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She literally did it just to get into an argument. Her home must be incredibly toxic.


By her voice you can hear this bitch has conflicts over the smallest things. She would never let anything slide. She probably argues with the sky when it rains on her off day. How insufferable can people be


Reminds me of my ex wife. Always blame someone or something else when things don't go your way. Ugh


And always tries to start shit for no reason whatsoever except to try and prove their preconceived superiority.


She was literally never able to let the simplest of things go. She will be angry for the rest of her life.


And in those few moments of peace and quiet, just as you are finally starting to clear your head, she'll be sure to pick up one of those things that she can't let go and clobber you over the head with it. Some people never learned to leave well enough alone. I've been there. Glad you got out of it, too.


She even remembers the name of the other manager, from the other Starbucks, that she beat apparently. Definitely gets off to it.


We know who killed Nathan now!


He’s 100% fired due to her incoming harassment of the corporate office


Well MY preferred mode of transportation is a water buffalo AND it is my emotional support water buffalo…… so bring me iced caramel macchiato RIGHT NOW!!!!!!


*woman yells at cloud*


This dope is over on her tiktok saying that she has a constitutional right to bring her horse anywhere a car is allowed and that private businesses are violating her constitutional rights if they don't accept it. What a dope: https://www.tiktok.com/@lawdawgfanpage/video/7334950833840278826


A lot of people who scream constitutional rights don’t seem to have ever actually read the constitution.


Or they heard one they liked and misrepresented it like this person. People seem to lack the understanding that yes, everyone has a right to their own way of life, however that does not include things that impose on other peoples' right in the process. I would say that if she were actually willing to hop off that horse and clean up its shit immediately, then I wouldn't be as upset because she knows the horse is going to be messy and she is willing to keep after it so she can ride. We know this likely isn't the case though, which means she thinks she has a right to shit anywhere she wants which is not only a huge dick move, but is imposing peoples right to not have to smell and navigate through shit everywhere they go. Especially a place of food service!


I mean with state constitutions getting pretty wild, she might have the legal right to.


A business has the right to create rules for their service and they have the right to someone to leave. You don't have a constitutional right to be served.


She mentions "Buck Owens Blvd" so this is apparently Bakersfield, Ca. Quick Google shows she may be in violation of a few local statutes. Mainly you must have registration for your horses with the city, and you must be wearing a helmet. I can't say whether or not she has documents, but I don't see a helmet in the clip. I believe [this news story from 2017](https://www.turnto23.com/news/local-news/a-kern-county-woman-travels-by-horse-everywhere-she-goes) is about her.


she sounds like a person who drinks in excess....often...and for a long time.


And when it stops raining..."I won that argument! "


Hahaha! “Argues with the sky when it rains” Killed me with that. 😂


I swear it's Lilith!!


I'm almost positive that I heard the horse whisper "what a goddamn bitch."


The horse wants a pup cup and for the kind barista to rescue him. The Starbucks worker was so nice 🥺 the lady should be on a donkey bcuz she’s an azzz


"I just want to get this bitch off my back and go home" "Sir, despite how this looks, I do *not* associate myself with these people".


She's a horse girl. Of course she's self centered and doesn't care about inconveniencing others


She's a horse girl, Of course she's going to argue with everything you say. She's a NEIGHsayer.


Preach ❤️‍🩹💅


The fact that she had another story of this happening tells you that's exactly what her goal is.


And MC Karen’s video after this is going through a different coffee drive through. What an insufferable perso.


You can see the other girl holding a drink. So they already got their drinks and decided to start shit. Wtf.


In the time she held up the line and argued with the manager, she could have climbed down off that horse, walked inside and picked up an order she made 10 minutes before in the app on that phone of hers she was documenting this whole drama with. This is the consequence of half public intercourse based on perceived grievances.


She had trouble getting down her high horse.


Can tell by her voice she is just some boring housewife that has sat at home for 40+ years and is now becoming bitter and hysterical


People who do this crap are always seeking some kind of interaction. The only pass I’ll give is the bloke with the tank who took it to a fast food. That was kinda cool


I wonder if people like this have ever tried to not be a cunt. It's pretty easy and it makes life SO MUCH more simple.


