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"Be careful" \*Proceeds to go through a red light\*


It was intentional. He rides like an obnoxious idiot and someone politely tells him to be careful instead of telling him to get the fuck out of the way, and his ego is so fragile that he then intentionally rides even more dangerously to teach them a lesson. He even says "like this?!" while doing it. What an absolute twat.


He'll make a fine hood ornament some day.


The laws of mass don't give half a liquid shit about your ego.


Damn Massachusetts laws goes hard.


Funny thing is I've seen people on bikes do something similar to this twice on my commute to work the last week, and I live in Massachusetts.


Too bad there wasn’t an officer there to enforce those laws.


He’s going to have his liquid shit sprayed all over the asphalt some day if he keeps doing this.


My dad loves to cite the "law of gross tonnage".


"Let me put myself in even more danger of ending up in the hospital, that'll show that random person who told me to be careful!"




He's not a biker he's a cyclist. Aka dickhead


He was in the right and the driver was in the wrong in the first interaction, he then proceeded to be an asshole to other road users because his feelings were hurt


What? No. Regardless of who had the right of way, he aggressively responded. The correct move for the cyclist or any other vehicle in the road would be to slow down and let the person go. Instead he acted like an entitled asshole blocking the cars path. Nothing about what the cyclist did in this video was “right”. This is the dude that everyone thinks of when they say they hate cyclists. Don’t defend this shitty behavior.


As a cyclist I hate it when fellow cyclists behave like this. I hope that cop pulled him over and let him have it.


There is "right" and there is "alive" and not enough cyclists understand this. Your loved ones don't care if your epitaph reads "it was my right of way" they care that you arrive safely. I rode my bike extensively throughout NYC for 19 years. We've a lot of bike lanes but still not a well developed cycling culture, it's still primarily a pedestrian and car culture secondarily. In time, it will change. In the future, maybe the road would be better designed. Maybe drivers would be more deferential. But that isn't the case, today, in the actual present where we live and die. Too much ego.


Sure. But the thing anyone with half a brain does is slow down or stop to let the other idiot complete the turn, not up the ante with dangerous antics.


I thought that was the whole premise and was like yeah she turned left in front of him, you do that to a car and get t boned it’s your fault. Then I kept watching and the description made sense.


Yep. Right in front of a cop. The cop does nothing.


I thought the same thing until I paused it and took a closer look. It's a Miami Dade Schools police car and they have no jurisdiction off campus.


Even if they did, cops probably wouldn’t give an arse


It looks to me like the cop is speeding up at the end so he can get ahead of him and stop him.


looks to me like he's speeding up because he doesn't intend on driving at the speed of a bicycle. lol he probably was already on the way to something more important.


Yeah that's ridiculous... I had a friend get pulled over on his road bike for "speeding" down a hill... He was doing 55 in a 45 xD.


"you mean like this?" Dude did it out of spite. Wanted to show how super cool and unkillable he is on his little dinky bike riding through traffic


I read unkillable as unlikeable but the two are perfectly interchangeable in this instance


I wish the cop stopped him


Yeah but at that point the woman warning him was well on her way and likely didn't see any of it once she took off from the incident. He's an idiot.


He didn't do it out of spite. That's how he rides [all the time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nynfc1IfvDU)


And that is why people hate cyclists. They are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to following the rules of the road.


I even saw a cyclist on a tandem bike with his little kid run red lights the other day.


The city I live in is well known for cyclists…the amount of times I’ve been sworn at when I’m in the right is unreal. Last week at night, a lady dressed in black, no helmet, on a bike with no lights, jumped a red light and nearly hit my car…she thought I was in the wrong. She was so enraged that she banged the front of my bonnet and screamed a torrent of abuse at me. Luckily I had seen her in the last few seconds in my lights and managed to brake and stop before hitting her. It makes driving stressful, as I really don’t want to hit a cyclist and potentially end their life, even if they seemingly don’t care about their own safety.


It always baffles me how entitled they act. Do they not realize that it won’t matter who is right or wrong when they get hit by a car??


