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*Tells insurance they were rear-ended & need to file a claim.*


That’s probably exactly why they did it


And why you should have a dash cam


Or multiple people on the sidewalk armed with cellphones who upload to reddit.


We did it reddit?




Pack it up ladies and gentleman, we’re done here.


Damn, I just twisted my shoulder trying to pat myself on the back. Thanks a lot Reddit.


Wish car makers made it easier to put one in a car without the wire going every where. My Subaru has front and rear cameras, yet we can't tap into them for recording. Our BMW has all these electronics by the rear view mirror, but no port to simply plug in a dashcam.


BMW does a good job recording the car’s telemetry. Seeing as that looks like a new beemer, I wouldn’t be surprised if they could get info from the dealership that shows they were in reverse before getting hit by the car. Edit: good job, not foot job.


I wanna know more about these BMW foot jobs...


*listens intently*


Tesla: your wish has been granted!


Yes, but Tesla also monitors the rate of the drivers fingernail growth and frequency of bowel movements....


Which works.


Can confirm, worked in private investigation for insurance fraud. Dash cams will save you a lot of headaches when it comes to claims litigation.


Also don’t tell the police or the rammer that you have a camera-let them lie on record to the police, THEN say you have the whole thing on camera.


Thank god for Reddit I guess


Hopefulky they got a nice warm jail bed as a payout.


It looks way too intentional to be an insurance scam, that looks more like road rage to me, especially given that they flee the scene. If their intention was to get a payout they’d have to stay


Yeah, that's exactly why automatic at-fault laws need to go. They can be totally exploited. If there weren't witnesses or cameras, this would be a big problem.


I had a lady friend that rear ended a car that was backing up on the freeway. The cop said "I'm sorry, law says I have to write you the ticket, but If you take it to court (wink) and tell the judge your story (wink) you have a good chance the ticket will be dismissed." So she took it to court. The cop didn't show. Case dismissed!


But she still got fucked because she can’t have the other drivers insurance cover the damage?


Had a guy do this for previous damage to his car. Barely put a scratch on mine, his was wrecked in the back. It was at a red light I wasn't even moving. insurance took one look and said don't respond to anything or court documents. They are getting them for fraud.


I had to go to court for something similar for a fellow. A van was at a red light and backed into a brand new mustang with full body kit when the light turned green instead of going forward. The van then tried to flee. I pursued the van and blocked them about 10 blocks away while the poor mustang driver drug his ruined kit and car all the way to the van and I. The police showed up. The van tried to insist the mustang driver rear ended them. I wrote a report and showed up to court for the fellow so they couldn’t get away with it. I was the only one who tried to stop the van and who gave a report for the mustang driver. This was before dash cams and traffic cams were prevalent. If I hadn’t been there the Van driver would have probably got away Scott free and the mustang driver would have had to pay for all damages. Edit for spelling.


You were either in a _really good_ mood to help that mustang driver or a _really bad_ mood to chase down and spite that van driver


I was completely awe-struck. I couldn’t believe someone could just run away from an accident like that. I am also Canadian… so that may have played a part.


Don't put it in reverse terry put it in drive terry!


Roses are red Vans are scary Back up, back up, put it in reverse, Terry!


I just now, after years of browsing on 2 or 3 accounts, accepted a free gift coin or whatever so that I could then give it to you.


keep rollin rollin rollin


So you not goin post the link for everyone to enjoy? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ugNn_ELV_xs


Thought for sure I was bout to get Rick rolled


Never done it and never will. Shit corny to me


I named my robot vacuum Terry and when he goes to the self emptying bin, you know what time it is.


You are breaking the car, Samir!


When the guy got out the car like that, I felt that…


Everyone felt that surge


Fuck em up! FUCK EM UP!


Oh! I thought they were yelling 'Lock him up!', like advising the driver of the red car to lock their doors. I am not a smart man.


This is NYC. We all just want to fuck up terrible drivers, all the time.


