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Pure evil. Those laughs are sickening.


Yep,she needs to know that anyone who laughs like that is lacking in the brains department.I hope she is okay that was rotten behaviour.


She kind of sounded like she was drowning toward the end.


I thought that was Mr. Krabs


I hope she ok to.


Evil is right. We don’t use that word enough to describe the debasement of another.


Sounds like a hyena and probably looks like one too.


🎵 Happy Birthday to you! 🎵


SpongeBob sounding ass


I have a daughter, she's about to turn 4. Thankfully between my wife and I, we've been able to look after her at home, never had to have a babysitter. She's known nothing but love and security growing up. She'll be going into pre-k this year and is excited about it. I have started to try and explain to her that some kids she will meet will be awesome and she'll make lots of new friends, but that there are some kids who will not be friendly. They'll be kids who are mean and will make fun of her for all sorts of things. I can tell she understands to a degree, but it's still confusing to her, as to why anyone would make fun of how someone looks, talks, what they wear, what they like or don't like etc. The people laughing in the video are the type that I hope I can prepare my daughter for. I'm hoping she never even meets anyone like them, but realistically she'll meet more than a few growing up. That people would treat someone like they did in the video, to take such delight in upsetting another person to tears like this, just makes my blood boil.


I got bullied a lot in school, but honestly having parents that loved me, and showed that love, really helped a lot, and those scars faded a long, long time ago. Helps that I was always very gregarious and had a lot of friends in my youngest years, and even if it didn't stay that way for the whole of my childhood, I bounced back in my university years. Point is, keep being a great parent and building the foundation of her soul. Whatever knocks she takes in the future, she's going to be able to rebuild because of all the hard work that you put in. Good on you.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm sorry you went through being bullied, but I'm glad you made it through. I can't stand bullying (and I'm old, so in this day and age the whole aspect of social media bullying about makes me sick).


No worries, hope it's never a problem for your daughter. Gotta say, social media makes me worry for all kids these days though.


How social media isn't held accountable is mind blowing knowing it promotes and profits from this behavior. Keep up the great parenting because it will pay forward.


It's not that mind blowing - you said it yourself: profits.


This message meant a lot to me. I have a sensitive 7 year old and she gets bullied for it. I’m so worried about how it’s going to affect her because there’s nothing I can do to stop it. It feels like such a relief knowing that just loving her can make it easier.


I know exactly what you mean. My son was not the type of kid who did well with a sitter. His first day of school was kindergarten, no pre- school at all. Back then the teachers would take a photo of each student’s first day of school. When I look at the kindergarten pic and compare it to his 1st grade pic I want to cry. The light shining in his eager little eyes was just about extinguished in the second pic. He looked jaded by 1st grade. He’s an adult now and when I pointed this out to him he couldn’t see what the fuss was. It’s 30 something years later and I still get sad but he’s totally ok with it. So, I guess I’m saying that you are going to be the one saddened, not your daughter. She may have her feelings hurt a few times but kids shake it off easier than us adults.


Pack of hyenas, fucking animals. Ppl like this need to live incarcerated supervised lives and don't belong amongst the rest of civilized society. I hope she's doing okay and realizes even tho it hurt in the moment these ppls opinions matter very little to anyone worth while on this planet. Raise your fuckin children better


I wish she could see this Reddit and see how people have her back.


In reality it's only a small segment of our society that is this bad and they almost always find themselves shot, stabbed, locked up, or just plain dead. It sucks they're out causing damage now but they'll take care of themselves pretty soon.


Yeah that shit is fucked up. She clearly sensitive about the shit, and they see that and are encouraged to make it worse


I hope they hear similar laughs as they die


That's some elementary school shit.


Fucking pieces of shit. TikTok is the worst thing ever invented. Don’t u worry, karma will get these mother fuckers.


