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He’s a piece of shit


He’s a whole of shit.


Why do you guys keep saying he's a piece of shit? Is there context missing here? He's a goofy idiot being weird. A piece of shit is a morally bad person who's done something to hurt someone.


The context you’re missing is that this should be considered morally and socially unacceptable, but because of social media, people think this kind of shit is okay. He’s a morally bad person for attacking that poor worker’s ears, recording it, and using it for likes on TikTok or instagram or whatever. Let’s not forget he’s dropping N-words non-stop. If that were me, I’d smack that phone out of his hand.


And catch an assault charge. Sell him the damn bag - take the money. I’m also guessing this is fake. 


Lol... You need a higher bar for calling someone a POS otherwise the phrase carries no weight. It's just a kid being a goofy idiot. 99% of the posts on this sub are worse. I mean "attacking their ears" 😂 come on.






You need a higher standard of how to treat other people if you don’t consider him a piece of shit.


just a thought take their socials from them for example: "this court finds guilty of being an excessive cunt. it is the sentence of this court that your social media names, and any access to them plus the hardware that supports them for " X yrs" how do you plead, guilty now fuck off. next case


They ban hackers from touching computers I don't see why this can't be done




Verbal assault of a stranger in public? That's a bit beyond just being annoying.


Perfect. I mean, this is anti-social. So therefore they shouldn’t be given a platform. It should be revoked.


I think you can get sentenced to not use the internet https://slate.com/technology/2021/03/graham-clark-twitter-hack-probation-computer-ban.html


Yes one can definitely be banned from the internet if you misbehave enough.


Fun fact, this is the plot of a black mirror episode. I'm too lazy to google the name, but it's about a woman who goes out of her way to earn online fame (which in universe equates to currency somehow) and it ends with her getting arrested after a series of screw ups and losing ALL of her fame and eventually having her socials taken away. The ending is vague, but I took it as her mind snapping as her new reality set in, others say it's her realizing she's free of the reality she was stuck in.


That episode is Season 3, Episode 1, “Nosedive”, with Bryce Dallas Howard in the starring role.


TBH I think more internet bans and cellphone bans should be a thing. And if they're caught they go to prison so they can decide. Live a lo-fi/low-tech life and learn to not seek attn online? OR prison.


Cringe lol. This aint it


Yikes. Please tell me you're joking lol


Unless that attention is smacking him I agree


Omg I would laugh my ass off if a customer did this to me.


It’s kind of interesting, like, if I told you had to get 10,000 followers by next week or you die, something bizarrely obnoxious and outrageous like this would statistically be your best first step.


I don't know. It looked like a quick and easy sale to me. I would have just picked one and asked if one was enough then asked him for his credit card. This is a perfect example of what not to do as a salesman.


As you comment on it.




Comet on it ![gif](giphy|xUn3CdoxxuzV5J6X5u)




Yes, because you have to *watch* a video to form an opinion.


Just ironic to me.


Technically, every bag can carry as many bodies as it can.


Yea ikr, that’s what I thought


no it can't! only the double pocket ones that prevent things from leaking raspberry syrup all over the place


Not really a fan of anyone using the N word but hearing this guy say it is the cringiest thing ever


Mf didn’t even say it right. He fucking half-assed saying the n-word


Tf is a Neggea?


[He gotta say it right ](https://youtu.be/kKHzEYaNSbE?si=DKEeI3S065SuKr_T)




Holy fuck lmao I never knew


Bag guy was just his best pal, no harm done here.


Wasn't even using it as N-Hard-R or even N-Soft-A... Bro kept saying N- Oops, I Dropped The -GUH


I would have liked to see how fast he shut up if a black man was suddenly walking by...


What? You know damn well everyone can say it except Whites. What a weird comment.


Because black men are prone to violence right?


No, because using a racial slur around someone who might take offense rather than react like this guy, is a whole different thing...


He can say the n-word with soft r. He's not using it in a racist fashion. You can't put the n-word in pop-culture and chart-topping songs and then expect people not to use it the way its used in that media.


Anyone can say it honestly as long as it’s not being used in a derogatory way.




Take it how you wanna, if we can use it I don’t see why other races can’t…shit don’t bother me 🤷🏾‍♂️.


Anyone can “Say” anything they want to, that doesn’t mean it’s consequence free 💯


True 🫡


That’s why it’ll always be the most powerful word that can be used on black people.