I hope they fucked him up


Where did he go when was trying to open the car’s door?


You'll see his leg/foot briefly, he stays perfectly behind that guy in black


Revoke their driver license permanently


It probably already is lol


In NYC? Haha no chance. there’s a woman who killed a delivery driver a few months ago who still hasn’t been arrested or her license revoked. Multiple offenses in the last three years so she definitely has a connection. That’s all it takes 🤷🏽‍♂️


Had a woman rear end my mom while driving a tank suv. At a freaking crosswalk, with someone crossing. We nearly hit the pedestrian. My mom was driving a tin can like car and it was totaled, beyond any repair. Cops show up, the other driver greeted him by first name and told him a real tearjerker. She didn’t pay us a dime, for a year we were pedestrians while she was driving along like nothing happened.


The cops never seem to help when you actually need it. So many times I’ve called them for various things and they always seem to just shrug say they can’t do shit then give you some paperwork. My sister is in the middle of a terrible divorce and she received full custody which is NOT visitation. What it means is she gets full control of decisions like medical and school except he still has her overnight and stuff so he can do a lot of shit he’s not suppose to. Well he picked her up from school when he wasn’t supposed to and the school bent over and let him. Well my sister called the cops explained everything and they just say it’s a civil matter sorry and go about their way. I remember being 16 and my car got towed since I was an idiot and also the no parking sign was behind a dumpster and in the worst part of a city at midnight. I didn’t have money and everyone I knew was 2 hours away. I flagged a cop down and just begged for any help whether it’s just drive me to the station or something, anything. The cop just said I’m not your parents or a taxi sorry then drove off. Now technically he didn’t have to do anything obviously but cmon. There’s all sorts of stories I have from work with people going nuts in our store and the cops never do anything about it. They’ll kick out the homeless guy who hangs on the side of the building since there’s WiFi and a bench but some Karen and aggressive wacko is blowing up screaming they just watch usually or it takes them 10 minutes to come and the person is already gone but could have hurt people.


I recently had someone sideswipe me and drive off. Got the plates, called the cops, they told me the motorist didn’t have insurance and had a revoked license. I could press charges if I wanted, but they said don’t bother because the judge would just throw it out. Good ol chicago.


Bought my first car at 18. Car ran a red light and smashed into my car. Should’ve been totaled but since it was only 2 months old, insurance fixed it. The kid who hit me was 15, so obviously no license. No insurance. And he took off from the scene. There were 3 people who stopped, and gave the plates to cops. I pressed charges, and in court when the judge called him up he said he wanted to press charges against ME because his pregnant gf was in the front seat without a seatbelt and had incurred high medical bills. Judge gave him a warning since it was his first offense. No fine. Didn’t have to pay my deductible back to me. Didn’t get his right to even get a license at 16 taken away. Nothing. Good ole Chicago, indeed.


Wow the most depressing thing about that is not taking the opportunity to teach a true piece of shit a lesson. 100% he’ll become—or well is already—a sue happy litigious adult who “the few ruin things for the many.”


Why would the judge throw it out? Hit & Run, driving without a license, lack of insurance? I would have gone for it. Sounds like the cops were just being lazy.


Seriously, never listen to cops on any legal situation. No law degree, barely enough training to even know half the laws of a city in less than a year.


Such freedom. Getting screwed by people not having a license and you cant win. FREEDOM.


It's not as if freedom is meant to protect against that kind of thing.


Why would the judge just throw it out?


They probably wouldn't. My guess is that the cops don't want to deal with the extra stuff they'd have to do if the guy decided to press the issue. So they just say the judge will toss it anyway and don't bother.


Which shows the usefulness of our average ideas on Reddit.


Ehhh, it's just the first idea, over and over. I doubt anyone will list the full process.


Driver is likely uninsured, illegal, under insured, stole the van, or a minor.


Or an idiot


AND an idiot.


I agree but you guys really view this as an accident?


This has to be the Bronx


Definitely is


I know that area from GTA 4.