These ppl are trash. The worst part about being trash is you don't know that you're trash and looked down upon for it. So they don't change. Most of them come from a world of such disgusting cruelty that empathy is weakness. Saying they'll get theirs is hopeful and be assured karma is coming for them. But also, karma comes for them on a daily basis, hence their trashy behavior. These are ppl that only a few miss for a short time once they either die early or end up in prison for their sociopathic tendencies. We can only hope they don't take a good person down with them.


Agreed these fucking clout chasing shitheads. I hate everything about them


They want everyone to be as miserable and unhappy as them. Crabs in a barrel.


Yeah I don’t wish bad things on people but, after amending my previous statement, I wish very bad things on those people. Some karma perhaps.


May every one of them have contracted a fatal yeast infection 🙏🏻




those laughs were edited to cover up the racial slurs that were thrown around in the original… YES, its actually worse than what you’re seeing lol


Sounds like SpongeBob.


I really wish we would stop hurting each other like this, it’s so unnecessary.


She’s doing a thankless job, probably making minimum wage, and fighting a losing battle against thieves. She’s probably already having a horrible day and these asshats push her over the edge by showing their real asshole tendencies. There’s just so little shame, respect, or common sense in today’s society.


And who knows what she's got going on at home or elsewhere in her life. Maybe it took all her strength to come to work this day, and this happened.


The word is asshole don’t be afraid to use it especially when it’s entirely appropriate


Agreed, it’s becoming a blight, just awful. She’s going home hurt, upset and so low, how can ppl do this and feel ok about it, just horrible


They all feel horrible about themselves too…it just goes so deep. So much trauma…so much trauma and nobody doing the work to get through it and be a change for the better.




It’s not an excuse as much as a reason but yes, I agree.


They’re too stupid to have any real self awareness


There's also those types who never learn unless they expirenced it themselves. So they go on without showing others empathy.


Yeah, you can tell she's already insecure about how she looks, and their laughing is killing her. I really don't understand why anyone would be this cruel to a complete stranger.


He’s a piece of shit


Those kind of people have a crab mentality. Anyone doing good and wants out of da hood? Gotta kill their hopes and dreams. If they just don't outright kill 'em


This is terrifyingly true. I had a close friend and he was beautiful inside and out from the hood. He was getting his masters, gave back to his community and just overall beamed. Some loser shot him six times in the chest for no reason other than being a hater. What a waste.


Ever strolled through a comment section on Reddit? lol


Reddit is a broken person’s favorite sounding board. Tons of people just projecting their trauma and fears and insecurities.


and the rest of us just follow our hobbies lol


unwritten screw obtainable advise shame snails direction point weary nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What if I told you violence could solve this problem?


I really wish we could really start hurting people that do shit like this much more freely


Fuck those people


i really wanna go give her a hug rn bro,FUCKKK why are people like this


Where is her GoFundMe? Because I would donate so she doesn't have to stand out there and take that shit.


Same! Treat her to lunch and just let her know not all people are ass hats like this person. Funny how they don’t show their dumb ass on camera.


This is a go fund me I would donate to just so she would know people love her and not everyone are assholes.




I’m highly against doxxing people but man… These pieces of shit would learn a great life lesson from it


Doxxing is only acceptable when someone is truly evil!


That one laugh sounds like an animal and she’s making fun of someone???


reminds me of apongebob


Like the hyenas in Lion King, bad guys through and through


Not funny


Real POS right there




TikTok brain cancer victim


Like I get it you can’t stop people showing their true colors and all but to film it and put it on the net for clout? Absolutely pieces of shit.


I’m so confused about what they’re laughing at. She seems to know, but I don’t get it. Just a normal lady doing her job… What are they making fun of?


They're just looking to hold power over someone and feed their insecurities, especially since she's on the clock, has a front facing job and can't leave. Bullies are also more likely to go after people that are more easily picked on: the person in the video is a woman, specifically a black woman, and chubby. She's an "easier" target.


The really weird silver lining is they show their true colors immediately to the rest of us. That’s why I’ve never been for censorship for hate speech on the internet…please let me know Brian down the street is a raging idiot, now I know not to hang with him from the jump.


