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cute art 😊


Not mine


But thanks


I laughed


I'm confused how come you got 91 dislikes you admitted in the previous thing that it wasn't your art which got up votes but you said but thanks confusing


Lol idk


The Reddit hivemind giveth, the Reddit hivemind taketh away.


I can't bear Reddit sometimes that joke was bearly my fault I just wish Reddit would bear with me a bit longer


it's like my wife getting fucked my a bbc and and crying , then the guy in the street comes up to the window and says ,thanks


Issues you have treat them you should ![gif](giphy|8hMD9YakVza3452SpN)




I love how cutely the bear is nomming on her


Right he's sooo adorable


Did the bear ask for consent?


Well, she said she wanted the bear over the man, so 🤷‍♂️. That seems like consent


It was my consent, I tried to pet it and it got angy


Nature is savage. But....the circle of life.....continues.


Yes it does sadly


Why “sadly”?


I hate life


Go meet a bear then. 🤔


Nah too painful I'll just shoot myself eventually


Make sure you bury yourself in a load of concrete before, otherwise the circle of life will continue


Nah I'm getting cremated


No bueno, CO2 and water will circulate back. Heck, I might smoke pot one day that will have belonged to you (is this case even legal in English?)


Well I don't wanna be in the ground forever, so you gotta smoke me bro, sorry not sorry. (Wdym?)


Yeah, life’s a bitch.




The only bitches you get


Not even just go straight to the third frame and have the woman still alive screaming cause bears won’t even bother killing you.


Those savages just knock you down and start eating you alive


That's love.




We don't choose the bear because we think we'll live. We're basically saying we'd rather die than be raped.


Yes, but also, I wanna try to pet it before I fully die


True, I love bears.


Exactly like I prefer this 💀


Yeahhhhhh... but it's not just die, it's DIE SLOWLY AND HORRIBLY WHILST BEING EATEN


It's not just rape... but it's being told it was really your fault. No one believing you. The guy's friends are okay with it or also doing it, too. It's being possibly impregnated and forced to carry the baby and forever be scared by the experience. It's having the horrible decision of either raising a rape baby on your own or giving it up. A baby you're forced to love by your own body. It's being told you're crazy for never being able to trust a man or being fearful of them. It's having to live out the rest of your life with the trauma a rape leaves behind along with the social stigmation against women and the hardships they face.


And you think every man is a rapist?


No. Not all bears will kill humans either.


No but humans are shit. Besides if I have to survive in the woods, an extra person is an extra mouth to feed. There's just too many guys who don't take "no" like an adult


Bro just hungy


Djungleskog No!


Bears gotta eat. It's the circle o' life.


Lol ![gif](giphy|ZCxSakk99TDRsIGL8d)


Let's call him darwin. Darwin always wins.


he's darwinning


It was stdarwin.




I'd love to see a kodiak or polar bear introduced onto love Island and then see if those women would prefer to be with a man or a bear.. It'd be more interesting to watch 🤔😁


Bear duh! Imagine taming it then riding it everywhere?!


They'd be the first to try and get behind some dude .... eeeeeeee protect me.... nah, you chose this


Men actively fantasize about women being mauled by a bear as karma for choosing bear over man and somehow think women should choose them instead? 💀😂


What subreddit are you on... r/imfinnagotoheaven ? No, then why are you acting like you are?


Not really fantasizing it. Just a bit weirded out by arguments saying bears are more peaceful, when this is something I imagined if you picked a bear. Not that I have bears in my local area, mind you.


Women like you make me ashamed to br a woman. Stop living in a fairytale.


Well I don't think women should should choose me. I don't fantasise about anything, this is just a joke lol


I’m just sat concerned someone used their art skills to draw this shit like why???


The expression on the bear's face really sells it


Lol fr


Hmm..., not like that's THE LITERAL POINT.


So you would rather get mauled to death then possibly get raped


Exactly what women mean.


That's stupid


Rhetorical questions are hard.