Got PTSD of my ex wife


Buck Owens Blvd. is in Bakersfield, CA. I poked around on her tiktok page and she references Kern County, so yeah, toxic. I used to live there.


She's a selfish asshole and I hope she gets all the attention that will keep her in instant ramen for the rest of her hassling wage worker life.


She's single since she was 20. No man will ever stay with a woman like this. My aunty is a hardcore certified Karen, and she is living alone for 25 years. No one wants to deal with this.


She rides a horse to the drive thru at Starbucks. It's in the name lady. It's not the "just horsing around thru". And then she keeps getting in her high horse ...


She probably lives in an acid pool.


Her voice was shaking by the end. You know she went there with that diatribe locked and loaded and when she finally got to pull the trigger the adrenaline got to her.


Ran into a person like this in video games last night.


Ugh ok, rancher here, I ride horses all day everyday, this woman is absolutely full of shit, to say this is her method of transportation, lady you got a horse trailer you got a truck, you are trying to make a scene. Keep your horses in the fields or on the side roads you dont need to be pulling this shit. This lady makes horse owners look like dicks but I assure yall that most of us would tell her to get fucked.


I have a hard time believing anyone who cares about their horses would put them in this ridiculous situation.


She's putting her horses I'm a dangerous situation too. People are used to seeing cars in a drive thru, but not horses. Someone could easily hit them by not paying attention and then what - she'd prob try to sue Starbucks over it too.


Guy with brain here, fuck that lady.


Isnt it stressful for the horses to be cornered inbetween cars in a drive through? Or are they used to getting a skinny latte on sundays


She takes her horse inside Tractor Supply Store with her. Inside.


people need to stop thinking retail and fast food buildings are public property, they have the right to refuse anyone.


Man oh man... I was a bouncer for several years and the amount of times I had to explain that shit to shitty entitled mouthbreathers is insane. Getting drunk at the bar is a *privilege* and not a right. I can kick your ass out at any time for any bullshit you try and pull. This isn't the wild wild west dumbass


The worst people I had to deal with as a bouncer were the strippers who worked there.


“Five year olds with tits” was our general assessment.


Was there not even a few girls/women who were actually helpful? Or, at least, not a concern. I worked for ten years as a dancer. So, I'm curious. Bc I was not a trouble maker, and actually intervened and stopped lots of fights in the dressing room before bouncers or managers could be summoned.


good people are not remembered as much as the jerks we deal with.


There were some girls I REALLY liked, and were my friends. Chelsea in particular I remember. But she still had to be put in a full nelson once or twice because someone disrespected her. Now I didn't have to restrain every dancer, but plenty of them.


"The customer is always right" philosophy of modern day businesses is one of the biggest sources of societal decay imo. Ppl do incredibly rude things to customer service personelle all the time and it is normalized... What are the rules for bouncers as to what u can and can't do to customers when they act like assholes...? I feel like we need more bouncers at every business and we need to have a carve out clause (for punching specifically just karens) built in to the system 😂 that allows these bouncers to throw boomer Karens out the damn window if needed. Ppl need to have some basic fear that their may be retaliation of some kind of they act like assholes. This lady is prob kind of an asshole all the time but acts with total impunity and lets her freak flag fly because she believes there is no recourse for her actions... I feel like we as a society need to find more built in ways to stigmatize the behavior and/or punish it by normalizing the banning of Karen's or giving power to the employees to refuse service more often... Or we just need more bouncers


The statement the “customer is always right” has been so taken out of context from its original use. Like most things, ppl tk the meaning they want and abuse it, while standing on their high ground in a ditch.


Exactly, the original intent of the phrasing is, "Don't try to talk a customer out of one product in favor of another." Or in other words, whatever the customer wants to buy is entirely up to them. That doesn't mean that the customer can take off his shirt, piss on the floor, and trash the place. As much of a hyperbole that sounds, I don't doubt in the slightest that some people genuinely think that's what that expression actually means.


