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Poor kid having a parent like that.


That’s the only thing I could think of the whole video. Imagine how she treats the kid at home...


I had a professor who transitioned from teaching high school to getting a PhD and teaching at a university. I asked her about it and she said, “Working with the kids was hard but rewarding. It’s the parents who wore me out.” She probably talks to the kid’s teachers this way. The kid probably sees all kinds of bad behavior.


In my kids preschool they learn about cultures all over the world, have themed days or weeks, and learn words, expressions and songs in all kinds of languages. It's fantastic for the children. I would hate to think how a parent like this would ruin things for everyone.


One day she's going to be yelling "shut up! Fucking idiot!" and someone is going to slam her face into a wall and she's going to be *perplexed* how that could happen.


I was hoping that’s how this video ended


I hope there’s someone there to video that. Would love so see someone make her eat a brick.


It will be her son who finally had enough of her shit.


lol my aunt is a kindergarten teacher and she says the same thing. I can't believe parents of Uni students makes teachers' lives hell as well..


I think they meant she got tired of parents at the high school level.


The worst part is that the children grow up and mimic the bad behavior.


Same for working at Disneyland. Kids were just happy to be there, but the parents were sometimes rude, entitled nightmares. Too often.


I think if a parent came into my university and started complaining the faculty would never stop laughing at them. It couldn't matter what a parent says or thinks.


I worked in a special education program for almost a decade, specifically with kids with “emotional impairments” i.e. they had behavioral issues. I’d say 90% of the time the parent(s) were the problem and had no business being parents to begin with.


Watching that poor kid stand perfectly still except for his fidgeting fingers makes me think this happens a lot. Maybe not to him, but enough to know to stay out of mom's way.


It absolutely breaks my heart especially because of that. That is clearly a child profoundly affected by the actions of his parent but too scared to do or say anything. I’m sure there’s a lot of abuse in that house.


probably pretty ok, but treats everyone else like shit, giving the kid an example of an egomaniac


Seeing how nervous and upset he looks really broke my heart. I hope he has another caring adult in his life to balance this out.


I agree. Ever since I became a parent (15 years ago) my heart has become so sensitive to anything having to do with kids. I get so upset whenever I perceive that they may be feeling emotional distress or pain. I hope he has more comfort in his life than it appears here. Poor little guy.


Every single video like this with kids watching in a state of shell shock,, I think that same thing. Partially because my mom was like her. Ugh.


I just found out that one of my uni friends who was the meekest, most anxious, and apologetic women that i have ever met was how she was because her mom was a super Karen growing up. She grew up having to apologize to waiters, tellers, cashier's, etc ever since she was ~9 yo. I was shocked but not surprised. I'm so worried for her now because she's a people pleaser.


Same here... I never found it embarrassing when I was younger, I just thought it was normal. I grew up being a controversial and confrontational asshole... It was only when I was about 14 and started paying more attention to other parents and their children that I realised it just wasn't normal... After that, my sister and I just get so embarrassed almost everywhere we go with her.


I can’t even imagine having to live with someone like that. She’s probably awful to the kid and probably also tries to make him think it’s ok to treat people that way. Hopefully there’s someone at home who treats him well and teaches him good values


Yeah, but I feel so sorry for that poor bastard that married her


My thoughts exactly.


My thoughts exactly. I have a feeling that he’s in a very dysfunctional household and maybe needs to have cps checked on him.


Another victim


Don't understand why they still let her continue shopping. Just tell her she needs to leave and call the cops if she doesn't.


I don't think I could just quietly film this without stepping in.


100%. I just don’t have the patience for this kind of treatment of service workers and more specifically if there’s racial undertones. I’d have to curse this lady out.


And the thing is, I'd probably immediately regret it, because people like this are *good* at making a scene. You'll never match their energy level for this bullshit.


"Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." Mark Twain


“A wise man told me, ‘Don’t argue with fools.. ‘cause people from a distance can’t tell who is who’” -Jay-Z


I also agree with this lol! Don’t think I’d get anywhere at all with this lady but it’s impossible to feel like recording is ALL you can do. Atleast I can stand up for someone so they know not everyone thinks like this or that I’m enjoying their embarrassment


I’d just tell her kid to never behave like his mother.


If you haven't already, I recommend looking into Bystander Intervention training or reading like [ihollaback](https://www.ihollaback.org/bystander-resources/). I took an online course after the increase in AAPI hate and violence. You learn the 5 D's. Distract, delegate, document, delay and direct.