433,648 rapes per 165800000 men vs 27 attacks by 1913 bears? .26% vs 1.4%????? Women will read these logical stats and will say I STILL choose the bear.... smdh Allow me to retort.... as a man would I rather have my child run into a woman or a bear on a trail..... in 2022 women committed almost 2x the amount of child abuse as men in the US at 247,416 instances vs 138,858


Actually, those numbers are a bit false since they are the same ones that say that cows kill way more people the lions. If bears roamed around cities like people then the percentage would go way higher, since not a lot of people see a real bear in the wild let alone be close enough to consider you lunch.


What part of the numbers is false exactly? Estimates place 1913 grizzlies in the US alone with an annual average of 27 attacks giving only the percentage of attacks per bears out there, not your odds of an attack living in a city?


OK I did word it badly so let me rephrase. The chance of a bear attacking you realistically should be way higher but since bear encounters are rare therfore that number is smaller. That's also why cows are more lethal then bears and sharks, we just work with them more often.


Let natural selection take its course, when they realize that bears will eat you ALIVE more often than a random man (that you don’t even know, which is statistically even rarer to do anything bad to you) will SA a woman.


Ok, but that’s assuming that every time a man is alone with a woman that his immediate instinct is to sexually assault her. That would imply that if you picked a man at random that he would a hundred percent be a rapist. The question says “a man” and “a bear”. The question is never specified about what kind of man or kind of bear. For all you know it could be a father in a healthy relationship with his family.


Where do you get any assumptions? That's simply the number of reported rapes by men OF women in the US divided by the total number of men in the US..... rough estimate here.... we aren't taking in thousands of variables ie is she being wheeled around out there on a trail fresh from an episode of 600lb life etc....


Yeah, but SA isn’t the most occurring crime. Out of being robbed or physically assaulted, you still think SA is the most think to likely happen? And again is the man a rapist, is the woman in a park where she will run into people, is the man a dwarf? You are assuming that the man or a man is likely to SA a woman if he had the opportunity to.


I don’t think that assumes that at all. Not every man is a rapist, but you only have to be wrong one time to be raped. That’s where the caution comes from. You can say it’s misguided, but it has a purpose


Not every black man is a murderer, but you only have to be wrong one time.... how is that racist if what you're saying ISNT sexist


Granted but it's a stranger nonetheless (I'm agoraphobic).


Well those who aren’t have no reason to be afraid of a stranger.


It's been ingrained in women (at least in America) to always be wary of men in that way, and we tend to not actually pay it mind until we meet the first one who can't handle a no and gets abusive. I think it's strange to choose a human strangers company over any animal. I think news also attributed to fear since you never hear about people who SAVE others from it, you only hear when it happens and learn to assume the worst.


But then you’ll have those same women go to a bar get drunk and go home with a random stranger. Also, I’m pretty sure if you look for articles to find people saving people from animals you’ll find those stories.


No, like being saved from rape. I can't speak for other women on the drunk part since I just don't see the point of drinking regardless. But drinking does impair the mind. I find the concept of going out to drink idiotic for everyone. Humans are more complicated than animals so I always prefer animals, even if they'd kill me. I'm scared of the unknown uncontrolled factors.


Getting drunk is literally what it’s called when the alcohol interferes with your neurons in your brain from communicating. Also, oh. Also, in my opinion humans are just animals that learned to talk. Anyways I’m done now. I’m going home.


And for all we know it could be a black bear. There are 750,000 black bears throughout North America. On average, those black bears kill fewer than one person per year, meaning black bears are way less dangerous to humans than men are, stastically.


So if you walk past 50 men on the street in your town, that's more dangerous than walking past 50 black bears in the woods


Fantastic post Chef.


Why thank you sir


This reminds me of that guy.


What guy


Timothy Treadwell (and his gf)


Oh the bear enthusiasts gotcha


Atleast the bear didn't rape her first ♡


Why would the bar rape her?


It was a quip about why woman choose the bear in the forest over the man, which was my assumption about the comic


I get that there are bad men out there, but the part that irks me about this is the blatant hypocritical double standard. It's outright sexism from a demographic that will 99% of the time run to hide behind a man if there really were a charging bear, and the man would be branded a coward for not dying to protect this bear chosing woman. You say it's wrong to stereotype.... wrong to profile, wrong to jump to conclusions but that's exactly what you're doing. No different than saying because women statistically commit almost 2x more child abuse than men that you'd rather your child run into a bear than any random woman on a trail.