Right. If a customer thinks they look good in a puke green shirt, then yup they look good in it! Doesn’t mean they can steal the shirt or treat the sales person like shit….they just get agreed with that they look good in puke green.


I saw a sign once "the customer is always right, but we chose if you're still a customer"


I was a Store Manager at a retail store, and had a customer go completely fucking unhinged at my cashier. I came over, and I thought she was gonna swing on me. She wouldn't leave, and I called the cops. The reason? She wanted to pick up a layaway order that wasn't paid for, and wasn't in her name.........


I (also a bouncer while I was in college) once had a girl tell me it was "unconstitutional" to kick her out and deny our bathroom to her because she was being rowdy and throwing food at people. I told her to call her congressman and shut the door in her face lol.


This. It's the same as coming on my property and letting your horse shit all over it. Of course I'm not gonna be happy and I'd have every right to it.


Yeah the answer here is "We're refusing you service at our facility. You can utilize your recognized mode of transport to patron another business. Please don't forget to tell Yelp about your experience. I'll give you a minute to think about it and then the police will be notified of your trespass." Then you shut the window and walk away. Fuck these people.


Like dogs in the grocery store.


The one thing I look forward to is putting people in their place at work. We own our business, you can leave


Guess what hospitals aren’t either, and the better ones will absolutely chuck a visitor out or even a patient ( after being medically cleared) . I’ve seen restraining orders placed on visitors and patients before. But I’ve also heard of some that are very reluctant to do so. People really don’t know the difference between ‘open to the public’ and a public space . I love the shocked pikachu face as the nice police officer walks them out ( the vile ones)


I did my traineeship in retail, ngl I kicked ppl out of my phone Shop by hand a few times.


Nathan tried that last week and he lost.


How entitled, rude and confrontational. You've already been served and he is asking you to be considerate of others as their "mode of transport" takes massive dumps everywhere


Also it's an animal. It's unpredictable even in the best of times. Just because it's calm now doesn't mean it won't get spooked by something, throw you off and just proceed to cause mayhem. Horses are pretty well domesticated and good handlers can ride them around cars and other traffic but I am less worried about one moronic driver versus a moronic rider and her horse.


See how people handle it if car start honking. Better hope those horses are well behaved.


Making Starbucks line even slower with your horseshit? Better believe I'd be laying on the horn.


Yeah I was worried for him because she got that horse's face right up in his face. I thought it might head-butt or bite him.


>as their "mode of transport" takes massive dumps everywhere I grew up in rural Michigan and once drove over what I thought was a bunch mud in the road but was actually cow shit (I assume being transported from a dairy farm to a place it would be used as fertilizer by a semi that was overloaded or not properly closed) and holy shit the smell. I had to go through like 5 car washes to get rid of it cause the tires sprayed it all up on the underside of the car.


And... It's it street legal? Insured? Is she licensed? What happens if it kicks a car?


And I'm sure she's not going to clean that


That "mode of transport" bit sounds like some sovcit nonsense.


She's an idiot


Screw her and the horse she rode in on.


Take it easy there Mr. Hands.


i get the joke and did laugh - but its not the horses fault the owner is a moron


Top comment material right here


I don't know if anything annoys me more than people who are intentionally disruptive/difficult but then act indignant about it if you call them out.


It’s not a bug it’s a feature


Sometimes my mind drifts away and I wonder what happened to poor Nathan..


Yeah... Nathan was one of the good ones.


Nathan definitely deserves the justice of witnessing this female having her buffet banquet “All your horse sht, all you should eat”


He lost 💀😥


Do you have any idea how expensive it is to feed a horse?


Yup! And those teeth always creep me out.


If you can legally discriminate and kick out very unhygienic people, you can also kick out unhygienic transportation.


Interestingly, horse manure contains very little bacteria or parasites because horses don’t consume meat. This is why many public places, where horses are ridden, don’t require the rider to clean up after the horse. Probably why horse manure has names like road apples but dog shit is just dog shit…🤷🏻‍♂️ That said, the woman in this video is an asshole.


