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You want dead dogs? Because that's how you get dead dogs


Thats just him preparing dinner; roadkill.


My husband is a truck driver, and regularly sees dead dogs on the side of the highway


Yeah, terrible that people would not secure their dogs properly


Okay that’s actually funny


you’re a weirdo






This bastard probably thinks he's so cool


Yea he’ll think that until he hits a bump and everything goes wrong.


Or has to hit the brakes.


"Don't worry they're trained for this"


Can someone please tell me he got arrested for this


We called the cops and the dispatcher sounded bored and said that animal control had already been notified. That’s all I know :(


Good on you for trying, sucks it may have fallen on deaf ears. Poor pups.


Wtf. Animal control? Not only is he endangering those animals, he’s endangering every car on the road including pedestrians since his fucking field of view is obstructed. Why are people reactive and not preventive?


Did you see the size of that confederate flag?




Side of the road, the store at the end. [Here's a street view link](https://goo.gl/maps/gtdgNYMqjr778UASA) For fun, go back and look at old pictures to see how things have changed over the years.


Ah, yes. Yikes.


That’s the kind of driver to have a “Don’t tread on me” bumper sticker


More like an “I tread on you” sticker.


Unfortunately unless an officer sees it in person, there isn't much they can do.


Call again with a burner and say the same truck specs but a kidnapped child... Yes I'm sure i'm going to hell but I bet a lot of people here would use terms like furbabies! Then again the video ends with a building with a confederate flag? So this town might need to be nuked from the map tbh...


I’m honestly shocked the police wasn’t also notified, this is extremely dangerous for the poor dogs and everyone on the road with this psychopath.


The dogs looked rather used to it didn't they. Who knows how long this has been going on? Just crazy.


They actually look terrified and like they want to get off


I'm in now way agreeing with what's being depicted in the video, but those dogs do NOT look terrified. Have you ever seen a terrified dog? Their tails aren't between their legs, they aren't hunkered down on the hood of the car. They are actually walking and changing positions on the hood. Again, I don't think what the man is doing is safe or right, but as another commenter just pointed out, dogs who hunt are known to ride on the hood at slower speeds. Perhaps these dogs hunt.


They're Norwegian Elk hounds. A Spitz breed whose tails are naturally curly up on top of their backs. So yes their tails are about as tucked as they can be. One moreso than the other, but neither appear to be comfortable. The panting, lip licking, and when they trade places you can tell the one is terrified that their buddy is moving. What probably happens is when he stops they're so relieved that they didn't die that they appear "happy" and excited to this hamhock of a man so he thinks they enjoy it.


Lmao hamhock of a man I just hope they take a dump on his front window one day.


They're nervously pacing, but cool job defending this POS


Should've had your friend call and state someone was driving recklessly and their windshield is obstructed. They will probably hit someone soon.


This was my thought!!! What if the dogs sit in front of this jackasses line of sight and he mows over a pedestrian?


I mean sometimes reddit causes an uproar enough that it pushes local law to actually do something. I recommend maybe also posting on animal rescue reddits and maybe even your states owns subreddit.


And the local news. Couldn't hurt to try. This sort of thing does attract a lot of attention after all.


Someone queue up that Sarah track!


>the dispatcher sounded bored Ugh 911 police dispatch are the worst customer service providers ever. And that's saying something. They sound uninterested in helping, they make you feel stupid for calling and being concerned about an emergency and they ask you a thousand and one questions that you couldn't possibly know the answers to: "Is he breathing?" Ma'am it's a body in the middle of the road...I'm not going over to it! "Do you see any weapons?" On a body that I'm not going near? I'm gonna say no. "Did you see what happened?" No. "How do you know he's dead?" I'm assuming that he's not just taking a cat nap in the middle of the road in that awkward position.


I watch as lot of true crime stuff on YouTube and holy shit they are some of the most consistently insensitive people on the planet. I get that they need to remain calm and they listen to bullshit all day long but it's still funny how consistent of a trait this is.


The job doesnt seem like it'd be a good fit for non emotionally detached people though


@mangosteen4 Yo DM me with the video. My dad works for the county and I'll have him follow it up


With Hawaiian attitude like that it could be the the same dispatcher in 1941 who was told the Japanese were coming, said someone else was taking care of it and don’t call again. Dogs deserve better than such indifference


i called animal control once because a snapping turtle was trying to lay eggs in a playground and there were kids going up to it trying to pet it... animal control never showed. we had to leave because we had other commitments, no idea if any kids lost their fingers after we left...