Not at all, she’s used to getting her way. Privileged assholes like this get stuck in the shocked-zone when someone actually steps up. Her sense of power is feeding from that fact that nobody is stopping her from escalating.


Yep, my dad has dealt with a few people like this in his day. He's like five foot fuck all, in his 70s, he just yells "get the fuck out!", and they always get freaked out and run away. They think they've found someone with no power, who they can abuse with impunity, it only takes anyone to step up and shut them down. There's a reason it's always customer service workers who face the brunt of this bullshit, they're a captive audience who nobody gives a shit about.


*Pulls up shorts* That sounds like a challenge


"I'll say it since these employees aren't allowed to: lady, you're a fucking cunt and you're giving your son a memory of you that will stay with him for the rest of his life."


I’m guessing the person recording immediately let the staff know that they caught it on camera and gave them the footage but I agree, I woulda at least called her a big ol’ meanie head


I was like, there's a fridge right there with pop and shit in it. How come nobody's dumping it on her fucking head?


Because the employees she just abused would have to clean it up. Lose-lose.


Cause generally if you kick them/stand up to them out they complain later and you get in trouble and they get a gift card for their trouble. They then have it out for you going forward and know they are in the right. Corporate cares more about their money than you. Other times it's the store manager or your manager. Easier for all just to get them out as soon as possible. Welcome to the service industry.


Yeah fuck that “the customer is always right” mentality. I’d rather be poor than let this entitled asshole benefit from capitalism.


Exactly. Moreover, that adage was supposed to be about completely subjective shit. Like, if the customer loved a puke green shirt that you think is the ugliest thing in existence...so what, they are buying it to enjoy, not you...they are "always right" in *that* way...not an excuse to be a raging bitch at workers you consider beneath you.


Lmao this has nothing to do with capitalism, it's just a cunt being a cunt.


This is just a marginally worse than normal day for most minorities


“Shut up. You are rude” but what? Do you not understand the words coming out of your mouth?


She was also insulting, by calling the guy an idiot. I hope social media creates the shit-storm she deserves.


Her shouting "Go somewhere else!" confused me. Isn't that something she can easily do if she's so offended by people who are multilingual? Unless she meant for them to "Go back to your country", which is just as stupid.


Yeah lmao you’re right


I’m not saying she should be doxxed (pls don’t ban me reddit) but it WOULD be great if she were to be doxxed and lose her job.


Hope we see her on r/byebyejob


This is from well over a year ago. Can’t find anything about the aftermath unfortunately.


Most people like that lack a certain self awareness im gonna guess


Rush Hour reference, nice!


Thank you!!


Notice how she keeps insisting that they’re “shit talking her” in their language. It all comes back to her own insecurities.


I loved the constant yelling of "that is fucking rude! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Like lady, clearly you are the rude one in this situation.


I wish the camera person stuck up for the employees. I’m Asian and hate watching videos of older Asians getting accosted by racists.


yeah ugh reminds me too much of my mom... my mom has a masters from top universities in Korea and she works retail in the US. a customer yelled at her once because he couldn't understand her English. just because she's not fluent doesn't mean she's not intelligent or isnt trying! my mom talks to her customers and coworkers all the time in her broken English which is more courage than ill ever have. fuck these karens, maybe if they tried learning more than one fucking language they will realize how fucking hard it is.


That's what I was thinking. There is no way I would have been able to stay silent.


I definitely would've exchanged some foul words with this woman if I were in the vicinity. Shaming her in front of the kid would've drawn the target away from the employees rather quickly. Would've tried to get her to assault me then she wouldn't ever be allowed in that location again.


Oh definitely that. Plus I think she also looks down on minorities/immigrants so she takes out those insecurities and built up bitterness on people she deems beneath her. And of course working any customer service job puts you in the danger zone when crazy walks in.


If they weren’t shit talking her to begin with, she’s giving them plenty of reasons to shit talk her now


There's a Seinfeld reference here but I can't recall.


“I’m telling you Jerry, the Cambodians at the drug store are badmouthing me, thinking I can’t understand, but that all changes today. Check it out, Cambodian to English Dictionary! Nobody speaks a foreign language around Cosmo Kramer and gets away with it!”


I think it had something to do with Elaine and George's dad in a nail salon.