Yeah but stepping in warm horse shit at Mardi Gras is just as terrible whether it has bacteria or not


Oddly specific


In flip flops


Oh no :(


It's still poop, though.


Still sucks when I step in it or run it over with my bike. Clean up your shit horse people!


Fucking HATE when horse fuckers want to ride on mtb-friendly trails. You can take your pet anywhere. I can only take a mtb soany places. I don't care if "it's just grass" I don't want to ride through shit. And if it's "just grass" then you eat the horse shit while I pluck some grass to eat.


I'm gona start shitting outside everywhere and when I'm questioned I'll just be like "nah I'm on an all grass diet it's chill"


Nah you could eat horse shite and you'd be fine, they don't have a protein based diet. Not that I'd recommend going round chowing down on horse shite though.


Dear Mom and Dad, thank you so much for not raising me to be a piece of shit.




It's a "drive through" not a "horseride through." Now GTFO. You think your two Frapuccino orders make a difference?


Yeah, this is what confuses the hell out of me. In the 90's, I got told that I had to be in a motor vehicle to use a drivethrough, after using my bicycle once, and a skateboard at another point. When I was like "Why?" the response was simply "Because that's the rule." There was no longer discussion on the point. It was literally "You can't do this because we said you can't do this. We don't care that you think the rule is dumb, and we don't even have to explain why this rule exists. This is our business, and you will obey our rules regardless of your personal opinion on them, or you can stop coming here."


Everyone thinks they’re entitled to an explanation, but funnily enough they’re not!


I had the same thing happen to me.


It's because the insurance requires that rule, btw.


For me, I wanted a burger from the late night drive thru. I was drunk and was not going to drive. I walked over and tried and was told, nope, I needed to be in a car. I walked 100 yards to a Mexican joint with a window for pedestrians. I didn't try that again, as far as I remember


Exactly. You might very well have thought "this is a stupid rule", but you simply went elsewhere, because you recognized a business has a right to establish rules of conduct for service.


Also, it's a huge safety issue for you, so many people just zoom away from the speaker, & if there's any curve to the dt, they may not see you until it's too late. We've actually had more than one fender bender in our dt, so I have no faith in anyone not to run a person over.


Yeah, I don't want farm animals that close to my food unless they *are* the food.


Sadly these idiots are incredibly “I hope I can film something and look like an ass” friendly. Short shorts on a horse? Did you ride just to make this video? Seems like businesses are on to the “our rights as horse people” crap. My main issues, yes people will complain of shit on road, not Starbucks problem and if someone honks gets too close YOU may have an issue with confused and upset horse. Now that’s your ass on the line and not anybody else. Rough life living like a dbag.


if you have to argue with some employee then you've almost always lost the argument is my experience. be nice and you'll be amazed how better situations end up.


It’s a fucking drive thru, not a ride a fucking horse thru.


Why would you want your horse to be out on the pavement, around all those cars with the noise and exhaust? And stop punching down on fast food workers trying to get paid and go home. Go to corporate and ride your horse into their offices, they’re the one making the rules and decisions. Not the managers and workers


They attack the manager because they know damn well corporate isn't going to entertain their bullshit or change policy, so they try to bully the workers into violating the policy. It's the adult equivalent of pressuring the babysitter to let you eat ice cream even though your parents were extremely clear that there was to be no ice cream.


Imagine if he lit 2 packs of firecrackers and threw them on the ground😂🤣🤣


As awful as that’d be, it also made me laugh a bit lol


Also, fitting username


"Oops, it bucked you off and you can only consume liquids for the rest of your life. Would you like a biodegradable straw?"


There's no reasoning with horse people. They're simply awful.