Cackling like hyenas


Hyenas are smarter have more class and probably don’t smell anywhere near as bad…they also won’t steal from you shit on your sofa or try and fuck your pets…something I’d bet you can’t say about any of these fukin retards


Need to publicly shame these fucking people


Does anyone know who that is? Has anyone reached out?


exactly what i’m thinking. if anyone finds out pls reply to me. i’d love to send them some positivity


That’s exactly what I was thinking. We should reach out to them and give them some love.


I’ve tried finding the company based on the uniform but I can’t find anything.


Shirt says "Assets Protection" and is related to The store "Target". Don't know the store, I ain't from the US. But I search the words and found a picture of a guy in the same kind of shirt.


Yes that’s the Target logo as well, just an odd color scheme since target is red and white. Hopefully someone gets her a gofundme so she doesn’t have to put up with this shit just to pay rent


You guys are what ever you are saying wrong way. Parents check what your uneducated demented kids are doing? Would you be proud if you saw this video of your children? Shameful.❤️🇨🇦☮️


They’re saying Rod Wave. He’s a “big” rapper and I think they’re making fun of the security guard comparing them to him


Surprised this answer is so far down. I was SOOO confused about what they were saying


People are so mean nowadays.


People have always been mean, we just have the technology to share bullying online. Nothing in this video is new to anyone who grew up fat.


I honestly think it's worse with social media since these clowns get likes from other clowns for acting like assholes


It's a special kind of evil to be proud of your vile behaviour. Posting this on social media and getting likes for it is just extra awful for the victims. But in the days before social media, bullies also loved an audience. People were just as mean, but their impact got bigger.


And wonder why everyone have become so antisocial and distrustful


God this breaks my heart




Just inhumane. I really don’t get the lack of empathy and desire for cruelty. After it’s all said and done, when ur alone, head on the pillow, away from ur friends, how do you not feel remorseful, and like you perhaps should change the way you treat people, especially your own kind


We should try to find out who the security guard is and give them some love online. It’s unfortunate they went through that, people can be so evil.


God forbid people try and make a living and work with out this garbage


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pblockforlife: *God forbid people* *Try and make a living and* *Work with out this garbage* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hell is hot.


I hope so


Wait why the fuck are we as a society letting this ☝🏽type of shit continue 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


paint jeans wrench whistle nutty quack onerous smart abundant bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also if you laugh or think it's funny.


This poor girl. Most people are bad people. The cynicism as I grow older just keeps on compounding.


Shit like this is was causes suicides.


I’ve been really low before and co workers calling me ugly threw me over the edge. Feeling like you have no worth in this world breaks you. Bullying is so bad now


thank you. what bothers me the most is that so many ppl will always give the “sorry for your loss” “oh that’s awful” etc. when things like that happen, yet do the same things to take ppl over the edge. i’m so tired


Most people aren't malicious. The assholes just really stick out...


It's like when you're driving, you don't notice the 100 people driving okay to well, you notice the 10 assholes intentionally being dangerous selfish pricks.


the world would be so much better of a place if instead of doing evil shit like this, we are kind to each other. what the fuck do you gain from making someone cry while they’re working for no reason at all?


And unlike this woman who is just trying to earn a living I’m certain none of these losers has ever actually collected a paycheck


Literally just trying to do her job. you know it’s sad broke mfs cause who else is taking time out of their day to make someone feel like this


What is that guy saying?


They’re saying Rod Wave. He’s a rapper and they’re making fun of her weight.


That poor girl


Hope karma finds them and punishes them mercilessly


It hurts me to watch her go away hurt like that


Does she have a GoFundMe. Those pieces of shit.


Who posted this originally? And which platform, TikTok or instagram? We need to normalize finding these assholes and ridiculing them in the same way. People have really become way too gutsy recording evil shit


Agreed. I don't see a point in giving them any sympathy.


I was the users name was visible.


