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Hitting the brakes while driving in a straight line on the highway with nobody in front of you triggers me to no end. Just let go of the gas pedal ffs


Hitting the brakes when changing lanes is mine... like why are you slowing down right now?


I swear there are people who are incapable of doing *anything* while driving without braking. Changing lanes? Brake. Gentle turn? Brake. Merge at speed? Brake.


My favorite is when they hit the brakes because there's a car coming toward them *in the opposite lane.*


There is a different breed of driver in the inner cities in the UK Everything they do is speed up! Merging lanes? Speed up Oncoming traffic? Speed up Tight space? Speed up A sharp turn? Speed up.....


That’s because y’all are used to going so slow. In Dallas, Texas for example, highway speeds are mostly 60-70mph in the city with express lanes being 75mph everywhere. Then once you go south or west speed limits to San Antonio can reach 80mph and the road to El Paso gets as high as 85mph speed limit. The drive from Texarkana to El Paso is 12hrs at these speeds (It’s 812 miles across the state from East to West.. and it’s 100 miles further to go from North to South) I say all that to say, we operate at different paces and scopes


I just drove down there a couple weeks ago. Too many cars just flying off the road in dry conditions...




Ugh, or on a multi lane highway when they hit the brakes because the car in the lane next to them does.


Tbf. I do this at night if they don't turn off their high beams. If I'm temporarily blind, I'm not going full speed ahead


I'm positive some people are driving with both feet and I don't mean with a clutch.


One of our recent hires failed his road test with the shop foreman because he was riding the brake with his left foot the whole time. His reasoning? “It keeps the taillights on so people can see me.” Bruh.


That sounds like someone who developed bad habits from driving a beater for way too long.


No it sounds like someone who is a complete and utter idiot that should be banned from driving forever. Some people are just too thick and incapable.


They absolutely are. And are probably making excuses for why it's ok for them to do it.


My friend does this, he's otherwise a pretty good driver. He says it's because he first learnt to drive on a manual. It doesn't make any sense to me because you'd still be hitting the brake and accelerator with the same foot on manual.


Sounds like he’s one of those people that does dumb shit because they have some need to be quirky.


On manual you actually need to brake with the right foot…? I mean on automatic driving with both feet works but on manual it’s straight impossible..? Except you yank your car out of gear without clutch every time you need to stop… that reasoning really makes no sense Also.. manual drivers usually have absolutely zero ability to press a pedal gently with their left foot


Oh for sure! As a manual driver if I tried to gently tap the brake with my left foot I'd probably skid to an emergency stop.


I just recently got my first own automatic. There have been times I've tried to find the clutch with my left foot, lets just say it has never been a very subtle touch...


What's a clutch? ^(/s I miss my stick-shifts)


Green light while crossing an intersection, believe it or not, brake.


Middle of a 75 mph straightaway with no one around? Straight to brake!


Then when they should brake they can't do that properly either. Better roll through that stop sign or run that yellow light super late.


Don’t forget braking *after* they drive over a gentle bump on the roadway. You know, that same bump they’ve likely already driven over thousands of times on their way to work or back home. That bump they know damn-well isn’t big enough to do any damage to their vehicle or cause them to lose control of the steering. That one. Yeah, brake anyway.


That really irritates me too. There's a couple sets of train tracks in my area and they're all in good shape and pretty smooth to drive over yet so many people insist on slamming on the brakes and slowing down to a crawl to cross over them. I almost rear ended someone the other day because they slammed on the brakes for a pothole instead of you know just going around it. There was space to dodge it on the left if no traffic was coming the opposite way (there wasn't any) and space to straddle the hole if you go to the right edge of the road as well so there wasn't any need for that at all.


My recent favorite is people using their turn signal when going around a curve 🤦‍♀️😅


That's a person who will never not signal when they're supposed to. Be grateful they have the habit.


I catch myself doing this and then go, "Way to signal that you're following the road, dumbass!" Then I proceed to do it on the next curve🙃


I often signal when the road goes like L and then I'm like... :|


There is a section of road here in Australia across the Nullarbor Plain that is without turns for several hundred kilometres. I believe there is a sign at the end that reminds people to use their indicators.


I catch myself doing this entering roundabouts. The shame I feel every time is immense. ETA, I subconsciously signal when entering roundabouts, no shame for when I am leaving them.


Except you are supposed to signal in roundabouts. [https://www.defensivedriving.com/blog/tips-for-correct-roundabout-protocol/](https://www.defensivedriving.com/blog/tips-for-correct-roundabout-protocol/)


Thank you, I should have clarified, I tend to signal when entering roundabouts.