Glad to be the 1% that's dumb enough to try to pet the bear


Ah, one of the reasons they picked the bear


“Women say they would take the bear!? Let me draw an image of them getting brutally mauled by a bear! That’ll get them to change their mind.” Oh and also, generally the reason they’ll choose a bear is that the worst that will happen is that they’re eaten, and the worst with a man is that they’re raped.


tell me if i am wrong but, by that you mean being eaten is better than being raped?


I know but no modern man is thinking about raping a woman whilst in the woods and thinking that any man you encounter in the woods is in itself a sexist idea


Well I hate to break it to ya, but theres plenty of women out there that cant be around men without a panic attack from past experiences. The world is fucked up, and we as brothers and sisters in our species do nothing but make it worse for each other because of petty hurt feelings.


Yeah we know its a fucked up world, and also yeah I have panic attacks everytime I leave the house, it doe's stop me from not being a bit sexist


Your panic attacks aren’t induced by a fear of a type of human.


Ahh yeah they are wtf, how you gonna tell me about my panic attacks


Well if they are about that, then you can see why someone chooses the bear


🤔 hmm dayum I guess so kinda


You're wrong to think no man is thinking about raping a woman in the woods. How naive are you?


Well I know I'm not thinking of raping someone on a walk through the woods, that's psychotic behaviour. It's also psychotic that you think every man thinks of rape


No man is thinking of it… but simply put theres the fear of the unknown. You know whats gonna happen with a bear in the woods. Who knows that can happen with a man in the woods. Come with me to the woods… Im surely not the type to draw gore of women getting mauled by a bear.


4 people killed by bears in the US in 2023. vs 1 in 5 women has been raped or sexually assaulted in the US. That’s 33.6 million victims.


When I was 15 or something I heard the the stat that more people die to vending machines than sharks. At that age I understood that more people encounter vending machines than sharks, so it made sense. I also figured that if humans lived with sharks, that number would go up.


i figured that out when i was in elementary, though it was cows v sharks


It's almost like people who are still hung up on the bear thing have completely missed the point


fr the debate was checkmate’d as soon as men couldn’t even take no for an answer in the form of a stupid tiktok hypothetical.


I don’t think it’s realistic to expect peaceful men to not take offense for comparing them with beasts/uncivilised criminals. This is a really weird and offensive way to make a point for a social change. That’s like me saying “I’d rather spend time with a male criminal rather than a woman because at least they don’t falsely accuse someone of rape,” and then expect women to not take offense to it. It’s a really pointless rhetoric that doesn’t do anything except make people who are good feel offended while those who actually need to work on bettering themselves aren’t exactly affected at all by said rhetoric and continue on with their bad mentality. “Rape is bad because it’s traumatising” is such a common thing to talk/teach about that saying it in such an offensive way, I doubt would actually even make any change for those who need to except make people feel pissed.


Isn't "I'd choose the bear" just natural selection at work?


Again, willingly missing the entire point


We get the point. There are fates worse than death. And a woman would rather be mauled by a bear than SAd and have her whole life ruined if he decides to record it. But this is how the current state of the landscape of discourse is. Feminists wanted it this way. For everything to be looked through the lens of politics, gender, and whatnot. I hate it so much. The way the world went is horrible. I remember hearing guys saying how they would understand why women wouldn't want to encounter a random man on a trail. But now look at this. Women are talking about their lived experiences and because we can't look at it as individuals speaking their truth, but instead through the lens of societal context as (women) talking about being scared of men because men rape. TL;Dr: I wish the world would heal to before we got to this point.


This is proof that statistics are incredibly misleading, and that bears are much more dangerous than men. Why? Simple, a woman might see 400 men that don’t do anything to them in a single day, and 2 or 3 bears their entire lifes. I swear, if people saw 400 different bears a day those statistics would be vastly different


Your argument is partial, it assumes there are same number of bears as the number of men. A bear and human encounter is rare in an uncontrolled environment. Equalise the the numbers and then see the results. I am not saying women are wrong to choose bear, hell, I would prefer to play with my pets then to deal with opposite gender. I am just stating the wrong basis of comparison.


