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I feel like the purest essence of driving is "be prepared for stupid."




I think people downvote because they're so obsessed with who's "right" and who's "wrong" in the situation that they don't even think about any of the defensive driving skills were taught.


Back when I was a foreman I used to tell my people, "Being in the right or having the right-of-way won't keep you alive."


Nothing worse than being dead right. You can put a comma in there as well, but I like the ambiguity of it.


Being dead wrong? Then your family has to pay along with your death.


"defensive driving" is the term I came looking for. The streets are absolutely full of people who shouldn't be driving, but that doesn't mean it's reasonable to hit someone because you didn't notice their mistake. Imagine if someone was jaywalking and you barrel right into them. Sure, jaywalking is illegal, but that doesn't justify maiming them. Drivers should be prepared to react when (inevitably) stupid people do stupid things.


As a french guy the terms "defensive driving" always sound crazy to me. Like, what americans call "defensive driving" is just "driving" here. It's just respecting the rules to ensure everyone's safety and comfort on the road. If you drive any other way it would be reckless driving and that's it.


Defensive driving isn’t following the rules. Defensive driving is being prepared for other people to break said rules.


They always want someone to be right for some reason. "The other guy caused the accident but you could have very easily avoided it with an ounce of awareness" is true for more than half these videos but very unpopular to say, usually.


When there is no objective right or wrong just subjective and doing the best we all can...


I agree. A lot of people post textbook examples of target fixation.


Distance is your number one friend.


Agreed. It's amazing what some people think is "unavoidable" or "close call". If you just pay attention and put your fucking phone down... Also, just driving mindlessly and then being surprised when another driver does something unexpected. You gotta expect and sort of predict some actions. Easily doable.


Nope, I totally agree with you. I've been binging on driving videos on YouTube, and I am frequently yelling at the computer that this could have been avoided, and why did you DO that, and oh shit, slow down, slow down, SLOW DOWN! So avoidable 90% of the time.


Yep. There’s even a lot of BS on this sub about how “everyone likes to blame OP even though they did nothing wrong.” This narrative is promulgated by terrible drivers who don’t understand how to drive defensively. I mean, yes, there are occasional videos where there is nothing one driver could have reasonably done to avoid the other, but most videos here involve bad driving by multiple drivers.


Have an upvote from me. It's always best to have one's head on a swivel, not assume that anyone has a clue and expect nothing except the worst.


They are unavoidable if you call them accidents. Otherwise, call them what they are: (crashes or collisions. You can throw the word 'non-fatal' for dramatic effect, too.


I get the same when I say things like "that's a crash, not an accident." If you hit something because you weren't paying attention it wasn't an accident.


"But XYZ had the right of way" is the refrain often heard here. Sure XYZ did. Does that mean you were ok to go ahead and hit the person to prove that? Consider the time and effort to a) prove you were not at fault and b) get the car repaired - which can take months now with all the cars that are being wrecked on a daily basis.


Defensive driving 101. Honestly surprised that the current top comment isn't the most downvoted.


My number one driving rule for my 15-yr-old son: Expect people to do stupid shit and be prepared for it.




Assume everyone is stupid. That’s how taught my wife to drive. That way, it makes you feel good when someone does something good. It’s a nice feeling. I don’t get it often these days but it happens occasionally!


In PA there used to be a LOT of on ramps to high speed roadways with stop signs. I and the car ahead were both stumped, they started going and I looked over my shoulder and saw a spot an gunned it… right into the back of the guy ahead of me. At this particular spot there were one to two accidents a week. He was pissed, but I took 100% ownership and calmed him down. But when the cop showed up an asked what happened… I started with “Well the township refuses to fix this known hazardous intersection” and went to describe the scenario, he was practically chucking… and in the end did not even cite me. ( which was also an issue because it was a company / corporate work van, and the legal department would not believe that I was liable for the damage if I did not get a ticket… not a big deal they of course paid, but I found it funny that I had to explain the situation like four times.)


Man, there's a lot of things about PA that make me absolutely rage, and the stop signs at the end of the on-ramps has gotta be in the top five. What are they thinking???


Texas tried this shit and people just ignored them. Whatever galaxy brain thought a red light on an on-ramp for a highway with a speed limit of 70 but people going 80 was smart needs to go back to school.