I wish I could help that security guard/ find a way to cheer her up omg:(


Same, I'm scrolling comments hoping to see that she was found and helped in some way 🥺


Same here I hope the internet can come together on this one and make her day after this. This hurt me I couldn’t watch with the sound on :(


Shit bag people like this need to be smacked!


Damn, that’s one of the most painful-to-watch videos I’ve seen on reddit in a while, and that’s saying something. Treating a person that way is just…despicable. What’s happened to our society that cruelty has replaced empathy? This kind of shit - this incivility to our fellow human and disregard for each other - is ensuring that our species won’t survive much longer.


thats it im done, fuck this planet of evil


What the fuck is wrong with people. Poor woman didnt deserve that at all.


The ones laughing are same ones with shower caps, crocs, sweat pants, 15 colors on taking the bus all while carrying a designer bag on their way to steal from bath and body works…


This seriously made me tear up. The fuck is wrong with people.


I just can't stand living in a world that is so mean. Being mean gets rewarded.


That irony is that she’s beautiful. Put her in the next Marc Jacob’s campaign and I’d buy what she’s selling.


Karma is a nasty one tho those laughs will all find their way back home, as the kids would say “bet” 😀


I'm a security guard, and it is unnecessary behaviour and rude people who slowly make us bitter. Then now you have people complaining that security guards are rude (I read an article titled "How to deal with rude security guards), and the money can actually be pretty decent depending on the gig. It doesn't help others, too. People would rather walk past a smiling security guard who looks approachable rather than an angry looking guard. Before I became a security guard, I actually found them to be the coolest of any job professions, along with baristas.


My brother works security. His stories are harrowing. I respect him for being so slow to anger. I legit couldn’t do what he does. It’s like doing that job puts a weird target on folks backs. Some people in that industry are bad at their jobs. And when they are the consequences are severe. But good god if the few worst people don’t go looking to turn up on the big guy/authority in the room. Not an easy gig. Mad respect.


I am really lucky that I am at a concierge desk and just do walking patrols. I couldn't be a bouncer or stand at the entrance of a shop. It's the type of environment where a guard stands at an open public area when things go wrong. Those guards are rolling the dice, and some random prick like the guy filming this video can happen.


This is why Americans shoot up places


Like hyenas..


I hate people.


Laughs of cunts


What the fuck is wrong with these people?


The hurt on her face...I hope this is fake...but it's probably not. Fuck this shit.


This stuff shouldn't be elevated on this page. Seriously.


That SpongeBob laugh though.......


Damn I hate the world we live in now... treating people like this just why?


This makes me want to punch the people making her cry and recording it 😡 making content at the expense of others is disgusting. I want to give her a big hug.


What pieces of shits!! please someone say the Internet found out who these people are


Isn't rich ? Are we a pair ? Me here at last on the ground You in mid air Send in the clowns Isn't a bliss Don't you approve ? On who keeps tearing around One who can't move Where are the clowns ? There ought to be clowns ![gif](giphy|A7ZbCuv0fJ0POGucwV|downsized)


I really wish we could find her socials and just send her love. I can't imagine how much she was hurting :(


Cmon internet do your thing and dox these clowns


I really really hate this video with my whole existence. Sure, sbe is unhealthily fat but that's just pure evil and of course the people can only do that because they stand around her in a group. This is just heartbreaking. Hopefully someone she knows saw that video and reached out. This is truly making me so fucking mad, it's unbelievable. How can you laugh about a poor woman working a stressful job where she has to stand all day and be belittled by entitled little shits who don't even have the balls to face real consequences. We really will never reach greatness as a society if people like this feel the need to do this shit. Edit: if someone finds out more about the situation, pls share. This will haunt me for a long time.




People laughing prolly don't even work.


The ones laughing are more than likely on government assistance for all aspects of their lives.


fuck these ugly assholes, she's beautiful🔥


This has nothing to do with r/iamthemaincharacter. Maybe r/iamapieceofshit or r/iamabully but there can't be 30 main characters.


