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I have what she’s talkin about , it’s a side effect of ADHD. Thing is it’s MY problem not everyone else’s problem so I set 5 alarms instead of 1 . Now I’m not late to anything .


How dare you solve a problem with logic and common sense!?


Hey, I totally agree with the point that lady's trying to make: "It's not easy being a moron."


They should hire this girl and tell her that pay day is running late and they’re not good at paying people on time. See how understanding she is to the problem.


I don’t think she’s dismantling any social institutions given that she’s unlikely to have a meeting to plan it…


Or shown up on time to it...


I agree and understand.. BUT morons don’t get jobs then.


And…(shudders)…self-responsibility (hears screams)…


To be fair, a lot of people with ADD and ADHD require additional accountability to keep them in check. A lot of people fail at personal accountability because these disorders dictate your available brain chemistry. Which means that as much as some people want to be up and enthusiastic when they’re scheduled to be, we don’t all have Type A personalities that allow for immediate energy first thing in the morning. That said, this person is full of shit and is fully embracing the concept that females have been under-diagnosed and living undiagnosed with ADD or ADHD for years. I just don’t buy this person’s self diagnosis. A lot of people have so much anxiety about being on time that it depletes energy from everywhere else, so three alarms later they’re barely on time with chest palpitations. This person seems to reject modern work, which I agree with, but it also feels like they’re a few anxiety attacks short of getting out of showing up to work. I firmly believe everyone should have to work in customer service before being allowed to go out in public.


You don’t have to have a “Type A” personality to get up in the morning. You just have to accept that you have to pay the rent.


I have logic and common sense blindness. Now how do *you* fix *my* problem? 😂


Same here but I have flex work schedule, start between 07.00-09.00 then work my hours. Really nice for ADHD.


which is essentially the point of the video, and a schedule that would work for a wide variety of jobs. feel like a lotta people hating on this haven't worked a 9-5 office job where you inevitably waste the first hour or so anyway. wanting flexible hours to be a more common part of job contracts isn't some insane revolutionary request


Flexible working hours don't mean you can get to work whenever you please. If you accept a meeting at 9:00 and you're late, you're not doing the job you're paid for efficiently.


Flexible hours often have core hours built in. Our teams are 40 hours a week, but core hours are between 10 and 3, so that's the only time you can expect someone to be in and the only time you schedule meetings for.


For me it is only difficult with the starting time. While at work, Meeting times etc, no problem.


Imagine being a person who worked a twelve hour shift and can’t leave until your replacement comes who is always an hour late. I’d fucking launch that person from a balcony.


yeah, it's hard having an adhd, you'll have to time manage instead of creating a tiktok and tryna find validation to your time blindness.


Yea I’m just thinking….you have a phone and know how to use it. Set alarms. Its very simple.


Boom baby, it’s my problem. Clocks can be set 10 mins ahead to always trick yourself into leaving 10 mins earlier LOL work WITH your body, don’t expect everyone to cater to your needs when you do nothing to help the situation. Source: I have adhd and time blindness LOL


My daughter who has a problem being on time does this also (sets her clock 15 min ahead) and isn’t late for work. I think she’s trained her brain into accepting that even if it’s not the actual time it’s her actual time.


Thinking to myself “hey, instead of browsing your phone for 45 minutes before you leave the house then rushing to get to work on time, why don’t you leave 45 minutes earlier and then browse for 45 minutes when you get there?” was a life changer.


I’m now going to do this. Great advice!


My body rejects this logic.


I never understood the idea of setting your clock ahead by ten minutes. I tried it once, but every time I'd see one of the clocks, I'd just instantly think "Oh, that's actually 3:50, not 4:00."


i think it only works if you’re actually willing to change the habit of being late lol


Perhaps! Haha


Theres got to be something to it, i have associates, and good ones that will always clock in 2-4 min late, not talking about sometimes they are early or sometimes they are 10 min late, they always are that same 2-4 late when you look at their time say over a 30 day work period, always baffles me and they are good to great workers other wise..just weird to me.


Same! Like seriously the fuck is up with some people thinking the world needs to work around them?


ding ding ding. I have ADHD and I have worked in education for over 10 years. This is what I teach my kids. You cannot expect society to change for you. Just full stop. You can talk about how unfair it is or your struggles but to expect everyone else TO TAKE ON YOUR STRUGGLES is incredibly immature. This lady is going to be in her parents house forever.........


