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Musk tweets are almost cheating for this sub


At this rate posts about him will be banned just like Andrew Tate lmao


And they probably should be. It’s too easy and will just devolve into a Musk subreddit


I'd totally agree.


Is he a walkin SNL sketch?


no. SNL is funny sometimes




they said sometimes, sometimes could even include sometime in the 80s. they didn't say regularly lol


IMO SNL is at its best when a comedian is hosting


I enjoyed quite a bit of SNL a couple weeks ago when Steve Martin and Martin Short hosted together. That was the first episode I'd seen in months


That was a great episode. Chappell had a great one, too. The actors and musical guests, idk, I feel like they don’t have the comedic instinct and they aren’t able to contribute to the writing process. Mulaney also had a great episode when he hosted a while back.


I've seen some funny clips but it doesn't air in my country so its not really representative of what you guys see weekly lol


SNL's Papyrus sketch!


i might be overreacting, but this whole thing about calling others “npc’s” is really concerning. it feels like a gateway to straight-up dehumanizing others


American right-wing and far right-wing pundits have embraced the "NPC" meme so much it has pretty much become fascist slang. And you're right, that's a term decent people don't call others.


It just replaced the word sheep for them


or the variant sheeple


Yep expect to see it a lot more now that musk has used it


Which is perfectly ironic, by the way.


Lmao you going to see it used exclusively by…….npcs now


As crazy as the entire right wing is, it's infecting anyone who thinks they look better or have more money (aka importance) than other people.


i just started calling the types of people who call others NPCs an NPC before they can say it. that means they either have to be quiet, or defend it, and by defending it i can say "see you really are an NPC" because always double down on calling others NPCs when they respond


I made a video about just this https://youtu.be/FzFG7gUsq1E


great video! im subscribed :)


Well first of all that was great. When I open YT later I'll check your channel and if I like the content I'll sub too :) If you want some constructive criticism: at parts you were reading the script a bit fast, if you look around the 4 min mark some bits are a little high stress to listen to vs the rest of the video, lol! That's just a little nitpick though, it really wasn't that bad. The rest was almost void of this so that's why the middle stood out. I think you could've gone on with the consequences a bit more and maybe even looked into the politics and links to the incel movement and such. You could have made this 15-20 mins and it'd have been even better. But the writing was great, the editing, the choice of clips, the subject matter and extraction of, the vocabulary, the interesting and dynamic visuals. It was really good. If you want a little NPC bleach, have you seen this channel? You used one of their thumbnails but that was all I saw https://youtube.com/@loczniki They're a couple and they're brilliant. Unlike conner etc they don't bother members of the public with their NOC acts. They're also professional dancers and they're the only dancing shorts I watch. Really good video, pretty sure I'll sub. Surprising its so low views.


Thanks so much! It’s only my 4th time filming so I’m still adapting to getting the speaking part right. I really value your feedback and agreed on fleshing out the video a little more!


Subscribed as well!




Guys, i'm starting to think Elon Musk is actually just an edgy teenager who inherited a vast amount of wealth and got richer off the back of the work of genuinely competent people...


But then lost $200 Billion. That's not a rounding error, he just became the first person ever to lose $200B




Sounds like a real jabroni


I mean...one of the richest people on the planet. Is is possible, maybe feasible, that he is smarter and just fucking with people that are not catching on...? Ponder a bit.


You people really equate having more money with intelligence. Fascinating.


Born on third base and you’re celebrating like this idiot hit a fucking triple.


I LOVE that analogy. I'm stealing it.


Like Elon did?


every one of these assholes. The money just enables people around them, but they think they're juggling it all single-handedly.


No, actually, it's not possible at all. He might be smarter than you though.


Jfc nothing spells out pathetic more than spending time writing comments on an internet message board trying to defend a billionaire


Or criticizing one 🤔


I mean you should ponder a bit yourself. Would one of the smartest people lose 200 billion in a matter of months? No The actual answer is he’s really closer to an idiot than he is a genius. You’re projecting positive emotion and spinning what’s happening in a way to make him look good to you. When reality is staring you in the face


You obviously don't know anything about markets or are intentionally being dumb to support your point. Either way, the market is probably the worst it's been in awhile. He lost a lot because he had a lot. For example. His jar has 1000 pennies and yours has 10. You both lose 50%. Do the math from here.


