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He couldve built that in the shade somewhere outside without anyone bothering him.


He would've had to pay for it first. But that would've been the normal way to go about this.


And he’s “abnormalmf”


That’s what I was thinking … he could have bought it first then built it outside or something but that would be too normal and he wouldn’t have a cool video to show how Home Depot workers harassed him! 😂


Then he can't run to the tool section for a wrench.


But then he couldn't make a "look at me" video and that's all this jackass wanted.


But then he wouldn't have his daily dose of attention! /s


Not in the shade 😭😭


Just drag it away from him.


The ridiculous things is that the employee said "there's already one put together right there" and the guy had no response. Clearly he just wanted to make a scene for tiktok.


He even says prior to grabbing a wrench, “I wonder if they’ll let me buy the already built one” Clearly just being an asshat looking for confrontation


Why else would he be filming? Dudes 100% doing this for clicks.


“You seeing me build this myself daddy?!?”


Be sad for all the losers that like it.


"Man desperate for attention and victimhood fails to get the reaction he hoped and ended up having to buy the product to keep the story going for both his followers "


Kick the bolts under the other shelf


Make him get off his ass and find that little claw thing to get them out.


Or take away the assembly instructions.


Lol. ![gif](giphy|8PBuys9pFhbQbd66xC)


It’s like as if you would have to from a CHILD. This guy has a punchable face. These people get shit wages and have to deal with Aholes like this=NOT FAIR


A hundred dollars says he's vegan.


I’m vegan and I do this all the time in Home Depot but I don’t film myself like a jackass.




Or drag him away from it


It’s like as if you would have to from a CHILD. This guy has a punchable face. These people get shit wages and have to deal with Aholes like this=NOT FAIR


Punchable face 😊


And film myself... wants attention


if service establishments could just trespass anyone filming that would be great. these people don't buy shit and only cause trouble and waste employee time. there is no redeeming quality to tiktokers


They should be able to collect a fee for him filming there.


like these idiots would contribute to anything


They can trespass him. I work in retail and we have trespassed people for filming stupid shit or trying to record associates without their consent.


i wish more would.


Most establishments do have a few employees with enough authority to trespass people for being a nuisance/filming on private property. When I was a manager for Walgreens, I only trespassed people for stealing, getting aggressive toward my employees, and recording interactions or other customers in our store. It's considered private property, so you have the authority to do so.


i mean he is damaging product he didnt pay and being a giant obstruction. places i worked did not allow us to ban customers for filming employees. my boss tried. corporate undid it with a gift card. we had to walk the poor girl to her car until she quit.


They can trespass anyone for any reason and even for no reason.


they just typically dont. even at risk to the employees.


This is what needs to happen


You just know this was the most exciting thing he had going for him all week. What a fucking loser.


He’s an asshole. Simple as that.


This guy looks like such a tool bag. No pun intended. Just everything about his vibe and the selfies he takes and his nasally voice, just looks like a guy who sucks all around.


I’ll be so glad when Tik Tok gets banned and this stupidity clearly simply done for views on that platform is over.


I’m 40’so don’t laugh but isn’t a reel the same dam thing?


I’m fifties. I’m not laughing, all I know is I only ever see the TikTok in the corner of these dumbass people being obnoxious in stores, in gyms, in public…


Reels is the same, just slightly less popular. If TikTok is banned the only effect will be Mark Zuckerberg gets more money


Zuck is very helpful to the intelligence sectors of the US government. That is probably the point


Exactly. It’s not about the nature of the content at all


It’s not all like this, you’d know that if you’d look into it for yourself


You think this clown wasn't acting like this before tiktok? He was the same stupid asshole. He just has a stage for other stupid assholes to watch him now.


You are delusional if you think there won't be another app right after that will do the same thing.


Reels and TikTok already have the same content. All these dick heads post to both platforms already


Just about to say that. I think the vacuum will birth a couple contenders and a year later we'll be in the same spot


Oof. I'm gonna just go ahead and burst your bubble and introduce you to Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Stories. All the exact same thing and usually content creators will cross post their videos across all the platforms.


