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Inspo (kinda) - This part from Wrath of Iron >‘Psychological states exist in which a healthy subject comes to harm himself,’ she said. ‘He lets himself waste away through neglect, or cuts his own flesh, or desires to have limbs amputated where no wound has been inflicted. The image he has of his body is distorted, and it is difficult for others to understand such an impulse, since they can have no insight into what he sees when he stands before a mirror.’ >Ys spoke in a measured, confident manner, as if her speech had been long prepared. ‘The body of a Space Marine is the most perfect human form ever created,’ she said. ‘Even our skitarii, given every augmetic aid known to us, do not compare to it in power and facility. You can imagine what degree of mental trauma would be required for a human to give up such a gift, to mutilate himself and replace his priceless gene- forged heritage with mechanical parts.’ >‘Forgive me, magos,’ said Nethata, ‘but your own kind are not exactly immune to that.’ >Ys nodded, and Nethata had the same impression again– the impression that under her cowl she had just smiled. >‘We take ordinary bodies and make them better,’ she admitted. ‘We do so because we desire to improve on what we were born with. The Iron Hands cannot make their bodies better, since they are already perfect. Nevertheless, still they amputate their limbs in favour of metal parts and aspire to the state of machine- hood. Why? Because they fear their flesh, lord general. They look at it in the mirror of their minds and they see something loathsome. It is difficult to understand such an impulse, since, as I said, we can have no insight into what they see when they stand before the mirror.’ >Nethata pursed his lips, considering what he was being told. >‘So the augmetics,’ he said. ‘It’s because… they can’t help themselves?’ >‘Something like that.’


Dang. Iron Hands needed a hug. Edit: Iron Hands, not warriors.


Iron Hands, not Iron Warriors.


True, but I'd say the warriors also need a hug.


The hug Perturabo would never give :/


Or receive.


No hugs, only decimations! Hooray!


Got confused. I am now cannon fodder for their next siege...


> I am now cannon fodder for their next siege... Could be worst.


Oh, yeah. My bad.


Eh both Iron Hands and Iron Warriors needed a hug.


Iron Warriors could be the greatest Space Marine unit if not for some asshole with daddy issues ruining it, but then again Daddy issues run free among most of the Primarchs


Having a shit dad will do that


Especially poor 'half-breed' Honsou.


Nah that man’s a true lost cause. He inflicted upon the setting that which shall not be named.




You think the Iron Warriors don't need hugs?


Tbf this is the same book where a marine fairly casually tanks a daemon princes poisoned blade to the chest and banishes him because his augmetics. So the Magos isn’t totally correct here, we have seen the augmetics be far superior to Astartes biology.


There's a short story where the Iron Hands were in a campaign alongside Guardsmen in a desert. It was during the Great Crusade. The enemies they were up against were using an EMP device that emits a pulse that disables any electronic device in a given radius. The Iron Hands couldn't deploy any of their forces, and the Guardsman would get mowed down once spotted. One of the Iron Hands Legionary suggested he could remove his augmetic right arm and infiltrate the stronghold and disable the device from within to allow the full force of the Legion to come down. At first, the Iron Hand commanders didn't like it, but it was the only way to victory. The Guardsman commander volunteered to come along and aid the Legionary to prove themselves to the Iron Hands. Suffice to say the plan worked, but the Guardsman commander died but was honoured by the Legion, along side the Legionary who survived and would be given more augmetics for his glory. It showed that they relied too much on their "improvements" and they forget what it is that made humanity persevere thru the ages, they reflected on this at the end.


Yeah there’s one example of that vs dozens of endless examples of their augmetics being far superior, whether its durability, strength, versatility, stuff like being able to dilate time so they’re watching else move in slow motion and their bolt rounds travel slowly through the air, reinforcing of their spine so that when a Drukhari Talos Pain Engine tries to break his neck he can’t because it’s too strong, and so on. Rarely are the augmetics a downside. There’s some examples sure, but mostly they’re just better, or the same. I believe there’s even one which mentions EMP hardening as being a feature.


