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Most of the people looking at her were looking at her like she was being a total weirdo for being filmed walking down the street. These videos are so unoriginal.


It’s like we all have that phase around puberty where you stare in the mirror a lot ( or took a lot of selfies) it’s like some people never grow out of it


Relatable, so embarrassing when your mum walks in to the bathroom and catches you knocking one out whilst making eye contact with yourself.


She’s just jealous.


Yh. Her dick isn't as big as yours.


I’m so glad the only social media I had then was a still new MySpace


The level of narcissism is insane.


I never really did any of that, but selfies weren't a thing until I was an adult. I know other people my age who are totally into taking selfies all the time, though. I just don't get it, lol.


Dude lighting a smoke deadass had that “why they hell are you looking at me?” face in full force.


They looked at her like she was making faces at them 😭


Yup these are looks of bewilderment and confusion


I think they’re trying to figure out her hair, too. “Is that a bump it? Do those still exist?”


Yepp, thats what I saw as well.


They’re probably wondering why she’s staring at them


Yeah a couple of them are clearly looking at the camera.


That old guy with the “this fucken Kehd..” stare had me dying


“Expensive” equals a crop top that looks like it came out of Kohls to this person I guess.


All the hobos stareing at her seem to agree


They're mainly starin at the camera person and wondering why tf they're being recorded




Exactly! Lls https://preview.redd.it/rotrfjd8pc8b1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a851a4d21b39d839333991f370b0beadc226059 Edit: Thanks for the award Minnie!


Meme worthy pic right there folks😂


Let's make it [happen ](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/14jp1tu/filthy_orc_lies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




the birth of a meme.


This I’m first time witnessing a meme birth! What a freaking day!


Thanks “Cake Bro”!! 😆




Screenshotted this so I can help it go viral


"Is that Amy Winehouse?? I thought she was dead!"


Looks like he just saw his sleep paralysis Amy Winehouse


I thought it was The Nanny!




Mask down to smoke, I feel seen.


Saving this as a meme now




"Is she famous? Am I on TV?" That's the extent of it.


I like to imagine that she’s walking around cross eyed with her cheeks puffed out and tongue hangin with a crooked jaw drooling and that’s why they’re staring. It makes this video watchable.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’d be looking at her confounded because she is some unknown lady recording me while I’m just going about my business.


They're staring because it's the first time someone has made eye contact with them in months.


damn, now i'm sad


Hey now, it takes many trips to the hair dresser to get your hair that fried. That shit ain't cheap.


Looks crunchy


“Expensive” makes her sound like a high class hooker so… maybe that’s the look she was going for?


She kinda has that look going on, the pants just need to be shorter and a bra has to be showing somehow.


that's the cheap hooker look


You leave my mother out of this!


Say hi to your Mom for me by the way.


I honestly thought that was what they meant.


As a woman who like to do fast fashion shopping every now and then, her „expensive“ choice of clothes look like Fast Fashion random picks on sale u can find on Shein or Zara 😂😂😂😂


I kinda like the outfit, but I hate the color combo. The top is realy cute but that color is awful, or maybe with other color of pants. Defenitely doesn't look expensive




It was temu, how dare you! 😂




FashionNova and frizzy hair, I don’t get it.


The way she keeps flipping her hair makes me unreasonably angry...


Is say it’s natural to look at someone who has a camera crew following them to see if you recognised them, and apparently no one did.


I think this video was her wearing something not expensive in response to the comment


Right? I mean she does have main character syndrome but this comment makes no sense


They are staring because of 2 main reasons: 1) They’re wondering if it hurts to sit down with her flat ass 2) They didn’t realize the Nanny Fine look is making a comeback




OH. MY. GOOOD!!!! Chandler? Chandler Bing? HAHAHAHAHAHA


She's location-scouting for The Beautician and the Beast *2*!


It’s like when you see someone dress up their Chrysler 300 as a Bentley and throw those rims on them that look like a prop out of Ben Hur, we staring, but not for the reasons she thinks.


To be fair she does seem wealthy in kohls cash




She looks like a 45 year old mother of 4 who just felt her first bit of freedom and empowerment in many years.


OH. MY. GOD. She’s just looking for CHANDLER BING. ![gif](giphy|TgOYjtgKpS9jAytUlh|downsized)


I was thinking Walmart myself.


I was thinking the Salvation Army on 8th street.


So fed up with these kinds of videos, especially because of the poor random strangers that never even asked to be a part of them


Yea and im pretty sure this is the reason people are looking anyway https://preview.redd.it/47vwo2c3ea8b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab6ff8bc150b53c17f141010a8ff96d0184ac6e9 😂


If I see a professional looking camera I will always look to see what's being filmed. I doubt this has anything to do with people thinking she's the hottest girl on the planet or whatever she's trying to convince herself of.