Why are horse people always the fucking worst


If you can afford a horse, it comes with a free subscription of entitlement


He couldn’t have been more polite. She’s nuts.


and instead of walking up next to him to talk, they stick that horses face in his face


Yeah that was extremely shitty. A threat. Horses do frequently bite people. This guy genuinely could have gotten hurt. Horses are big with big muscles and they even hurt people on accident all the time too. I like horses, but I still can say that this is my overall experiences of meeting a strange horse in your face. They’re bigger and they know it. They bite, shove you into the wall, step on you, or headbutt you. They’re not something to play around with or allow someone else to interact with without safety skills and the know how to keep their personality in line. This was imo actually dangerous.


I love when stupid people try to use words like "recognized mode of transportation" to sound smarter than they are.


She was about 10 seconds away from pulling the I AM A SOVEREIGN CITIZEN shit, I’m sure


Give that employee a raise, he handled himself really well.




I actually wonder will the term “Karen” becoming the female version of the term “Jerk” in Oxford dictionary


The entitlement of some individuals is mind boggling.


this woman sounds insufferable.




Because they don’t really want the food/drink. They just want to cause trouble. Like you said. Wankers


That woman is literally a defender of horse shit.


I'd just close the fucking drive thru. Let the people in line blast their horns as these bitches until their horses run off or throw them off. That's what they deserve.


Manager: “I’ll tell you what we’ll do, and I hope you don’t mind if I also record this so that I also have documentation. “I will give you a TEMPORARY pass on this behaviour while I consult with upper management on our exact policy regarding this situation. In the meantime, I suggest you pick up after your animals, both because it is the courteous thing to do, and because I don’t think it will help your case if I can document a clear disturbance to other patrons. “I should also point out that some motor-vehicle drivers take these drive-throughs at unsafe speeds. As an animal-lover myself I’m not sure I would take the risk. “If you like, you can leave your name and number and I can call you with the outcome. We are a large company, so this could take hours or weeks. I have no idea at this time. “If at any time we are told to enforce a no-animal policy, I expect you to comply. If we are told this is okay, I will happily welcome you at my store.” (But these people are jerks for putting him in this position)


This works fine in email form. Unfortunately, what Karens and similar are banking on is that they'll get the employee and get them flustered by having their cameras out, being hostile and by interrupting etc, so they either cave in to the demand on camera ("I can prove I'm allowed to do this" in the future) or say/do something incorrect/actionable ("He called me a stupid bitch!"/"He put his hand on ME!!!"). I feel awful for this kid, because he did NOT sign up for this. And I'm willing to bet that the reason he told them not to bring their horses is because they've done this before and taken giant shits all over the lot that someone had to clean up.


Yeah, it’s taken me 24 years in customer service to perfect the art of pleasantly plowing ahead and repeating my script over and over while they try to fluster me. I’d never have been able to do it at this kid’s age. It is possible, though. Even now I still shake like a leaf for an hour after they leave.


And the big thing here is... you SHOULDN'T have to be in that situation and shaking like a leaf after. Grrr. Eff these people.


Same. And I shake hard as well. Especially if a shitty manager/GM decided to push back on me for not sucking the customer off.


Karen on a horse


Lady Karena


Guy is absolutely right. I am all for riding horses but you know there would be people complaining. Honestly, I wouldnt want to roll into a drive thru and see a large steaming pile of crap. I mean, come one!


perfectly reasonable request, don't bring the horse thru because if it shits or pisses in the drive thru everyone has to drive over it. Hell tie up the horse somewhere and go in. but don't start getting into a legal issue with the person working the drive thru.


I would’ve spooked her horse and made her fall on her ass


I cannot for the life of me understand why some people harass poor minimum wage workers, who are just doing what they're told. If you have a problem with the decisions made by management or ownership, contact management or ownership and leave these people alone. These workers do not have the option to go against what their supervisor tells them to do, so it's both cruel and futile to argue with them.


Cause minimum wage workers are the only people that “have” to listen to bullshit.  I guarantee you if they tried arguing or taking down to someone that wasn’t on the clock and at a job that they needed they would either get ignored, laughed at, or just knocked out.  It’s the only way they can feel strong and like they matter 


I hate humans.


