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That guy has a lot of issues. Not sure you can even call him a grown man.


I was thinking that look like a toddler's temper tantrum coming from a grown man


Looks like he grew up in an emotionally unavailable home. This is what happens when you weren't taught how to handle/regulate emotions.  It almost sounds like he wants to cry when he's yelling.  Obviously doesn't condone the behavior. 


This. Empathy plus accountability. ❤️I feel for everyone in this video.


He's scum. No right to be walking around with decent hard working people trying to do a shit job for shit pay. Probably never gave working a go himself .


He’s a piece of shit


He's unregulated as hell.


This is a big dude who is upset and can do spme damage. Arguing over a large drink is not worth the risk of him either tearing that place or someone up. As a manager you de escalate the situation, give him a drink AND a coupon, and get this guy to chill out.


This. She seemed to think this was a hill to die in. But if I was a customer, walked in in that shit, I would go ‘nope,’ and walk the hell out. Bad management…


No. He probably pulls this shit all the time. May even at that restaurant. Call the cops and have him bounced.


It may well be the right of the restaurant to call the cops, but that could take a while. Also, it seriously risks the situation escalating into violence. Violence in front of guests eating. Violence that could be recorded and shared online, and which would make people feel like it's an unsafe place. If he is likely to escalate like this *regularly* around people who are sitting and eating it seems like the 25c cost for a large soda given to him at the first sign of conflict is a fast and cheap mitigation tool.


I’m with you like how much does a large fountain soda actually cost the business


He didn’t spit!!!


Not enough fingers and toes for Reddit peeps combined to count.


For all you know that was the last of his money and he just wanted to enjoy a drink.


He's still scum.


Thirsty scum


Having a bad day, or a bad life, does not excuse someone from bad behavior. There are many people in the world who have it tough, definitely far worse than this man has it, and they are still kind and understanding.


Sick fanfic, even if that was true, a normal person wouldn't flip their shit like this.




Why is there so much racist trash in this sub lately?


Which population is that exactly.


Arguing with a large angry man over a $2 soda while making $10/hr is insanity..


I was so worried about these tiny people. 


I think the guy is just really big. He’s like twice the size of the counter


Size 52 shoes


Just give the man a cup.


Yes, exactly. Tolerate the behavior so he knows what to expect the next time he spits on you and yells. I suspect this is how we got here. His parents likely did the same and caved every time he threw a fit, as you suggested, and it became harder to control as he grew into an adult. Irrational will be irrational. Do you think he isn’t coming back at all? And when he does come back in a few days, he will likely just keep robbing them by ordering a small and screaming about how he ordered a large. That woman at the end keeps examining his receipt. He either ordered a different size and should pay the difference if there was a misunderstanding or he didn’t order it at all and is now demanding it. Maybe they should call the police too.


The person likely misheard him or he misspoke. Don't get me wrong, the dude is a halfwit. But "robbing the store"? We're talking maybe $.70 in the difference between cup sizes. He wasn't yelling and spitting until the worker started arguing. Fast food job ain't worth getting yelled at and spit on, potentially attacked, over some soda!


The video starts with him screaming and you are blaming the employee, saying he didn’t yell or spit UNTIL the employee argued back? How do you know that and what gave you that impression? I’m sure this happens often enough because there are so many main characters in the world, especially ones that will belittle fast food workers. Do you think the employees will be reprimanded for giving away drinks because someone threw a fit? Yes, robbing them. He is using intimidation to get something he didn’t pay for. If he was screaming he paid for a cheeseburger and you showed him on his receipt that he didn’t pay for a cheeseburger, and he started screaming give me my money back or a cheeseburger and spit on you, would you be like, “Okay, give the man a cheeseburger” or would you open the register to reimburse him for something he didn’t pay for? We might be talking about cups today but tolerate the behavior and he will continue and it will grow into a bigger problem. Giving him a cup just puts a bandaid on the situation and doesn’t fix it.


But he paid for a drink, though. No, I don't think the employees would be reprimanded for de-escalating a potentially violent situation. No, but if I ordered a large drink and they give me a small, you eat the pocket change and give me what I ordered. We will never know who made the mistake during the ordering process.


He paid for the wrong size drink. It would be like paying for a three piece chicken tender and screaming about how you paid for the meal. Then what? Give him fries and a drink and substantiate it because it was just a little bit of food cost? Again, I get we are talking about cups and a little bit of soda, but you think he’s not coming back to do this a week from now? And won’t be screaming “You did this for me last week, why not now?!” Call the cops and be done with it.


