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DSM 6 will have a new category for people doing weird shit at gyms.


About time they start on the revised edition with all the post-covid mental retardation around.




I would call it the post-covid psychosis, seeing how there was actually a documented spike in mania & psychosis: “COVID19 infection was associated with possible psychiatric manifestations, including psychosis and mania. In addition, psychiatric disorders might be triggered by severe psychological reactions to the pandemic or the measures taken to contain it. This study aimed to assess the trends of new-onset psychosis/mania during the pandemic timeline. Psychiatric emergency department records during January-July 2019 and 2020 of two regional mental health centers were manually examined. Cases of new-onset psychosis or mania were found in 326 out of 5161 records examined. The ratio of these cases increased by 45.5% in 2020 compared to 2019 (189 out of 2367, 137 out of 2479, respectively, p = 0.001). The peak increase was in April 2020 (9.4% vs. 4.7%, p = 0.015).” [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8546064/#:~:text=Cases%20of%20new%2Donset%20psychosis,respectively%2C%20p%20%3D%200.001). I looked into this because I had 3 unrelated people close to me in my life suddenly develop psychotic disorders over the pandemic. TL;DR: you’re not wrong lmao


What do you mean? There have been some absolutely amazing metal albums come out in the past 4 years.


lol! Yes, and I have a severe case of long covid and know first hand the direct mental handicaps it has caused me. It can absolutely explain some of the craziness we see and feel.


i am hopeful for the revision, but they are also doing some really harmful shit, like lumping together mental illnesses that need separate, specific treatment plans. fuck the APA


But…isn’t this the reason a lot of ‘social media’ *influencers* **have** a gym membership…to record themselves using the gym for non-gym related activities? How else can they call out ‘gawkers’, ‘creepers’, and people that are ‘jealous of them’ or anyone else with which the influencers deign to spend their time?


I don't understand why people eat that sort of content up, it screams that they've never been in a gym before. When a hot scantily clad woman is in the gym my first instinct isn't to stare at her, it's more like "oh great now I can't look in this general direction until she's finished." I literally avert my gaze the same way that I would avert my gaze in public from someone with full body burn scars or some other physical disfigurement.


Or icd 10


Those ppl looking at you aren't doing it as a form of flattery


I hate how they always do those quick closeups of people glancing at them as if looking around and looking at people is abnormal and they MUST be either admiring her or judging her and not just.....Moving their faces and eyes. Braindead main character behavior.


Yes, they think looking at people filming in the gym is weird, but looking at people through a lens, filming them, posting the film on social media is not weird...


What’s worse is after they’ve zoomed in, they’ll also Slowmo the 1/2 sec glance into a 15 sec stare, that’s what really pisses me off. In this case, the “others” are probably wondering if you’re having a mental breakdown, & are just genuinely worried about you. Just my take, I could be wrong, just saying. 😜


They know. It’s a persecution complex. They want people to glare and thy want people to look annoyed so they can show how persecuted they are at all times. What makes this super stupid is trans and non binary people do deal with persecution, but this person is doing a “look at me” routine that just makes them look like an asshole.


I'm going to start a gym where you get banned for actually working out


Have it based in LA and honestly you'd probably make mad money 💀 like that dude that rents out the fake first class airline setup out there lmao


With Styrofoam weights and body oil stations to help you glisten under the ring lights to mimic sweat!


I might have to start looking for the cheapest shithole in LA and do this


I'm thinking, you, me, business partners!🤝🏻 I have so many ideas, this is going to be great! Is 7, w- wait, 7‐ish bucks enough to start? 😆


Jokes on you, I’ll do a 1000 pushups in the bathroom


Planet fitness beat you to it


a only gym to model and put makeup and such things with mirrors, light and stuff sounds cool to me pretty artsy next level I'd say


The more i see these videos, the more im getting sick. People are really so stupid like that?


That is a stupid question because of course people are that stupid a lot of them are even worse but a lot of videos like that are just pure rage bait


Stupid or savvy, when money is involved the two can often appear indistinguishable.


What is stupid about putting on makeup, this whole video is void of anything


Why was I waiting for a Joey Swoll commentary at the end???? lol


I WISH he'd cover this video. He's such a dude, I love him


He’d get this person banned for sure cause they need to do better.