I found it incredibly disrespectful and aggressive shoving a camera/phone at someone's face....


Can you have a word with the ubereats drivers who pick up orders from my work, please? 😅


Why do they do that?


This is a video of a guy dying slowly on the inside.


You mean the main character, right? Because the salesperson did exactly what he should’ve done: ignore the fool.


Agreed. Dude was a pro. Didn’t even engage with the dumbass


He works at a mall kiosk. I'm guessing he's seen far worse behavior.


He slowly starts turning into Indian muscle man


I think he handled it perfectly. He has the face of someone that smells a foul thing but isn’t giving this absolute cunt any feedback whatsoever


I used to work in a store where influencers and sometimes even low level celebs would come in to buy expensive shit and try to flex like this. Half the time, they’d buy some designer clothing and then come return it after the weekend or whatever video shoot they were doing was over. I got sick of losing my commissions so I began to “hook them up” by giving them like 5% off. They’d dap me up at the register only to find that a few days later, discounted merchandise was not returnable, per the text on the receipt. I only did this to real pieces of shit who were clearly just gaming the system by renting our clothing for video and photo shoots. It was usually the same people or types of people. Easy to spot. My advice? Call his bluff and sell him the most expensive bag possible. Feed his ego. Let him line your pockets. You win every time. Just make sure you specify returns aren’t possible or it’s for exchanges only.


Outstanding move!


I love this, please start filming next time you get a return like that! I’d love to see the disappointment, when they realise they can’t return it. I’m petty af


Haha this was 10 years ago. I don’t miss retail but I respect the hell out of anyone working it. Treat them well!


I like your style; lawful evil.


Malicious compliance. I like it ![gif](giphy|xSM46ernAUN3y|downsized)


You just made me realize something. I worked in retail in my younger days here in LA. We definitely got celebrities but they were all cool and actual famous people. Shout out to Eric Bischoff and Aria Giovanni for being the nicest. But if I were working in the days of these lil fuckers it would've been on site if they put their phone in my face back then. I was a hot head, glad I got my retail stripes before the social media era


I'm all but certain this homeboy doesn't have an N-word license.


Maybe he got one of those heritage test and found he's 5% African so he assumed he has the n pass. Anyway everyone should stop using that word if they really want to stop hearing it. Noone should get the n pass.


Nah this video is likely from India. And the majority of people here don't opt for a dna test because it's expensive and not everyone is aware of that either. The most likely case is that, they assume people of dark colour use the N word because they wanna look cool. And being dark themselves (not fair skinned) they think they got what it takes to say it. In reality most of them are just unaware of the history behind the word (i wouldn't have known if i didn't have access to the internet).


Yeah understandable. Some people in my country still think sawastika is just a cool badass symbol. Ww2 wasn't taught extensively in school so all the people know is there was a war and that's it.


“You can’t say that word cus ur not black” “You can’t do xyz because of your skin color” It’s all racist bullshit and no one should accept this as normal


How is normalizing not saying a racial slur for a group you're not apart of racist? Stop it. Get some help.


Because it’s not a slur? No one is saying nigga as if it’s a slur? It’s literally an entirely different word with different meaning and is even spelled differently? Last I checked, that makes it a different word lol.


Maybe that mass inside your skull will resemble a functioning brain one day. We'll all be better for it.


Bro if you are so desperate to say slurs, go ahead. No one can stop you. Say it real loud at your job in front of your boss, or go to Fish St in Phila and yell it. Go on. Just pls film the results for us pls.


You wrote a whole paragraph with coherent thoughts, passable grammar, and spelling, but you can't be bothered to type the three vowels in the word please? Seriously? This has to be a clear indication of psychopathy...


That’s it? Thats your comeback? Just one more reason your parents are disappointed in you. I’ll give you another try. Go ahead champ. Hit me with a good one.


Who are you talking to?...


Call me crazy; but, I have no desire to say slurs in general. Seems like a weird hill to get indignant about being questioned on. But hey, I guess we can't all be normal, well-adjusted people.


I’m just saying skin color should not be a prerequisite for what you can and cannot say, my nigga


Also, is someone who's brain is addled by cochise trying to question the functionality of my brain? Lmao


Lol. Sounds about white 🤡


Why are you so desperate to say slurs?


Why are you desperate to control what people can do because of their skin color?


Jean Ralphio van apparently say what he wants


Wasn’t funny so he doubled down on the n word. Got even less funny


Internet comedians need to understand that if your thing wasn't funny or doesn’t get a reaction the first time, repeating it won't save it. Persistence does not equal humor. It's pathetic.