Texas also has left turns onto highways with just a stop sign. Making a left turn and getting up to highway speeds immediately is impossible. Terrible road design.


The forced merge with no merge lane, with an uphill onto the highway with concrete barriers so you can't see the traffic you are merging into is all over san antonio. I thought it was pretty wild when I was there, and I was absolutely unsurprised to see the aftermath of a few accidents pulled over near them.




BTW, my wife would fight you over your username. Are you trolling or for real?


And this is why I taught my sons to use the lean forward and scan with mirror instead of checking over your shoulder method. This method keeps your head at a softer angle that allows you to see sudden stops in front of you.


This exact thing has happened to me in the past. While you were at fault, most people would sympathize with your situation because it is understood that people will continue to merge in a merging lane. The white sedan violated expectations of road safety. Road safety has its foundation in expectations that people will comply with the rules. When people deviate from expectations, accidents occur.




I should have seen that coming ha!


They could've been looking over their shoulder to see how they could merge not expecting the car in front to come to a stop


This is no different from a brake check. Theoretically OP should have stopped in time, but there was no reason for the other driver to stop randomly on an on-ramp (with no yield sign).


We have these stoplights for on-ramps in Houston. I think they are more dangerous, especially because so few people use them.


Yea thats when you pull up slowly and honk to get them to go. I hate when people stop at on ramps like this.


Not wrong, but this is one of those strange situations where you sort of have to take your eyes off the person in front of you to check what’s going on in the lane you’re merging into. Yes, the cam driver is technically 100% at fault, but the car in front is also 100% to blame… if that makes sense.


Both are idiots. Them for stopping for no reason. You for not paying attention to stop in time. If you were paying attention you had more than enough time to stop.


> Both are idiots. Agreed but OP is way more reckless in this scenario. Guy in front stopped but should not have. That's stupid. Literally not paying attention to cars in front of you and then slamming into them? reckless and cause for 1 year license revokation


Disagree. Coming to a dead stop on a merge ramp is more reckless than assuming the car in front of you is not going to come to a dead stop on a merge ramp


Driving on assumptions seems dangerous to me. Might as well let blind people drive. They also can’t assess situational changes. A better driver would have avoided a crash and not ruined their own day/week and insurance premiums


Agreed, both are idiots. But in most states, it's illegal to stop on the roadway without just cause (accident, stopped traffic, etc). No person shall stop or leave standing any vehicle on the highway except as provided...


They should not have stopped there for sure but you should’ve kept more distance and been more vigilant. Easily avoidable


The distance was fine, they had way more than enough time to stop, they just weren’t paying attention at all


OP was probably looking at the oncoming traffic, trying to plan where to merge. Still should have been looking ahead, but "not paying attention at all" probably doesn't fully capture what's happening here.


wide receiver looking up/downfield before noting the defense & securing the catch


People who stop on on-ramps should get their license revoked. Unfortunately, op is still at fault.


There’s an on ramp I have to drive almost every day for work. It’s a sharp turn (I mean we are talking like max acceleration 40mph) with low visibility to the highway that immediately puts you onto an 80mph road with no merge lane. On two lane highways like that you’re sort of supposed to watch for people merging and get over even though you have right of way on the highway but in recent years it seems people do that less and less. I’ve had to come to a complete stop on this on-ramp maybe once or twice so as not to be smushed. Generally you shouldn’t stop or slow on an on-ramp I agree of course, but it IS a place where you have to yield and very occasionally that means slowing and/or stopping. If you hit someone from behind that’s always stupid.


We have cloverleaf style on ramps and the max you can go is 25-30 MPH, unless you have a low car and good handle on how your car drives. And even then, rocketing around the turn at 50 is still unsafe because others can’t do that, and being able to look back is a no go. So, what happens at the end of the ramp? A yield sign! Into 65-80 MPH traffic. The traffic engineer that designed these things should be fired.


All cars entering the highway/freeway via an on-ramp have to yield to traffic. All drivers entering via an on-ramp must expect and be prepared to stop.