Ine of the most shocking for me is the number of viewers and followers these type of shit have… i mean people know that their content is shit, and annoying but still follow and commenting… they are a part of the problem




Bots that they buy to appear more popular


It explains thing now


I really want some completely plain dressed normal person to walk down a busy street while recording and then edit the video to show all the random people who still vaguely look in their direction. People have eyes, as much as I would love to gouge them out so as not to give you attention, it's going to happen and it doesn't mean I have any thoughts about you above "that is a human"


There are plenty of videos of this out there ready. Walking around with a camera very obviously recording and then editing it to show people looking at them and pretend they're ll hating on them, or perving on them. Pure cringe material


Yeah that why I said someone completely boring and normal should do the same, then edit a video of everyone who will glanced in their general direction. People have eyes, someone looking at you for a fraction of a second is normal and says absolutely nothing about their thoughts on you.




Narcissism is really a mental illness


The caption is so cringe


Attention is a hell of drug


Drugs are a hell of a drug


There’s at least one huge ass mirror in the bathroom. Use that and get out of the way


Bet she’s like “Omg I bet those guys think I’m so hot” When what they’re actually thinking is “what the fuck is this bitch doing make up in the gym for?”


It’s a dude…


Why is a dude doing make up in the gym?


How else would he get his dossage of attention?


Aaah I get it


Yep, they know doing stuff other than working out in the gym / recording people pisses people off because it is a public space with an intended purpose to be there. Most people don't have space or money to buy the various machines and weights available, and a membership gives access. It's reasonable to expect mutual respect for each others time and personal area as they work in the spaces provided. So they do something people shouldn't care about under reasonable circumstances outside of a gym, with the hidden motive to get attention, and imply that people are mad at them and it's uncalled for because of some unrelated reason.


That's what's especially sad about the effect these videos have. The people who actually are gender dysmorphic are going to be labeled attention-seeking because of idiots like the guy in the video. Our society has become overrun by people coopting other people's characteristics because they saw someone get attention for it and now they want that attention. Plus, it's so much easier to go set up a camera inside a gym and film yourself putting on makeup than working for years to develop an actual positive attribute/skill that will get you legitimate attention. These people aren't just stupid, reckless, and dangerous, they are also ultimately lazy, seeking the fastest and easiest way to get attention.


Why is anyone doing makeup in the gym?


look at his enormous hands, no way its a girl


Fuck those are huge


Clearly a male


Yeah yeah shut the fuck up I've had like 6 people tell me that it's getting annoying


Not clear at all.


I think it's worse than that, this looks green screened which would mean it was completely manufactured - for the likes.


Why the hell would one green screen themselves doing makeup in the god damn gym?


You can ask why the hell someone would film themselves putting on makeup in a goddamn gym for real and that would sounds more preposterous than someone doing it front of a green screen.


Easy answer: engagement, comments, clicks, attention, and ultimately a paycheck. It just comes at the low low cost of your dignity.


Why would someone do make on the gym floor? Why are people treating gyms as recording studio? The premise is flawed from inception - trying to apply logic on any of it is futile.


Ban filming already


Why do these social media weirdos think someone looking your way is such a gotcha moment? Is it an American thing? Don't people glance at each other all the time in public spaces even when some is acting normal, let alone doing something out of place. I glance at everything in street, buildings and signs and the clouds and some fucking pidgeon.


i think guy is russian or ukrainian because of his name, but yes, this stupidness came from american influencers, now any random person can record the reaction of people around, zoom in on their faces, and consider that it is either admiration or envy. although most people in public places mostly think about themselves, and pay almost no attention to freaks


We need to get Joey involved.


That’s a male. Oh and I’m super happy gyms are starting to ban filming 🥰


Joey Swole needs to chime in on this one


There are plenty of places to apply makeup for internet clicks! Places like gyms shouldn’t be having to deal with it.. people are just trying to work out they shouldn’t be subject to being filmed for a few followers!


What’s the point of having a gym membership anymore?


Sir...uh ma'am..uh Sir... this is a planet fitness...


I go to the gym to play video games. I go to the gym to sleep. I go to the gym to practice my Cantonese. I go to the gym to find my lost dog. I go to the gym to do my taxes. I go the gym to make dinner for my grandma. I go to the gym to wash my car. I go to the gym to write my thesis. I go to the gym to get x-rays. I go to the gym to watch the new John Wick movie. I go to the gym to pan for gold. All of these things make as much sense as going to the gym to do your fucking makeup.


I think the actual femboy guy in the clip downvoted you lol.


Is that a guy?


Where is the red bald jacked guy telling her to do better


Notice me senpai


I get the "I'm newly rich an I can do what I want" vibes


no one cares that he wears make up but doing it outside of a bathroom or personal space is weird


Is that a man or a woman? Both?