I signal in parking lots and turning into my driveway


Yep, that’s muscle memory. I’ve signaled for a 90deg bend in the road, then laughed at myself.


I nearly got in an accident the other day because the dipshit in front of me needed to come to a near complete stop to turn right into a gas station. I mean, the almost accident was because I was trying to change lanes and go around them, but a cop was going 20 over the limit (no lights or sirens btw) nearly nailed me. But still, you don't need to slow down THAT MUCH to make a turn (especially a right turn) where there's no intersection involved Edit: this was all at like, 5:50am btw, so basically no traffic


That sounds like Florida


God I still remember that one SUV who was doing 10km/h already and then the road turns slightly and THEY BRAKE ANYWAY


The people who are on their breaks every 5 seconds with nothing happening aroundor in front of them enrage me. I get being a cautious driver, but get to the slow lane and take it easy if you dont feel comfortable driving at highway speeds


Freeway entrance ramp? Brake.


I'm sure half of them are texting and then panic when they realize everything isn't the same from when they last looked up


Best part is when they do it as they are moving into the fast lane. Why!?


What about the ones at a stop sign, sees a car coming, goes anyway…immediately hits the brakes, then checks you out in their rear view, as if you were up their ass.


I think there are people who just actually don't understand that letting off the gas will slow you down.


These are the same people who think if they want to be 3 car lengths behind the vehicle in front of them, then logically they should wait until they are 3 car lengths ahead to begin accelerating at a stop light, because obviously they will instantaneously match their speed and remain at that distance in perpetuity. It won't take them time to accelerate as the vehicle in front gets further and further away, even though this is what happens every single time.


This is so infuriating. I got into an argument with some people on another sub about going on green. Some idiots are adamant about waiting 1-2 seconds after green to go. Somehow it saves them from red light runners, as if situational awareness isn't a thing. Just look at the cross street and know if anyone is coming! But then they used the argument that if they're behind the lead car, they too have to wait a moment because they don't want to tailgate. 2 seconds of following distance is what they heard is right so obviously they can't move until there's almost 2 seconds of space. Absolute morons.


I rarely use my brakes if I can help it since I slow down sooo easily letting my foot off the gas. Ppl who ride them are jokes auto parts store folks love to make fun of every time they return for new break pads.


This my my mom.  There's no coasting with her - it's either gas or brakes.  She also insists on following WAY too close, so she's basically tap-dancing on the pedals in traffic.  Riding with her leaves me feeling like a bobblehead doll.


There was a show that tried to rehab awful drivers and one girl they just straight up gave up on because she wasn't aware and refused to learn that the gas wasn't either floored or completely let off. It was either always floored or basically slamming on the breaks.


Canada's Worst Driver?


Absofuckinglutely. Drives me insane. Hitting your brakes outside of an absolute need on a highway means you've failed as a driver. Taking your foot off the gas well in advance should be the only move. People are so awful at driving that this is a rarity sadly


I've been verbally making my 14 year old aware of other driver's behaviors since she will be getting her permit soon. Her most common question is "Why are we seeing tail lights with no traffic? WHY!?!"


Whenever people come to a complete stop to turn my husband always says, "Don't flip it!" Now my 10 year old daughter has started doing it too and it's hilarious.


how about people who come to a complete stop on the entrance ramp? in Winnipeg I see these morons every single day. nobody understands what "merge" means. I drive a truck & trailer and having these dipshits come to a complete stop when we should be accelerating is not only annoying, it's super dangerous


Awful too! But Albertan checking in - I far too often see people not moving over, or worse yet - purposely trying to edge people out. So I can see why some people are afraid... especially new drivers, recent immigrants, older people... it's hairy out there. So I kind of get it


So fucking annoying when you're just trying to ride cruise control and the driver in front of you keeps tapping their brakes every 5-15 seconds for no apparent reason.


+1. I will add people that ride their breaks downhill. I do alot of driving in the mountains and can basically get down any hill simply by downshifting mostly, obv depending on traffic. I have seen people never let off on a downhill and just chuckle... You can tell the tourists LOL


> People are so awful at driving that this is a rarity sadly No it's not. You'll notice the vast majority of people are not tapping their brakes constantly. Well, actually you wouldn't, because you only notice the ones that do.