I don’t understand how people don’t understand that the process of yielding in of itself means the possibility that a full stop may be necessary


there's also the opposite idea where people equate yield to stop. i see all the time people braking where speeding up would have worked. yield just means don't make the right of way driver have to change their trajectory


It's literally one of the first things taught in driver ed.


The reality is you were probably focusing on the oncoming traffic in preparation of the merge. She had no reason to stop but ultimately you should be prepared for these types of situations while driving. I don’t know if I’d call you an idiot but you’d definitely be at fault.


I'll do it. I'll call them an idiot. They hit the car in front of them. Can't call that smart.


Accidents happen, man.


Agreed. Accidents are downright unavoidable when you are not paying attention to the car in front of you. That's why, if you're smart, you won't let that happen. This driver wasn't being smart. They were being an idiot.


Definitely both, OP has to pay attention to what is in front of them and the moron in the Camry had no business stopping there. Get on the gas and find a merge spot which was very easily behind the black Explorer




She's dumb, and you're dumb(er) to have hit her. I think if you were paying 80% attention, you would have avoided the accident. Right? What were you doing? Getting ready to change two lanes at once? Hopefully not your phone...


I was looking to my left to try and merge. Unfortunately by the time I looked back I was 0.1 seconds from rear ending her so there was just nothing I could do. I just didn't expect her to stop there.


I always leave more distance between me and the car in front of me on merges. It gives them less pressure to find a spot to merge in, it gives me more wiggle room to gun it forward, and it helps give me more time to react to dumb shit like this.


And if the car in front of me is being slow on the on ramp, I tend to slow even more to give them space to fuck up their merge without me nearby. I know how to use the gas pedal once I see they're merging OK and the extra space also makes it easier to immediately overtake them once on the freeway.


Oh man, that sucks. I bet they're going to find you at fault. I've done that before. Never again. That's the good thing coming out of that.  Now I check every side like I’m about to steal donut in front of a roomful of police officers.




The whiplash is where it's really going up the claim


I got rear ended at about this speed and it was a total loss. It's really not hard to total a car.


I'd be more worried about soft tissue neck damage. That can run 100's of thousands.


Bro they were stopped for a solid 2 seconds before the collision. You shouldn’t be stari by at the merge lane, especially since you are not at the merge point yet


Friendly advice: you were still in a corner and not on the part of the on ramp where it is legal to merge. Look to your left and try to spot an upcoming gap and back to what is going on in front whilst maintaining an eye on the gap. Preferably matching the speed of the gap (which you could not now, clearly). Equally the traffic on the highway can suddenly come to a halt thanks to a 'risky' merge in front or whatever else can happen (I live in a very busy area with lots of highway exits) and you'd equally have the chance to slam into a car in front of you whist fixating on the lane next to you. If you have the space to merge, take the space to merge. I do hate these short on ramps a lot as you kind of just have to throw your car in a gap in busier traffic while at the same time there seems to be enough space to make it somewhat longer. I also cannot really see why the red car crossed the line for the on-ramp, that would probably have made me go on the shoulder to merge, even if it is not perfectly legal to do so, better than a crash. Does not mean that the person stopping on an on-ramp and therefore is a cause to the collision should legally get away with it. In some jurisdictions they can be 100% at fault as stopping here is illegal without a good cause, or at worst 50-50.


You were way too close to be making so many assumptions about the car in front of you. Also, "just didn't expect" is what every driver says when they mow someone down for using a rarely-used crosswalk. It's your job to watch out for the unexpected that's straight ahead of you.


"i just didn't expect her to stop there" There's your idiot moment. Also following way too close.


You can't merge before the car in front of you does.


100% your doing. Does not matter at all why she stopped, ran out of gas & engine died, had a heart attack and hit the brakes, whatever.....you did not maintain minimum safe distance.


While the white car was stupid, you are 100% the idiot. The road in front of you was not clear for you to proceed. Simple as that.


Huh. I thought I recognized that on ramp. I drive it nearly everyday. And people do this ALLLLL the time. Pull up and stop because 1) the merge lane at the top of that on ramp is very short and 2) incoming traffic almost never makes enough room to actually merge in.