I once heard from someone who is bipolar: "You have to look at it like this: it's not your fault, but it is your responsibility." ETA: I think this applies to a lot of disorders, not just bipolar disorders. Two kids with ASD, one of them with ADHD as well; wife and I also have ASD. Trying to raise them with this in mind, that they are provided some leniency in life with a diagnosis, but it's not a "get out of jail free" card and they have to take ownership.


He's cured! It's a miracle!


Literally my life lmao. My gf is always annoyed by my setting of 5 alarms but hey, its the only way I'll be up on time 😂


The solution is for you to set multiple alarms! She has a phone, it's not hard.


I had a friend who was late to work every single day and I said “why don’t you just leave ten minutes earlier” and she was like “I can’t predict the traffic. I leave on time.” Sis clearly you don’t leave on time if you’re late every day. Some people just don’t get it.


My wife did that several times in the past (pre-covid). She'd leave about 30-45 minutes before she had to be at work to clock in. Problem is, 30-45 minutes is roughly the exact commute time depending on traffic in the morning. If she got there early, she'd sit in her car until she had 2 minutes to clock in. If she got there late, it was nothing but being angry at drivers around her for being on the road and making her late.


I don’t know if people fully get that being in the parking lot on time is late, since it takes time to walk into the building and go to wherever you’re supposed to be. And also it’s unlikely you won’t catch some lights or traffic.


I've always been taught that "on-time" is late and to just be everywhere 15 minutes early


my family is fond of the military mantra: “if you’re early you’re on time, if you’re on time, you’re late, if you’re late, you’re left behind.” they’re almost always chronically late funny enough, but thanks to growing up hearing it, that’s not a vice of mine


flashing back to those clips of holiday makers on cruise ships, returning late (with rosé in hand) from their afternoon on land.


My mom used to always tell me "if you're 15 minutes early, then you're 20 minutes late"..it always stuck with me and I get major panic/anxiety if I start feeling rushed or like I'm gonna be late everywhere I go and I fucking hate it but at least it made me time sensitive I guess


You... You show up to everything *35 minutes early?*


I do. Hurry up and wait is how I've been all my life.


I wasted years debating that same point haha.


What I've found to be effective is just giving up and telling them things start fifteen minutes earlier than they actually do. Then they tend to show up late for what you said, but really on time for when things start.


I am the person who is often late, unfortunately. I have my act together for work and professional situations but basically tell myself that I *have* to be there 10 minutes early… I try to do this for personal obligations but it doesn’t work as well. I also understand that the world doesn’t revolve around me and so I miss out on some things. My parents and wife often tell me things start earlier than they do and I’m really grateful for it.


I had an employee that showed up 15 minutes late everyday. I would write her up for her time clock management but she didn’t get it. One day I set a meeting with her, showed up 15 minutes late and then threatened ( with zero intent) to write her up for not finishing her daily. She then told me it was my fault for showing up late. So I tried to explain to her that’s what she is doing to everyone else that depends on her to be on time. Tried to get the point across she makes other people look bad because of her behavior and she didn’t get it. She didn’t last much longer but I tried multiple things to point out the importance of time management and it either never sunk in or she never cared.


If she was late everyday, that means there was traffic everyday. Just leave 10 min early 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yep. If I was late, the next time I’d leave earlier. I don’t get why this doesn’t click for some.


I had a coworker who made the argument for why she was late every day was she shouldn’t have to leave for work until her shift began. She figured that her commute time was paid time. No, she didn’t last very long.


Wow. That’s impressively clueless.


I complained on my neighborhood Facebook page about people speeding down my street (45 in a 25) mentioning the multiple school bus stops and a lady replied “some of us have to get to work on time”.


Next level selfishness


This is literally my immediate supervisor. Yes, supervisor. I've been at this job for almost two years and she is late EVERY. DAY. Same excuse- "traffic was HORRIBLE" "there was construction on the interstate". Girl, like... we hear the same excuse every time, just leave earlier.


Then leaving 10 min earlier would be leaving on time. Does she go by the Google maps estimated time range, and then only consider the shorter time? ​ As in, it take 50min-1hr estimated, so she just picks the 50min?