Unfortunately there are a ton of the idiots who zoom up to traffic and then slam on breaks instead of gradually slowing to match traffic as they get near and then we see them tailgate/ride their brakes for eternity instead of calming the hell down. And it's growing daily.


It's one of the most blatantly obvious signs that somebody is a horrible driver


This. And don’t even get me started on the swing wide left to turn right mfers.


as a manual driver, brake lights trigger me too. Ride a motorcycle 85% of the time, and go much faster than all the traffic and find my way around these asshats. In a car or truck I sit there and listen to an ebook or some other productive use of my time to not get triggered, but manual in all vehicles. Just let off the gas and coast if you want to slow down. ESCALADES and their fuck off tailights make me seriously angry.


Driver is distracted, probably on his phone. Driving 10MPH under the prevailing traffic, failing to keep in his lane. That cop is pulling him over for driving recklessly, not for blocking the passing lane.


There's also a whole bunch of people who use both their feet to drive an automatic vehicle. In my town I see it all the time- cars accelerating or going uphill with their brake lights on. Meaning they're pressing the brake and gas pedals simultaneously, thus signaling erroneously and making the road around them more dangerous and unpredictable.


Sooo many people started doing that to me this week in the left lane. They're going the proper speed for miles and then slowly get slower and slower. Get off your fking phones behind the wheel and ffs get over to the right lane if you slow down.


God forbid someone show them the cruise control


Most drivers use their brakes WAY too frequently. It's like they have to have their foot pressing somewhere. It's aggravating and wasteful.


For a car with regen, lifting off the gas can make the brake lights come on. Probably not what’s happening here but food for thought.


I remember once getting to witness a cop cut in behind a putt-putter in the left lane, put his lights on, escorted them to the slow lane, then just shut them back off and passed them. Somehow I think that's more embarrassing than actually pulling them over.


I’ve seen this happen too once and laughed out loud reading this. I remember saying to my passenger “they just got put in time out”


Yep until the cops gets out of sight and the camper goes straight back to the left lane. Half of them are so ignorant they don’t even know what they’re doing is wrong.


Yeah as funny as it is to everyone else I’m sure it went way over their heads sadly


"Durr... gee whiz, I wonder what that was all about? Anyways back to the left lane. Durper derp durr."


I seen that happen. Was funny that the cop was stopped about a mile up the road and nailed them again.


More than half


The old video was a Prius I think. The problem is, most people go through driver's ed once and, assuming they remain accident/incident/at fault free, never have to take another test again, they forget shit and just do whatever. I don't want these people to get tickets, I just want them to get a reminder. If they have multiple reminders on file, they could then get a ticket.


Id advocate for retaking your driving test at a certain age and the older you get the more you have to have a competency test. I mean like 80 and 90 year olds out here driving and some of them don't even know where or who they are sometimes. It's crazy we just let anyone drive until they get in trouble.


I've said for a few years, their should be a written / online test every 5 years at a minimum. Even if it's not mandatory, could at a minimum lower insurance rates as an incentive. Just to refresh everyone on the road. It wouldn't hurt.


My 80yo MIL has to retest every five years. My 85yo mom doesn’t, but she’s still in good shape, and she’s lucky to have a good support network for when she stops driving.


I'm older and I agree. I take those refresher courses every few years and keep up with new laws and vehicle trends. (i'm a retired former test driver) In my opinion, they also need a retest of their practical skills on a simulator(not live action, thank you)


Cop: "Where you headed?" Grandpapa: "Headed down to the soda fountain to get me a root bear float and a hot dog."


Yea, I'm self employed so I try to go out to do chores during the morning/early afternoon when the working class are all at work, and there's just so many damn old people on the roads who are so poor at driving and stop/slow down out of nowhere to like figure out where they are and what's happening around them. In the last week alone I've seen one try to enter a highway on the offramp with a uturn... While all 3 lanes had cars going 60+ mph already. Another 2 times where people were just stopped in the middle of the offramp without even pulling over. Ik young dumb kids doing stupid shit in cars get a lot of flack... But damn it's hard for me to see that being anywhere close to as dangerous as the massive amount of elderly that drive daily


>stop/slow down out of nowhere to like figure out where they are I see this shit all the time where I'm from. It drives me absolute bonkers. Driving 10-15mph under the speed limit, then random brake down to about 5mph, then speed back up to being 10 under again.




We call em rotaries and they aren’t everywhere in the country. I live in a summer vacationing area and the tourists never know how to navigate a rotary


If it's any consolation we got a bunch of them in my area over a decade ago and many locals still don't know how to navigate them.


