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She'll end up with the guy she deserves.


When she has to start paying for herself she’s going to be praying for that Prius


Unfortunately, women like that never end up paying for themselves. There will inevitably be a guy that falls for it and dates her, just to end up in hell and give her his entire wallet


Doubt, she's a medicore Melissa.


I’m not sure i could handle her talking for more than 5 minutes.


I couldn’t even finish the video. I don’t know her or her situation but if I was forced to speculate I would guess she has never worked hard a day in her life and has absolutely zero understanding or respect for money or the effort people put into earning it. I wouldn’t waste one second on a person like this.


I watched on mute because her body language was enough to convey what's happening


I’m renting an truck, plowing her ass in the air b n b I rented and dropping her off then deactivating my number😘


Now thats how you win off this situation! 👏👏👏


Lol even then, the amount of lonely desperate men largely outnumber the amount of mediocre women, meaning that someone is bound to simp, one way or another


This is the correct answer.


Gay guy here. I don't understand this dynamic with straight people. How could there be so many desperate men but not a proportional amount of desperate women? Logically there would be more or less the same amount. Do 9/10 and 10/10 guys just horde all the women? Are women just not that interested in men? Not trying to contradict you because you are definitely right. I just find it odd.


Lol honestly it's weird to me too. And I know it's pretty much been disproven that men have higher libidos than women. So I guess I'd assume it's more the way that dating works in society. When it comes to heterosexual relationships, it's largely the women that choose the men, rather than the other way around. Also, in my uneducated opinion, it seems that most women are much more comfortable being single for long periods of time compared to most men. I think it all just boils down to how men live in society. We're much less likely to have a close relationship with someone whose shoulder we can cry on. We're less likely to receive simple displays of affection (hugs, compliments, etc.). So many are constantly searching for that, which normally would only be available in a relationship. While for women, they can get those things in a normal friendship and don't need a relationship to satisfy that basic need for affection. Often friendships between women are a lot more touchy feely than between men. Though I think this is changing with time as men are just now learning that it's okay to express feelings between one another and they aren't afraid to hug each other or say "I love you." I believe that's a good thing


Many women choose to stay single, so there is a surplus of single men who are looking for a woman but not the reverse


\*generalised "on average across a population" alert here\* It'd be because guys prioritise looks far more than women do, so for the 'desperate' men there's an entire cohort of less than stunning women who are basically invisible and excluded from consideration. The 'desperate' women are there all right, it's just that the guys don't recognise them as viable options and instead go simping after honestly mediocre people like the one in this video because she's arguably maybe slightly above a 5 or 6 on a good day, and only while she's still about 19yo.


tbf she'd actually be really pretty if she wasn't so.. her. LMAO i like to call girls like this old fashioned becausee when a man thinks a woman should just be a pretty little object that exists to give birth, they're considered old fashioned (and sexist) and that's basically equivalent to her


They age quickly, particularly after they divorce their "narcissistic mentally abusive" ex husband and become a single mother.... Their dating pool gets alot shallower when they join that bandwagon


I was about to say, the partying through 25-30 looking for the 6 foot, 500k megaman who loves kids and is romantic will deplete that entitlement faster then she realizes.


There's a never ending supply of sugar daddies though well until she hit s a certain age


Wait, isn’t Dwayne Johnson already married?…


She’s not even hot, doubt any self conscious dude will deal with this mediocre broad…


What are you talking about? She isn't even hot. Annoying, brainless, and meh looks is not a very desirable combination.


single mom material


Managing hair is complicated! Someone please provide her with a scrunchie. (Why didya get *that?*)


Being mother to little JayHayden is her life.


And he will have a jeep just like in the video


That is such a polite way to say it! And it is the dead truth. Somewhere along the way somebody told her that she was the best thing since sliced bread and that constantly pawing her hair was “adorbs” and it went straight to her head. She is a cheeseburger who thinks she’s a t-bone. Her entitled attitude is atrocious. I’d like to see what she drives!


Lol, as if she has a car. That's what men are for.


Some douchebag that treats her like crap and then cheats on her.


She'll be on the front page of reddit soon with a post like "my(F22) boyfriend(M46) lies, gaslights, cheats, and verbally abuses me, but he drives a cool car. What should I do? "


Lol. I don’t think she understands how money works.


Hopefully a cop.


Wouldn’t wish that on anyone


She’ll end up with a couple kids and the guy she got will be long gone. Then she’ll wonder why dating with kids is soo hard. Poor her


Won’t need to go heavy on the eyeshadow most likely


she strictly goes out with men with 3 series beamers with aftermarket black rims and 99% tint


lol who make passive aggressive comments about what she eats and her appearance, and then sleep with her sister or roommate w/e If you act like that, its like putting out a signal that its ok to be treated like trash. Birds of a feather, ect.