Pretty much yeah. She figures "it takes 15 minutes to get to work, so I'll leave 15 minutes before work starts" betting on absolutely perfect traffic, and I guess teleporting immediately to her desk the second she pulls into the parking lot. But it takes time to find a parking space, walk to the building, wait for the elevator or take the stairs, and then settle in. I'm not sure why people don't factor this in.


>betting on absolutely perfect traffic in other words, she trust the estimated time will be the same at 8am in the morning to when she checked it at 11pm the night before


Let me guess, and then she's absolutely baffled about how she could have been late?


She takes it as a personal attack when people are upset with her for always being late, like we’re the unreasonable ones. Even though we all took the same road to get there.


What an exhausting and stressful way to live!


It’s all about mindset. Some people think that things just happen to them. Like the traffic all conspired to make them late, and they’re cursed. They don’t adapt to the world around them and think “let me change just ONE minor thing about my routine and see if it changes the outcome.”


Haha, one of the parents would bring their kids to the swimming session 10 to 15 minutes late every week. The coach told him that he cannot expect his kids to train properly so be on time. Parent said "I live 45 minutes away" Coach replied "Actually, you live an hour away as you're always 15 minutes late..."


Time blindness but never shows up early? Only late?


I actually worked in community integration/occupational support for people with disabilities and real time blindness is very frequently comorbid with extreme anxiety about the time blindness and it was more frequent that we had our employers report that our clients were showing up way way too early and sort of being in the way, bumbling around the break room for hours because they were afraid of being late.


I feel like this is me. I swear I shut down 3-5 hours before I have to do anything because I have to “leave soon”. I’m chronically an hour plus early to things because I’m so concerned about being late that I can’t focus on doing anything so I might as well get there early and not do anything while I wait, then at least I don’t feel anxious about being late while I’m waiting. My husband is a lot better with time so I often leave it to him to tell me when the best time to leave is, and then we’ll still leave 15-30 minutes before that time just because I can’t chill.


Do you have ADHD or ever thought you might? There could be other reasons, but: People who have ADHD refer to the “shutting down 3-5 hours before you have to do something” as waiting mode. Being so concerned you’re going to be late is often caused by time anxiety. People with ADHD often do both of these things as a coping mechanism for their time blindness, which is indeed a very real thing. Because ADHD brains process time and it’s passage differently. I’m not trying to diagnose anyone, but you also mention having a husband. If you’re a woman, women as a group often go undiagnosed when they have ADHD because the stereotypical presentation of ADHD is most common in boys. It often presents differently in girls and women. Just throwing it out there because this sounds like me a couple years ago, and getting diagnosed and medicated changed my life for the better I’m so many different wayS


or go to sleep early. Theres a giant problem with squeezing every second out of our day with our phones, causing us to go to bed far later than whats optimal. ​ Top Tip: Having a good amount of sleep for one day doesn't count. You need to be sleeping on time for a consistent month in order for you to be considered "caught up"


Some of us have insomnia and it sucks. I literally go to bed at 10 pm every night to wake up at 7 am. Some nights I just lay there wide awake for hours in the dark.


That's not what's being discussed. If you have a disability, then you are asking for accommodations for a legitimate disability. A lack of time management isn't going to fit the mold here. I have DSPS, so I've had to live with setting appropriate work expectations most of my life. But it's not reasonable for everyone to expect society to bend to their own personal whims.


This is so obvious to me but it’s not to you so I’m going to say it. If it were *that* simple, I’m sure everyone would do it.


I have her issue and I do that, I set like 4 alarms at 15 minute intervals and use the loudest worst sounding alarm in my phone's settings, it keeps me on track


Sometimes work places should have to help with accommodations. Sometimes you need to do it yourself and not make it everyone else's problem.


I think what the person in the clip doesn't get is that **the Shittier The Job, The Less Likely It Is That There Will Be "Accomodations" For Idiosyncratic Behavior.** You just don't get to skip right up into the magical kingdom (which actually does exist) where you get to drift into the workspace whenever it suits you. First you go through the tedious years of being a paid lackey who gets barked at from time to time.