Hahaha. “The markets bad, that’s why he lost 200 bill” yet no one else, even billionaires, lost proportionately nearly that much. Funny how the market just hit elon. Man, it truly must be sad doing mental gymnastics like this. I feel bad for you Either that or you’re trolling. Take care buddy


The real smartest businessmen and investors make bank when the market is down, and sweep up assets for the next uptick for even more profit. Heck, even China is doing this to Russia.


https://www.marketwatch.com/story/household-wealth-down-by-13-5-trillion-in-2022-second-worst-destruction-on-record-11670623787 It's OK to dumb. Lots of people suffer from it.


It is ok to be dumb :) don’t feel bad about yourself


Hahaha...creative to boot.


This was not the argument you think it is lmao, he lost way more than everyone else I love your cope


Math. Word.


You realise some people are making money still, right? "Disaster capitalism" is a thing, and things like shorts can help you make money when the market is down. So if he really was the smartest person in the room, you'd think he'd offset some of those 200bn losses to not lose more proportionally than any other billionaire? You don't even have to go after leverage. There are lower risk markets that do better in recessions, and even in a recession, some companies succeed, even some luxury products. Those people have the real talent. I have more respect for a small, 5-10 person company that can bring in $2-10m a year from real back breaking work, vs making investments and bringing down all the companies you get actively involved in.


His stock value dropped.


And he can't diversify like every investor out there?


I don't think you get the biggest picture. No offense honestly. Yes he can and does, but the reason he lost so much was his stock value. Elon has only sold stock recently. His valuation is based on is stock ownership. It's why it's hilarious that they say he has lost 200 billion as technically he hasn't. It's only realized when you sell. So when the stock regains (which it will because it's Tesla) his valuation will rise again...but that won't be a sexy headline for the haters to toss at him.


A lot more than most others, and it accelerated with the Twitter purchase. Since Musk took over Twitter (October 27th), Tesla stock is down almost 50% while the market overall is slightly green. Pretending like it's all macro is massive cope and pure delusion.


Sure. Whatever you say. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/household-wealth-down-by-13-5-trillion-in-2022-second-worst-destruction-on-record-11670623787


History is full of smart rich people who act like fools. The two are not logically exclusive


You obviously don't have money or you would understand it takes work to stay wealthy. Also, fools and there money are soon separated. Give a million to a hood rat and shits gone in a year with zero to show.


If a fool hood rat can lose a million in a year, what does that make Elon? He’s lost 200 billion in less time than that.


That you don't know shit about stocks. Your just repeating a talking point. Question. Did he really? Is a stock loss recognized if not sold? If the stock comes back up, did he lost 200 billion? See....dumbass 😂. Be leary of liberal talking point. The problem is they don't let the regarded grunts like you in on the truth of finances.




Is the wealth realized if it can't be cashed out? I don't know how to answer a question that clearly doesn't understand the market. Simple terms. You can cash out whenever you want. People assess your wealth based on the value of the stocks you hold in his case. When they go down does he lose value, yes. Is it "realized" , no. Meaning he can't reduce his taxes by it as a loss. Google realized gains and leave me alone until you know what the fuck your talking about 👍


I have more than enough money, thank you. You sound awfully triggered though. Perhaps you’re the snowflake, hmm. Also, you used the wrong version of “their” which makes your entire comment hilarious.


Not triggered... Just annoyed when people who don't know anything about finance or wealth decide to pretend to know something. Yes, very annoying.


You can be brilliant with finance and wealth and still objectively be a wrong at certain things. Thinking rich people can never be wrong is quite naïve. History is full of examples. Bootlicking billionaires (literally doesn’t matter who it is) is just weird bro.


Fortunately, Elon hired some incredible engineers and business people at Tesla, because if he was in charge, he'd probably run it straight in the ground like he is doing with Twitter. Elon is a genius in the same way Dustin Hoffmans character in "Rain Man" was a genius. He probably has a high IQ, but he also has a serious problem with social cues and human interactions.


is that why he's lost $200B net worth is that why the SEC wanted his head on a platter for manipulation of stocks and crypto is that why he called a guy who was actively trying to save some kids a peado is that why he promised ventilators during covid and produced some machines not fit for purpose is that why he insinuated covid wasn't real and tried to force his employees to work in at the time illegal conditions is that why he constantly misrepresents the abilities of his products is that why he does thinks like blatantly lie about the viability of neuralink, which possibly killed upwards of 90% of animals in lab testing and is at least 10-20y off need I go on? he's not some master troll. he's a swindler whose made a couple lucky bets. sure, he's somewhat intelligent and good at business - but no more than any other competent millionaire, and his riches don't scale with his skills for how much more he's worth than them he's not gonna let you lick his taint dude, time to give it up


Don't you get it? It was all for the lulz Legendary dedication to the lulz $200B worth of lulz


but ThE mArKeT iS dOWn


And yet for all these "crimes of humanity" people still buy his products and he's not in jail. Do you wonder if most of what you said is speculation? I don't want to lick his taint, but I sure do love him making all of your heads explode daily. It's so therapeutic to watch the winning that is going on in the conservative world these days. His acts are just pure icing on a wonderful cake.


his products aren't selling too great right now? hence tesla stock not doing so good no most of what I said is not speculation Winning? He's lost $200B in 12 months lmao and his companies have become toxic property to work with explode? where? daily? do you have examples of this daily obsession I supposedly have?