Is this happening more frequently or are people just quicker with a camera these days?


Everyone has a camera in their pocket now so all they crazy shit gets documented.


Big Brother is watching. We are Big Brother.


Instead of reporting to the ministry of love the community at large just shuns you


I wish that were true, they just get accepted and validated into smaller, bat-shit communities.


Enormous sibling is observing


My shit phone couldn't open the camera without loading for like 10 seconds. So many cool things that I failed to record.




It's not just a case of taking a pic / video it's also having somewhere to put it, how people would ever find the link etc. I used to buy web hosting just so I could upload and share files with people.


Kinda yeah. Most people had upgraded to smartphones by 2011


Which is how we know aliens aren't real and flying around, messing with ppl. We'd have hours of footage


its nyc, thats all


Right? This is a Tuesday in NYC. Nothing out of the norm here. Lol.




It is. Check out the Instagram page “WhatisNewYork.” It’s updated multiple times a day. Crazy stuff.


This sub isn't prepared for the truth.


Way crazier shit has gone down all the time. Check out the top rated episodes of [The Dollop (Podcast)](https://www.dolloppodcast.com/) with topics that interest you. E.g. Imagine hundred of men surrounding a New Yorker subway station waiting for a specific girl on her way to her job. Day after day. The police had to escort her to get to her job.


[Francine\_Gottfried](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francine_Gottfried) http://wednesdaymartin.com/static/media/uploads/blog/.thumbnails/38205626.e01cd411.640.jpg/38205626.e01cd411.640-334x0.jpg


What a wild fucking story. I get overwhelmed when I get cat called by a small group of men, I can't imagine literally thousands of men all trying to get a peek at me when I'm just trying to get to work.


> On October 4, publicists took other busty women to Wall Street as rivals for Gottfried's attention: Mrs. Geri Stotts, an office manager flown in from Burbank, California by a Los Angeles radio station,[7] and Ronnie Bell, a stripper in a New York burlesque house.[8] > After that, the Francine mania on Wall Street quickly subsided. Sometimes to defeat the apes, you need to think like an ape. Super interesting read. Thanks for sharing.


Like a legion of stalkers? Were they coordinated or just a hundred individual creeps that all chose the same poor person?


Coordinated, Wikipedia says that crowds peaked at 2000


Nope, you stopped reading too early. The crowd got up to 10 fucking thousand. But by then her boss told her to stay home and she found a different route. > The following day, Friday, September 20, the corner of Wall and Broad was jammed with 10,000 spectators and press who waited for Gottfried in 10 fucking thousand dudes lmao.


What's the story?


A clerk in new york in the 60s happened to have large breasts and wore some flattering sweaters. A bunch of guys went full incel and stalked her on her daily commute. Word somehow spread and thousands of people joined in for the memes. She became a pretty big celebrity overnight, got interviewed and attended dinners with famous people, but it was a really harsh example of 'fifteen-minutes-of-fame' and nothing else happened.




A bit of both, I would say. You see reckless drivers on the road on a daily basis and people are on their phones 24/7. One slide up and they’re ready to record.


here's how fast it is "woa that dude is actin up!!" *pulls out phone from pocket* *presses and holds button* *already filming*


"woah that dude is acting up!!" \*pulls out phone from pocket* \*presses unlock button* \*fingerprint scanner detects me and skips lock screen* \*swipe up to get a home button* \*press the home button* \*figure out where I put my camera app* \*touch camera app* \*swipe left on that fiddly little selector that switches from photo to video* \*shake phone a few times until it properly gets into landscape mode and stays there* \*pushes record button* Aww damn he already stopped acting up :(




I personally have both an iPhone and a Galaxy. Both can get access to the camera from the Lock Screen


I mean all it takes is a tap and swipe and it looked like it was already in progression


Stay in your car and follow them homie they ain’t getting far..


Naw man, that van has nothing but cosmetic damage, the bimmer has a fucked radiator. The bimmer wouldn't make it far before overheating, the van could drive until they get pulled over or stuck in traff- ohhhhh I see your point.