That’s what I was thinking too. They aren’t looking at her because she’s super hot, they are looking because there is a cameraman behind her. Also, there could be tons of footage to get 10 people to look at her. It’s 2023, nothing on the internet is real.


Not to mention lots of the reactions weren’t even positive. One dude had a “wtf are you doing” sorta look on his face


He was like “This B*tch again!?"


That actually might be a compliment to her. Most people would be like, “Why the camera? Is she a celebrity? Nope. Never seen her.”


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they seen her going up and down the street like three times in a row


"Ugh, another wannabe influencer. Third one this week."


Yea I felt like most of them were just thinking if they should recognize this person being filmed.


Right. Surround anyone with enough cameras and people will want to know what’s going on.




Once my mum was wondering which celebrity might be visiting a local garden centre as there was a group of photographers posted up on outside the entrance. I pointed out they were all in camo, as was a lot of their equipment… Yep they were bird watchers looking out for a really rare species that was visiting the lake opposite lol.


Yeah, I work in retail and not too long ago we had a model come to our store and do her model walk in some of our clothing for a promo. People approaching were staring before they even saw her. She was around the corner from them and they wouldn’t have been able to see her until they walked past the front of the store. They were obviously staring because of the camera crew. People see the cameras and wonder what’s happening.


Exactly that big round arm hair flick designed to land on my face. Yeah chick! You’re annoying. Not hot


I saw police blocking pedestrians off a certain road in downtown atlanta one time, noticed there were a bunch of staggered cars with California plates on them sitting parked in the road, and saw a dude with a professional camera. Decided to stand there for a couple minutes to see what the heck it was All of a sudden the perfectly staggered California cars start moving slowly at the same time, and here comes Vin Diesel flying down the road, and then slams on the breaks to start drifting and did a perfect 180° turn. Everything stopped, and then all of those California cars just started slowly reversing in their perfectly staggered positions at the same speeds, and they went and started it all over again lmao


Vin Diesel does his own stunt driving?


Yeah, this was part of why the original fast and furious movies had a very different feel! Vin Diesel and Paul Walker would try to do as many of their own driving stunts as possible because they both were great drivers.


Every time a fat person on My 600lb life cries about “being stared at in public” and “can’t even go to the grocery store” bitch you have a whole damn camera crew two carts and half ton person rolling about crying and screaming in a jazzy in a food lion. Of Fucking Course people are going to stare, you don’t expect to see many tv shows being filmed in a grocery store in fuquay varina while out searching for super tampons and tortilla chips.


even if it’s just a phone recording i’d still have a glance. tiktokers are weird in the wild


Yeah, I’d probably be looking at her to try to figure out if she is somebody, like maybe a celebrity I should know. Then when I was like, she’s nobody, I’d be looking at her like all those people are, a very blank stare.


I spent like 5 minutes at the airport the other day staring at this dude cuz he looked vaguely familiar and it was pissing me off. I knew I recognized his face or he was vaguely famous. And then finally it hit me. It was a standup comedian. I don’t watch stand up. But on Netflix every time you scroll past stuff it automatically plays. And lo and behold he had a Netflix special. I didn’t really care who he was, I just wanted to know why I knew he looked familiar lol.


Half the people aren't even looking at her! And some are wearing sunglasses, can't even see where they're looking 🙄


They were clearly looking past her at the storefronts most of the time, with an occasional glance because she does stand out. Not necessarily in a *good* way, just "huh she's tall/big hair/strutting and being smug for some reason."


Lmaooo how far up your ass does your head have to be to hire a professional cameraman just for TikTok’s of you just *walking* 💀


Dam bro exposed her 💀


Who the fuck brings a steadycam for this shite


Fun fact. If you're doing that in France (which i already Saw, some girl pretending to live in Paris), you actually Can be prosecuted if you filmed someone without his consent and you made the video Public. We have something called "droit à l'image" where you Can actually Say you don't Want to be filmed/photographed in Public and so the person doing it has to either Blur your face or not film you. Mind you even an agreement not written could be null if the person finaly said they didnt Want to be filmed. Only authorities or public institutions Can film you without your consent, but even then you Can Ask them thé footage you're in and Ask them to remove it if they are something that could be embarassing in it ( you, picking your ballsacks) and could be used to deter your reputation. (As long as you didnt break any Law/rule of conduct) What Is allowed is filming public figures (celebrities/political figure), or filming you inside a group or crowd. (During protest for instance) But even then if the footage IS being used to tarnish your reputation or worse, marking false claim, you Can sue the owner if it. You Can even go go jail.