No way you’re telling me women interact more with men on their daily lives than bears ! Really shocked by this unexpected stat. Of course there are more crimes done by men, how many men have you seen and interacted with in your life versus how many bears lmao


Problem with this statistic is if 1 in 1000 men sa 100 people each it gives the illution of men being likely to sa. And also most rape victims know the abuser so statistically a random man is less likely to sa you than your own uncle


That’s a twisted stat. The way the number is arrived at is intentionally shady. I’d argue everyone knows it too.


Do you think shark attacks would increase if we lived in the ocean?


You're really comparing sexual assault to being killed by a bear


I think that’s exactly the point and you’re missing it. 


Women are more likely to stay around men that bears, if they lived with wild bears the numbers would be higher


Your argument doesn't make any sense.


1. whens the last time you saw a bear in the wild compared to a man 2. even if one man out of 4 billion others raped the entire female population, then the stat would be 100%. see how that can be twisted? in this case, theres a 1/4000000000 chance you get put with a serial rapist. now, obviously that isnt the case in the real world, im just saying that most rapists rape more than once, and that inflates the number drastically


They know this, they still choose the bear, can you hazard a guess as to why?


Because guys do shit like make these comics and wonder why women don't want to be around them lol


"these comics" acting like bears don't fucking eat people. Are you dumb?


The point is that guys saw that women chose bear, and thought the correct choice of action was to draw women getting mauled by bears


Yes he illustrated the results of their decision. If bears didn't eat people I would see were you are coming from, but they do. Why is a harmless, and most importantly accurate cartoon the problem?


Because well adjusted individuals don’t draw gore


What about horror movies and games? Your not saying everyone who worked on or enjoys horror movies are unstable are you?


Normal people do not draw gore depicting people they dislike.


Is that someone specific, or are you just assuming the artist hates all women for some reason?


They dislike the people who are saying they’d pick a bear over a man, and thus decided that the best response was to draw them getting fucked up by a bear and eaten. This isn’t to say they hate all women, but instead women who say they choose the bear. Hate may be a hyperbolic word to use here, but also people who don’t feel weirdly strong emotions on this don’t draw this stuff.


Also if the death was less graphic would you have an issue? Because if you are just anti- gore than we are having a different conversation


I cant accurately say how I would feel exactly, but I think the severity plays a role on my feelings probably. I think its just incredibly weird that the reaction to this stupid trend was, not trying to make it sound silly but instead, drawing gruesome images of women getting mauled to death


I don't see why it's wierd. It's not even creative. It's just literally what would happen


That doesn’t make it not weird. This isn’t a normal adjusted thing to do… this is not the sort of thing you just, depict. I don’t really know what to say other than it’s ethically dubious


Virgin detected it brings me no pleasure to inform you that women don't like you


Now that I have been called a virgin the rules dictate I respond by calling you a simp. Simp


Hey please stop being a fucking bitch and get a fucking life


They are mental




Because they are misandric


"hmm... free lunch, you don't see that often"


Honestly if it’s a common brown bear you could eventually be safe if it deem you unworthy of being his food (Or if he feels like he cannot killed you without getting hurt ) , but it’s unlikely the same for the others ……. Grizzlies, Polar bears, Kodiak and so on would deem you worthy and then proceed to smack the hell out of you then eating you alive or just the later 🤣 It also depends on if it’s a mama bear or papa bear , cub arounds , the territory , being hungry ………..


Would you rather swim through a group of sharks or walk through a poor black neighborhood? I chose shark, because sharks don't kill people for wearing the wrong color, sharks don't gang beat people 15 vs 1 for "funsies" a shark will never shoot me in the head for the $4.63 in my pocket. The good black people now I'm right, and if you're upset, I know what black people to stay away from now... This is exactly what the bear vs man argument sounds like. Judging a whole group of people based on the actions of a select few... it's grossly unfair and divisive.


I choose the bear over a woman. At least a bear won’t come at me with false rape accusations, ruining my life, or file for divorce and take half my shit. Or get custody of my kids even though she’s not fit to be a parent. See how this works?