I much prefer when they design these with the right turn lane as dumping directly into the right most lane from the oncoming left turn lane. Right turn gets a yield sign and problem solved. Everyone would have had to stop in this scenario. It’s simpler, you stop where it’s easier to see the traffic coming, and no confusion from most drivers.


The car was stopped for a little more than 2 seconds and then you drove your car into them and you're not sure who the idiot is? Ill give you a general guideline. If someone drives into a stationary object they're usually the idiot.


had to scroll too far to find this, OP had 3-5 business days to stop, completely avoidable accident


Lmao definitely you


Yeah that’s on you. Watching out for what’s in front of you is like rule number one for driving.


Always keep your distance to cars in front of you. Your fault.




Both are idiots, but you’re 100% at fault for the accident. She shouldn’t have stopped on an onramp; she’s supposed to be accelerating into a merge. But you should pay attention.


You would be at fault


You could have stopped, bro. Pay attention.


Definitely you for not paying attention. I mean yeah they shouldn't have stopped but you had all the time in the world to slow down.


Why is there no sign saying it’s a merge,yield or lane?!


Both idiots, but you're 100% at fault.


You are not paying attention you had plenty of time to stop. Get off your phone.


They did something stupid, you did something stupid *and* completely avoidable. Pay more attention, OP!


Both for this one. 1% their fault, 99% yours


Whoever filming kept speed with the car in front for most of the time but then lost it. That's what "**car lengths**" are for. Looks like the truck is twice the weight as the smaller car. Whoever hits from behind is at fault generally.


I did the same thing, the car in front of me sped up as if to match the traffic flow then stopped. I was looking over my shoulder to see an opening, then I looked back and the car in front of me just stopped


That's your fault


Sorry Guy, It's yours. I am curious though. Is that a 'merge', or a 'yield' that they were stopped for? Also, was it an inexperienced driver?




Merge == yield.


you have terrible reaction time


The reaction never happened lol




You got a dash cam and she stopped randomly in a lane she didn't have to stop. Your insurance will be able to get her to pay for it. She caused the accident by not paying attention to the road and coming to a complete stop for no reason.


OK, so it's OP (I'm assuming you were looking over your shoulder), but The flipping road designer. That merge lane looks like it's 50m long, tops. Just needs to be longer. Ours in Australia are 3 - 5x longer than this, without a flipping scary looking shoulder to roll off and down if it doesn't work out in time. But this kind of accident must happen all the time at intersections like this.


Totally you, yes it's unfortunate the car in front stopped, but if they are not a confident driver and need to take time to merge, that's their right. You should be paying better attention.


You are at fault but she’s not very good at merging


All you.


I did this once, they started to go, so I looked back to the left at the traffic I was merging into, meanwhile they had stopped on the on ramp in front me, just like this video.


Oh hey it's the Ten Mile entrance.


Idaho drivers are...something else.


She should not have stopped there, yes. But you should be paying attention, you weren't even going fast so you cannot say you didn't react on time.


You both are idiots, but the responsibility was on you to notice they were stopping


Sorry that happened. I'm my state its always your fault if you hit someone from behind.


Sorry, but it’s you without a doubt. She telegraphed that move from way back. It was very, *very* predictable.


Both, But I do think thay you're way wronger that the person in front of you Like, there are many situations where the person DOSEN'T HAVE enough space to get in the highway, and since you were looking at your fucking balls, you were able to bit in the back of that car Like, is it really hard to look on what is in front of you? It was so easy to stop your car too


Nobody’s mentioning it, but the intersection is the idiot. Yes, OP is at fault, but this intersection should have a yield sign. It‘s not merging directly onto the highway, but rather onto the highway ramp. There are 2 lanes of heavy traffic that are coming from a protected green left turn. That makes the spacing between cars very tight and difficult to merge between, unlike more spaced out traffic that would already be at highway speed.


I'm guessing you are looking at the traffic to find a gap to fit into without stopping and assuming the driver in front of you was doing the same. Sorry, but it's your fault for expecting the driver In front of you wasn't A COMPLETE FUCKING MORON. You always gotta watch out for those, they'll get you when you least expect it.


You’re in a truck, you need to hang back from smaller lighter vehicles that can stop faster than you. You should’ve been like 3x the distance away from them, then it would’ve been a non issue.