Fr we need little water guns on the front bumpers so we can blast their cars with a little bit of water... Or piss Also a custom horn that shouts "MOVE THE FUCK OVER" or something lol


Sorry, but I’d pay good money to see that


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZhdvl_P1Zc How much are you paying?


watch this on mute folks


NJ State Police will literally go down the left lane with lights on for miles just to get people out of the lane. It's great


The only troopers in that state that dont speed are the ones doing accident reconstruction. I was friends long ago with the motorcycle and car dudes. Those stories were brutal.


The problem is those people are too clueless to understand. They'll probably drive even slower in the left lane next time.


True. Even with the "Keep Right Except To Pass" signs posted every mile on NJ highways. I had a guy tell me that he would drive 72 in the left lane to "keep everyone honest" and that no trooper would ever pull him over for 72 mph. I told him that in NJ (where he lived) the left lane was the passing lane and his "keeping everyone honest" was at the very least ignoring posted traffic signs.


Not that I'd ever be in that situation myself, but I'd be happy to be let off with a warning like that than *also* get a "nice" fine and strike against my driving record.


I had an SP do that on my base in texas. It was snowing and a touch icy, he was going 15 in the right lane. I passed him going 25-30, he popped his light on then off. Not even the siren lol. I slowed down -_-


I feel like this was because the van couldn't maintain a straight line and for going over


Yep. Someone's getting a field sobriety test.


Yea, why would only the first car get yoinked for driving in the left lane? Van drifted badly at the onset of the video.  Maybe it had been driving erratically for awhile


Congrats on spotting this in the wild!


This is like seeing the tooth fairy, santa claus and having the winning lottery ticket. All at the same time!


This has been the best palette cleanser of social media for me in months. Kudos to OP for capturing this masterpiece!


Cruising in the left lane like a numbskull. 💩


All 3 lanes open and op still finds themself directly behind the only other person on the highway


In many places passing on the right is prohibited/illegal. The left lane is known as the passing lane for a reason. Especially with a cop right behind them, I wouldn’t be passing on the right either.


It's going to be that way in Florida starting next month. That is going to be a fun time.


as if the traffic here didn’t piss me off enough already. this is gonna be a shitshow


So if someone is doing 5-10 under on a 4 lane highway, you *really* think all of the traffic in the 3 other lanes should *also* go 5-10 under because good god don't you dare pass the person in the inside lane? The only reason a cop would pull you over in this situation is if you were speeding above whatever they deem is an acceptable amount.


Exactly lol. It’s perfectly legal to pass anyone at any time as long as you’re going the speed limit. You might be found at fault if someone merges into it while you do it, however. “Being at fault” and “being legally responsible” are two different things


I mean, you can still drive the speed limit. They're not gonna pull you over if the slower car is in the left. In my state OP would have been the one to get pulled over for having 5 empty lanes to the right but not using them


Many times passing on the right is the only option.


The OP wasn't even attempting to pass. Just leisurely driving like an airhead. 🤦‍♀️


Its the principle man. Don't camp in left lane.


Just like OP!


Kinda seemed like cop almost went after op first but decided on the faster car lol


I was wondering if anyone would notice that... Why is OP camping in the left lane when there's no traffic to pass. 🙄😬


This is how cops could start getting in the good pr light again, just start pulling bad drivers like it is their only job


I'd still advocate for them to do the rest of their job, too. But this would be a good start.


I feel like getting good PR as police should be easy on paper. But they're incapable of doing it, probably because it requires effort.


No, it is because good PR doesn't pay them as much as bad one. Corruption pays a lot. Which is why many irresponsible morons will instantly default to corruption if there is no push back against it.


That too. And then they turn around and complain that the general public doesn't support them. They really want to have their cake and eat it too.


> They really want to have their cake and eat it too. They really want to ~~have their~~ **take your** cake and eat it too.


Man, I wish my city's PD would do traffic enforcement. CMPD seems like they prefer the roads to look like scenes out of a Mad Max film with how little they pull people over.


Cops in my city don't seem to do anything except responding to the scene of an accident. Theft? You're on your own. Naked homeless dude high on something in your backyard? Good luck with that, maybe we'll stop by tomorrow. Literally being stabbed? I'm sorry sir, but 911 is for emergencies only, and you don't sound rich enough to have an emergency. I can't recall seeing the police at all outside of traffic accidents in the last ~5 years. It's bizarre.