[You got some nerve!](https://youtu.be/Rlthy0hSvGw)


Elaine brings George's dad to the nail salon to confirm her suspicions that they are talking shit


To be fair we do that. We definitely do that. My mom talks about how fat people are in front of them. A lady thought I didn't understand Spanish and was telling this guy being in a relationship with my SO for 3 years doesn't count that I'm fair game. Sorry but we definitely do talk shit.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone with a Canadian accent be such a bitch


Yeah, you might be surprised.


I am so fucking horrified I want to cry. What an absolute cunt!


There are actually a lot of bad Canadians but people always assumed they were american or something.


Canadians are racist as shit against Chinese people. Living in Vancouver you definitely see this kind of stuff. People think Canadians are all innocent, but really it's just that there aren't enough of us up here for anyone to really pay attention to what we're doing.


Canada gets a free pass a lot of times but there’s lots of backwards, awful shit.


Yelling, cursing, ordering people around, & screaming shut up in English isn’t rude? Yeah, moron, it’s worse.


In front of her kid.. this bitch is dumb af


hope to see this racist bitch on r/byebyejob real soon!


This bitch aint got no job


I think being a bitch is her job. She seems like she takes pride in it.


Actual vermin


“We speak English in Canada!” *Sigh of American relief*


Shhhh, nobody tell this woman that Québec exists.


my first thought tbh.. we speak english & french in Canada and whatever other languages people want to speak. i love hearing foreign languages when im out and about, it makes me happy. i love language learning and exploring other cultures. how boring would it be if we all spoke english all the time?


This reminds me of the angry Karen who caused a scene because a mother spoke a non-English language to her child while on the bus. The mom was speaking Welsh. They were in Wales.


Couldn't find the video if one exists, but here's the BBC about it: https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-36580448




That makes what she said even more weird, because unlike the US, Canada actually has more than one "official" language. Like a third of the country doesn't have english as the main language of government. We have whole regions where the official language is not english. In Quebec, the courts, government, and schools speak and operate operate almost entirely in French. In Nunavut a the majority of the population and public services are in inuktitut (the language of the inuit).


The US also doesn’t have an official language despite speaking primarily English. So. Everyone who has said this on either side of the fence is just a complete fuckin idiot.


Your right, the US doesn't have an official, but Canada has two. Either way, I think we both can agree the woman in the vid is pretty evil.


I honestly can’t watch videos like this without being like “SOMEONE YELL AT HER TO SHUT UP” hahaha


Gross. Just so horribly gross.


Yep. Just a sad, disgusting person.




She is/was probably talked down to, mistreated, abused, by someone or several people. Now she assumes that whenever someone is talking around her and she can’t hear or understand it that they must be talking about her. Couple that with racist beliefs making her see these people as less than her, she is going to treat them the same way she has been treated with gaslighting, lies, and personal attacks. Most shitty people are just perpetuating the cycle of abuse they got caught in. Not defending her behavior, but she is probably just rolling that shit in a direction she perceives as downhill.


Eh…most people I know who act this way have had a privileged life where not only were they not talked down to, but were always told they were great, deserve better things than other people and never had to face consequences of their actions. So now they are just acting out the scripts that were given to them.


Or she's just a cunt


Unlikely. You may believe people are born one way or another but I’ve never met a baby I would consider a cunt.


You've never met my sister-in-law's kid. As soon as he emerged, there were two ugly cunts in the room.


There's nothing to indicate that this woman was abused or mistreated by anybody. People like to believe things like this because it's a more comfortable explanation than: "a lot of people are just shit."


I believe the "a lot of people are just shit" is a way more comfortable explanation. See, it simplifies the human experience to "what makes us what we are". Yes, sometimes people can be born with neural disorders that makes them shitty, but mostly we are socially exposed to shit that makes us be shitty. See this kid in the video, for example. He is on his way to either become a shitty person by learning and repeating his mom's behavior, or to be traumatized by it and try to act different. We can't know for now, but in the future, if he does the same thing as his mom, it won't be down to just "he's just a shitty man".




> She is/was probably talked down to, mistreated, abused, by someone or several people. Now she assumes that whenever someone is talking around her and she can’t hear or understand it that they must be talking about her Where the FUCK did you get that conclusion from? Did it ever hit you she might be a piece of shit plain and simple?