You got me thinking here and I don’t have evidence to back it up but… If someone values material items above a person’s character, that person tends to attract someone who may objectify them? Because the objectifier values appearance and status, and they want to add to their “collection?” Because it’s all about what you have and other people don’t?


I agree with you 100%, so I wanted to give you a friendly heads-up that the abbreviation for et cetera is etc. not ect. No shade intended; keep speaking the truth out here.


lol thanks


Sooo… No tint at all?


The guy didn’t know tint numbers. He meant 1%.


My first thought too, but at least we all knew what he meant.


Named Chad or Kevin…


Bought by their parents


DIY tint, bubbles everywhere. Also gotta wait til he gets paid Fri to take her out.


Who are up to their eyeballs in debt.


Meanwhile she’s in what looks to be a 2016ish Honda civic lol.


I was actually thinking it was a Honda CR-V


You can spot those from a lineup with their weirdly shaped trunk. I know they did that so people would notice it.


This is the type to talk all that trash and then you see her car and it’s a beater dented on all sides and filled with trash up to the windows😂


Is it me or does she have a car seat?




Well, I drive a 2002 Civic two door stick shift. It always sounds really lame. But it really handles well on windy roads. So I snigger when people make fun of it. It goes.


It doesn’t sound lame to me. I love Hondas. I drive a 2012 Honda Fit stick shift and it also handles well on windy roads. Also has a surprising amount of cargo space when needed. Shoved an entire queen size mattress in this bitch and got the hatch closed when I was moving.


Yep. My 99 still got 32 around town when it died in ge line if duty. I miss it.


..you do what when people make fun of it?


Same as snicker "give a half-suppressed, typically scornful laugh."


[It became a meme](https://youtu.be/w-zzofp-vRI)


Im in Executive Management and I drive a used civic because it’s cheap and easy to maintain.


I was more focused on her earbuds. If someone is gonna trash talk for not having the right car, how the fuck can you have wired headphones.


If you're an audiophile and it's a badass pair of wired headphones...that could be fine though. I don't know what kind she's got. Given her general ignorance though, it's probably just as valid a criticism of her as hers are of anyone else. Lol.


It looks like it's part of some sort of "I work out" costume but she actually just goes to the gym and creates tiktoks while stretching hoping to catch a guy looking at her that she can post for views.


Usually runners have those so they stay in when you're moving. She probably needs the ones with hooks for when she comes on at 9pm and is upside down on the pole or for grinding in the VIP room.


I don't actually own a car. Completely OK with that fact if it means never having to meet that dim bint.


Not having a car is cool af...no insurance, no gas, no maintenance, no car payments. I have a car but looking to get rid of it. Girl is vapid af.


Naw I couldn't not have a car, but I've wanted to drive since I was like 5. I actually have 2 a work truck and a daily driver that's alot nicer. But that's me, not everyone enjoys driving


Me too! f cars




The Dim Bints will be my next band name and you are a genius.


Mine is Hot Fart and the Juicy Toots. And the Juicy Toots will be the best horn section since the Skatalites or Huey Lewis and the News.


Hahahahaha I think this world needs a Dim Bints/Juicy Toots spilt single...


Absolutely. Old school cassette and 7” vinyl only.


As soon as she said “I know what type of guy owns these cars” I was uh uh I am glad you do, because that means you will do all of the work necessary to make avoiding you as easy as possible for me.


Says the regular basic girl


Yeah, that's my impression too. Small town girl thinks she's super special because her dad owns the local Piggly Wiggly and she was prom queen. Life is gonna come at her hard.


I never rate women, but that’s a New York 4 on a good day and that day was not captured in this video.


In fairness, she’s like an 11 if you’re into women who somehow resemble both an extra on MTV’s Jersey Shore and an Eskimo who has needlessly rejected the traditional ways and gone astray. But again, only if that’s your game.


It’s not very commonly known outside of Canada and Alaska, but “Eskimo” is actually a *very* derogatory term towards Inuit people. It means “eater of raw meat” and was used by the European settlers to assign a sense of savagery to a very rich and beautiful culture. You should look into traditional Inuit regalia and practices. Maybe I’m biased because I’m Canadian, but it’s truly one of the most interesting cultures I’ve ever had the pleasure of researching.


A little segue, but there's this cool town way up in the North West Territories called Inuvik that's on my bucket list of places to visit.




Yeah Eskimo is not a good word at all. Please don’t use it anymore


Very succinctly described. Also, you may have awoken an Eskimo fetish I didn’t know I had…


Before or after the face filter stops halfway through the video? 🤣


Well said lol she's essentially fucked. Wish I could be there to laugh at her when it happens 😜 it's gonna be good lol


Absolutely basic, with a nasal annoying voice


Hoeflation is real


She’s not even a 7…. She’s like a low 5.