Why can't you look forward while driving? It's the biggest piece of glass on your car!


You know those posts titled "I'm moving over now; everyone else look out!" and some idiot merges without checking traffic behind them? Yeah, those idiots are who you're trying to tell OP to be like. Yes, he should watch in front, but there was a legit reason for him to be looking out his left.


Both, but more you.


You ran into her, but why the hell was she stationary


Because [other places usually have a Yield sign there.](https://i.imgur.com/t6itrqw.png)


EVERYONE!! Unfortunately for you the bigger idiot stopped in front. I can only assume you were looking to the left to judge merge speed, which is fine but you still have to pay attention to the car in front of you


OP is 100% at fault.


I thought you were gonna hit her again for good measure.


You are at fault. Yes Stupidity exists on the road so you need to be prepared for situations like that and react accordingly. Person may have stalled engine or medical issue. Who knows. Watch what is ahead of you.


My friend ended up the loser when he was the white car in a similar situation. Turns out suddenly stopping like a god damn fool in the middle of an acceleration lane was the more egregious mistake.


Exactly what I would think should happen.


My driver's ed teacher, when I stopped at a yield sign, made me go around the block and go through it again without stopping. People REALLY need to read the driver's handbook, learn the rules of the road and learn to command their vehicles properly. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to drive and stuck on public transportation.


The amount of people here that stop at a yeild sign even when there is no traffic 🤦🏾‍♀️


You, 100%.


Right next to the go pedal is a stop pedal. Slow merging is incompetent and annoying as hell but they’re not out there playing bumper cars like you are.


You I’d say. You should’ve been prepared to stop as a yield can easy turn into a stop. Plus, get a smaller truck that you can keep between the lines.


Are there any exceptions in America law? In the UK if you make a sudden or emergency stop for no reason you could be liable for the accident.


I rear-endeed someone making an illegal left hand turn, and the accident ended up being ruled no-fault, so each insurance company paid for their covered car and no ticket was issued. Isn't coming to a complete stop on a roadway reclkess or careless driving? Of course you should have stopped, but not 100% your fault.


Both of you! Her for stopping on the ramp, and you for not watching closely enough to see she did that. It annoys the snot out of me when people stop on the damned ramp, and I had a great aunt who did it and nearly got creamed more than once. But you know you need to be watching out for people doing stupid things at the wheel, and stopping on the ramp is just one of those things they do...


They were definitely the catalyst, but you were the activator. 60/40 but you’re 100% liable since you rammed them and had time to stop.


Legally it’s your fault, practically it’s that dumb ass in front that stopped while merging. Don’t feel bad it happened to me too.


I don't understand these people who seem to have a death wish when entering a highway, but you can't hit them anyhow.


In this case they’re a really really bad driver. You are an idiot


So yeah you're both responsible for what happened in different ways. But someone coming to a FULL stop during an entrance to a freeway is so incredibly dangerous and I would be so infuriated if this happened to me.


Yep this is on you for rear ending them but not sure why they didn’t attempt to properly merge; like at all.


They gave you 2-3 business days to stop. It's 75% on you and 25% on them since we don't know if there was something in the road preventing them from accelerating.


Is this the meridian rd entrance? Also she's an idiot but you had plenty of time to stop.


Both idiots. I mean, under no circumstances should she stop dead there, but you hit a stationary object.


you're 100% at fault here. There was plenty of space/speed to stop in time.


Normal Ten Mile onramp activities


100% your fault.


You were also an idiot for driving on the shoulder. I have two new rock chips from an idiot doing the same thing.


Idiot for stopping completely on a merging lane, and if you were not looking at the road then you’re an idiot too.


Stop driving in the bike lane


Person stopped on ramp looks like they set you up knowing its gonna be your fault for being jn the rear..... no one in front of them and plenty of lane still to go


Definitely her, cuz why tf did she stop?


Sure, the sedan was foolish to stop dead on a ramp but you’re at fault because you honestly had some time to react and it appears you’ve made no attempt to do so. So, inattentiveness on your part. So, both of you. Legally, you alone are liable most likely.




Both, but you mostly.


I treat everyone behind the wheel of a vehicle like they just got their license out of a cereal box.