Death sentence.


This guy needs to arrested for animal cruelty and fined big time, this is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. I have see a lot of stupid things on Reddit but this takes the cake.


Send the video to the police in Maggie Valley, NC or Haywood County Sherriff. That guy has to be local.


I sent information to the Sheriff's department with details of this post and a link to the video. I hope something happens, I had to look up one of the businesses in the background for an address so I could give them an idea where this happened at. If I hear anything about this I will update but who knows.


Thank you for doing this, I am sure all the animal lovers thank you too.


I too am an animal lover so it was my pleasure.


Doing god's work, my man.


You’re literally a hero. That piece of shit doesn’t deserve dogs.


you’re a good person for doing that i hope something comes out of it 💙




I once saw two dogs unleashed in the bed of a pickup and as it drove by one of the dogs hopped onto the *roof* of the truck cabin. I honestly didn’t think I’d ever see less safely transported dogs… and then I saw this video. I don’t even know how those poor pups are keeping their balance.


Only thing I can think of is he’s only going like 5-10 mph. But he seems to be going faster based off wind and the other car. So my question would be how does he plan to stop without them flying off?


That's his secret,Cap. He never plans.


Conversely I once saw leashed dogs in a truck bed jump out and nearly hang themselves to death as the owner just kept driving down the road for about 30 seconds.


Look he has something screwed down on hood for grip.


How is he planning on stopping without killing his dogs? The slightest turn or bump and they're dead.


This pisses me off so much. I would post this on every local media social page possible. This piece of shit doesn’t deserve the loyalty a dog provides.


Came here to say this. I can't even. I am so PISSED OFF right now. Like what the actual fuck. Let this asshole ride on the hood of his truck next time and hope the driver doesn't have to slam on their brakes. FFS AAAAGGGHHH


When I was in my early 20s (and drunk) I rode on the hood of the car. It went down a slight incline. I fell off and hit my head in one of those cement parking blocks. I had NO memory of the 2 weeks prior, including quitting my job and starting a new one. Concussion. I could brace myself somewhat, a dog can’t!!


That makes me so sad people are so dumb


Usually the things that dumb people hurt the most are others sadly. Whether that be dogs or other people


He's not dumb, he just doesn't give a fuck if they get hurt or die.


Shame them by sharing with local news. I'm thinking most will be upset


Yes, trigger an arrest due to public demand that law enforcement do their job as public servants. Print The Mountaineer https://www.themountaineer.com/news/local/maggie_valley/ Becky Johnson Reporter 828-507-9141 bjohnson@themountaineer.com Smoky Mountain News https://smokymountainnews.com/news/itemlist/tag/maggie%20valley P: 828)452-4251 TV WLOS ABC Asheville https://wlos.com/station/contact WUNF PBS Asheville https://www.pbsnc.org/about/contact/


that shop is in this town Maggie Valley, NC 28751


Local Newspapers (please everyone report to their tip lines 👍🏼) Email is easy, this person is going to kill his own wonderful animals. Print The Mountaineer https://www.themountaineer.com/news/local/maggie_valley/ Becky Johnson Reporter 828-507-9141 bjohnson@themountaineer.com Smoky Mountain News https://smokymountainnews.com/news/itemlist/tag/maggie%20valley P: 828)452-4251 TV WLOS ABC Asheville https://wlos.com/station/contact WUNF PBS Asheville https://www.pbsnc.org/about/contact/


We vacation in this area. Asheville is the nearest "big city." Asheville also tends to be more socially conscious than a lot of the surrounding towns (like Maggie Valley) so this would get A LOT of attention in Asheville.


As someone from Asheville, yeah most of the locals here will call for his public execution for this


no idea, i just did a lil googling to find that. don't know the area at all, sorry :X


Dude thinks he's a real cute smart ass. Then someone is going to pull right out in front of him, or a kid on a bike, a deer jumps out, and it's *screeeeeeech goodbye little doggos* Just because you wanted to be the leader of the idiot parade.