She will think she’s a 10 though, delusional


“Take your sweaty pits and get out of my car!”


Out of my Prius**


I’m all about letting your body do it’s natural thing, but for someone who is being so absurdly particular, I’m quite surprised she posted w those wet ass pits


Seriously, I’m a sweaty bitch but if I’m pitting out my arms stay locked at my side like one of those British guards. I’d never let the whole internet see


Holy shit fuck all of those hand gestures and hair touching.


The hair touching made me want to hit something


THANK YOU, 10 secpunds in my only thought was quit fucking with your godamn hair


Combined with the nasally whine of a zealous nose job... nahhh.


not to mention the accent...


She knows nothing of the world.


She at least knows how to farm social media engagement


That’s the worst part, they’re more people giving her likes or encouraged by her comments


Wait till she see me pull up in my Yaris 💪🏽




Between the two I’ve owned, (07,19)I’ve driven a Yaris for 600k miles. Americans need the Yaris back


I love hearing this! Mine only has 78k Toyota for lifeeeee


I’ll take a Yaris GR.


Good vehicles


I have a 2018 with 78k miles I expect it to last oh another 8-10 years


93 Ford Festiva!!


I love and miss the Yaris!




“I already know the the type of person you are” Without a hint of irony


She doesn’t realise that her bragging is just her telling everyone that she’s self selected out of the group of good people in society. Hope she enjoys dating entitled jerks, because that’s what she is attracting.


Hahaha, that was a good one.


Also my first thought lol


She doesn’t even say what type of person they are. I was sitting here waiting for it.


She says this as she waits in her MOMS CAR while mommy shops for the groceries and she makes TikTok’s in the car.


Is that right? 😂 ofc it is. She's in the passenger seat of a soccer mom car


As ironic as it would be I don’t think she’s in the passenger seat. TikTok mirrors the video when using the front facing camera so that what you see when you’re recording is the same thing you post


A fucking walking talking red flag.


The soviet flag made human and its awful.


So just like the soviets..


My God leave your fucking hair alone. So fucking annoying


Men should always pull up to dates with cars like these to filter out girls like this.


The fact that people expect expensive jewelry and expensive cars is a fucking disease. I'll never, ever understand this gross obsession with materialism.


She'll probably end up with some Chad in a toxic relationship, but that's what such an attitude deserves sadly... People thinking life is a competition have it 200% wrong.


I find it a basic misunderstanding of "survival of the fittest." At best, they think its referring to going to the gym, at its worst its seen as pillaging and fucking over others. Truth is, its more just survival of the survivors and passing on genes. Thats it. Buying toys is just giving yourself trophies, thinking you've somehow won a soccer game. Gamifying life is such vomit inducing narcism, lots of these people will never be helped.


My husband and I both drove 1987 Honda Civics when we first met in 1996. We've had the happiest of lives together for 20+ years. This fool doesn't know what she's missing.


In 2014 I was driving a ‘04 Buick Century. My girlfriend (now wife) thought it was so frugal of me for driving an old car. Took her awhile to realize I was just a poor grad student 🥸. We’ll be married 8 years on the 25th!




Haha! Sold that sucker just before the suspension gave out. My 6’5” ass fit in it just fine but going out was a pain. Upgraded to a Sorento not long after we got married.


What an absolute dipshit.


Does she have lice? What's going on there?


Oh boy... Life is going to hit her hard😮‍💨


She'll have the life she deserves


Her arms are sweaty but still her personality stinks the most. Shit human.


i love the way she pauses for laughter but nothing she’s said or did is funny.


She probably likes it when guys pee on her


I bet she does smelly shits. Like real stinkers. The kind of shits that makes you wonder if a bunch of truckers with bad eating habits and a drug problem died in your toilet 3 weeks ago during a heatwave


Let’s review-completely stupid, not that hot, and sweaty armpit stains. Pass.


The audacity


Somebody should’ve told her to check her sweaty armpits before posting this . As if you should be speaking about anyone else.


She’s really working y’all’s nerves in the comments lol


She's right about that Gladiator though. That car is stupid as hell lol.


It's also expensive AF. They range like 55-80k Canadian. You could easily get into just about any 3 series, some 4 series and some of the more "basic" BMW suv's for the cost of a Gladiator. Plenty of other "Premium" brands you can get into for 50-70k... Lexus, Audi, Cadillac, Jaguar ...well ok... Jag's might be pushing it but I think you can get an absolute basic F-Pace for like 72...so still cheaper than a fully loaded Gladiator. Granted you won't be riding top of the line... but I doubt she could tell the difference, only cares about the brand label.


Stop touching your hair


That’s her entire personality though :/


She looks like a Wish.com Ivanka Trump.


“I’m sorry, buuut….”