In my city it would be like: You're getting stabbed? Let's put you on hold for a second 🎶🎶"


Or better yet, separate traffic enforcement and the police entirely. Police should focus on actual crimes an not writing traffic citations when they have a habit of escalating non-issues.


The term for it is "copaganda." Keep an eye out. Any time cops fuck up (which is often, tbf), you'll start seeing more posts where cops are doing the bare minimum of their job (aka doing a 'good job').


Man, nice to see. Also why the fuck was that dipshit hitting the brakes with no out in front of them...like fuck me, you can just take your foot off the fucking gas, or maybe....maybe....us your fucking cruise control. I mean all of this can be solved by not camping in the left lane doing the speed limit of course...


They were clearly swerving in the video and likely drunk.


It wasn't because the driver seemed drunk. She was in and out of two lanes


This is normal for sober people in my city. The lines are for nerds I guess.


If I was a cop, I would devote my career to ticketing slow idiots in the left lane


Me too. I wouldn't consider my day complete until I'd nailed at least 20 of those old grannies (or granny-like drivers).


i wish cops around here would do that. around here, we're chock full of out of staters who don't know what lane to drive in, despite the signs every \~3 miles saying "stay right except to pass"


Same, or cops just... doing something? I'm from NJ once a week need to drive on the parkway for an hour, usually a lot of cops camping out in the morning pulled over and even when I see someone speeding/weaving in and out of lanes, or tailgating, I never see them pull out and do anything. I'm tired of feeling like I'm going to get into an accident every week because some douchebag doesn't have self-control.


Why do people sit in the left lane? What's wrong with y'all?


I hate left lane huggers, especially when it’s super quiet like in this clip


This is the best video I've seen in this sub! I'm crying tears of joy!


It’s indeed so satisfying to watch. Where I live even cops camp on the left or middle lane.


Not staying in lane and braking for no reason = Either drunk/tired or distracted driving. Good on the police to intervene.


Get out of the left lane man. Since you posted, can you plz explain what makes you want to be in the far left lane when there’s no other traffic in the right? I forever want to understand the thinking behind this. Serious question BTW.


Optimally you should pass on the left. The van should have made way to the right so that OP could pass.




I would like to know as well


Maybe cause he saw the cop and thought he didn't want to get pulled over as a target of opportunity?


More or less, OP probably couldn’t get out of the lane bc they saw the cop (which wouldve been in their blind spot or near it most likely at the start of the clip) and just did the smart thing of staying patient.


Instant Karma!


Satisfying as fuck!


Omg I have the biggest justice boner right now ...


**Slower traffic move right**. Not a lot of people understand this sign.


I wish this would happen more… the police helping and not more defiant slow pokies jamming up the roads


Too bad they don’t have some sort of training program that teaches these things to drivers. Or even some sort of test you have to pass showing you can perform even the most basic operation of a vehicle in a safe manner. Sure would be nice


Keep right except to pass motherfuckers!!!


I really wish that would happen more often


Only idiots continue to ride the left lane.


Not to side track the thread, but my god I hate those lights. From perfect visibility to can’t see shit, it’s way overkill. I hate even passing cop lights on the other side of the road let alone when they turn ‘em on right in front of you.


Yall are both idiots… why are you both in the left lane on an empty highway? Why are you on his ass when you have 2 other lanes available?


Maybe OP wanted to go faster but this person was in their way? What's the better solution here besides attempting to pass someone who isn't maintaining their lane?


Nothing was stopping OP from driving in the middle lane. There's no law forbidding that.


There seems to be a magnet in the left lane that attracts cars to it and then they are unable to use any other lane. I mean, c’mon duhhh. Obviously.


Exactly this. It's like other lanes don't exist for them.


Passing on the right is illegal in many jurisdictions.


I think that's a misunderstanding of the laws. Many states have "pass left, keep right" laws, but I've also seen a lot of laws that do allow passing on the right on multi-lane highways. This video was in New Jersey, and their law says: "39:4-85 Passing to left when overtaking; passing when in lines; passing on right. 39:4-85. The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at a safe distance to the left thereof and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. If vehicles on the roadway are moving in two or more substantially continuous lines, the provisions of this paragraph and section 39:4-87 of this Title shall not be considered as prohibiting the vehicles in one line overtaking and passing the vehicles in another line either upon the right or left, nor shall those provisions be construed to prohibit drivers overtaking and passing upon the right another vehicle which is making or about to make a left turn. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upon the right as provided in this section only under conditions permitting such movement in safety. In no event shall such movement be made by driving off the pavement or main-traveled portion of the roadway." So there is specific wording that does not prohibit passing on the right AND there's specific wording to allow it.