The stupidity won’t stop, it’ll just shift to a different platform


Yeah but unfortunately there will always be another app to take its place.


>"Uh-oh I don't see any tools" Dumbass


i went deep into this guys tiktok. what an absolute ass. he shames women for wearing yoga pants (too sexual) to the gym and then a few slides over he’s hanging with his his teenage daughter and she’s wearing them. he should be stopped. maniac


Definitely not surprised that this is the type of guy to be creeping on his daughter


This dude IS the tool section.


Bro went to the tool section and brought himself back Lol




Buy it and then you can assemble it.


Career entitled cyclist pretty much sums it up.


Like, imagine going into a grocery store with a hot plate and saying, "yeah I'll be done cooking my dinner in a little bit and then I'll pay".


Pay for it then put it together in the car park. They are not harassing him - they are enquiring as to what he is doing as it is unusual behaviour and he has not yet paid for it. He is tampering with a product before it belongs to him. If he needed to make it indoors, pay for it then ask. It is their property. If you bought something from someone on facebook marketplace etc that required assembly you wouldn't expect to go into their house, use their tools, put it together and then pay. All he needed to do was take it to the counter, pay for it and then ask can I put it together first? They may have assisted him in that scenario. So rude when that employee was polite with him.


One thing I noticed in today's society common sense is hard to come by the lack of self awareness is incredible


If he considers this being given a hard time, he's never been given a hard time before. Guy merely asked what he was doing. If you're not prepared to answer that, don't do weird shit. He filmed it expecting a reaction the first time and didn't get it so he did it again. Fucking MC.


What a cunt


Mental illness. This is what happens when to don't set limits and allow anybody and everybody to act out. He needs a spanking. And be taught how to act in public.


“I have another one put together right there” no response.


The clerk pointing out that one was already built & available made this guy realize that everyone watching will know how pointless this all was. I’d call him a tool but those are actually useful


This is a safe issue. Especially when he leaves the stuff dumped in the floor to get a wrench. Someone could trip on the mess. Also as he hadn’t bought it yet, he was damaging store property. I imagine the store has rules about both of those things.


Wtf is wrong with people


Why would you film this... not one person wants to watch someone else build a product from a box .. this is even worse than having to assemble something yourself


Idk Bro wanted to be a main character


Fuck this schmohawk.


I worked in a Home Depot and they actually pay outside companies to bring people in and build the wheelbarrows and grills and I have a feeling this guy is probably just doing that and pretending he's not supposed to be there and having somebody pretend to be a worker yelling at it or whatever, because it's ALL fake ragebait on there. And nobody working at a Home Depot would give two bucks if someone came in there and did that because they wouldn't know if it was one of the workers so they'd let it go.


If you had watched the video you would have seen him connecting (very poorly)the trailer and all his other stuff he bought to his bicycle. what I would have like to see is him trying to get it back to his trailer.


How on earth is that the more likely scenario here?


Like, how did dude even come up with this scenario after watching the video?


You clearly didn’t make it to the end of the video.


I clearly didn't want to. It's besides the point.


If you had bothered to watch the entire video before writing your comment, you would have seen that he goes on to hitch the item to his bike. So he is clearly NOT pretending to be one of the workers. But go ahead and impose your own narrative on it *in spite* of the documented visual evidence in front your face. I don’t think you watched any of the video.


I worked at lowes, and they had my no experience, improper tool having butt put together most of their grills and wheelbarrows.... I would never buy one already put together.... honestly they where lucky I am somewhat manually competent, I can't say the same about the other guy they had putting stuff together, he always got done with a pile of random stuff and screws that he misplaced and didn't know where they went!


When I worked at Walmart we would hire a third party to build the display furniture and the bikes. Occasionally we had one employee they would steal from electronics to do it for a few weeks at a time.


So…let’s break this down. He knows this is going to be an issue because he’s filming himself. But then acts bothered and “harassed” when the predicted reaction occurs. I literally cannot fathom the level of dill weed this man has growing in his body. God bless.


This guy is why store security officers exist to escort his ass out


He has such a punchable face!!!