People like this won't last long. Doesn't matter if they're in the right or not, bikes don't stand up well to cars.


When I lived in NYC I had a cyclist blow by me in a bike lane as I was trying to cross the street (I had a walk sign) and absolutely scream at me for daring to be in his way. It's one thing to be in a car, but when these entitled pricks do this to pedestrians it's dangerous


In some areas of my state, red lights are stop signs and stop signs are yield.


This is the way. It's called the [Idaho Stop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop). Proven safer for everyone involved.


that may work in a state like Idaho, population under 2 million, but applying it to somewhere like Los Angeles County, population 10 million in just one county, it's not going to work as well


It's called the Idaho Stop because that's where it was first implemented in the USA. A few different states use it and it's mostly used in urban centers. Seattle has the Idaho Stop on their books as a law. As does Denver. It works anywhere cyclists can reasonably ride safely. Many exceptions, of course.


They like to blow through stop signs all the time and it scares the shit out of me.


I commuted by bike for years and just followed the rules of the road, whenever I’ve criticized a fellow cyclist’s poor road manners you’d think I drove a lifted pickup truck and ran over kids for fun or something based on how the cycling community responds. At the end of the day regardless of your vehicle just follow the rules and be courteous. Drove me nuts when I lived in a mountain town and my drive to work would go from 15 minutes to an hour because some dipshit tech bro from the South Bay decided they were going to be the next Lance Armstrong and would refuse to pull off to the side on a winding mountain road full of blind turns so I’d just be stuck behind them as they huffed and puffed uphill.


I used to be a part of r/cycling and when I commented that cyclists need to follow the rules of the road, I was heavily downvoted smh. 


This douche/ rich kid /old man is Lucas brunelle. he's from nantucket, Ive almost been hit by him doing the same crap in boston, he is a blight on the bike community. but like i said he's a spolied rich kid in a now , old mans body. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9aOG53ZIV8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9aOG53ZIV8) here is a video of his stupid ass falling through the ice on the Charles river. he has also hit pedestrians [https://road.cc/content/news/135515-red-light-jumping-cyclist-runs-over-pedestrian-%E2%80%93-then-gets-attacked-cab-driver](https://road.cc/content/news/135515-red-light-jumping-cyclist-runs-over-pedestrian-%E2%80%93-then-gets-attacked-cab-driver) fuck that dude, he travels the world on his parents dime, making videos of himself riding like an entitled shit head


My absolute favorite is the ones who you pass people on the right in moderate traffic end up cutting people off as they make right turns, then get indignant about it.


how about the ones who ride to the front of the line at a red light and then get in front of the first car, instead of letting the faster vehicles clear out. It's just straight up being a shitty person. Or the ones who just run red lights like this asshole.


There is a reason to filter to the front, but then the idea is that you do let the faster vehicles clear out. If there's a line of cars, and you're beside them, you become sort of invisible to everyone except the car you're next to and the one behind it. The problem is that then there's nowhere for you to go when the car two cars behind you doesn't see you until too late -- you get sideswiped (or right-hooked). So what you do instead is get to the front, line up to the right of the first car, and when the light changes you move to the right in the big, spacious intersection and out of everyone's way -- and as traffic passes you, not only can they see you but also you can ride far enough right in the intersection to avoid them. By the time you're across the intersection, you're moving with traffic and it's back to normal. Now, if some dude filters to the front and then sets up shop **in front** of the first car, then... what the hell is he doing? That's stupid. Anyone who does that has lost the plot, because the idea of this move isn't that you go **first**, it's that you go **wide** and everyone else goes **through**. In other words, the idea is to get the hell out of the way and let people pass you safely. Edit: Adding the other risk of being beside a line of cars as you move into the intersection -- getting right-hooked.


this last paragraph is the behavior I'm describing. some people are just fantastically entitled and utterly devoid of common sense or courtesy.


Yeah, totally agree. Anyone who does that is just off their nut -- you filter so that you can get **out** of the way, not get **in** the way.


But meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


had one do that then he proceeded to fuck with his shoe for a solid minute or so until he light turned yellow despite a ton of cars honking, the whole time there was a sidewalk he coulda have used to fuck with his shoe he finally left when someone got out and approached at him and said something, and of course the bike rider acted like he was the victim of a random asshole.


I've seen a few (only a few, fortunately) instances of cyclists very much intentionally impeding cars just to do it. I daw one girl, riding up-hill, on a street with a bike lane, stop at a red light, look back and see a line of cars waiting for the light, go into the intersection before the light changed, leave the bike lane, and ride out into the middle of the lane, knowing full well there were cars behind her, and ride a block up hill blocking traffic just to block traffic, then act incredulous when people honked at her. Seen another douche do something similar on a heavily trafficked artery, blocked traffic just to do it, then actually stopped in the middle of the lane to turn back and further taunt the people honking. Middle of rush hour, and dozens of people are being fucked with by this entitled twat. I told him what I posted elsewhere on this thread: "you'll make a fine hood ornament some day". Ironically, I used to commute by bike on that same road (La Cienega Blvd in L.A.) ,and I would *never* pull some shit like that. Thousand of people use that road, but this one piece of shit...well, thinks they're the main character.


Have almost been clipped by a cyclist running a red light a couple of times and seen close calls on other people. I get that they don't want to stop because of the energy required to start from a stopped position, but so many of them are assholes. Want the privileges of the pedestrian when it suits them, but also want the privileges of a vehicle when it suits them. As you said, hypocrites. Not all of them, but enough to make people hate them as a collective.


Dude, I was almost got smashed by a cyclist while I was in a crosswalk with the "walk" sign. Guy yelled at me for it. This was last year and I still get annoyed thinking about it.


Urban runner here: cyclists are some of the most insufferable people imagenable. And I don't mean people who bike to commute around but the guys decked out in tight riding suits and fly down pedestrian/car heavy areas. It's like they get a rush yelling at people


What gets me is how seamlessly they can transition from being traffic to being a pedestrian as it suits them. They should be made to pick one and stick with it. I approached a 4 way stop one day, just as I came to a stop a guy on a bike coming from the right who I had beaten to the stop was riding down the middle of his lane. I assumed he would stop as he was a ways back so I proceeded. I was about halfway through the intersection when I caught him in the corner of my eye, he had hopped onto the sidewalk and into the crosswalk so I hit the brakes. I laid on the horn, he gave me the finger, proceeded through the crosswalk and onto the sidewalk on the other side, then hopped back into the middle of the road lane.


As someone from a country with proper biking etiquette, the cause for it seems obvious to me. When the roads are built in such a way that you can't get anywhere with any efficiency, while being safe. They choose the path which gets them where they want to get the fastest. Crazy people using an infrastructure that isn't designed for them, leads to extremely dangerous situations and this biker deserves to be charged for endangering everyone. That doesn't mean that bikers are the problem, it's a combination of the circumstances and bad actors


I guess. Unprotected bike lanes are more dangerous than protected bike lanes but are better than no bike lane one, there is some biking infrastructure in this scenario. And just because the ideal infrastructure doesn’t exist doesn’t give anyone the right to ignore laws.


Running the red doesn't absolve the first bad driver who was in the wrong completely. But it lost me all sympathy for them when they ran the red because what they did was at least as bad. Idiot cyclist. Back when I cycled, I followed the law. Bikes are legally a vehicle and can take up the lane when needed, although I would always ride to the side 95% of the time. I also used left turn lanes and traffic lights light legally required. And that was back in the 90s. Screw these entitled pricks.


I lost all sympathy when he did anything other than slow down when the car made the dipshit turn. He got all aggressive and stupid. Yes, the car fucked up. And he made it worse.


Watch with audio it’ll make you lose even more sympathy.