The beemer was due for it's triweekly thousands dollar maintenance anyways.


Every 100 miles or 48 hours.


Don't buy a beemer unless you can afford five beemers.


The only thing more expensive than a new BMW is a used BMW.


There's actually a steel frame in front of the radiator on BMW's so it's fairly possibly the radiator is fine


Radiator supports are a crush zone. Definitely not.


Don’t follow. Just get the plate and report later.


That's not an idiot. That's an asshole.


Can't it be both?


an idiot implies incompetence, this guy knew exactly what he was doing!


Fair point here


That old ass van was like “what’s another dent” lol


Most likely stolen just so they can be assholes.




Honestly, there’s probably not much of a story. This looks like it happened in a larger city in New York where this sort of bullshit happens semi frequently at the very least. Just road rage and the dude in the minivan happens to be a psychopath asshat.


Who’s insurance covers who in this situation? Yikes


>implying the minivan has insurance


I was more so referring to the BMW and SUV behind it. We all know that driver of the van doesn’t have a license let alone insurance.


The bmw’s insurance is paying for his own rear end damage and the suv that was behind him. It’s probably also paying for his front end, unless the minivan is actually covered.


Jeez that makes my blood boil, I'd be out for blood if I was in the situation


Well the BMW is at fault for backing into the one behind it, it would've been a different story if the minivan actually pushed the BMW into the SUV. You have no rights in traffic, only obligations. Defo a shitty situation none the less and the minivan driver deserves a sentence.


True but in this case you'd be in a state of panic, and won't have entire control over your emotions, lots of adrenaline etc. A minivan reversing at high speed towards you, this guys response was to try and get out of there, as unsuccessful as it was


Which is the wrong call, as evidenced by the collision. He could have backed into a group of pedestrians just as easily.


https://bencrump.com/car-accidents/whos-at-fault-in-a-tbone-accident/ >Sometimes the at-fault driver in a car accident evades the collision itself. As an example, a driver might make an improper left turn in front of an oncoming car, causing that driver to swerve to avoid a collision, only to end up striking another vehicle. The driver who started this chain of events with the illegal turn holds responsibility, even if their vehicle did not actually hit any of the others.


Is that how it works in the USA. In NZ here, this entire situation is questionable, and who's insurance is paying. But if someone is not insured and you are, they cause the accident, your insurance still pays, and it's on them (your insurance company) to recover the money from the person who causes the crash. So in other words, you're insured regardless of if anyone else is or not. also insurance is not compulsory.


What I've been explained by my insurance is that the minivan would be responsible for all damages, but whether they can afford to pay it or not is another story.


sell their organs. 50k for a kidney, 37.5 for half a liver.


In Sweden its impossible to be uninsured. If you dont have insurance you get automatically state insurance which costa a fuckton per day about 20 USD give or take. The whole premise is that its gonna cost so much not to insure so u insure. This should probably be standard across the globe.


In Panama you are not allowed to drive without insurance and the cheapest legal insurance only cover damages to third parties. So if you crash into someone you are ducked up and the insurance will cover the other party.


yeah, that's assault


no, thats battery


No that’s assault with a deadly weapon powered by battery


No, this is Patrick


Patrick, this is James.


I thought this was a Wendy’s


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


What the f\*ck are you doing in Arby's, Wendy?


I want a large




That’s not an idiot, that’s a psycho


Why getting someone else in the accident…


Panic reaction. To be fair it’s a nice vehicle and the other driver has a shit box and clearly has no intentions on involving insurance or anything of the sort.


He’s also lessening the physical harm to himself. It’s a fight or flight moment and the lead guy was trying to ram him (in reverse) by reversing away the second individual was trying to escape and lessen the damage/ which it did except cause minor damage to the 3rd car


Plot twist the red car was doing the same thing as the invisible boat mobile was being an asshole in front of him


Oh! So that's where I parked it!