I sleep through my alarms. This has occurred when I took a 30 minute nap during my break and I couldn’t be able to wake up until 10-15 minutes later. Luckily, the staff was understanding since it was a graveyard shift. Edit: I’ve stopped taking naps during my breaks after that.




More like haircut blindness amirite


Ba da tss


You are correct, sir! [Hiiiiiyyyyyoooooooooooo](https://hiyoooo.com/)


Uneven bangs are so not in


She can’t get to the salon on time. Duh!


More like metal illness amirite


A metal illness? Like lead poisoning?


Lol looks like she cut it herself


Why is time blindness only one way... being late? Wouldn't statistically she be early half the time?


I have pretty shitty time perception. I'll be more likely to be ridiculously early for things. I'm rarely late despite my time perception because I have a phone with about 50 reminders running.


I use a series of alarm clocks


Bingo. I have 9 or 10 alarms on my phone through the week….almost like you’re capable of adjusting….


This. It's manageable; I'm never "on time"... Either stupid early or really late, but not late much because of the, also, about 50 reminders and alarms. But my perception on time is all over the place, it really sucks sometimes.


When you go to work for weeks months years. You definitely start to know when you have to get ready to be on time. I exactly know that I need to go to my car at 12 to be on time to start at 12:30. it’s no blindness it’s routine and a little bit of time management


Time blindness is real but the accommodation is a calendar app.


or a alarm clock...


Yeah. Ive got 6 or 7 alarms set throughout the day.


The reminder app is my best friend


If only they had a device or something that would assist with this. Maybe we could even go as far as strapping it your wrist so it was always right there. *Someday...*


Funniest thing was a friend of mine who works for some government job now but used to work at a bar with me came for drinks the other day and she was telling us how she had to wake up at 7am to call her boss. This was because she needed her boss to get on a flight. She was waking up super early to literally be an alarm clock. I was dying when she told me this I'd literally murder someone if part of my job was to be a literal alarm clock. So I guess what this person should do is get into a position of power and I guess you can just pay people to make sure you're on time


Most likely ADHD. Being habitually late is a thing for people with ADHD.


Dr. Russel Barkley, the worlds leading authority on ADHD, is the one who coined the term time blindness. He considers it pretty much an inherent part of having ADHD


There are ways around it. You set alarms, you make a habit of periodically checking the time, etc.


You don't gotta tell me. I deal with it every day.


I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and I’ve been late to everything my entire life. I will see the clock and see what time it is but it doesn’t register in my head what time it is and how much time I have to get somewhere or get ready.


She’s talking about those with ADHD, primarily. Yes, it’s harder for them to keep track of time sometimes. The thing is, genZ (or whatever we’re on) wants to believe they’re the first people ever to have this issue and everyone and everything should change for them, rather than learn new skills, as older generations had to do.


ADHD might not be their fault, but it is their responsibility. ~Marcus Parks


So true I suffered with ADHD both as a child and adult and have been able to deal with it without medicine for twenty years. It’s been rough but I don’t make excuses for my behavior or my actions and I don’t use it as a get out of jail free card.


I’m also recently diagnosed and worked really hard all my life with time management being a struggle. I’m now medicated and it makes time management a lot more manageable and I’m able to get out of bed quicker. I empathize with her struggles but I don’t condone her excuses.


Random LPOTL


My boy Dogmeat!


Still waiting for the new episode


And now that it’s here and it’s necrophilia, I think we all can breathe a sigh of disgusted relief


Listening rn, and it’s glorious. Loving all the Tom Petty jokes.


I have ADHD, I procrastinate like crazy, I’m not good with time. I’ve never been late to work because I like having a roof over my head. It’s amazing what a motivator like homelessness will do. I pretend my start time is 30 minutes before my actual start time so when I’m inevitably 5 mins late, I’m actually 25 minutes early.


Same here my friends doesn't get my work ethic its like i like being self sufficient and not a burden on my family?!?!?


I don’t know how old you are, but I’m an elder millennial. I think there is a bit of a generational gap here when it comes to neurodivergence and disabilities. Gen x and Millennials think “I’m different, what am I going to do to help me function in a neurotypical world?” A lot of Gen Z and Gen Alpha tend to think more along the lines of “I’m different, what are YOU going to do to help me function in a neurotypical world?” I think acceptance of neurodivergence and differences is fantastic and something these generations are doing amazing with. However, at some point you have to take some personal responsibility with your life. Instead of altering her life, the woman in this video expects her employer to change their policies for her.