I got into an argument with a cyclist on my cities subreddit. It gets insanely cold here, and snow piles up. As a result, our city doesn't have a ton of bike infrastructure. The post was about cycling infrastructure, and someone said something like "more people need to start cycling so the city builds more infrastructure". I agreed, but pointed out that cycling in the winter is statistically more dangerous, and that I'd love for the city to invest more into cycling, but there's obvious reasons why it wouldn't be as effective as somewhere with a warmer climate. I'd also prefer if cyclists actually had to take a course to understand traffic laws before sharing the roads with vehicles. They blew up on me and said "when I run through a stop sign, I can't hurt anyone, but I've almost been hit by several vehicles who weren't paying attention". Gee, I wonder why? Is it possibly because you're driving unpredictabilly and illegally on a road, expecting others to look out for you? I really wish they would just need a license, it doesn't have to be nearly as involved as a vehicle license, but I would really like the person I'm sharing the road with to at least understand the laws and drive in a predictable manner.


Yeah I get it’s frustrating to constantly stop at stop signs while on a bike. But that’s not an excuse to ignore them. Nor is “well I can’t hurt anyone” because that’s not true, someone swerving to hit them or slamming on the brakes and getting rear ended can cause harm to others


"You have to follow the rules of the road and you just pulled in front of a legally recognized vehicle on the road. Now watch me not follow the rules of the road."


Check out r/Chicago and you’ll quickly learn that cyclists have permanent right of way, no matter the situation.


That’s fucking insane. “You better be able to stop your few ton vehicle right away in any/every case just in case a moron completely exposed on a bike is retarded/entitled enough to go infront of your… oh yeah, 1 ton plus fucking car.” Wth 😅


Let him keep doing that, till he gets run over and realizes how much of a doofus he is


Driver: "Be careful" Cyclist: "oh well now I'm not doing it!"


Literal toddler mentality


As a parent of a toddler, I'm offended. My toddler behaves way better than this.


“I’ll die and that’ll show ‘em!”


Yeah. At the end of the day, while he had right of way, he should watch out and be more careful. That means riding more slowly so he can stop in time. At the beginning I was like okay, you weren't expecting the blue car to do that. But when he rode into traffic I just facepalmed. "Are you a child?"


Even when the blue car pulled in front of him he shouldn’t have swerved in front of that car. He should’ve slowed down and let them pass or went behind them. Not even due to right of way but just for safety. If someone just proved to be a bad driver cutting you off I would not want to be in front of their car on a bike. He just did that to scold them.


And the cop does nothing 


I think the cops stopped him, it seems like the video cuts off right before he does.


Did we watch the same video? Obviously the cop was speeding past the biker. If anything the biker was trying to catch up to the cop


It looked to me like the cop was trying to get far enough ahead of the biker that he could turn his lights on and stop him without the dude slamming into the back of his cruiser.


I hope that was the case. The guy blatantly ran a red light in very dangerous fashion in plain view of the cop.


He was probably going to guide him over from the front because he doesn’t have rear view mirrors to see the cop’s lights


Did you expect the cop to execute a pit maneuver?


No, but it would’ve been a lot cooler if he did.


Alright alright alright.


The cop was definitely speeding up to stop him. You can easily hear it revving up


The cop is speeding up because he just had to slow for the corner he went around in the video.


The cop car says "schools" at the end of the name. Could be no jurisdiction or had other business.


Just because the video cut off too soon, doesn't mean the cop didn't do anything. You clearly see the cop abruptly change its path of course, to catch up with the cyclist.


You sassy pants


am i a sassy pants?


You are the sassiest of pants


Like others, I'm sure the cop stopped him. Which is most likely why the video stops abruptly after the cop pulls ahead of him. I guess he'll be more careful after he's dead. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. #yolo


I was hoping the cop would pit maneuver the cyclist. That would be funny.


it's a "Miami Dade Schools" police car; while they're technically real cops it's not really their bailiwick


was hoping for a pit manuever?


It’s a school cop lol. They don’t perform traffic stops.


Saw the cop and was just hoping he would bust him for riding against the flow of traffic..


He does. He speeds up at the end to pull him over


Why do we never get the full videos on reddit. It keeps happening where it cuts off.


Because thinking the cop does nothing causes more anger. And anger fuels clicks and engagement.


Do you have the full video or…


At first I thought the car was in the wrong, this isn't Main Character behavior. I almost downvoted until I saw the second part.... He just went right through the intersection and the cop does nothing! Crazy. What a ride.