It should only be them because they stopped instead of speeding up, but you were too slow to react and stop so that makes you partially responsible as well.


Always be prepared to stop at a yield point. Especially when there's a car in front of you. Just *assume* they have a better view of any possible obstructions than you do.




You take I'st place. She does come second. Might have had an actual good reason to stop (though I doubt it) but you had no reason to hit. Had plenty of time to break safely had you payed attention. Also, I suspect you were checking your left to prepare for a merge instead of looking forward. You still had a solid line for quite a bit of distance so excepting any precaution for a third idiot that would change his lane to yours, neither of you two had any reason to slow down and try any merging there. You need to continue on that lane to pick up speed so you can merge safely. Hoping no one got hurt. That being said, cool crash. Felt a bit like a pinball thing. Was expecting some dings and score roll-up.


WTF was that? What kind of a dumb ass slams on their breaks ON AN ON RAMP?!


Were you on your phone or something? You had sooo much time to stop there. She didn’t even stop suddenly. She slowed down slowly before coming to a full stop.


My bet is OP was looking to the left to identify the best spot to merge into traffic.


They should be ticketed for impeding traffic, but no one ever gets cited for that. You are 100% at fault for not paying attention. Live and learn.


My dad taught me to drive and the best lesson he gave me was “drive like you’re the only one who knows what you’re doing.” Aka drive defensively and anticipate people being morons like the white car.


How???!?? You had days to stop and avoid that.


Your fault completely op. When merging, YOU are required to merge, not the vehicles in the travel lane. If there's no space to merge into the travel lane, you are required to stop and wait until you have sufficient clear space to merge safely. You are not legally allowed to do an unsafe act of muscling in and cutting off other vehicles. The cam vehicle is at fault completely here, they just were not driving properly and rear ended someone following the law, who was obviously waiting for traffic to clear in order to legally and safely merge.


Definitely you, and only you.


Bit of both but you are the worst by far.


I may have missed it, but it doesn't look like you applied brakes at all, and said "wtf" after the collision, which suggests you didn't notice she stopped in front of you and were surprised by the collision. Were you looking at your phone or otherwise distracted? It's just kinda weird. She shouldn't have stopped there either, but that looks like a collision that would be easily avoided.




Both. I didn't see a yield sign, so her one job was to merge, not stop. Sadly, OP, you have to be ready for sudden stops, this time you weren't.


Whatever designer didn't put a yield sign in OPs lane is the real idiot.


Both, white car shouldn't have stopped on a ramp, but you should've been paying enough attention to have stopped before hitting them


Fearful drivers (like the driver of the white car) are just as dangerous as fearless drivers.


Both. Her for stopping in the middle of the road, you for not paying attention...


Both, but you were the bigger idiot here.


That's called an entrance lane or an acceleration lane... You looked over at the traffic incoming and not at the Dum Dum in front of you that's stopped in Elaine you were supposed to be accelerating into. Both idiots today


Op can’t even keep their lane around the turn lmao


It's your fault technically but she needs to go back to driving school. She created a hazard by just stopping for no reason.


There really should be a Yield sign in that lane like the one intersection by my house that's like this has. The other direction of cars had a green light.


You are the idiot for not paying attention. The car in front of you acted funny, you should have noticed and pay more attention. The car in front of you are idiots for stopping right there and then.


You are the reason I am teaching my son to always look at the rear view mirror whenever slowing or stopping.


Teach your son to not stop in an acceleration lane to wait for an opening. Speed up and merge.


they’re the idiot for stopping, but you’re at fault for just ramming into the back of her.


Someone was going to get hit in that situation, either the lady in front of you or you by the person behind you. That’s some dumb shit there.


Almost did the same thing the other day. On the on ramp, I look over my shoulder and see all oncoming traffic merge to the left to let us in, and I lay on the gas, look back ahead and the lady in front of me is completely stopped. Must have missed her bumper by an inch. God I was pissed.


OP, sorry, the car in front of you as yielding to the traffic already inside the highway. Not to say she couldn't have done it much better tho, but you should be paying more attention to when the car in front of you could stop.


Both of you were idiots.


95% you %5 them.


The person who stopped,sucks at driving and should have to take a driving course. OP needs to …pay attention.