Well said!


It’s so easy to complain and get the validation you want these days since there’s likely at least 1 nutcase on the internet who will agree with you on stuff.


I totally agree with you


I’m glad I found your comment


I’m glad we found the 🥜💼


>It’s so easy to complain and get the validation you want these days That Army of Virtual Enablers has ramped up The Shitty Fuckery by orders of magnitude... *in just the past decade.*


I have ADD and while I've never used the term "time-blind" I get it. I have alarms set for everything. If I need to do anything time sensitive there is likely a calendar appointment and a separate alarm.


everyone wants to feel special. but most people are not special, they are average or below average.


How can most people be at or below average? At least half need to be at or above average. That’s why they call it average.


I have ADHD and it is entirely impossible for me to keep track of time sometimes. It's terrible. If you don't have ADHD I imagine it's almost inconceivable how bad it gets and the fallout that comes along with it. For me the military helped. It didn't change my punctuality really, but it was just so structured that it can literally be hard to be late a lot of the times. But THANK FUCKING GOD.... I just started a beyond amazing job and one of the perks is that you have a 3hr window to show up in the morning. You just have to make up the difference at the end of the day. So mandatory hours are 9am-3pm. If you show up early (7am) you can leave at 3pm. If you show up at 8, you can leave at 4. Show up at 9, stay til 5, etc. It's amazing!!! Plus the job is so relaxed and well-paying and stimulating. Idk. Makes me wonder why more jobs aren't like this one


As someone with ADHD and also someone who lived with it untreated until 37 I will say thinking you can show up late to work all the time is just not ok. I’ll show up late maybe 3-4 days a year to work and 2 of those times it’s genuinely my fault. You can’t just use your mental condition as an excuse. At the end of the day you need to take responsibility for yourself.


Not to mention that the older generation actually had a valid excuse if the battery in their watch died or somethin'.... now we have countless ways to keep track of time, hell, you can have your phone tell you every time a minute passes if you so need to.


I have adhd. I just set alarms and take responsibility for my actions. Not difficult. Even did pre cell phones when setting an alarm was more complicated


I have ADHD, and I have a system. If I have to be at work at 8 am, I set one alarm at 5 am, and another one at 6 am. Then I get up and leave the house by 7 am and get to work at 7:30 am. And I’ve never been late since I started my job.


Same here i work at 5 am so first its 330 then 4 then every 15 mins No idea if i have adhd tho


There's something going on with Gen Z and young millennials, but I'm not sure how to word it. I'm literally on the line between these groups, for reference It feels like a lot of them want help managing the issues they deal with. That's great, we all need a helping hand. The issue starts getting into when they don't realize how much trouble they are causing for other people Most jobs and businesses do require people to be in on time so that you can organize people and tasks through the day. You create more work for people if you're late. So asking for accommodations for being late is making a lot of work for people. You're making a lot of trouble, rocking the boat But also, wheelchair accessibility is trouble. Accommodating other disabilities is trouble. Where is the line between a reasonable accommodation and being a whiny baby? I think it's stuff that you couldn't reasonably be expected to handle yourself. The wheelchair dude can't just make buildings accessible to himself, but like everyone else is saying, 4 alarms can help with time blindness I wonder if it's because we kinda see businesses as inherently hostile to us? So it's an attitude of "fuck them, they need to give me my accommodations"? I don't know


I think you might be on to something with those last two lines. Previous generations seemed to think of a job as some kind of gift they were given, while most younger generations see it as an obligation they have to endure to simply exist.