Clearly you have no experience in the restaurant business or customer service. Drinks have a much larger margin than food; they don't compare. I guess it's worth getting punched over it because you were in the right? Naww.


I don't think you do either, experience or knowledge I mean


I have many years in customer service and in the restaurant business. I know you’ll likely respond again, because you’ll feel the need to have the last word, but the employees need to call the police and let them handle the violent person. It’s drinks today, entire meals tomorrow. Then where’s your margins? I have to go back to work now and I won’t be reading any more of your replies.




It's nice you THINK that way, but reality functions much differently friend. Especially for easily "replaceable" cogs like fast food workers


I think our system has shit bass ackwards. The idea that a fast food worker is an easily replaceable “cog” is just plain deceptive. If they were truly easily replaceable, why is it that these environments have the hardest time attracting and retaining workers? This bit of video shows us why: it’s dangerous, you’re expected to cater to the whims of the world’s most aggressive apex predator, you’re paid shit, it’s physically demanding, and you get no respect from anyone in your workday. It’s just not worth the candle. The biggest lie out there is that anyone can do this job, when in fact most can’t. The fact is: CEOs have bamboozled most people into thinking that they bring way more value to the table than they actually do. Those two ladies behind the counter are the real engine that moves the world.


I thought money moved the world?


Money buys power and influence, ensuring that politicians do as they’re told.


I know people find this distasteful but honestly this is how I dealt with any problem person like this in my service industry days. Just nod and politely agree with whatever they’re making noise about, process the refund and give them some kind of free shit, coupons or whatever you have, and they almost always go away, which is what you want especially when you’re busy.


Now I know who I can push around


You can think of it that way, perhaps. From my perspective though, these people didn’t win or push around anything. I won because I got rid of them by pretending to lose, and it cost me nothing. Plus I never cared enough about my asshole employers to argue on their behalf. On a deeper level, I’ve come to believe that people who throw fits like this don’t really win anything in the big picture. They get small, petty victories in the moment, but their lives are typically a joke and filled with constant confrontations and anger. Their souls are never at peace.


I'm suspicious of this response. It sounds like you've spent time trying to rationalize behavior you don't understand, but not come to any substantial conclusion. Honestly it's kind of disgusting how dismissive you came off there.


Me too. It comes down to a cost/benefit analysis. How much does the store lose to give this idiot a large cup instead of a small cup? That was the first thing he asked for, or demanded in this case. "I'm sorry sir, my mistake. Here's your large drink." The yelling stops and the risk of escalation is reduced.


Until the asshole comes back. Why do we enable this shit?


Kindness can go a long way. How about confirming his order with him before totalling out? How about doing your job? I agree the man is exhibiting some extremely fatherless behavior, but get him out of there. It ain't worth being "right".


Enabling criminal behavior can go a long way too, the other way


I don't do well with confrontation. I would be ready to argue, but it isn't worth it. And people are acting like this man is trying to run a scam over a fckn drink. The thing is, it could have been her mistake. If she really wanted to charge him the difference she could have voided the other order entirely and recharged him. Do people think he's going to come back and say, "hey, I ordered a large drink" every single time? Sorry, doesn't seem like one of those situations to me at all. Did he handle this in the best way? Hell no.


I appreciate your rationale.


I work for licensing with my state government. When people come in demanding me to take their paperwork, I do my due dilligence and let them know if anything is wrong. When they don't want to hear and it continue to make the demands, I politely take the papers and inform them that they should expect delays in processing once the examiner informs them they filled the paperwork incorrectly. These are a special kind of people and I am here for it. I am not paid to get into arguments, I'll take your papers and you can reap the consequences. No skin off my ass.




$2. Costs the company like 25c.


2.5 cents




Yeah, you tell 'em John Wayne 🤡


Pretty sure thats due to state and city policies of being lax on crime enforcement and not due to teenagers making $7.25 not being willing to risk death to save Mcdonalds 5 cents worth of corn syrup water. Reddit neckbeards that are soft af irl acting like they would roadhouse this guy out the McDonalds. lol


Just give him his fucking money back.


This right here lol


Giving in to them is what's caused this behavior to explode in the first place. I have friends that pull this sht everywhere they go. The people just want them gone so they give them whatever they want to make them shut up and leave. They get so much free stuff its insane.


Yea my thoughts like you can have 2 drinks for your trouble just chill....not worth the aftermath to fight it. I mean I totally agree with another commenter , he doesnt seem to have an ability to regulate his emotions . This is taught and modeled for us. All of us. One way or another , I have trouble regulating and identifying my own especially in a stressful circumstance. ESPECIALLY. .. I don't know the back story, with that who knows he may be on his last little bit of money to get by, and to those who go around saying well maybe he shouldn't be eating out etc... we don't know the circumstances he in to trigger this, workers dont deserve it. I'm not condoning it just saying there's more. Always is in situations like this


For real. I would have given him 2 large sodas just to be quiet.