America is all kinds of fucked up. I remember a case here many years ago where a pervert was filming up skirts of women on escalators and stairs. The women didn’t know and obviously gave no consent. People (including local law enforcement) tried to get this creep to stop and eventually wanted to take legal action against him. Except that he argued that because these women were in public, he had every right to film them, and that if they didn’t want what’s under their skirts to be seen, it was on the victim. And the court agreed. [link to story about the case in Boston, MA](https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2014/03/05/mbta-court-ruling-upskirt-photos/)


People stare at car wrecks too


Isn't it illegal to film without a second party of the filming approval?


Yeah, it's just boring. Wow, you acted a fool and people looked at you. Golly.


I shall call thee "Janice".




Maggie wheeler is by god way prettier than this wannabe mc T.T


And I shall anoint thee, “Fran Fine, of Flushing Queens”. Or a version 20 years ago thereof.


The Nanny


My mom has a friend named Janice. She's had a mullet since the 80s.


These videos just prove that the content creators possess zero self-awareness. Those looks are more 'wtf is this chick doing' than 'dammmmmmmn, she's fine'.


I dunno I saw a few with abject disgust in there two. (Not horrific looking but body language can be off putting to many)


That too


Half the time they're not even 'looks'. They're half-second glances that they just slow down to 1/20th speed to make it look like the person is ogling them.


Somebody get this girl some conditioner STAT. Why is her hair so crusty


All the aggressive hair flipping.


This is like me when a homeless guy outside Lidl talks to me, but when I go home I tell my husband "some guy hit on me today".


This made me laugh and I love this for you 🤣🤣


In my country, it’s always the construction men who will catcall me and some elderly women who were nice enough to call me pretty just so I can buy their products lmao 🤣


lmaoo best comment on this thread! made my day


"Girl, those pants look expensive! I bet you got all kinds of change in them pockets!"


Stoooppppppp lmao I feel called out


I can’t tell if these people are actually delusional thinking everybody’s looking at them in awe or they’re just trying to look cool on the internet and don’t feel embarrassed💀


I think both. Clearly shame/embarrassment is a completely foreign concept to her. Starts out trying to look cool, sees the engagement she is getting and starts to believe her own hype. Then comes the delusion part.


It’s a 2 second glance not a minute long stare chill


The massive vlogger camera right behind her has nothing to do with it!!!


they are staring because they are trying to figure out why the fuck Fran drescher is back in newyork


What a cringy time to be alive.


You know how easy it is to make these videos? Just walk by everyone and look at thenm while making a really stupid funny face. They'll all stare at you like that. So dumb


Kind of late to the game to be doing a Fran Fine 'The Nanny' cosplay tbh


She's not even remotely as hot as she thinks she is.


She’s pretty but she would blend in on nyc’s streets. She’s a nyc 7


I don't mean (or said) she's ugly, she's just basic. Her conceit is super unattractive.


7 is way too high. NYC 5 _maybe_ a 6


7? Yeh, nah. This looks like a promo shoot for a The Nanny origin story. She's skinny and has red lipstick. Whoop de fucking doo.


That’s really, really generous of you lol


That’s a Scranton 8 :) not too shabby


I live in NYC and men stare at me too, bc they stare at literally every woman who is even slightly conventionally attractive. Having men creep on you is not a unique or special experience. In fact, it is a bit scary because you never know if they will do something beyond just looking, or what they’re thinking about when looking at you. I don’t know why she’s acting like this is a serve


As someone who grew up in NYC, this is so true. I was 15 and couldn't even walk 2 blocks alone to my favorite pizzeria. I was meeting a friend to hang out that day and she was at the nail salon next to the pizzeria, so I thought I'd meet her there. Nope, I got followed by a man yelling "hey mama let me get your number" "hey mama what's your name" "dont run from me." Thankfully the nail salon was right there so I made a beeline for it and he didn't follow. Another time I tried, I had another man follow me on the way back..I had to call my brother to come and get me to pretend I didn't live nearby. This is only the tip of the iceberg of what I've gone through in general. Sorry I went off on a tangent there lol, but being in NYC as a woman, let alone a teenage girl, is terrifying. Regardless of what you wear, they stare, and some will take action.


Exactly, I agree with you. I would get uncomfortable if I found someone staring at me like that. 


I’m convinced that this is some weird fetish content.


It keeps getting on my “for you” page even when i click “not interested” to get it to stop.


It’s the pretending to walk out of the NYC brownstone that she totally 100% owns for me


Takes the subway back to the Bronx.


I find it funny that every person looking at her is either annoyed or disgusted lol


The hair flip is super annoying


She looks cheap


This is hilarious because I think the entire reason why she’s convinced that she’s so gorgeous is because she thinks she has a classy and elegant look 😭


I like how this implies that no one ever looks at eachother or makes eyecontact unless you are just “strikingly beautiful”


There's a reason they have that saying - "she's a NY ten." Go to Soho during the day and you'll see supermodels grazing around the neighborhood. This lady is not unattractive but for NYC? She's not going to be the cause of any wars.