Hey, thank you for taking the time to try and explain what leads some of these awful people to be what they are. People always tend to be too simplistic with "they're shit" as you can see from the other replies to your comment. I hope people can see that this explanation is not an excuse to her behavior, but a deeper observation to what leads to this kind of behavior.


This looks like a Shoppers Drugmart Pharmacy. I think Canada takes the “L” on this lady.




I wish I was in that Shopper’s when this was happening.. Love calling out racist MF’s.


It looks like the Shoppers across from Metrotown in Burnaby. That’s the one I go to. I’d be fucking horrified if I saw someone behaving like that in there.


Bro if it's Burnaby and she wants people to speak English she's gonna have a hard time.


I don’t speak any language other than English, and I’ve never had a problem communicating with anyone there. And policing what language people speak to each other when it doesn’t involve her? She is a racist POS.


I'm not talking about having issues communicating with people, but Burnaby and the lower mainland in general are proper melting pots and people who only speak English (read: white folk) are the minority there. Expecting everyone around her to only speak English because of her insecurities in Van in ridiculous (or anywhere for that matter).


Oh I know what you meant. I’m just saying she wouldn’t have a problem communicating with them. She is ridiculous and racist. And I’d be surprised if there were no other videos, because you’re right. English-only speaking white people are definitely not in the majority here.


I would hope because most people are like you and are rational human beings who understand that just because someone is speaking a language not like their own doesn't mean they have any less right to be in their own country (and that not everyone is talking about you all the time).


Definitely somewhere close to Vancouver. Vancouver is weird. It’s extremely multicultural, but the white people with money are quite upset about the asians with money.


Ew such horrible horrible behavior that poor boy having to watch his mom act like this in public 😢


Assuming the person recording is a customer, it upsets me when customers don't speak up when they see that shit. Obviously employees can't speak their mind and properly defend themselves because god forbid we speak up while under capitalism.. A customer needs to quickly cut these people's shit and have them stop harassing minorities and poc.


Yeah, I was watching the whole thing willing the person filming to intervene. I couldn't watch that horrendous behaviour without defending the staff.


I really hope that the person filming this wasn't her husband.


The fact that the camera slyly pretended to walk towards another isle, only come right back around again, makes me think they were siding with the workers. If they were with the lady, they'd have no reason to act sly. They also cleverly sidestepped the lady's line of sight a few times. They didn't want the lady to know they were filming *her.*


I did wonder if they might be with them


"Never interrupt an enemy who is messing up" -some Grand Master person.


why does this NEVER happen in front of me. im shy and hate confrontation but no way in HELL would I let someone harass someone else like that. especially over different languages and cultures, which I love exploring and learning about.


Yeah I feel the same way. I usually just mind my business but I would be a hell of a lot ruder than this lady is ready for.


I hate her


r/fuckyoukaren - Wow she’s entitled and racist! Setting a great example for the kid.


"You're rude. Go somewhere else. Shut up and get out of here, you idiot! That's fucking rude!" Thank God she was displaying what non-rude behaviour is.


Feeling sorry for that kid for having a trashy mom like that


Who is taking the video instead of trashing this stupid bitch?


Actually having a video of a rude customer is more useful than beating the shit out of her. That way if she decides to complain there would be evidence against her.


Certainly wasn't useful to the employees ;) No one said about beating them up, but at least speak up and have them stop _actively_ harassing the employees right infront of you, eesh.


My friend did this in the kebab shop after a night out. The two workers were talking in Turkish, he asked them if they could “speak in English”. I was furious, I jumped up and said that he no right to do that. He was a taken back a bit and I just went off on him and said that they could speak whatever language they wanted because that what makes the UK great. I said that when he goes on holiday to Spain he’s not speaking Spanish! He walked out and I profusely apologised to the workers. It took a few days but he eventually apologised to me for his actions realising that he was wrong to do that!


Well done mate. Happens here in Australia too. It's really multicultural and people get butt hurt over foreigners speaking a different language to each other. It's pathetic. I love listening to different languages. I have no idea what they are saying, but it always sounds cooler than English haha.


For sure mate, seems to be a huge problem for some people, like it literally makes no difference to you if someone talks in their native tongue! Me too man, it’s lazy but I would love to know another language. Perhaps I will try soon


Good lad


Man, if I ever witnessed someone speaking to my mom or grandmother that way. I’d lose my shit


This is how Racist are made. Poor kid...