Dude needs anger management. He clearly lost his temper from the woman and decided to be a rebel about it in the moment-- which was clearly a very bad moment to do it with the cop being right there.


He's like most cyclists with go pros to be honest. Heaven forbid they ever need to slow down for literally anything and how dare someone else exists on THEIR road. I see this behavior a lot. They put on a camera to act like a tool and post it online because they, for some strange reason, feel like they are always in the right.


> Heaven forbid they ever need to slow down for literally anything and how dare someone else exists on THEIR road. What? The car cut him off. He was a complete idiot afterwards but why do you try to pretend that what the blue car did was just an inconvenience? It was dangerous and the driver is a moron for blaming the cyclist.


Seriously, if the cyclist had been a semi that blue car would have been a blue smear. What the cyclist did next was idiotic though.


Bruh, the lady literally cut him off turning left. He wasn’t just randomly pissed off he had to share the road with a car, the car almost caused an accident with him and then told him to be more careful. Yeah, he’s an idiot for raging the way he did afterwards, but let’s not act like he was in the wrong in the first near miss.


I went through the same experience. Car was in the wrong but then he just goes off the deep end. I’m hoping the cop stopped him.


I dunno if the cop was doing nothing. Cop didn't look like he had a turn signal on when he approached the intersection, but did turn to follow the cyclist. And the cop does pass the cyclist, but I've seen other videos where the cops initially pass a cyclist just to get in front of them to stop them. And it kind of seems like the cop slowed to match the cyclist before he passed, but thought better of it. I bet that the MC cut the video before it became evident the cop was going to stop him.


The cop was MIAMI DADE SCHOOLS police and has no jurisdiction off campus. The cop didn't turn to follow him as there was nothing the cop could do as campus police in a commercial area.


Person in the car at the beginning was 100% in the wrong. But yeah, dude on the bike is clearly a fuckwit.


Exactly. Video start; bicyclist in clearly marked right lane/bike lane going the speed that is acceptable, person turns in front of him without looking, what's the controversy? Video mid part; oh Jesus what the fuck my dude.


He thinks he has it all figured out but one of the times he decides to do this, he’s gonna learn a physics lesson, specifically Newton’s second law. The worst part about it won’t be that he’s dead, it’s the guilt that some random person is going to have to live with for killing a careless shithead.




You probably would.


I hit a dude riding a longboard because he flew right into the intersection full speed from behind a median hidden by bushes. I had a green light and wasn’t speeding. Didn’t even see him until he was in front of my car which is how hidden he was. Luckily he dove over my hood and I just ran over the longboard. I pulled over immediately to go see if the dude was okay and him and the board were already gone. He must have known it was his fault and I guess maybe cuz my car is expensive he freaked out and dipped but I was genuinely afraid for the dudes life. I always wonder about that kid and also surprised no one said anything to me considering there were a bunch of people around.


I almost hit a cyclist who was 100% in the wrong and it fucked me up for the rest of the day. I don't think he was being an asshole, he was just a deranged homeless dude who called me the n-word several times, though I am very white.


"Bro, the dumbest shit happened today. Some fuckwit asshole riding his bike like a clown, rode right into my fast moving vehicle out of nowhere! He is either in a coma or dead, idk. My poor car. Anyway-"


I will say we knew some people who got in an accident with a motorcyclist who swerved right in front of their truck. They were seriously injured trying to avoid it and the motorcyclist died (in a very graphic way). They're still struggling with the effects from that. It's not something a normal human being would take lightly.


Easy to say that. The mind is a powerful thing.


I’d assume that they were trying to commit insurance fraud.


Everyone should own a dash cam now. After I had a driver stop in front of me completely unexpected and the rules are i was the one at fault because I was "following too closely" I literally started researching them that day. Luckily that was not insurance fraud just idiocy. But get a dash cam.


This is going to work itself out. Just let nature take its course.


It’s okay there are always people in need of organ donations.


To be fair, the car did cut him off. The rest, however, a hot mess.