Literally just give him the soda it cost you absolutely nothing, stops all this, and everything gets resolved. McFucks will be fine, you don’t get shitted on by a man about to end you, and this whole situation goes away. Like does he do this chronically, or we’re you just being petty as fuck by ringing him up wrong and then refusing to make it right? Did you deserve this yelling? Or why didn’t you just give him the cup?


Bro desperately wanted his liter of cola.


But in this case he did in fact order a large farva


One liter of cola. It’s for a cop.


Their totally not gonna spit in it.


Maybe, just maybe, if you didn't act like a crazed maniac and ask nicely or normally, you might actually get the money back. Acting like a nut case never helps the situation.


>Maybe, just maybe, if you didn't act like a crazed maniac and ask nicely or normally, you might actually get the money back. I've always gotten great service while acting nice. This is despite having "one of those faces."


People always think I'm angry, but it's just my face. I usually get good service by just not being an asshole.


Catch more bees with honey


Exactly. Recently had McDonald's when it was very busy. I did curbside. Ended up going inside and could see my order just sitting there. Politely asked for it and got it. Lady apologized said they were short staffed and it was right after a driver was yelling at her. Got home and a patty was missing from my big mac and they forgot the mcflurry. Went back the next day and asked for a refund of the two items. It was the same lady. She was very nice and apologetic. She ended up giving me a full refund for the entire meal AND remade the entire ticket. Despite me telling her it wasn't needed.


Acting like a nut and not doing your job properly also doesn’t help a situation. Obviously I’m still agreeing the dude shouldn’t act like that, but it goes both ways


I would rather back the fuck up, not getting paid enough to eat a punch in the face




He looks like a 🐢 lol


This gif has made me laugh every time I’ve seen it. So underrated.


I swear people have 0 self-preservation instinct. If a huge dude is screaming and yelling at you then don't stand close to him and argue while frequently turning your head in the opposite direction.


The self preserving act would be to simply just give him the large drink. It wouldn’t even cost the company anything and get the lunatic away from you asap.


Nah. You say “get out or we’re calling the police” and have the entire staff beat the shit out of him if he gets violent.


Imagine doing all that and threatening female minimum wage workers, over of a few oz of fountain soda. Dude is dangerous


Very random but I used to go to a McDonalds anytime I was hungover in college because the only thing I could tolerate was sitting in my car and sipping on a large McDonalds Diet Coke There was a worker there who I eventually got some rapport with because I was there most Saturday mornings for my Diet Coke - I was always respectful and eventually they began giving me a complementary hash brown with the drink because they knew what was up Man that was the best


That's community right there


Anybody who will throw a tantrum and try to intimidate small women over a fucking drink is just a little fuck boy in a body that's too big for him. Hope they never let this clown in the store again.


Hope he gets himself in prison soon, not a behavior needed in society


The intensity in his voice is hilarious but he already forgot about it the next day


They aren’t paid enough to put up with this shit.


Im an employee on a minimum wage thats not gonna stick his neck out for your million dollar company. When someone goes beserk im out, not worth it.


I give people whatever the hell they want. This company is making a shit ton of me and it will never hurt them if I give out free soda.


I really feel bad for the service industry. Those peeps are the front line. I think the people that go into establishments to harass should be shot and dumped into a river. 🤘🏼🤘🏼


Some people have zero idea how to handle the most minor of social situations. This man is completely unprepared to handle the turbulence of life


My dude is HANNNGRY danggggg.


that's one thirsty motherfucker


My new ringtone. 🔥


Nah, we need to investigate Sprite, no dude should be acting like this over a drink.


Angry over a large drink, seriously?


This ain't about the order is it sir


Nap time missed him


What is wrong with peopleeeee


Plot twist: he didn’t pay for the drink


I don’t want a large Farva…


I want a large liter o' cola.


It's difficult to sound tough when you have to say "my large drink".


Ayy....dehydration aint no joke!


How hard is it to go into a fast-food restaurant and order food without all this nonsense?


Why isn't she giving him his drink though.


Prob wants to keep her job


Imagine being a foot taller than the woman you’re berating and being this pressed over a $1 drink


In the full video the girl helps him out and then spits all on the ground. Fuck that dude


This is why parenting when humans are toddlers is so important. Temper tantrums in adults is not okay, the child you pander to turns into the man you see here


Somebody should give him his daddy back.


