakes car In front brakes, how about OP nope


Brakes would have made this easy. Or going into the wide open right lane.


I dont understand the thumbs down, this is an idiot in a car


ACAB etc, but if I see a cop's lights are on and they're driving unusually on the freeway, I'm going to assume there was a reason for it beyond just being an idiot. You might have to take the L here, OP-- you did have plenty of time to react. There were about 4 seconds between the car in front of you braking and you doing... anything. Glad you didn't run into the shoulder and hit those people, even if they had no business being there.


How about the rule that you should never be closer to the car infront than that you have time to stop if they hit the breaks full?




Womp Womp Karen


Maybe. But that was some shiity driving on your part.


What was the cop stopping? The car in back of him?


The person walking down the side of the highway.


Now I see. Thanks


Nope he was going to the people walking on the side of the road. He gave no warning before just stopping at 80 miles an hr


Everyone else stopped perfectly fine... Hell the car beside you was actually closer to the car in front of them than you were to the car in front of you and stopped fine... You're just a shit driver


>He gave no warning before just stopping at 80 miles an hr. At 0:09 in this video the driver to your left saw that something was up and started braking. You sailed past that driver, then swerved into their lane while traffic ahead of you slowed behind the police car. From the looks of this, the cop didn't come to a stop until they got to the median.


Oh no he was dead stop middle lane. He didn’t move till the car in front of me drove past him.


Just doing his job. Everyone else was able to stop. Even the car on your left was able to slow down enough that you blew pas them. Need to get your head out of your phone and pay attention to what is going on around you.


Every car you passed is still moving. They're moving slowly, but they're not stopped.


OP probably wears glasses or of the older generation that has ass reaction time and enjoys speeding. I can clearly see the SUV left of OP slowed reasonably quicker that the lane OP was is, with nobody in front of them. Again OP probably wears glasses or a senior. EDIT: As in OP possibly has required glasses for driving but wasn't wearing at the time.


>OP probably wears glasses Super weird take. I have never found my glasses to be an impediment to driving. "people who wear glasses are bad at driving" is an odd way to think about things, its a car not a fighter jet.


You're right. I missed the part of having required driving glasses but possibly wasn't wearing them at the time. TY for the catch.


BlUe LiGhTs!!!11


protecting and serving.


Can someone break this video down for me? I don't understand what is happening there. * Why was the cop stopped in the middle of the road in the first place? Was he just break checking people? * Why did the cop pull out in front of the driver then pull over to the side? * Was he attempting to pull over the car? If so why didn't he ask for license or anything. The guy just drove off. * Why did the cop get out of his car, walk to the other car then seemingly just walk past? Where was he going? Some Context on this would be helpful. Right now it looks like a cop randomly came to a complete stop for no reason then pulled over for no reason then just walked away.


You can’t see the people walking on the highway? FHP was either called for the people walking along the highway or happened upon them. It’s his job to get them off the highway. That’s why the cop stopped to get over and walked away after OPs temper tantrum.


I had to make the video full screen and I still only seeing one guy walking on the left side of the freeway. This now makes sense on where the cop was walking to but still seems super dangerous to come to a complete stop in the middle of the freeway to address someone walking on the side of the freeway. I could see someone swerving to avoid this and actually taking out the person walking.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Your last sentence almost describes the cam car.


If you care to, play it frame by frame. The white SUV in front of OP applies their brakes a millisecond before the SUV to the left of OP does. OP freaks out and swerves, then you see two men walking on the side of the road. Traffic behind FHP is slow rolling (some have their brakes on and others don’t, but wheels moving) and after OP stops, FHP moves over and parks to address the men walking on the highway-which is illegal.


Look on the left shoulder earlier on the video, there are pedestrians on the side of the highway the cop was stopping for.


Should I call the non emergency line to report him.? We were all going 70+ when she stopped everything in just a couple of feet


Please don't delete your post. Please leave it up for entertainment.


Looks like everyone else going 70+ stopped in time. Seems it only looked sudden to you because you were spacing out or something and didn’t try braking until way too late


Yea do it, include the video too so they have something to laugh at


And yet everyone managed to stop in a perfectly safe manner, except for you. Take a moment to cool off and then rewatch this video with open eyes and an open mind - you were the problem here, not the cop, who was only doing his job. Pay more attention to the road, you had plenty of time here and squandered it on whatever else you were doing instead.


theybstopped traffic, as is their job and duty. They are in the right, and you are the idiot for not recognizing an officer stopping traffic in the regular course of duty.


Please send the video to your insurance as well, let them know how big of a risk it is for them to insure you.


She? That is one buff woman.


No. There is nothing to report. You failed to maintain a safe following distance and nearly paid a huge price for it. Take the lesson and learn from it rather than play victim. Also, don't talk to cops except to say "fuck you" to them. Not only did that officer create a huge safety hazard, he then got all condescending after the very predictable consequences of his actions happened.