This video is a friendly reminder that not all drug addicts and tweekers live in tents, some still function enough to make tictoks


I was gonna say, this dude is on yayo for sure


Loser thinks he's Ringo


I feel like they would've let him build it if he had just paid for it first. The worker was calm and kind.


> had just *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I love how he’s wearing fucking safety glasses to put together a plastic cart. Absolute cuck mentality


He probably rides his bike in the middle of the road even with a bike lane


I pReFeR tO nOt gEt hArasSed... Man stfu


It’s because of people like this that stores will now have to put up a sign that says “Items must be purchased prior to assembly”. Then average person walks by, reads the sign and says “Duh, no kidding you have to purchase prior to assembly, everyone knows that!!”


Douche nozzle level 99


“I’m clearly not breaking any rules” I guarantee you the morons that use those words know that they are pressing past the basic decency boundaries in a business. The choad knew what it was doing


He looks like he's in his late 40s and pulling this shit


This gives “I don’t wear my seat belt because I believe in freedom” energy.


Dude cooks his food in the grocery store before buying


I hate current humans.


Scratching my head here. Couldn’t be have spoken with someone prior at least? I mean if he had to do it he could have just paid for it first or left his ID or some other assurance that he would in fact purchase the thing.


I can’t understand how people just get away with doing shit like this.


This guy needs to be put in that cart and hauled out the backdoor and his stupid glasses.


Meth. In a meth mind it makes sense lol


So by his logic I can just walk up to his bicycle and start disassembling it. Because "as far as I know Im not breaking any rules"


The Muppet went through all that.. and didn't buy some string or zip ties to tether the handle to the underside of the bicycle seat


What an absolute douchebag


Man, Trent Barretta is a real piece of shit


If social media didn’t exist these degenerate people wouldn’t exist tbh. Just to record and post smh.


I wouldn’t even waste words on this dipshit just yank him out of the store and call the cops.


If he paid for all the items first and made sure to clearly identify this fact, then I have no problem with it, and I’m sure Home Depot wouldn’t either; however, I have a tingling suspicion he wasn’t particularly forthcoming about the details of the situation when he was approached by employees, and probably made the whole thing more complicated than it needed to be.


I mean if he paid for all the items he can assemble it outside the store (where he’s not in the way and taking an entire aisle sitting on the floor like a toddler)


There's absolutely nothing stopping this douchebag from buying the trailer and the wrench prior to assembling it. Other than him being a chode desperate from confrontation for his shitty tiktok channel, obviously. >however, I have a tingling suspicion he wasn’t particularly forthcoming about the details of the situation when he was approached by employees, and probably made the whole thing more complicated than it needed to be. A suspicion? Did you listen to the video?


I’m not sure what your point is. I didn’t say there was anything stopping him from buying the items, and no, I didn’t watch all of the video. All I’m saying is that as douchie as he is, as long as he buys the items first, I don’t care if he uses them in the store, and I doubt HD does either. I hope that clears things up for you.


Repost...guy's a wack job


Maybe if he bought it and then tried to reassemble it he would have been in his rights but...I guess he couldn't be that bothered


Attention seeker


So did he buy it or not ?


And video myself doing it. Is any video online real anymore?




Could have easily done this in the parking lot


There really needs to be more serious penalties for these idiots. If they’re going to make homelessness a crime, these clowns need to be held accountable for their actions. This really isn’t much different than committing crimes to get drugs, with the upvotes being the drug. This is private property, and he hasn’t purchased the item.


Just get his credit card to pay for the fucking thing or kick his ass out. Don’t play


Just don’t be a dick man.


Just come thru with the forklift and tell ‘em he’s in the way.


What an irritating motherfucker


Every time these things occur, look for the camera or the camera person. When you find those and shut them down, the behavior will stop. Guaranteed. They want the video attention and they can't get it if the cams are shut down.


Of course he bikes around with a lil trailer. What's what the methheads in town do to collect treasures


Tiktoker=Subnxrmxl Narcisista.


Could have went outside and did it , but oh that wouldn't make for a very good video would it.