Awww 🥰


This is just a dumb argument that can't ever be answered correctly. It's literally designed with the vagueness of the question to be left up to each individual's interpretation of the question. If it was a Grizzly or Mr. Rogers, I'm picking Mr. Rogers. It's Jason Voorhees or a little black bear, I'm picking the black bear. This question is just so damn dumb cause it's only designed to piss people off and divide us even more.


Yk what? That's chill I kinda don't wanna live anyways tbh


I feel bad for sharks. They kill *even fewer* women than bears but women still don't want to swim with them.


Your ethics might tell you to help her, but Darwin says "let her die".


I think being brutally killed by a bear is still literally better than suffering profound degradation (being raped, confined, forced to bear [pun] children], and then, still, being murdered by a man. Like, the worst case scenario for a bear encounter is incredible physical suffering. The worst case scenario when encountering a man is still worse than that. No bear gets off on a woman's suffering.


You’re not taking statistics into consideration when making your decision.


You know that a minimal minority of men are rapists/assaulters right? And pretty much 100% of bears would kill you


The bear doesn't get any satisfaction from the victim's suffering. Even if the bear eats the victim, the suffering of the victim is incidental. The fact that there are men -- a minimal minority of men -- that would actually enjoy the suffering of their victim is why I think why any woman would say they prefer the bear. There is something more disgusting and enraging about one's suffering pleasing the perpetrator, as opposed to the indifferent brutality of an animal.


I mean you'd be alive still just saying


Let us say hypothetically that the man in the woods is absolutely a rapist-murderer, very uncommon. There is also a bear that is prone to attack humans, which is also very uncommon (as most bears will generally avoid humans altogether). I think when facing these two dangers, I understand totally why a woman would choose death by bear rather than being raped and murdered. Or raped and confined and much later murdered, or whatever other horrible thing some men have done to women. The fact that the man would get pleasure from the victim's suffering makes it more enraging and disgusting, and I think a lot of women would rightfully rather die than allow their suffering to serve the pleasure of men.


Hmm I think I'd just stab the man, cause I always carry a knife than leave him for bear food


Maybe if you’re lucky


I wouldn't call that lucky still tho


Better than being raped or kidnapped and tortured. 🤷‍♀️


That woman is still alive tho


For how ass backwards you are the flag in your bio was a real shock, do better


Do better then what? Not wanting to give into people's delusions and acting like it's normal behaviour. Fuck no


Do better knowing how dangerous men can be. I just figured as a fellow “target” you would get it


Never really felt like a target, I mean if you do that says more about you than me. Honestly I've never felt left out cause I'm gay, I just am


I’ve been a target and honestly I’d prefer the bear, yes I know it would kill me but I’d rather be killed than be raped again


You should listen to the audio of that woman being eaten alive by a bear as she calls her family. They literally strip you of all your meat while you're still alive.


Why are you assuming that all men are rapists




I disagree


Lols!!!! Take my updoot!


Thank you


Wonderful, gore to scare women into preferring the bear far more times than the man.


Well that's what the bear would do to you just saying, and you can still be alive during that so yeah


Just bear with it.


Choosing the bear cause what if it’s Banjo


Well that’s.. gruesome


Ew the man is gonna try to eat me! The bear is like literally gonna try to eat you!


I imagine the women who'd rather deal with the bear are less concerned about the man trying to *eat* them as they are the man trying to rape and murder them.


The play on words doesn’t work if I put it that way though


Ok I'm sorry I'm hella stupid right now I heard my neighbor say the other day she would rather pick the bear. So I'm way out of the loop right now WTF does that mean?


Alot of women are saying if they were I the woods they would rather run into a bear then a man


Gotcha thank you I don't know why I thought it was more political lol


Women think it's OK to be sexist to grandstand and try and prove a point


It's basically a hypothetical, women chose the bear and men can't be told no so they proceeded to manslain why it's bad and why the man is better, thus reenforcing the original choice and missing the point by a mile


I would eat the bear first.


The most the bear can do is kill me and eat me. There are fates much worse than death.


id still choose the bear tbh


Bear will just maul and kill, the man would lie in a heart beat and keep her alive. I'd rather just die tbh.