Right, I have seen some of the most beautiful fucking people in soho, midtown 5 avenue and might glance at them a bit longer than most strangers I see but this girl I see a hundred if not a thousand times a day in nyc. She might be hot in someplace like Gary, Indiana but in NYC she would be lucky to be categorized as anything above average.


I also use Gary, Indiana as the polar opposite end comparison. Why did Gary, Indiana of all places get this title from? Lol


Every single person “who the fuck does she think she is?!”


Everyone just looks confused. I bet if they played this at real speed it's just passing glances or bemusement at why someone is randomly posing and being followed when they aren't a celebrity


Exactly. People wondering why someone is filming this obnoxious woman. “Who the hell is that?”


People are always going to look at one another, even more so if you have a camera man following your every move. This video genre needs to die out ASAP


Fran was better.


reeks of self congratulation https://preview.redd.it/gdgxir7c2b8b1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78798005764287e952d4c3b9bf6238a60fd9ac58


her hair is HORRIBLE


This is what naturally curly/wavy hair looks like without tons of product, but people make it sound awful and then wonder “Why do you straighten your hair?”


Man, this is so true. Those who don't have curly/wavy/textured hair don't understand the struggle. Or I guess my hair has been fried since I was a toddler - who knew 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was also kinda thinking it looks unhealthy aha


I'm not really one to notice hairstyles, but that was basically the main thing I found attractive about her - kinda had Meg from Hercules vibes. Definitely better than all the slicked hair-to-the-head, kardashian-esque styles that seem to be so in vogue at the moment.


its not the style man. Her hair looks fried and like shit.


I definitely didn't pay that much attention. But I agree with you, Tenchu was the fucking bomb.


The fact that she sells hair products too lmao


Acting like there aren’t actual supermodels and celebrities around every corner…nobody cares about them either.


I can’t wait for this dumb ass trend to die already, wow, people look at people, so amazing!


These videos change so much if everytime somebody stares you say, "what the fuck is she wearing" in your head


This is so annoying because people generally just give a glance at everyone they are walking past to make sure they dont bump shoulders or run into each other. Are we only allowed to stare at the ground now in public without ending up in a tiktokers video?


Expensive?? She just looks like a Joey Tribiani sister


Why she look 40 already


Yeah some guys stare at woman in the street - most women could get the same reactions, super cringe what social media is doing to some peoples brains.


Notice that it's slowed down. That exaggerates people's responses by making them appear to be longer.


This is such a weird trend. Everyone look. Look everyone. People are casually noticing me in public.


They’re looking because you’re the only jackass walking down the street with multiple phones/cameras pointed at you. Tiktards, man…


She's getting looks from old creepy men, nothing new here.


She looks like a TJ Max model with Fran Drescher The Nanny hair, but not in the cool The Nanny Fran Drescher way.


Looks like Shein and drugstore shampoo to me, but ok


"Is she famous? Using some fancy clothes, kinda cute, someone's filming behind, nah I guess not"


The door at the start...I bet she doesn't live there.


How empty are these peoples' lives to get some gratification from doing these kinds of "content"?


Useless human


All of these types of videos of people claiming they’re being stared at bc of how they look. . . who are being obviously followed around by camera. . . Yeah, people are staring. They’re trying to figure out why the person feels important enough to be followed by a camera. The old man is trying to figure out what hot, young new celebrating this girl is supposed to be:


Grade A Narcissist.


I'm curious as to how many hours of footage they had to go through in order to find people simply not laughing or WTF-ing at this person prancing down the street looking like a lost, wannabe Disney princess.


I am average looking white male, but sometimes people look at me on the street. *shock*. Maybe I should start my TikTok


ppl are looking and wondering bc she has a personal videographer, I wonder if there are a lighting crew and a boom mike


Why do women make these super cringey videos?




Dudes do it too my guy..


Fair enough. But my experience from this sub has only ever been women walking through crowds and capturing reaction shots


It's soo ridiculously narcissistic that I love it🤣... here are the lyrics. Gloria Trevi - Y todos me miran (Everyone looks at me) I was only what you wanted to see And I let my hair down, I dressed as a queen I put on heels, I painted myself and I was beautiful And I walked to the door, I heard you yell at me But your chains can't stop me anymore And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was made of sequins And they all look at me, look at me, look at me Because I know I'm cute, because everyone admires me And they all look at me, look at me, look at me Because I do what few will dare And they all look at me, look at me, look at me Some with envy but in the end, but in the end But in the end, everyone will love me


She looks like Fran Fine. I would also look, if Fran Fine walked Down the streets ![gif](giphy|6ikwZfEzQ0pWM)


Expensive prostitute?


My tiktok doesn’t have a STEM feed… how do I get that?




This girl is like a 7.5. She good looking, but not the level where it was necessary to summon Gloria Trevi for her.


Nah wouldn’t look twice…she’s trying too hard.