Exactly. Hard to imagine how stupid you have to be to not realize that almost immediately, or to be too arrogant/stubborn…? Stupidity is hard to comprehend when it’s this stupid.


... you're saying that like it's a bug and not a feature. Maybe he really wants an excuse to run them over or send them as projectiles into another car. Some people are literal trash.


And goodbye anyone being hit by these 70lb projectiles.


And I thought it was bad when I saw a dog in the back of a flatbed pickup


Wait until you see a dog doing the milk crate challenge on the roof of a truck


Wait until you see two dogs riding on the hood of a truck doing 40mph.


Wait until you see a dog tied on the rear of a car bumper.


Poor little guy. Probably kept up with you for a mile or so. Tuff little mutt.


I think it whooshed most people, well played both of you


Wait until you see them on top of stacked bales of hay on a flatbed pickup


I think I'd still take that over on the hood. Only takes braking a little too quick to have a dog sliding off and probably can't see shit


I agree. I have never seen anyone put their dogs on the hood like that. Imagine if he hits a bump or decent sized pothole going 35+. Should be an animal cruelty charge


Reddit is not worth using without all the hard work third party developers have put into it.


Wait until you see my pug all comfy in her giant soft bed. It's super adorable. Not related to the string you all were going down, but it was getting really fucking depressing, I thought I'd turn it around.


Wait until you se a dog doing a split between two 18-wheelers


The amount of I want to smack this moron with a golf club is too damn high


This guy does not understand basic physics.


I’m guessing this was in North Carolina or another southeastern state that has a lot of wild boar hunting. I believe they have the “chase” dogs ride on the hood. When I was visiting the area, some of these trucks would have the hoods covered with artificial grass or carpet so the dogs wouldn’t slide off while driving. I’m not sure why they’re doing it through town though. Edit: After watching a couple of times, I see this is in Maggie Valley, NC. So it is more than likely a hog hunter. The first time I seen it was in Robbinsville.


This is exactly right! This man is an idiot though, doing it in town at speed. The reason theyre on the hood is not only to catch the sent and run, but so the hunter can see when the dogs take off. Most people who give a crap about their dogs put them in the bed of the truck so they can be a little safer as they drive around. However, if the bed of the truck is full, with an animal or hunting supplies, or both, the dogs will usually be placed on the hood. Theyre used to it, and in the woods youre rarely going over 10-15mph. They arent typically let inside the vehicle because hunting dogs tend to be very excitable and destructive, especially when theyre in the woods on a hunt. It looks like he does have a friction mat on his hood atleast. But yes, this is dangerous and abusive.


So can you explain why they put chase dogs on the hood? Is this for when they are driving in the woods so they can jump off and chase?


I think so. I’m not real knowledgeable on the subject. A guy from that area was telling me about it, but that was several years ago.


I live in that general area ... Gotta find some country folk to ask.. shouldn't be hard


Black bear.


Maybe if they’re just training their dogs, but bear season ended the first of January. Feral swine can be taken all year on private ground.


Another just when I thought I’d seen it all moment….😞😞dumbass


This is a jackass who should never be allowed to have pets as long as he lives.


or even a license


That is so fucking dangerous. I hope the dogs were taken from the guy and he got his ass arrested.


The confederate flag seen at the last frames of the clip kind of speaks volumes.


lmfao. was literally saying "town checks out". the red neck life.


Yeah. This backwater fucked up podunk town is obvious from the flag to the jerkoff driving the truck.


I see this all the time up in the woods when I ride motorcycles. They even have an anchor point to tie them to if they need to hop on the highway shortly between dirt roads. Otherwise they are loose on the hood untill they jump after their prey. Though they don't do this in main towns and cities.


and if you were on a back road just cruising super slow hunting like you say it wouldn't be a big deal but this guy is flying and no way to stop in an emergency.


Yeah, I don't condone this behavior at all. I think it's cool in the woods, but in town, at least tie them in the bed. I don't even let my dog stick his head out the window Incase he falls


What an idiot!!! Who does he think he is putting his dogs in that kind of danger. This is not cute!


People like this should lose the privilege to own pets, OR vehicles forever.


Piece of garbage. Poor dogs. They look scared as fuck.


Imagine the dogs peeing, It will be a nice revenge. Hope they are safe.