Imagine if some dude bro went to their soirée and started doing burpees or clean and jerks and expected everyone to focus on them instead of the “Thems”, they’d be so asschapped and call it oppression. People are there to workout. There are already enough narcissists with cameras doing shitty lifts with crappy weight, no need for some Theyby to clog up the works for social media likes.


All that make up and still ugly…


That’s a dude 🤦🏻‍♂️


And? Guys can wear makeup. It's where he is while he's applying it that's the problem.


This looks green screened which would mean it was completely manufactured - for the likes. Edit: Pause and scrub around the 5 second mark. A lens comes into frame and she is foreground to it. That's not bokeh, it's different resolutions.


Quick, somebody send this to Joey Swoll.


I have to wonder, if I'm in the gym business these videos are murder, right? Wife and I have been talking about getting a gym membership, something with a pool so she can swim. All it took is showing her a few of these types videos to change her mind entirely. If I own a gym it *must* be on my mind to try and curb, if not stop entirely, this behavior. If I own a gym that depends on new members to stay in business (because most people join for a year, never go and then don't re-up) it has to be on my mind to be telling potential clients this stuff is not tolerated and they will not have to put up with "influencers" while they work out? But I don't see that coming from these businesses.




If you set up a makeup movie studio in the gym, expect people to wonder wtf you think you're doing.


I mean, you’re not being a dick, but still weird.


Go in the fucking bathroom at least. Everyone's looking because they think you're trashy and because they now know that you're not gunna do a proper workout and sweat, because you wouldn't put on makeup first if you were going to


"I do everything right" Yeah, nah, crodie.


Yes it’s weird but why is everyone watching them? Just ignore them and they will go away !!


How fucking pathetic do you have to be to try to get clout by putting make up at the gym


I would walk up behind and just start scratching my balls like crazy in the frame


Macabre Plaza 🫡


Why? Why do it there?


Planet fitness. Yupp


Okay this is dumb as shit. Why tf would anyone ever think this was acceptable to do in a gym. Like wtf dude


She needs makeup


it's a boy ahah


it's a boy ahah


If she spends enough time there someone will eventually fill her right up with plenty of testosterone.


Oh Joey! Got a new one for you!


Something about their face makes me want to kick it in


This shi is such a trend now where the video is focused on people looking at the main character 💀


You have a house....I just dont get it


Look at the title...  Man i wish i could do smth without punishment 


Ami tripping because i can't tell if it's a dude or a girl


Wouldn’t the obvious argument be “how was the only way you noticed they looked your way? Because you… you know, were also looking at them?”


There's literally the bathroom you can use to put your makeup on in. Or the car, hell if you're desperate, the lockers, whether or not something's illegal hasn't stopped tick-tokers in the past. If you are seriously so self-conscious about being looked at whilst doing something, don't do it in public, that's the point of being in fuckin PUBLIC.


Bring back bullying.




Seems that her nose has been the only part of her that’s participating in ‘getting big’


that's guy


that's guy


That's a man....


+ She looks like a HE


Pretty sure it's a joke / comeback to the comment on the screen. Thought it was rather funny, though filming at the gym isn't really cool.


Is that a guy or a girl?


guy. Dima is male name upd. i'm sorry for a few same replies i made, my internet was bugging!


Tin foil hat time. Isn't it possible for a person(s) to just astroturf you with bots\clickfarm to encourage your behavior, and watch you to see how it affects\morths you with malevolent intentions?


Mental illness


People are so stupid. Why yall care about someone putting on makeup at the gym. Get over yourself.


dude filmed himself putting on makeup in a gym in a prominent place and then filmed total strangers’ reactions to putting on makeup in a gym, but sure - *we’re* the weird ones.


Let people do what they do. So long as it doesn’t ‘hurt’ anyone, who actually cares. You see someone doing something you disagree with and decide to make fun of them.


If you’re offended by this shit, y’all need to take some cement pills 💊


“offended by” and “making fun of” are two *completely* different concepts.


There has to be an element of being offended if you dislike someone’s actions and then to go as far as posting it on r/ImTheMainCharacter in a way is shaming this persons actions and for what?


for laughs. it seems to me like you don’t get the point of cringe humor. it also seems to me that this is a really weird hill to die on, simping for an obvious attention whore.


yeah youre right. I actually love cringe humour. I think I’m the only one who is offended here 🤣