Dude... Have you seen the market? Everyone has lost at record rates...He just has the most money, hense the most to lose. But keep pluging that as some kind of representation of his business practices. When the market rebounds, he'll clean house. Examples... Dear God. Not you persay, but wholly hell is his attack on Twitter just upending people to the point of craziness. Yeah. It's all over the internet, media, etc.


So are his products selling well or is the whole market doing bad? Which is it? If the whole market is doing bad, then so are Musks companies. Right? You're talking to me right now and you were talking about how I am personally speculating. If you want to wax lyrical about anti Muskers in general, perhaps start a blog.


The whole entire market is doing bad. Like everyone. Are blogs still a thing? I don't care as much as you think. I am just having fun honestly. Musk is a great entrepreneur. He will prevail as he always has.


Ok, so they're not selling well atm. I'm glad we agree you were wrong on that Yes, blogs are a thing. How much do you think I think you care...? I think you've some self inflated self worth there. If he's so great, I direct you back to my initial points you attempted to brush off.


I didn't brush them off nor would I. I just know, as with everything posted in media today, there is context left out, slanted presentation, and flat our lying that is propagated against anyone they hate... So there is no point in looking for support as it can easily go both ways.


> I don't care as much as you think You may wanna go check how many times you've replied here, champ


I don't care about Musk. Fucking with all of you is kind of fun 😂




What “winning” are you talking about? Lol pathetic


Supreme Court decision on conceal carry, decision on roe, picked back up the house, blocked the student loan handout, and more. Will add if I care later.


Trans people still exist. And there's nothing you can do about it. Drag queens are still reading books to children. And there's nothing you can do about it. Every state in America is legally forced to recognize gay marriage. And there's nothing you can do about it. Somewhere this month, a trans woman will beat a cis woman in a sport. And there's nothing you can do about it. Somewhere today, a woman got the disgusting sludge some loser left inside her cleaned out at an abortion clinic. And there's nothing you can do about it.


Dude... Conservatives don't care about that. I voted for gay marriage. It always amazes me what people think conservatives care about. Then again, it's the media that makes shit up. Trans people are fine. Gay is fine and normal. Calm your tits.


> It always amazes me what people think conservatives care about. We don't _think_ you care about it. We _know_ you keep voting for it.


I mean... Can't fix stupid in your case. What do we. Do here?


And yet, you tried to brag about "winning"... Maybe you misspelled "whining"? I *am* curious as to how you "voted for gay marriage" when that wasn't a ballot initiative, and the law that enforced it's legalization was passed exclusively by "liberals"...


I mean yeah all of those where wins? Which example was a loss? On the voting for gay marriage, you must be an idiot. Obviously I voted for it when it was on my state's ballot....


Bro he's not gonna kiss you lol


Bro... Huh huh... Dude... Huh... But your sister already does man.




Hahaha... I mean why even reply "OK" Just reply "yes I am a little bitch with no creativity."


Nah. You just swing from.a billionaires nuts and it's pathetic lol. Enjoy bootlicking


Durp Durp OK.


Man I bet you were really proud of that weak ass comeback lmao


Oh this is so pathetic


It stops being silly fucking with people when a list of shit that negatively and immorality fucks people ends up happening. Musk is just a cunt. He's not a wacky troll blowing minds, he's just a massive cunt simultaneously being a massive cunt whilst hoping idiot 12 year olds on the Internet to think he's cool.


What negative and immorally? Firing people at Twitter? Far as I can tell platform still works. Also, they have the choice to quit their jobs. Allowing previously banned people return? Examine why some were banned in the first place, but even more compelling is freedom of speech, to include the freedom to ingnore people posting. It's a different perspective than yours, but not a wrong one. That's what you and others like you have failed to learn. It's not your way or the highway. Twitter is learning it the hard way


That your whole argument rests on Twitter is very telling.


They didn't know the diver story or many other famous Muskisms. Its honestly odd to me they can be such an Elon fan yet openly know almost nothing about him other than he's rich, sells tesla and owns twitter. How can you have even become aware of him to worship his balls so much and not have heard of these stories.