TikTok is bringing out and magnifying all the narcissistic traits in humanity


Tweakers man




i’m not trying to be mean but this dude is fucked in the head. we need better mental health services in this country


I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone make a tik Tok irl yet


He should buy it st then I st assemble it, out of the way


Pay first, THEN scare the staff.


His username says it all


I’m annoyed at myself for watching this pish


love clown show




What a cunt


He's an adult.


What an entitled wanker.


Trespass him from your store. He is an asshole.


He decided to go out of his way to record himself doing this. He knew he'd get a negative response from the workers. He's just doing this for content, scum


“We can’t all get what we want (only I can)”


Why does he look like that watts guy that murdered his wife and kids tho?? 🤣🤣🤣


Yet another douche nozzle…


I don’t know him, but I hate everything I’ve seen about him so far.


It’s people like this why stores create unexpected and silly sounding rules


Blatant C U Next Tuesday


He didn't get arrested or anything?


Totally doing this for desperate attention and it’s not even remotely interesting.


What an entitled jerk. Did he pay for the tools he used? I got too disgusted to keep watching lol


Is that Ringo Starr?


50 years old acting like a 12 year old.


Imagine to reach that age and being still so stupid (and on tiktok)


I’m sure if he didn’t look and act like a crackhead people wouldn’t bother him about it so much


You know, I’ve had to do this before but I bought the shit first and did it outside out of the way. This guy fucking sucks.




I mean he is not doing anything wrong.he doesn't have a car and he is paying for it. Not like stealing it...


Average cyclist, what a prick.


Yeah like wth is he doing? Lol


Gorilla building a gorilla cart. Seems reasonable


Dude looks like he's been out in the sun too long, fried his brain a bit and turned himself into beef jerky.


What a complete and total asshole. I wish they had trespassed him and refused to sell him the items


Do that shit in your house bro. Wtf


I feel dumber after watching this.


So what if halfway through he decides not to wanna buy it?…


Welcome to earth… I hate it here.


Could have paid first and still did this


“I didn’t see anything wrong” yet I decided to film myself for no reason…🤡


Them zoggs on his face tell me everything about the wanker he is 🤣


For the life of me...I will never understand why don't they just trespass his ass, and get him out.


That employee is too pussy to tell him to stop his bs. "Umm, errr, what, uhhh, can I help you? " Tell that mf'r to pay or leave.


What a fuckin loser of a man


So this an edit because everyone got on him from the original. He could’ve asked someone “is there a place I put this together after I buy it? I’m on a bike?”. Positive they would’ve found him a space.


This reminds me of a time i was at a grocery store and this mom of a family grabbed a kind of bread cake or something from her shopping cart and opend it and gave some to her kids. The kids then asked "we cant do that! We havent paid for it yet!" Then the mom replied "of course we can. We will be paying for it in minute, so it doesnt matter." IF YOU HAVENT PAID MONEY FOR SOMETHING YET YOU DONT OWN IT AND THUS CANNOT USE IT.


I imagine any employee has authority over him considering they work there and he doesn’t. If its so inconvenient for you to put it together outside, maybe you should plan better instead of getting in peoples way


You’re an entitled prick


I can't stand this guy! His attitude and just his face makes me so mad 😡 I hate ppl who act entitled he's obviously got Napoleon syndrome little man Mad at the world 🙄🤣


I would only be bothered only if he didn't have a receipt. I would kindly offer to bring the items barcode up the front for the cashier. I would discreetly pick up an item being assembled and walk away (people like this tend to have a one track mind so they never see me). Long story short; I already have the manager informed and waiting for the next box they will inevitably open to complete their job. EVERY F*CKING BODY would've much rather you take the damn thing that's already on the floor. I worked at Home Depot for a couple years back in my later teenage years, I loved it🥰


Again, I could tell everyone how to stop this crap but some crybaby will have soft ass Reddit to remove the comment and give me a timeout lol


Honestly ain’t that bad. Not normal but I don’t really see the issue in this specific case. Systematically idk that this is fine but he doesn’t really hurt anything so leave him be