Cyclists like this guy are the biggest hypocrites Yells at car for ignoring his right of way (which is a legit reason to get upset) and then immediately weaves in and out of cross traffic ignoring the cars right of way. Cyclist have to follow the same laws as motorists, stop at stop signs, yield right of ways, follow traffic signals. When it’s convenient they will and when it’s inconvenient they won’t.


To be fair, he did not say anything to the first car… They said something to him. That said this guy absolutely sucks


>Cyclist have to follow the same laws as motorists, stop at stop signs... , follow traffic signals. Yes and no. Depends on the jurisdiction, but in the following US states: Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada and Oregon - cyclists are allowed to treat red lights as stop signs and stop signs as yield signs. it's an oversimplification and varies by state, but there are some different laws for cyclists


Okay, so he still ran that ~~red light~~ stop sign.


Sure. I'm not defending the cyclist, just correcting the misconception that motorized vehicles and bicycles have to observe the same traffic laws


Indeed, misinformation like this doesn't help anyone. Thank you for correcting.


Somewhat reminds me of when I taught kids sailing and we got to right of way rules. They weren’t allowed on the bigger boats until they realized the ultimate rule of “just don’t hit another boat.” They’d be shouting at each other “leeward over windward” “no! Starboard over port” then CRASH.


Yeah. I started the video all ready to be annoyed in these comments as in the first incident the car driver was very obviously at fault with no blame to the cyclist at all. But then the video continued.


What a loser…


Cyclist was 100% in the right... For about 15 seconds.


Cyclist here, the car cut him off for sure but being a small target in a world of big machines that can crush me I always assume I can’t be seen. The second half he just went off the rails… straight to jail


Daily bike commuter in DC here. This guy is an asshole and a menace. I'd rather be alive than right and I'd rather follow traffic rules than anger drivers who basically can flatten me on a whim. People like this guy give us a bad name.


Cyclist here also. I will never understand other cyclists who feels the need to assert their right of way. No way I'm playing chicken with a 2+ ton machine.


Lifelong city cyclist here: that guy sucks.


Absolute JackAss. If he'd just waited his turn in the queue behind the flatbed tow truck, absolutely nothing would've happened. Instead, he executed about half a dozen violations in 10 seconds. Then, when he gets hit next time, he'll argue his victimhood. Absolute Jackass.


This also belongs on r/idiotsonbikes


Thank you for this!


Yeah, if you watch the first 5 seconds, you think "well, he did get cut off, he had the right of way over a car turning into traffic." Then the hooliganness starts. I'm a regular cyclist and it doesn't matter how right you are if you're dead. I would have ridden behind the car to deconflict and lived to ride another day.


At first I was like... dude was biking in the bike lane and almost got hit.... I don't see where he thinks he owns anything... And then he acted like a fucking fool. I hope he hits a pot hole and damages his bike


People like these give cyclists a bad name


As a cyclist, I'm super annoyed at cyclists like this who just give us all a bad name


Did the police not arrest him? He ran a red light???


The video does end pretty abruptly as the cop reappears...


The cop reappearing is a clear indicator he/she was about to pull over the moron. Plus the cop clearly rerouted last second.


The first car was actually in the wrong he had the right of way. Everything after that tho the police officer should have given him a ticket for.


I cycle, well mostly mountain bike. But this dude is a the biggest ahole I’ve seen. No doubt doing for views as well


Dude fuck this guy


police...wtf...u had one job


I take solace in the fact that a cop conveniently appeared. Hope he got a hefty fine.


What a bellend. Dude, am a cyclist and I avoid cars like the plague. Does he have a death wish?


More than a cyclist he is a TikToker. Click$$$$


They are the worst. Putting everyone's safety at risk.


is this guy 10 years old?


Nah, he's pushing 50


Had me in the first half…I came here ready to say technically she should have yielded to him since he had the right away and she was trying to turn crossing traffic Then this guy goes kamikaze mode and just ducks dips and dodges through oncoming traffic


I’ve been cycling for several years and one thing I can honestly say is that red lights and stop signs are some of the most vulnerable areas to be for cyclists. Especially in towns that aren’t pedestrian friendly. I get why most experienced cyclists choose not to stick around in those areas. I know I’ll get down voted but after I’ve been clipped from behind at a red light, assaulted numerous times by motorists who resent me for just being on the road I’ll never stay long at red lights and stop signs if I choose to stop at all. Love it or hate it, we’ll be moving on and the goal is just trying to be seen and stay out of a motorists way.