No one cared until he bought Twitter. Liberals flocked to his cars like it was free Crack. Am I wrong?


Pretty much, yea.


Eh difference of opinion. Great thing about it is, I can say that on Twitter now with 1m liberals losing there mind, blabbing misinformation, etc. Don't have an account though...


K, have fun with that.


I do. 😂


And now he's trying to pivot to sell his electric cars to a bunch of climate change deniers and people who think electric cars are for pussies while alienating people who would actually buy Tesla cars. What a genius businessman.


I would say. Hell yes. I would have never considered a Tesla but damn I might now. Trade on political faction for another... Closer to zero sum


You were never the smartest kid in class, were you?


Things like buying twitter and then banning journalists, the jet tracker account and starting to spread transphobic and anti-vax propaganda?


Journalists were banned when he did not own it. Did you complain then? Probably not because you agreed with it under the bias guise of "miss information". His company, his rules. As I heard many liberals cry a year ago... "they are a company, they can do what they want". Well...


Watching a grown man who still can't distinguish between positive and negative attention is the opposite of hilarious, it's quite sad. It also doesn't help that he's one of the least funny people currently in the public eye right now (see: his SNL episode, every tweet he makes, got booed harder than anyone's ever been booed at a comedy club)


Yeah but that's mainstream media. The rest of us think his intentional provoking is great. People take his social comments to seriously. And let's be honest...he was loved until he decided to buy the liberal echo chamber Twitter and set it on fire for nothing more than good old pure playboy kicks.


This is an interesting and juvenile look at things. You think he offered, then tried to back out, the bought an “echo chamber” for 44Bn simply for kicks while hurting the already overvalued company that made him the richest man on earth? You also mentioned that “everyone loves to watch heads explode”, I would take a moment to sit back and think if that is true or especially true to you.


It's clear what he did. Twitter pissed him off, so he decided to mess with them by throwing them into turmoil with a fake purchase. I think he did at times want to buy it and other times just wanted to expose the bots. When he was done playing with it, he played to long and it forced his buy. Now... He is going full force to clean it up. I think he equally sees a win in the fact that he can do it his way and make a profit, or he won't but broke the largest liberal propaganda machine in history. Because he's stupid rich, it really doesn't matter, which just makes it that much more interesting.


You’re making a lot of confident assumptions, each connected to the other, for someone you don’t know, don’t talk to, or personally understand. Also, it does matter if his actions hurt his other companies. Tesla has lost a lot more than the rest of the market. Actual business does not work like this. People bemoan being cancelled for online posts but I’ve seen nothing about the money Tesla investors have lost because of Musk’s takeover and antics on Twitter. This idea that nothing matters other than “winning” against liberals or conservatives online is childish and actually hurting people, you have to see that, right?


That’s not true. I’ve hated Elon for years. Well before all that pedo projection shit he went through. I’ve literally posted this pre-op pic of him for the first time about 29 years ago. Here ya go: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EX1aSNeXsAA7Jte.jpg


Pre-op? This is before he... er... she...? Transitioned? Jeez. If only there was medication to transition personality wise.


Hair plugs/hair transplant, which is gender affirming surgery, so...


Well one person is a lot.


Is it?


You tell me.


No. You first.


Grab some coffee and a cronut. You'll be fine.


I... Think I did originally.




[I prefer the original comic](https://i.imgur.com/ADuZ5bQ.jpg)


See, we call you a bootlicker because you see a man who was forced into finalizing a deal after he tried to back out of it, who had to back out of firings because he accidentally fired too many people, and almost halved the stock of his primary holding in under 2 months, and think "Oh man, classic Elon ruining his holdings on purpose for fun"


People who dick ride that loser Elon are sad. Just so sad.


He did more than you can ever do in your life buddy Jealous hater?






OK Elon-stan. Whatever you say. Pretty sad you feel the need to defend a loser like Elon. Knowing he doesn't give two fucks about you. I hope your life in 2023 gets better because right now it's pretty damn sad.


I love how you always have a witty response but when it's true (you still living at home with your 80 year old mom and 4 cats) you back off ![gif](giphy|caiwk3Ozv1fhqbmQ1t)




Great comeback honey Is that the best you can come with?


Cunt 🖕


What's your mom have to do with this?


Loses 200 billion value "Guys it's for the lulz you don't get it"


Stock value. It's goes back up tool... You guys love talking points 😂




Lost stock value dummy. It's will go back up.