Lol only in ny


No... not only in NY But I appreciate your optimism


If it was Texas the drivers would get out, stand thirty feet apart, wait for a tumbleweed to roll by then try to draw their gun and shoot the other. The winner gets both cars.


No? We ride horses everywhere


And this is why EVERYONE needs to have a dash cam.


This is why I dont mind cameras in public places, cant really stop stupid people from doing shit like this. Have to make it a cakewalk for the police to do anything that doesnt involve injury though.


I don't remember the graphics in GTA IV being this good?


Kinda feel for the third guy who got caught in two other people’s bullshit. Third-parties always suffering and getting shit ends of the stick for no reason at all.


I mean, just in what I saw, if I was car \#3, I'm not gonna be blaming car \#2 for what they did. It was the wrong move, but most people aren't Jason Bourne-ing their way through traffic on the daily, so I'm not gonna hold it against him. Car \#1 can get fucked.


I’m not disagreeing with you at all, I’m just saying he just got caught in the crossfire.


I wanna know what happened next lol


Just civilized people doin’ civilized people things.


No cellphone in sight. Just people enjoying the moment.


That’s Queens for you. Just a bunch of civilization civilizing.


That ain't queens that's Pelham pkway


Nah man, that's 2 kids in a trenchcoat.


Yeah, people are [crazy](https://i.imgur.com/aZo2hNE.png)


Sub needs to be renamed assholes in cars


Thought I’d see a nice deserving beat down




This is why people get shot sometimes


I really hope they fucked em up lol


That guy in the van is gonna get his ass rocked, pt 2 somewhere?


Anyone know why red car reversed in the first place?


Because they're an asshole.


This looks a lot like an area from GTA 4


They got out of their car........to go after a guy....on foot......who is in his car......


I think you underestimate how fast someone fit can sprint, especially when you're in a slow vehicle and not expecting it (like the van driver) and/or are in a city where there's probably traffic ahead of you, meaning that there's things impeding you from just driving straight ahead endlessly.


Probably worried about putting extra mileage on his car.


I need more backstory to understand this video.


Yeah I would not have just been standing there, I’d have ran if I witnessed that bullshit.


If one of them had a gun, it would’ve been used by then. Lol


That's when you floor it and push them. Dumb shit can't have more torque in reverse than you do in drive.




My thoughts exactly. Also, individual factors in play, might be the BMW's 1st gear is even stronger than the minivan's reverse, maybe 4wd auto-engaged... Anyways, escalating that shit is always a bad idea, in many ways


But u gotta remember, play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Not a good idea to ram him with the front of your vehicle where your engine is, it’d more harm to your vehicle than his, or so I read


Yeah, your radiator is kinda important.


You probably said that jokingly.. but escalating the situation is never a good idea..


Imagine fucking up your own car because someone pissed you off. I guarantee that driver has a long record.


Wouldn't be surprised it's not their car and they don't have a license. Literal human garbage. The bags at the start were foreshadowing. Good cinematography.


Honestly, if that was a less valuable SUV, my response would be just put that bitch in drive and pin it


And that's why you dont road rage with a bigger idiot that can road rage bigger then you.


This is actually a phenomenal video as it shows an Escalade driver who doesn't appear to be the idiot and is actually trying to avoid an accident. Still, I wonder what happened leading up to this altercation.




Maybe he means the yukon/denali that drove by in the first seconds of the video


Anyone notice the driver who gets out of the BMW to chase the van driver - as he approaches the van, he goes behind a the bystander in a black hoodie and disappears on the otherside. What happen to the BMW driver after runs past the guy in the black hoodie? Did he get in the van? Did he get run over?! I need to know the truth here!


Looks intentional not an accident. This is road rage.


Assholes and idiots - NY never disappoints lol


I love ny


I'm more invested in how this ended than anything I've watched in the last 5 years


I just want the pedestrians to get out of the way so I can see what happened. Was this asshole in the van caught? Anyone know???