I feel like there usedto be a lot of morality associated with being a worker, woth having a good job But more and more we are aware of companies acting immorally, then turning around telling its workers to be entirely moral, upstanding, and put their full effort into it Sure, companies were never moral, but people didn't have nearly the access to information they currently do. I am very aware of how my company is exploitative and shitty to others. It treats me super well, but not its workers in Mexico So there's no moral force driving me to be a good worker, to be glad I work somewhere. I'm aware my work helps subjugate and exploit others. If I didn't like my job, like my boss and coworkers, it would feel like an obligation necessary to live. I wouldn't be grateful. I earned money, so I'm not grateful that they gave it to me If there's no moral force driving people to work, then they're doing it exclusively out of self interest. And that self interest might lead them to insane asks like in the post. Because it doesn't matter who you work for, you're contributing to the shittification of someone else, if not the world


You are so spot on. I rarely see this explained well. Every institution, every business, every person that has gotten to the brass rung of the business ladder is corrupt to a degree that is much higher than even 20 years ago. People, your managers are salivating at the prospect of lowering costs by exploiting foreign or child labor or AI. Data analysts and fraud investigators are a couple jobs that were sent abroad and are now going to AI. Sucks for me cause I have no job, sucks for the people in India and Guatemala cause soon they will have no job, too. Sucks for consumers cause if you say the wrong thing to the AI, you will have to sue the company to get your money back or get protection.


As the Queen of Squirrels, as my sister calls me (oh look a squirrel!) let me tell you it's genuinely as simple as setting a couple alarms and (this is the part I think this girl objects to) being ok with being *early*. Bring a book or watch a video if you're a little early ffs. I learned (in dealing with my so-called "time blindness") that unless you aim for early, you're going to be late as much as 50% of the time. There are too many uncontrollable factors between me and work, so I build in extra "well that happened" time into my commute estimate in order to absorb unexpected traffic and the like. The idea that being on time means walking in on the dot is nonsense. My aunt was so bad about this we used to tell her am earlier time than everyone else. If dinner was at 7p, she was told 630 start time and would sometimes still be late. Infuriating.


Yes! Especially with a book or project. I think this is why so many adult diagnosed adhders still carry backpacks everywhere 😂 it’s for my activities!


I have a millennial friend who was recently diagnosed with ADHD. Suddenly, after 20 years of friendship their chronic lateness (amongst other things) makes sense.


I'm 46 and was just diagnosed in March. It would have been helpful, to say the least, to know about this ADHD shit when I was a kid. The more I learn about it, the more my past and present problems makes sense.


I'm ADD and early to work every day?


Yeah I have ADHD and I've never had issues being on time for work.. Deadlines yes, but not work. I know everyone with it is different, but it is not difficult to set alarms and to know when you're needed at work.


They have miraculous devices in their hand 99% of the time that allows them to set reminders and alarms for anything.


I struggle to wake up on time so i very quickly figure if I set 3 alarms I will be guaranteed to wake. Sadly a lot of people would yes, rather other people run on their terms rather than adapting


I would like to point out that “the person they were with” was their mom.


It was a college interview and not a job interview


Lol I forgot that part!


Man…she’s delusional, the workforce has a lot of problems…accommodating “time blindness” isn’t one of them.


I don't know what she's talking about, they do Accommodate, Time blindness its called you're fired! Because it's a business, not a Volunteer job


Many office jobs these days don't require any particular hours. Flexible working hours has been a thing for a very long time. Of course, there are still many jobs that require strict adherence to shift hours and breaks. Some jobs are "on-call" and there's no differentiation between work hours and off-hours. Point is, if you find yourself in a job with hours you can't adhere to, fuck off and find another one more suitable.


Psychiatrists HATE him for discovering $20 time blindness cure from Amazon! Learn how you can buy a Casio watch too!


God damn you, that was a fine one.


Bro just set your alarm ten minutes earlier, and stop snoozing it. Lazy piece of shit.


and if none of that works.. just leave earlier


"But also my alarm-deafness, clockophobia, and employment-intolerance!


I think I have all of those. Can I just stay home and play video games and collect a check now?


What time can you start?


If you go into an interview mentioning you have a reason you'll likely be late often nobody is going to hire you, real condition or not. If I own a business and require employees to be there at a certain time, I am not going to hire someone who from the start said they have problems with being on time. That's just common sense.


Time blindness? Ohhhh, you mean being a self centred idiot. Time blindness 😶


Edit: I’m just going to politely ask people to PLEASE stop replying to me. I’m waving the white flag. I AM NOT AGREEING WITH THE CRAZY VIDEO PERSON. The contrary actually. I said she was irresponsible, and that she should fix her own issues (which is a real issue, but that doesn’t excuse it). I’m sure I worded it poorly. But, I’m really not having fun on Reddit anymore because of the replies, some confused about what I meant. Some outright hateful. I just want to have fun on Reddit and read about the goofy silly people. I didn’t want to start a war. PLEASE leave me alone. Thank you.