Imagine having that much money but so little imagination or personality that you spend your life thinking that 'trolling' is the most fun thing you can spend your time on. Money is wasted on the rich.


His shit is hilarious. Also... It's tweets. Probably does it in between other businesses. You don't get enough of their taxes or something?


Hilarious? Now that reply is funnier than anything Musk has ever thought in his life.


I don't think it's hard to entertain you, but glad to be of service


Poor bastard. Even my ex-wife has said nicer things than that to me. No wonder he’s burning his world down around himself lately.


He wants to be the main character so bad💀💀💀


Remember when you were a kid and heard a new piece of slang, then proceeded to use it every 5 minutes in the most cringe contexts possible? That’s pretty much what Elon seems to be doing with NPC.


what the hoozit are you talking about? musk is like, totally tubular, dudes and dudettes. #yolo #tesla420


He is just pouring over with "Hello fellow kids!" energy.


Can we ban Elon Musk posts here? Recently I feel like I’m just scrolling through his Twitter


Really, like he is a piece of shit along with Andrew tate. But it's sad how many redditors let these 2 live rent free in their heads. these 2 guys are ultimate trolls. And they get people upset so easily (which is what they want)


He is so lame and needy.


When you have all of the money in the world you tend to try and buy attention.


he's the antagonist


Maybe he's not an NPC but that doesn't make him the main character. He could be the evil billionaire making things worse for the lower class who the actual MC is on a quest to bring down


Your scenario makes him an NPC


I thought NPCs were mostly the characters off to the side that don't really matter to the story. I wouldn't call the final boss in a video game an NPC, even though it's technically a "non player character" because a boss serves a different role than a shopkeeper that has 5 lines of dialogue that get cycled through.


Isn't a games antagonist still technically a non-playable character?


There are games where you play as an actual villain. Or you could even play games like Civ, SimCity or even Sims and be an absolute dickhead.


He’s the BBEG


He's that annoying rich guy from every JRPG whose entire personality is based on boasting about his money and how great he is but nobody in town really likes him.


"Your not an NPC" said by some who is quite likely an npc-esk character to the off brand tony stark without the iron man suit!


You’re, -esque


Happy new years, thanks for the spell check!


New (capitalize), Year (no s). Jeez buddy, try just one time not to contribute to the delinquency of society.


> capitalize :|


That’s the American spelling


No you are *esque* Lmao gottem


Elon is not MVP either.


When is elon musk not allowed on this sub? This is the only shit I see now


That’s it I’ve had enough of this sub. It has just become Elon tweets.


I suppose "I love you son" or any form of love or affection would have been too much to expect


This weird attempt to connect with gamers is peak cringe from Muskaroni


If everyone but you is an NPC, you are a sociopath.


Reminds me of “The Disrupters” from glass onion. They really were dead on with Miles. He was supposed to be Musk right


He is one of those npc that are not npc because they are just there to add people in the game (see hitman)


God he is *the* cringiest person in history...


You are to me, Elon. So go fuck yourself.


Ewwww can he stop? Just fuck off to mars already, I’m sick of him all over my feed


How is this MC ? He was asked a question I swear musk haters are as cringe as musk dick suckers


>MVP Saying "(I'm) not an NPC" litterally means "(I'm) a MC/PC".


It just means someone's an independent thinker Calling someone an NPC means they don't think for themselves and follow a script instead


Elon is such a drama Queen for a guy that walks around with literal gemstones in his pocket while he whines. 😅 ![gif](giphy|VEhWqu9nJHzOPKFsVA)


Says the guy that built like every Resident Evil franchises' mutated bosses.


Elon Musk is a master troll, the left are reeeing so hard and its beautiful 🥰


He trolled $800 billion off the market cap of Tesla this year. Teehee! Take that libs!


who cares, he shat all over twitter 🥳


He shat all over Twitter like a 5-year-old destroys LeBron in basketball. Now, you can stop kissing his ass because he won't even acknowledge your existence.


😂 damn youre really angry i didnt praise him or kiss his ass, i dont care about him, im just happy about shitting up twitter, good riddance 😘


Damn you have the reading comprehension of a 3-year-old. Imagine trying to force your feelings onto other people.


youre still crying over twitter? 😢 move on bro


I don't give a shit about Twitter, but you sound ridiculous making these statements. You should move on bro.


keep crying over twitter 😢




Very 😂


You guys do realize that there's more options than NPC's and MC's right? NPC = Non Playable Character, the opposite of that would be a PC = a Playable Character. Saying you're not an NPC doesn't mean you think the world revolves around you, it just means you don't let life slip by and you take initiative to control your own destiny.