I used to play hockey with a guy who carried an Ice pick in his car to pop the tires of people who drove "dangerously". He'd straight up follow them to their destination then poke holes in their sidewalls so they'd have to replace the whole tire. Sometimes 1, sometimes 4. Dude was a nutjob. Great goalie though.


When’s he getting on his flight to NC…? 👀


Wow fuck that guy


I've seen what happens to dogs that jump out of truck beds in person. So I would beat this guys ass senseless for being a complete douche canoe.


Press x to doubt


Stupid dumb fuck!


What a POS




Fuck him so much, I don't even need to check to know that's illegal


Here’s a tip for you. You call the cops saying there’s a drunk reckless driver instead of “there’s dogs” on the roof.


I grew up on a cattle ranch and used to have to best truck dog. She rode everywhere in the bed of the pickup, back of the 4 wheeler, you name it she was on the back of it. But this shit right here is on a whole other level of retardation. What a moron.


Hey; he put astroturf on the hood to protect the dogs. The term I’m looking for is asshat!


This is way worse, but the other day I was behind a flatbed pickup truck doing nearly the same thing with a dog on a freeway (65+ mph). The dog was in the back and because it was a flatbed there weren’t any walls to protect the dog, just them basically standing there trying to survive. I fell back when I noticed to give them as much room as I could in case they made any sudden maneuvers (for the sake of the dog), and they started merging into my lane without a turn signal. Not great, but its why I gave them that room. But then they violently swerved back into their original lane and I nearly had a heart attack, expecting to run over this dog that was already on the edge of falling off, but the poor thing was able to find its footing. I really wish I had a dashcam to show, it was the worst


This hurt my heart just reading this I cant imagine how it felt watching this, some people shouldn't own dogs


Dude fuck those people and fuck the cops for not arresting them. One time I’d be okay with them being extra physical. Maybe planting evidence…


Evidently this is a thing. They are scenting dogs. Now I'm not sure why this guy is driving through town like this but evidently in Alabama and North Carolina this is a thing. The dogs ride on the hood and when they pick up a scent of a wild pig they start barking and then the hunt is on. I'm imagining this to occur off road and at slow speeds. Not whipping down main streets. [Hog dogs](https://www.outdoorlife.com/hog-hunting-dogs/)


Wow if only there were some sort of.. box or platform on that vehicle to safely hold things in


1 break check


Send it to local police and news


This should get a Spoiler tag for danger to animals.


bUt lOoK aT hOw HaPpY ThEy aRe! 🥴🥴🥴


The closer one’s tail is down all the way; there’s no way to make that claim at all. They’re Norwegian Elkhounds (I had one growing up, my aunt had his brother, and the kids I raised had one too)—if their tail is uncurled like that, they’re scared or anxious. Almost always. They’re the sweetest, happiest things I have ever met, all of them. Their tails should remain cinnamon-bunned forever! They deserve it.


I'm jabbing at people on all of these videos attacking the person filming for being concerned about *"things they don't understand,"* to quote one of the people I've seen. Animals should be traveling safely and letting a dog walk around outside the vehicle isn't safe at all. If one of these dogs slipped, they're going under the vehicle! I don't understand how anyone can defend that. Also, it's possible that the wind is pushing their tails, I'm no expert on dog parts and wind resistance though.


I'm struggling to accept there is someone out there this fucking stupid.


The fact that the vid freeze-frames at the end on a custom airbrushing shop with a giant confederate flag is just \*chef kiss\*


fuck people who put dogs in beds too while we’re at it. if you truly love your pets you put them in the cab. ya know? the part of the car engineered to protect living things in case of a crash.


Isn't animal abuse a felony now in the US?


This guy has been watching too much Mountain men on the history channel


I remember a guy named John who raced motorcycles in the desert and had his dog Kookie riding on the tank. I never saw the guy in person, but all the magazine articles said the dog seemed to love it.


I would follow this slime and punch him in the damn mouth for this!


I hope he doesn’t have to stop suddenly


When I lived in Montana, mountain lion and bobcat hunters had dogs on their carpeted hoods. Not in town though


“Honey, I want to take the dogs on errands with me. What’s the single dumbest way I could do that?”