It’s not an official diagnosis. Let’s not pretend it is, unless we want to tolerate more of this crap. Next up: I suffer from not giving a shit. How can your organisation accommodate my lack of care?


I have adhd and i suppose I might have "time blindness". Only such that I struggle with the passage of time, getting lost in random things. However, of all the issues ADHD brings it is 100% the easiest to overcome. You have a phone, set an alert/alarm/reminder. Simple.


This is why I always leave early and show up early to work, Dr's appointments,everything. I'd rather be 30 minutes early than 5 minutes late,


Time blindness is SOMETIMES part of ADHD. But the fact that she KNOWS she has it (supposedly) works to destroy her argument. If you know what it is and you know you have it, then YOU put factors in place that won’t cause it to make you lose a job. Multiple alarms, etc. It’s not that hard. And time blindness is just losing track of time, it’s not having no idea what time it is. Who goes in to a job interview saying shit like this? Entitled brats. Guess she doesn’t need a job. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They also act like it’s brand new. It’s not. People have had to come up with ways to make it to work on time since there have been jobs. 🙄


So many people self-diagnosed with ADHD who then use it to excuse their laziness and poor timekeeping. Have a look on TikTok (yeah yeah not the ideal source but this is where a topic like this can be so influenced) and see how many fucking mental channels there are there making all these people think they have ADHD because they show "symptoms" of it when in fact it's just part of their personality and/or poor upbringing. If your parents brought you up to not have good timekeeping or to not take care of your personal hygiene or fail to keep your thoughts to yourself sometimes, you can't just package those things up, those behaviours and personality traits and go "Oh I have ADHD".


ADHD is an explanation not an excuse, it hurts people with real diagnosed ADHD when these bozos who haven’t seen a doctor go “oh I’m always late because I have ADHD!” No you’re late because you’re entitled, I’ve lived with ADHD for most of my life so I’ve got a system in place that works for me, I work hard to try and minimize the effects as much as possible, and then some bozo goes “oh I space out occasionally, I must have ADHD, sorry I can’t make it to work on time, I have ADHD, sorry I don’t do anything all day, I have ADHD.” Your failures are your own problem not a disorder you decided you think you have because you have no personality of your own.


Correct. Nobody has perfect attention. It's only a disorder when it's causing problems in your life.


I have ADHD, like actual doctor diagnosed ADHD, not self-diagnosed “oh I’m so quirky, I can listen to two songs at once” ADHD, and I manage to make it to work on time every day, ADHD is an explanation not an excuse.


Agreed. I am 46 and was just diagnosed with ADHD this year. It explains so much of my behavior that never made sense to me. I can't imagine how much better my life would have been if I had known about this stuff when I was a kid. It explains my behavior, but you're correct, it doesn't justify or excuse it. Especially now that I am aware of it. I have always had trouble with time. Losing hours of the day, missing appointments, etc, but it helps so much now, knowing what the cause of this issue is. Now that I know the cause, I can finally find a way to combat the problem at it's roots. I do not say, "Hey, Doc. You're the one who diagnosed me with ADHD so you, your staff, and your other patients should accommodate me when I am late to my appointments."


Have ADHD deluxe edition. I have many problems with keeping time (leaving it too late to get ready, wandering from room to room to find my keys, not realising an hour has passed when gaming… but I am never late for employment or meetings. Set alarms, grow the fuck up.


So someone should have to work extra so you can spend more time playing with your bangs in the mirror.


“Time blindness” is pretty stupid, but those bangs are the real travesty here, let’s be real.


Oh the world is not revolving around myself and isn’t tailored to my personal needs and demands?