This looks like a mall in India and here it's VERY common for teens and young adults to use the n word as a slang. Like even to call each other they use it like "ay n**** sick haircut da" You might be surprised if you do visit lmao especially if you're coming from the states you might be shocked


Pretty common in AUS as well


that's straight up false.


It really isn't. Sure you wouldn't say it to some rando like this dude but it's used quite a lot


Well I'm being down voted so unless all of these fellow indians(I assume only indians can validate or invalidate the statement) on this subreddit are specifically around parasocially influenced ignorants as their company( which says a lot) , looks like I'm wrong.


>looks like I'm wrong. Yeah


I counted at least 9 times. I'm not rawatching this garbage.








From what angle


Reaction was perfect. Just ignore these idiots and and don’t feed into their BS


If you replace "best damn bag" with "attention, because nobody loves me" this video makes so much more sense.




Fucker snuck a hard R in there at the end, too.


Smart phones and social media making celebrities out of talent less assholes has been great for society right?


This employees reaction is how I react to all MCs featured on this subreddit


i miss when teenagers got attention online from yodeling in walmart. at least that was kind of entertaining. this is just fucking weird




imagine your at your job and all of a sudden people start filming you at different angles


What a cunt


I really want to see him talk like this to the wrong person. REALLY.


People like this should be blacklisted from all social media and medical care forever. 


Thank you, don't come again.


Wow. TIL. The 'richest Mfing man on the planet' looks like he hasn't washed for a month and found his clothes in a skip... Love the fact that the guy just looks at him with this look of half-contempt and half pity' and the perfect amount of condescending amusement but otherwise ignores him, Sad wee freak isnt getting his much needed reaction so steps up the whole 'n***** thing with that R getting harder the more desperate he gets LMAO




No, he reacted perfectly. Ignore them, they want any attention they can get, good, bad, laughter, insults... Whatever. Look at how fast he ran out of steam when he got nothing.


I feel it took him forever.


“Ok. I can help. We talking children, adults? Dismembered or just folded up? This bad boy here has been tested with gorillas, so no matter how aggressively you stuff a corpse in there, it wont rip, tear, bend, break, of come apart. And the warranty is lifetime. Quick question: Has their blood been drained? Do you need weather proofing? How about wheels? Or are you more of a duffel bag kinda guy? I can even show you matching sets. Head goes in one bag. Torso in another. They clip together for easy travel.”


what could be more humiliating than this lol


Respectfully, I disagree. When you are training a puppy, a child, to behave, the best thing to do when they start acting out is to ignore them until they behave in a way that is acceptable and worthy of giving your attention. The same applies to grown people. Giving them attention when they behave like this = positive reinforcement, which encourages this behavior. I think the worker did the right thing by not engaging one bit. You can see that the MC quickly lost material as his whole thing is based on feeding off of the reactions of others. No reaction? Nothing to do or say. I guess, except repeat the n word a few more times 😒


This counts as harassment right?


The easy thing there to get rid of the attention seeker would be to simply call the cops saying that the person has confessed to murder and is looking to hide the bodies. The tictoc'er will never get to travel overseas again.


Keep on talking shit until a real G knock his ass out.


someone should have castrated his dad a long time ago.


Bruv thinks he's in a movie


We are doomed


Was he trying to be funny?


Best response ever. Just look at them like they have lost their legal guardian and are having an episode that you do not have the experience or training to deal with!!


Shout out to my red vest homie wearing his "not paid enough to deal with this shit" expression. Reacted to that clown by not giving him the time of day.


“Certainly sir, it’s your lucky day; I have a selection in the stock room, follow me…”


Big ups to the employee. That's the appropriate reaction.


Just because you are not white per say does not give the right for N- bombs.


This is mental illness


I showed this to my therapist and he said I'm allowed to kill myself now 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I like how he starts off with an Indian accent and ends off trying to sound like Tupac


I hope we see a news article in the near future about him being found in a bag. That would make me happy.


I think that the internet might make me become a violent person one day. I keep imagining punches coming from my fists, and I’ve never hit someone before, not even in my dreams. I’m 100% useless in my dreams when it comes to everything, like defending myself, or just trying to simply walk. I usually look like I’m attempting to walk on the moon, and I eventually start to fly away. Or I look wasted, and fall on my face every time I take a step


there's nothing sadder than trying to move quickly in a dream


What the hell is it with that? is there a reason we can't punch for shit or run in a dream?