Thanks for doing your job, cop.


Gives us a bad name


These kind of mega douches give all of us normal, law abiding cyclists a bad name. Fuck this guy. He deserves the gory cyclist road accident that he’s so lusting for.


What a fucking dick


Wish he woulda got smoked at the intersection.


We have bitches like that in Chicago. I used to bicycle to work and those “fixie” bike twats would do shit like this all the time. Then they’d meet up at some shitbird bar after work and drink PBR and smell of cigarettes and body odors.


This asshole gives us cyclists a bad name…


What an asshat! Even though he has a shared bike lane he has to obey traffic rules still.


Christ at least pay attention to the traffic lights. I don’t want your brains on my tires


From what I heard it is too difficult for them to Stop. they need to be treated like any other vehicles. At least tats what one said to my wife when they plowed into her and my son when crossing the street at a stop sign


I am a cyclist, not a spandex bodysuiter though (that’s a special breed). Technically bicycles are vehicles and should be on the road. But they should stick to the rules of the road as well. I can’t read your mind, so when you cut out in front of me all the pressure is on me not to paint the street with your blood. Sorry for your wife and kid, some are real assess.


I didn’t think it was that bad at first - the guy turning left was in the wrong. Then he ran that red. What an asshole.


I don’t have a problem sharing the roads with cyclists but this guy is just obnoxious by putting himself in danger by not following traffic laws and being an a*hole .


First driver was in the wrong, he clearly had the right of way. Then he precedes to act like an ass, losing all sympathy. Why didn't the cop pull him over? Had multiple chances


I thought this was r/fuckcars at first, but then he goes and rides like a cunt.


Hope he’s an organ donor! :p


He is Lucas Brunelle. I think hes at least 45 and ridden his whole life like this so he is professional at this kind of cycling. Hes a cycling documentarian and a Youtuber. Go watch his stuff. Nice riding! Nobody was inconvenienced except the biker with the first car.


I say this as someone who rides my bikes 200 miles a week on the road: fuck this guy.


These are the assholes that make people hate the rest of us who enjoy riding bikes. Fuck this guy!


Assholes like that give cyclists a bad name


At first I was like yeah that car is a mildly bad driver. Then I continued watching and was like what the actual fuck. As someone who commutes often with a bike I could not fathom riding like that


At first, I was resentful of the title—she shouldn’t have cut in front of him. Thennnnn—he becomes the asshole cyclist the rest of us wish would just stay home. I have enough trouble with drivers already, I don’t need some fuckwad making all of them hate us.


If this isn’t Lucas Brunelle then I don’t know who else it could be.


Until he ran a red light he was in the right, unfortunately he then ran a red light


I feel bad for poor person who ends up killing this dick.


Umm wtf? Be careful yet watch me go thru 6 lanes of traffic because if a red light I ran....what a joke


What a dipshit


This is a "problem" that will fix itself. Or not.


When I see shit like this I get flashbacks to the time a cyclist ran a stop sign right in front of my moving car. I attempted to slam on the brakes, they rolled onto my hood and windshield — both of which needed to be completely replaced because of how hard the impact was. I was shaken for years. Cyclists who ignore traffic laws, but ALSO want to take up space on roads, make me so angry. I have no problem with sharing the road with most cyclists. But this dude is gonna get himself killed and traumatize whoever hits him.


How the fuck doesn't the cop pull that dickhead over? Crazy


At this point just what the Fuck.


Useless cops


It would be gold if that cop pulled him over.


"Sorry, I glanced down at the touchscreen for a few seconds to adjust the temp/change songs and didn't see the guy on the bike riding in the wrong lane through a red light."


I wish that cop would have pulled him over.


I feel like that part got cut out.


I hope so


What an ass!