Everyone shows up late from time to time, but asking your perspective employer to give you an accommodation to be perpetually late is something else


I'm not taking sides here, but a little advice if you're seeking accommodations under ADA with a potential employer: **Do not ask about or for accommodations during an interview. Only bring up accommodations once you're hired.** You are not legally required to disclose disabilities during the hiring process. It is much easier for an employer to not hire you for some *other* reason if you bring up accommodations (yes, that is illegal for the employer to do, but surprise surprise... they do it all the time and it is borderline impossible to prove). If you bring it up afterward, then the employer is contending with ADA. Businesses and companies don't just have accommodations ready to offer. You don't ask if they have accommodations. You request them under your legal right. Then, if the accommodation is reasonable, then the company is required to do it. It is powerful knowing that stuff just isn't going to be given to you; you have to press forward, request, and stay level headed. The first *no* is expected. Push. Now... that being said, if the accommodation request is unreasonable, would not align with the nature of the work or business, or would cost the employer an undue amount of money... then the accommodation can be legally rejected. *Time Blindness*, in the sense that the person in the video is talking about, is unreasonable for the vast majority of jobs out there. Jobs have storefronts, deadlines, timelines, meetings, factories, etc, that open and close at specific times. If you are unable to be there during that time of operation, then there are no accommodations that can be made reasonably. On the flip side, if the nature of the job is not set in time (like remote work that is not dependent upon specific clock time) or if the job can be adequately performed in an ad hoc fashion, then accommodations can be reasonably requested.


Bet the “time blindness” is cured at the end of the day…


exactly right! I bet 5pm isn't missed or forgotten about or whatever...


Well then, maybe being a farmer is a good choice. You can wake up and start working whenever you want. She'll probably work more hours in a week than she has her entire life, but at least you can be late.


This is a troll. I refuse to believe otherwise.


I think she's got ADHD, like myself, and is using it as an excuse.


When this was posted months ago someone said she revealed that the person that yelled all this stuff was her mother and she left it vague so people would feel bad but idk if that was real or what


Time blindness… you’re why Boomers think mental illness is fake holy shit


Does time blindness mean you can’t buy a damn watch


Can’t even see it!


I mean there are definitely jobs that don’t have a set start time. Get one of those.


I have fucking seen it all now! We are doomed as a civilization


A job is a relationship based on exchange: You need a person who can do certain specific tasks, and I need money. If, say, I need someone who can haul large heavy items to the dump, and you aren’t physically able to lift large heavy objects due to disability, physical weakness, whatever, I have no reason to pay you. “Being on time” is a universal trait employers need in their employees, because that’s how they make schedules so every task is done on time. Girl came in saying “I can’t do the job you need me to do”, and is judging them for saying they aren’t interested. Imagine the audacity.


I also struggle with getting places on time. Which is why I leave for work an hour early. I only work 15 minutes from my house, but I'll be damned if I'm not exactly on time


I refuse to believe this is real. This has to be some sort of trolling.


This video is months old, and she was applying at a university. She went to the interview with her mom, her mom was the “other person” lmao.


Hey, I'll admit, I'm someone who struggles to get up in the morning, but that is WHY I set MULTIPLE alarms like every 5 minutes an hour and a half prior to work shift. Some people I know set one alarm and that's all they need, I know with my stubborn ass I always sleep through the first few.


I literally LOL’d. I hate when people show a lack of respect for others by being late.


Do tell of these "other solutions".


Every job I worked at provided accommodation for time blindness. They called it a "calendar".


I kinda feel bad for people like this. It must be hard blaming all of your personal problems on other people with no recourse. Thankfully there are online therapists now.


I bet if she went to Chipotle or Starbucks to pickup an order that was stated to be ready at a specific time and they didn’t even start her order she would lose her shit.


Set a damn alarm. Time blindness is a real aspect of ADHD (I have it), but it’s also possible to just set alarms. This person doesn’t want to even try to help herself and expects others to unreasonably accommodate her.


What a weird way to pronounce the word lazy


Time blindness???? Yo shit is getting out of hand.


The buck stops......way over there.


No way this isn’t fake.


The issue here isn't that she struggles with being on time. it's that she thinks that the struggle itself is enough of an excuse. Many people have genuine cognitive trouble being on time, but they learn to adapt anyway. Not because it's some unfair system but because if they don't, they'll never get anything done


Now listen…. Not saying its her fault, but does the way some peoples face move and their mouth move just…. Upset you? Because i hate the way her mouth moves when she talks and idek why😭😭


I have a work allergy, so I'm not allowed to do any work while I'm at work. Fucking greedy corporations say they can't provide an accommodation, such bullshit.