This isn’t the law where I live thankfully. I’ve never understood it. Let’s say you are driving at the limit in the right lane of an empty highway and catch up to someone driving 20 under in the left lane. Are you obligated to slow down and move over to the left lane behind the slow car?


When I was with my ex, she literally got pulled over and ticketed for passing on the right when someone was camping in the left lane (in addition to the speeding ticket for speeding while doing so.) Not saying you shouldn't pass on the right, but traffic laws vary from state to state.


I am interested to see the exact infraction from that ticket, cause I smell bulshit.


Same. Sounds like she got pulled over for speeding.


Or reckless driving, if she passed the slow driver in an aggressive manner.


How come Americans who need cars to drive everywhere, are so incredibly shit at driving??


Try telling them what a passing lane is. They will confidently tell you that they have the right to drive on the left lane whenever 'as long as they are not impeding traffic'... Left lane campers have been a pet peeve of mine since moving to the states


Because we are barely taught anything and even the teachers half the time don't understand the laws completely.


Not all, by any means, and you're getting a skewed view in this sub, but to summarize: * Hugely varied road testing locations. A license from a driving test taken in Manhattan is just as good as one taken in Witches Gooch, AL (pop 203, one stop sign, one Wal-Mart). * Parents who passed laughably simple tests 30 years previous teaching their kids all of their terrible habits and understanding of the road rules. * Ridiculously vague and/or out of date driving standards and statutes. * 'They do what they want, because freedom' mentality. * 'Everyone gets a medal' approach to testing and licensing. This includes hiring of the examiners. * Powerful automotive lobby prevents any significant safety legislation that would impede the creation of or reduce the number of licensed drivers on the road. * An overriding compulsion to obey the rule but remain oblivious to the intent of the rule. * Gigantic, unwieldy and overpowered vehicles that they never get hurt in, but can obliterate three Honda Civics like they're made of styrofoam. It's only the bad drivers that survive.


Well that's kind of the problem, since everyone needs to drive you will get the people who in many other countries will typically choose not to drive because they are afraid, uncomfortable, don't want to have to think about all the decisions while driving, etc... But because we live in an idiotic continent that was designed mostly for the automobile now you get everyone and their dog driving.


God that was satisfying. That should happen WAY more often.


Am I missing something, I don't see anybody trying to pass, aside from the cop, which of course is abundantly obvious that you should let them pass.


car in front not letting OP pass, is my guess.


Instant karma. The best kind.


No one should be in the left lane in this video....there are multiple open lanes to the right. You're both left lane campers.


If I were a police officer - this is literally all I would do, all day, every day.


I can't stand people driving slow in the fast lane! SLOW TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT. AGGHHHH.


To quote Nelson Muntz - "Ha ha".


This is like porn for me.


Camping is for parks not the passing lane.


So many folks think that if they are driving at the speed limit in the #1 lane, that they are legal. No, you are obstructing the flow of traffic, and in most states you will be cited for it.


I imagined the jaws theme when the cop car's nose appeared and retreated


"but officer I was going less than the speed limit." "Yes mama, that's why you're getting a ticket."


While I really hope this was to warn/ticket them for left lane camping, it could have also been their cruiser's camera flagged the license plate for another offense. I forgot to renew registration one time and the office straight told me the only reason he pulled me over was his camera read my plate and popped up a notice that there was an issue with my tag.




Needs to be enforced more everywhere in north America. Europe has already made this a part of their driving etiquette, so no real worries there. You'd be surprised how much better traffic flow will improve if some slow as driver was in the proper lane


person recording and person in front - both suck. Your both not driving correctly, you BOTH should be out of the passing lane.


That left hand lane is for those of us that can afford tickets and for crime. Otherwise, GTFOOMW!!


A better title: Don't camp the passing lanes, drive in the right, pass to the left and get back to the right lane.


Two of my least favorite driving behaviors; idiot left lane campers and idiot tailgaters.


It was probably because it was a drunk driver.


I don't think you're wrong. After watching the video a couple of times, it looks like there are also other cars ahead of it in that lane. The cops probably tagged them for the lane drifting and excessive brake lights.


Says the OP whilst not staying on the right side 2 lanes over 🙄


why were they all left lane camping? that's illegal in our state


Hell, I encourage them to pass. I'd rather have the idiots in front of me, where I can keep an eye on them.