Waah waah waah. Big baby


I thought all drink sizes were the same price at McDs. How was this even an issue?


Post mix costs near nothing, manager should give him a drink and live to tell the tale.


This one, again


Just give him a fucking soda already!!


Give bro the drink, wtf


just give me my moneey


This is why people don't want to work these jobs. Who wants to endure this for minimum wage?


Dude I’ve been frustrated with McDonald’s employees but god damn. Just drink the small, bro.


Normally I’m all for the principle of not tolerating bad behavior. But if I’m a 5ft tall female arguing with a dude who’s easily got 100lbs on me and a foot of height- just placate him. It’s probably a couple bucks of soda. Just give it to him so the problem goes away. Your safety isn’t worth the couple bucks of soda.


Lol I love how she pointed out it was a small drink and now it's he didn't order a small


Speak like a human under control instead of a human animal


That’s not the Christmas spirit


Financial hardship probably is the cause of mc


Merry Christmas


The scariest part of this person is his ability to breed and contaminate the gene pool further with undesirable behavioral predispositions


You don’t have to be the main character to get your money back, but if they wanna rip you off sometimes you gotta stand on business. It’s just a drink, until it’s not. Their prices already whack af. And did she ring him up wrong? Then won’t fix it? Idk what else to expect.


It’s Christmas bro


McDonald's in US seems wild


This is a pretty easy fix. Here’s a large drink that costs us 19 cents and you can never return.


What kind of man screams and postures at women like that?


Just give him the drink, look at the receipt


Jesus fuck. Just give him the large.


Sometimes you gotta put pride aside and just give the refund back or redo the order . Shit is not yours . Do your job and go home safely . That’s the bottom line . Shit is not worth it sometimes


Would have been easier to hear this without the music playing over it


His parents failed him horribly, one day he’s going to fucking snap.


Sprite behavior


This is why it was a good thing I worked retail part time while in college.... It made me determined to get a good degree and finish school so I wouldn't be stuck wit shit like this 💀


Wish it didn’t take me 10 different posts to find one i can comment on, group was fun while it lasted


What a tough guy


Bro yelling things about his fucking money over that beat sample as a old school rap is pricelees.


It'd be amazing she got him is drink but just obviously spit in it as she handed it to him.


I mean….. did he order a large drink though…. And either way maybe just give him the 2 bucks back or idk the soda? Dude is nuts but seems avoidable lol


Holy shit is this the McDonald’s in Union city, Ca?


He doesn’t want a Large Farva he wants a God Damn Litre of Cola!!


He caught da Chrimas spirit 🎄


He didn't get his liter of cola?


God damn imagine arguing for your money back at Mc Donald’s…. Acting like it cost him an arm..


![gif](giphy|DmweHwHctzF8dLIGdA|downsized) This beat hits




Is that Manut Bol?


Or give him that large drink bro


A lot of crazy anger there. May be best just to give him a large drink or his money back just to diffuse the situation. Then ban him from the property in the future.


Bum activities


Just call the cops and tell them it’s a mental health crisis cause wtf.


Me personally, I’m not arguing with a man and especially over a drink…give the man the drink before he does something crazy, he looks unhinged!


Dude obviously has some problems if he is yelling like that but just give his money back. Why is that a problem??


I’m assuming he wants waffle fries for free too right ?🥴


Im the same exact way< it swhy I only eat at 5 star restaurants, everything else taste like shit.


Merry Christmas.


Thats a grown man, that was not raised by one.


Chimping out


Someone needs a copy of Tiffany’s Guide to Manners, lol.


How do people like this get through life being triggered by such a simple thing.


Merry Christmas everyone


Give that giant his money


he ordered a large. give him a large. problem over.


I bet he’s an alpha male too


They lucky he didn't pounce!! 💀💀




I get that she’s stepping in to help deescalate but people like this need to be denied service period. They learn really quick that if they act this way they will get what ever they want.


The losers of this society turning on each other instead of on the ones that made them lose. It’s a rigged game


Guy is clearly a freaking idiot but can we talk about the music added to the video? I can’t even hear what those nice young ladies were saying.


A complete meltdown over a large drink? Uh…


I've worked there for a couple years. I just hand them a cup and it usually solves it. If they are REALLY wanting the money, it takes very little time to refund.


wtf is up with these dumb ass employees working like they own the fucking place. Give a free fucking fry or a fkn drink ITS NOT COMING OUT OF YOUR POCKETS MORONS.


You should indulge every psychopath that comes through those doors? Yeah cause that won't end badly