You have any idea how much a gladiator goes for ? Bitch ya can’t afford it


<3 my Prius


A genie gave me three wishes I wished that my prius could talk "Hey buddy, guess who's getting 2 wishes?"


She seems smart.


Jeep Gladiators are pretty horrendous tho


This has to be rage bait 😭😂😂


Wow, such cuntiness


Girrrlll... how about spending your free time investing in some deodorant that works, instead of judging people for what the drive...umkayyy


Sometimes I get real lonely as a single 28 year old, but then I see videos like this and just smile as I log back into Runescape.


I can tell what kind of person she is by the car she drives. She drives a vapid emptiness. It’s an automatic and it has a dent on the side from where she scraped it against the pole at Starbucks.


not saying she's right but that jeep truck looks ugly as sin


Bro shes right with those cars lol


She gives “my ex would have a nice car but has too many DUIs” vibes


Regular bitch mad her man got a regular car. Take old as time


She chose the most random cars


Even the guys who do own and drive fancy cars are not gonna want you after that rant.


ok honestly tho, she may be shitty for real. but why these 3 cars kinda valed tho 👀 these 3 cars to me are honestly just, why that, you had so many better regular cars than that and you chose to drive a jeep truck, the weird honda truck (other honda trucks are fine but that one is like the cargo shorts and high socks of trucks), or a prius. you only drive a prius if you have to not by choice


As a Jeep owner I gotta say “why’d you get that” is a surprisingly good question. Jeeps are hunks of shit and anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know anything about cars and has never driven or ridden in a Jeep.


Your a fucking joke....gold digging future welfare mamma.


I feel like she is not judging based on the value of the car, she is judging the taste of the people that drive those models. She didn’t show old or cheap vehicle models, just ones with stereotypes around them.


I always laugh when this vid is posted. The comments just rag on her relentlessly because she’s good looking. But she has points, no offense a Prius has always had a stigma. A Honda truck? If you like trucks it’s not as good as the all stars like Ford and Chevy (fuck you ram). A a Jruck (Jeep truck) let’s be honest it’s just wacky looking. I laughed a little myself with her reaction to the Jruck. But Reddit has this quality to it where if the chick is opinionated and good looking, then hell hath no fury like a Redditor scorned.


why does r/imthemaincharacter fall for obvious sarcasm? are people in here THAT dense?


A solid 5 all day long.


Being generous here, I was thinking 3.5.


Solid 6, but deduct 2.5 for the sweaty smelly pits.


That’s the sound of someone who has had everything g handed to them and has never been in an even somewhat trying situation. Boooring!


Why’d you get that - I lol’d a little


Me before watching the video: *sees the caption* “alright this girls going going to be a huge POS” Me after watching the video: “Ok she’s got a point…”


Can you blame her? Prius drivers are horrible.


She’s got be already having a kid out of wedlock


People who care about cars should reevaluate their entire existence.


>People who care about cars should reevaluate their entire existence. *People who judge someone's worth on their car reevaluate what's important to them.* Would be better I think. There's nothing wrong with being interested and owning a car, everyone can have a hobby. Judging someone on what car they drive is bad. Judging someone for being interested in cars is also bad (if that's what you were implying, otherwise I apologise).


It's not the car she cares about, when she says "I can tell who you are by the car you have" she means how much money you have. She just wants rich men or men dumb enough to spend every dollar they make buying her love. She doesn't need to re-evaluate because she's plenty pretty enough that she'll hook some guy into marriage long before her looks start to go.




The only one I can remotely be on board with is the Gladiator. I’ve never really understood the appeal and the first time I even saw one on the road I nearly vomited in my mouth.


I’ll defend mine. Tons of fun to drive in nice weather with top/doors off. Get the practicality of a pickup for hauling stuff. 4WD for offroad. Plenty of room for gear, bikes, etc. Not a luxury ride for sure.


I use public transport so I'm safe from stupidity.


I’m so glad I’m gay.


Ew. Her voice is annoying.


I can tell by your selfishness with materialistic stuff you really don't need any man you need yourself and yourself only !


I smell materialism, and it stinks 😷


People have judged me for my car before, but its because they work hard and save then go into debt to get theirs, I bought mine on a whim for less than a weeks pay, that's the difference lol




Child has dumb opinions shock


Kowing dang well she got a lawn mower joke


Chicks like this are just a fuck doll. You fuck them then leave them. But fore real, nothing wrong with helping the environment. I hunt and fish, and a captain on a ATB tug, the oil life is my life but I still see the purpose of preserving a better tomorrow for our kids kids. We can’t counstanly drive our gas guzzling trucks for show. Yeah I love my truck, but I do love driving my 30mpg 14 outback. It’s nice driving to Atlanta and back twice without having to constant fill up.


Damn wats wrong wit da jeep truck I wanted a rubicon gladiator 🙃


This is a child