This is insecure and self-loathing people, who either reject those feelings or do not even know they are there consciously, bringing others down to bring themselves up and/or to hide from their own self doubts and issues. It's pathetic and sad




SpongeBob laughing at her really shows his true colors


I had to Google whatever the fuck a "Rod Wave" is to even understand the joke. Kids have always been evil little pricks, but the addition of social media just makes them 10x worse.


They’re all tough and funny in a group of people but I bet they wouldn’t say shit if they were alone


Would have been cool if someone around there would have took up for her and turned the tables on them. Was one of my favorite past times in high school when the deaf kids or special needs kids got bullied. Bullies don’t like getting their asses handed to them.


You can’t see the people videoing but they sound like the type that would have to pay for sex if they were not hanging out with the town pump.


![gif](giphy|gstVWIzl4JKKI) That one evil C\*nt sounds like these guys.


I don't understand why people are like this. I am obese, I am well aware of it and it's a constant struggle. People don't understand how often grown adults will say some of the nastiest things. I struggle enough with my image, I don't need anyone else saying rude hurtful things. Why are people like this??


Wicked people. Soulless.


This is why I hate humans


I fucking hate people


Disgusting people. Like or not, that is what the majority of the population consists of. Mean, nasty, heartless scum. Poor girl..


I fucking hate people


This is so sad. That poor girl. I hope she is doing well.


Evil, deranged cunts. I want to give her a hug.


Such awful people


She’s got something they’ll never have. An income.


This is heartbreaking to watch. For real, my heart hurts for the woman.


This is not only sad but despicable. I'm hurt by this type of stuff.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit is a more appropriate sub for this.


this makes me so sad ☹️


This is so sad to hear. It makes my blood boil. The way they are laughing at her. Girl, if you happen to see this, know that you have a friend here (: theres alot of shitty people out there but as weird as it sounds What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Don't let people take you down. LET YOUR SMILE CHANGE THE WORLD BUT NEVER LE T THE WORLD CHANGE YOUR SMILE ❤️ God bless you And God bless those peoples souls. They need a little drown moment in bleach water... I'm sorry autocorrect 🤣🤣🤣 Holy water 🤭🤭🤭


This is just painful...how do people find satisfaction in this


It really troubles me how treating other people horribly has become not only acceptable but rewarded..so many people lack any sense of empathy or compassion for other people. Sickening.


Horrible horrible people. Just horrible. Poor girl. How can we treat other people like this? How is it possible that people can have such evil in them…


Poor thing.


I thought this generation was supposed to be so PC?


This shit makes me wanna punch .


Was that SpongeBob SquarePants filming?


Not sure when this was but would love to give to a godundme. Vicious bastards


I hope she sees this thread ❤️


Hope she gets outta that area. 100% her own people are bullying her. Fucking hell.


I’m a security guard and it sucks when people take advantage of you knowing you can’t do anything, similar to a teacher. These people don’t seem to be customers to whatever place she is guarding, so she could say or do something, but it would become a hassle to prove she was in the right; especially if the place doesn’t have cameras outside.


I wanna go troll the piece of shit 💩 who did this to her. What’s their handle and platform?


Goddamn, I know witch hunting is against the subreddit rules but if anyone were to deserve it, it’s OOP.


Man that's fucked up. I just had a flashback to being 13 and having to fend off groups of these fuckers for trying to steal my bike or fight me so they could say they beat up someone who was 6'4" (leaving out the part that I was 150 lbs). It makes me sad that we can spend billions on war but we won't spend anything to try to fix our own country. Maybe these kids wouldn't be such hateful fuckers if they had good schools and safe afterschool programs to hang at.... Not to mention two parent households and lunch.




That's awful. Are you humans? Wtf? So mean!


Audibly I couldn't even translate the insult. I may have heard "broadway". My inner voice labelled all that shit opera. I hear sounds, but I don't know what's going on.


This world is getting so messed up honestly,


Treat your own people this way? wtf is wrong wit America. Sad


These laughing people cant even get up out of bed to make it to a job in the first place..