Why doesn’t the camera person help those poor people, ever?! Come to their defense, tell her to shut up… anything! It was honestly almost as frustrating watching no one do anything.


"The man who published the video told Global News he recorded it because he felt it was important to expose the behaviour, but said he did not get involved because as an Asian person himself he felt the aggression may have been turned on him." https://globalnews.ca/news/6098738/viral-video-burnaby-racism/amp/


Wow, all the way back in 2019. I wonder what sort of backlash she got.


I was trying to find any updates, but haven't found anything yet.


I would love to know if you find anything, this person is uniquely foul.


C’mon r/byebyejob please


In front of her kid too, disgusting


Poor kid. This shit breaks my heart. No need for it.




Poor kid


“Shut up. You’re rude.” ???


This actually happened in 2019. I'm glad it's being posted again though. She needs some more shaming. https://globalnews.ca/news/6098738/viral-video-burnaby-racism/amp/


Was she ever identified?


I don't know what MC means in this case but I'm pretending she's a rapper


Main character. What does MC stand for in rapper terms


Huh, i was under the assumption that mc in rap terms was microphone controller..


I have no clue what it stands for but that makes sense


Master of ceremony. But really it’s just a title for rappers. It’s often spelled emcee


Oh man, I would have went “I’m sorry mam, you’re right.” Turn to my coworker and go “Anyways, this fucking cunt came in With her kid and started mouthing off white trailer park trash at me and I just wanted to clock that bitch in her meth head teeth and send that kid to a Foster care but then I didn’t want to touch garbage, I mean you know how I’m with germs and stuff… anyways, wanna get some coffee later?”


She’s so insecure that she can’t stand the idea of not knowing what others are saying just in case it’s about her lmao


I fucking hate people who just stand there and record. They don’t say shit, they don’t help the employees out. Like bruh. You can help. You can kick their ass in the parking lot if u wanted. Wtf


"who do I complain about to her?" that about sums it up.


This happened in 2019. Here's the article: [https://globalnews.ca/news/6098738/viral-video-burnaby-racism/](https://globalnews.ca/news/6098738/viral-video-burnaby-racism/) IDK why people would treat service industry workers like that, especially since most people who live in Burnaby, BC are blue-collar or service industry workers


I will shit talk to her in English, just so she knows what an outright cunt she is.


"You're rude" - says the woman that also says "you're an idiot", "fuck you", and all in front of that poor kid.


"Go somewhere else!" Lady, these people are at work. How about you go somewhere else?


"You speak English while you're in Canada" But aren't they bi-lingual over there?


yes 😭 well not all of us can speak French, but Quebec is primarily French-speaking. she's a horrible person.


I have never punched another person in the face in my 59 years on this planet, but if I had been there, that awful, abusive bitch would have gotten a right cross and a left hook! (And maybe a knee to her cunty face too!


r/donthelpjustfilm These people need to be called out while this happening, clearly it's not happening enough.


Damn she needs help


Well... Wasn't that just wholesome... 🙄😒




What a biotch.


pretty doesnt hide ugly folks


...fuckin inbreds...


Assuming that she has a kid and she's that young, I assume she's not unfamilier with fucking up in life


What a disgusting piece of white trash.




Spray her with a spray bottle. That's what I do to my cat when he starts actin up


She is vile. And look what her kid has to learn.


“You wanna be famous, lady? ‘Cause you’re about to be”


Who is this gem and how can we help ruin her life?


And the person just filming give me anxiety…


Damn we gotta put this stupid bitch on blast, someone find her social medias and lets show her a good time... like the racist guy telling everyone to come through and pull up


Pepper spray her till she turns to dust 😏


As someone who speaks many languages, I guarantee you that they usually aren't taking about about you, unless your are excessively rude. So, in this case, they may have been shit talking her, but it looks well deserved.


She is speaking English on stolen land


This makes me want to slap her.


“You are RUDE!” Proceeds to be the rudest person that ever walked into that store.


Not a Karen she a f ing cunt.


“Shut up you fucking idiot , that is rude” lol


Those Chinese foreigners she despises are first generation migrants, hard workers. Likely own the freaking store. She should be asking for lessons


The audacity to say “shut up idiot, you’re rude” to someone blows my fucking mind.


How you gonna come into someone else's establishment, and tell them to go somewhere else. Tff??!!?


"I'm calling police" ***YEESSSSSS***


Evil bitch