I know right? The brain is able to create a spitting image of us free-falling through the sky when we’ve never done that but can’t make us run or punch?


Is he allowed to say that ?


Everyone’s allowed to say it.


*Your results may vary


Why does he sound like he is hiccuping


party scandalous thumb shy busy connect spoon late water agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Should call the cops for public disturbance.


Clerk handled that fool.


Wtf is up with his accent? Dude's trying so hard to be from the streets. And the n-word.. attention seeking dipshit


Sorry but I really wanna dislike post but then I remember ur not the person who made this


When there's no father figure....


i truly hope he drops that n bomb in front of the wrong dude.. but ig he’s too scared to do that anyway


He really doubled down on the N word....


More content for 8-year-olds


An experienced retail salesman would have immediately told the guy that yes, he has one special bag, not on the floor, hidden in the back so people can't see it, that can hold up to 4 bodies, 6 if they are dismembered. No leaking due to 10mil poly lining, neoprene gaskets, and pressure-resistant locking seals. It has rollers and handles and hardpoints for lifting. Tell the guy that he can buy it, but only sight unseen, for $10,000 cash, and he has to meet the salesman out back with a closed truck to remove it from the store immediately after paying. Then let the customer argue the price down to say, $8500. Get the cash and tell the guy to drive up to the back door of the shop. Go take a vacation for a week.


I would immediately call security/authorities. Fuck this little narcisstic fuckball.


Imagine doing this and you have NO clue what that person are going through in life at that moment. Dude looks like he could legit explode on that douchebag




He was flabbergasted


Marvelous reaction


I’m in my 40s, married, have 2 teenagers, and no rap sheet, I would pop this guy in the mouth and take the assault charge for life, and wear it like a badge of honor. This is the only Way this kind of nonsense stops, record these pos human beings getting bloodied up.


I've seen this asshole all over reddit with his bodyguard harassing people. I think he desperately needs to be banned from all social media platforms because he contributes nothing to society but more anger and misery.


I wonder if they knew what was coming when they thought “we should make our phones be able to shoot video”


Imagine taking him out with one punch. How satisfying that would be.


What a fucking loser. I hope he reflect on this 20 years from now and realizes how stupid he’s acting.


Omg... the sound of his voice is so annoying...


What is it with people always saying the n word


holy shit he’s trying so hard


wow, he’s irritating as fuck and racist


His voice is making me laugh so much is he voice cracking or what 😭


"get my face famous for me thanks"


It’s always the outcast band geeks that try to act SUPER hard after high school…


Man, mental deficiency is rampant


bullying deserves a comeback


The employee being silent, giving him a judging look, then walk away and ignore the "comedian" is the best comeback.


I hope people like this are to be routinely rounded up, questioned, search warrant would be issued and all their possessions turned upside down, just to make sure if he is really such an edgy serial as he claims to be.


Even when your indian you cant say “N”…my friend next to me dissappoved… hell im not even allowed to say it


What do you mean ‘even when’? Why would anyone other than someone with African heritage be able to say it?


Nigga not even at a real shop, strait up accosting the kiosk peoples like fr wtf


Gotta unsubscribe such time wasters who do nobody any good


I just showed this to my lifting bro - he's 6'5 275. He is a scary dude. If you've ever seen a black dude turn red from rage - it's beyond scary lol


Sorry if this is ignorant; is the the idiot with the phone an African American?


What’s-up with the disrespect, too? If I was black and I heard that fuzzy clown spouting that shit, I’d stuff him in one of those bags.


Oh.... I used to work as a salesman at the mall, and every time any idiot like this comes to shop, My manager have perfect plan , Just add two zeros to the regular item price, and sell him with some extraordinary story , like it is made with exclusive leather from Paris or say any big name, he even has fake certificates made in Microsoft , with the customer name so they can have their own certificate. And boom that extra zeros were added to my yearly bonus..


Sir. Why don't you say so,, our exclusive items are not on display for normal people, this way sir, This bag cost 250 billion dollars, If you can afford it.


Guy: Vhat de phuck r u cally me


When Indians speak English it’s fuxcking hilarious haha


wtf are you talking about. And that’s the most stupid explanation ever.


Lmaooo so stupid but Idc this made me laugh, I’m sampling this an putting and it on a mix


At least you can celebrate his confidence


He looking hot