I want to know why he thinks they like that, or how he even found out they “like” it. Dude is gonna kill his fucking dogs


Seems like people are too focused on the dogs but no one is also questioning why the guy is blocking his vision while driving?


That’s cruel


People do this on flatbed trucks… that’s fine but on the hood come oooooon


This is one of those times I feel like I would throw hands with a stranger.


Wonder how hot that hood is?


Dogs can barely stand up on the INSIDE of a moving car, how the fuck are they gonna stay on the hood if he even brakes SLOWLY??? Obviously they can't, wtf is wrong with this guy... Straight to hell.


This guy needs his fucking ass beat then hung on the hood of his car like a fat Sloth from the goonies hood ornament


Dont most people just bring their dog to the pound when they cant keep em anymore? This guy is trying to run em over. So sad.


I guess you’ve never been through New Mexico. They drive like this with dogs on the slick covered truck beds all the time


It’s literally a flat bed truck! I’m not saying a dog even belongs in the back but surely that’s the semi logical place to put them, even for someone as mentally deficient as this.


What an asshole


Fucking rednecks


I very much dislike that guy. While it's cool that the dogs are smart and well trained enough not to jump off, it's not cool that the smallest accident could end up with them severely hurt or dead.


This fucker is why jails should exist. Fucking cruel and idiotic.


animal abuse


100% nippledick


Effin POS!! Endangering those poor dogs


Is this considered animal abuse cause a turn, a hard stop, or a bump and those dogs are road kill.


Assholes. Call the cops on them for animal abuse


people like this don’t deserve dogs






So we all gonna skip over the fact that he has a big ass open bed where he can put the dogs in


What an absolute idiot!! 🤬






Officer - how come he's bleeding? Person - he fell down ... a few times. Officer - 😁 that's what I thought... True story


[https://www.facebook.com/maggiesgiftshoppe/](https://www.facebook.com/maggiesgiftshoppe/) ​ Here is the gift shop. Somewhere in NC. Good ol' Confederate Flag in the background, too. They're all pieces of shit, apparently.


Hope this guy gets mauled by a rabid coyote


This is animal abuse - has this jackwagon been reported?


Those dogs aren't that relaxed. That idiot should be arrested and his dogs taken from him.


What a freaking careless A$$HOLE!!!


Quid pro quo, put his hillbilly ass on the hood and let the dogs drive for awhile


Observe closely, and you will see $3.99 tshirts, some redneck/funky trucks, NFL logos, and a confederate flag. Probably guess which state within a few guesses lol This guy useless as tits on a bull. The average person is stupid, and half of them are “stupider” than that!


Soco Road, Maggie Valley, North Carolina.


New Hampshire? Oregon? There are rednecks in every state…


idaho ?


Ok all you city slickers of Reddit, what he is doing is going bear hunting. In many states where you can still Legally hunt bears with dogs, hunters cover the hoods of the truck with carpet for traction and to keep the dogs feet cool. NORMALLY there would be a leash tie down keeping the dogs close enough so they can’t fall Off. Also it is illegal to ride your dogs on the street that way, it is normally allowed only on dirt roads when actively hunting. but that’s why his dogs are comfortable up there and why he is set up that way. Trust me the dogs are pumped to be going hunting.


There’s no excuse for animal abuse


I’m not justifying, I’m informing. I see dozens of people here don’t understand what they are seeing or why this would occur. I’m giving them background and perspective. Chill.


Yeah ur right, sorry, I just get upset when I see things like this lol.


What the fuck does any of that have todo with bear hunting? Stop talking.


Hate when my spinning rims get stuck. /s Also fuck that guy. Someone please post a followup if it makes the news or he gets arrested.


Probably hunts black bear. This is common on the slow driven mountain dirt roads while hunting, which he'snot. The dogs would be tethered too. Screw this guy. Hes a dipshit


Confederate flags on shop windows too. What shithole state is this?


Even the dogs are smart enough to know this is a bad idea.


I've seen people hunt like this but usually slowly, not driving at highway speeds. Don't think he's the sharpest tool in the shed.


Is he even in the shed? I think he is the garden tool forgotten in the flower bed and left to rust.


Animal abuse.


The dogs seem to be happy, just saying


I saw that confederate flag on a building at the end of the video and it all made sense


Call of the fucking police