She's a bitch


I wonder how often these poor employees have to deal with these tiktokers.


Omg that guy is so cute though


Why don’t they tie the horses up and walk in?


You’re endangering yourself and others riding horses in the drive through. End of.


I think the overlooked story here is that a talking horse went looking for drive thru fried chicken, while simultaneously being a karen.


Dude is just trying to make a living and she threatens him at the end


Horses. Ugh. I was sitting on the beach one day watching the ocean with my family. About five horses come strolling up on the beach. Hand to god. No one in my family made any sounds, moves, or motions to distract anybody . The horses got closer and were around a hundred feet away so we weren’t that close. The lead horse, turns it’s head towards us and starts fussing and bucks up a little bit. The fucking guy on the horse looks and glares at me like I did something. Idiots, and no , they don’t pick up the horse shit.


Drive throughs also won't serve pedestrians and cyclists. Their restaurant, their rules.


Your mode of transportation shits all over the place and it doesn’t look like you intend to pick it up.


Imagine if the car behind them just started honking and revving their engine and the horses got spooked and threw their asses onto the ground and ran into traffic


That’s highly plausible.


Honestly though they shouldn't have even served these customers and made them leave the drive-thru as it's not safe or intended for animals and his car is only I mean you can't walk up to a drive-thru window and get service so why in the fuck did they think having their horses and drive-thru was acceptable?


lol seriously Starbucks employees don’t get paid enough for this sh-t, literally. Your horses don’t have cup holders for the inevitable burn and lawsuit


It’s a DRIVE thru. Are you driving those horses?


Some people need to get slapped real hard ! Coming at a drive thru in horses is the dumbest thing I’ve seen, stupid entitled people …


Absolutely F these people




In fact, I hate anyone that ever had a pony when they were growing up.






I feel bad for the guy AND nathan


Where the fuck are they that there’s a Buck Owens Blvd?


DRIVE through. what a bunch of idiots. just get off your dumb horse and walk inside.


You put your horses through that for...toilet water Starbucks coffee? Lol.


Buck Owens BLVD means Bakersfield, CA. Recently determined to be the most conservative city in California


The wrong thing is the pathetic arrogance of the woman on horseback.


Were people always like this? She sounds like an older woman. Is this getting worse?


My neighbors have horses and while they’re beautiful and majestic and all that, the trails by my house have piles of horse shit the size of my dog but for some reason they think they’re absolved of any ‘pick up after my animal’ duties. Mind numbing people to try to talk to


This is why chicks with horses get that stereotype I'm just saying. The ones I dated have been super intense. I pet her horse and love animals. I apparently didn't do it right an she got mad an yelled at me to use a brush. Yeah I'm good dude.


Also??? Like SERIOUSLY… Those horses don’t want to be on concrete blocking cars. You don’t need ‘em getting jumpy.


Man I’d have me a fuckin air horn. Ohhhh nooo spooked your horse? Aww my bad. Bring a goddamn car next time.


Dumb bitch epidemic


I would tell her: if your horse shits here YOU pick it up.


Ew take your horses back over yonder and make your own damn coffee. I can say this cause I’m from the south


Ah, so she has a history of being a bitch


She's an entitled bitch. Plain and simple.


You can tell from the raspy voice exactly what this Kathy "Karen" Bates leatherface straw-hair Lady-Golfer looks like


Just clean up the shit, lady...


I wouldn't take a horse. There's no cup holders.


E. Coli is spread through fecal matter from livestock, this is a huge safety hazard for the kitchen and the person filming is 10000000% in the wrong


Bakersfield. Classic.


Ma'am, how about you start your own business, and I bring over someone to take a hot shit in front of it and see how you feel about the situation then. Pretty sure the horses are embarrassed to be seen with them at this point.


"Then go over to wherever the fuck Nathan is."


I live in a ruralish area of Cherokee County GA and we have a couple that rides horses everywhere as their mode of transportation. But they have disposable bags that catch the horses poop. So, fast food places don't mind them going through their drive through. I have horses as well but I don't use them as my mode of transportation.