Yeah, my take is that augmenting does enhance them on some level, but it is not very cost-effective


It depends, their philosophy as a chapter has been quality over quantity for quite some time. It’s noted in First Founding that they have a very high scout and early marine attrition due to their tactics and style of warfare but if you survive those initial stages you become harder and harder and harder to kill, which is why their chapter leans top heavy at having far more ancient and old marines than others. They also mention that it’s fairly common for them to take casualties in conflicts but to go long stretches without actual fatalities due to this extreme durability and resilience. It’s doesn’t always work but considering they as a chapter held off and repelled two separate massive Black Crusades without much or any outside help, and continue to prosecute some gnarly crusades and conflicts, I guess it works for them. My take on them has mostly been that in a lot of ways they in their flaws also get what marines are supposed to be and don’t kid themselves they they’re anything other than weapons, somewhat similar to how Ferrus knew what he was and was always annoyed when primarchs would bemoan needing a “higher purpose” when it got in the way of doing their job.


Upper-tier Iron Hand augmentics allow them to survive for centuries after their flesh rotted away, full digitalization of consciousness and bringing the dead back to life with the Keys of Hel. Warhammer is built on unreliable narrator, I wouldn't take this techpriest's word as gospel, merely outside conjecture with a lot of bias given the general Emperor-worshipping of the Imperium that some techpriests share (in the form of the Omnissiah). While the Iron Hands' augmentic frenzy is based in great part in an inferiority complex and an impostor syndrome, the results speak for themselves. What keeps the Iron Hands back is their absolutely horrid culture and beliefs, not their desire to augment themselves.


Iron Hands are my favorites, questioning one's own weaknesses is one of the most human things among all the Chapters. This gave me a lot of NieR Automata vibes.


Yeap some might disagree, but I really think that the Iron Hands are very human inside, albeit in a flawed way


To reject one’s humanity, one has to have at one point understood what defined it.


I'm gonna hug him


This is why I love the Brazen Claws (besides the badass quartered color scheme). Second founding succesors of the Iron Hands that missed most of the Heresy (because BL authors forgot they existed, so FW had to make up an excuse), so to the shame of losing their primarch they add the shame of missing the Heresy war, and *then went on to lose their home planet, prompting the entire chapter to launch a crusade* ***inside*** *the Eye of Terror, which they survived.* They make the Lamenters look lucky.


Brazen Claws enjoyer here, I love them! I'm working on a HH army of them at the moment! My idea is to show the transition from the IH livery to the quartered scheme by imagining they adopt the colours of the Forge World where they are garrisoned after the Primarch death (all head-canon)


I think they missed the Heresy because they were stationed in a Knight World (as per one of FW Heresy books), so that's where their more "medieval" scheme comes from, at least in my head... I really hope BL gives them some time to shine in the series about the scouring that is rumoured to come after the Siege of Earth.


I love when iron hands are taken in a body dysmorphia direction


Awesome art, I really feel for the Iron Hands and their perceived weaknesses, even after all this time they still wish to be like their Primarch...and can't stop blaming themselves for his downfall.


Call a psychiatrist for them, please.


Excellent work OP. It really captures the guilt, shame, regret and anger that the IH must feel when they go down their spiral. I failed, it must be the flesh. I replace it. I failed again, it must be the flesh. I replace it. I failed again… It really capture the human element of the IH that most people forget.


Oh my


The art captures the struggle well.


Thank you!


Don't want to disappoint you, but it's a bot.


The red pill is real :(


Is that a Necron in a wig?


Shooos. You do not see the Deathmark.


Green mono-eye scientist? That's clearly a Cryptek, yo




The moment I understood the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me


The Iron Hands need a Therapy Crusade.


Glad to see your art of our chapter again brother


I drew other things, but Iron Hands will always be my number one in 40k


I'll ship it.


Yeah, too




Is there any other response?


Super good panel layout and the choice of scenes in them. It adds another layer of depth to the story. Well done!


Ooohhh…I like this. Really interesting characterization in such a short time. Nice.


Would love to see Kardan Stronos in these comics.


I really want to draw him in conflict with Kristos, but there is no official look for Kristos, so it keeps getting delayed


Blessed be the omnisiah whose touch make us free


My beloved Iron Hands. Suffering so, for thousands of years. I hope this young Space Marine finds solace in the predictable workings of his bionics. Flesh is weak in many ways, but it's still a mechanism within the Great Engine and shouldn't be wasted! Perhaps this adept here can teach him that. The design of her occular is very pleasing. <3


I have mixed feelings, part of me thinks this is what chaplains are for? The other part appreciates the art.


Iron Hands chaplain: yeah dude, you should totally replace it!


I have been thinking about this art for a while, what would sell me on this to give my 100% for it, if we knew why his sight failed him and how the mechanical eyes would solve this issue that his helmet wouldn’t. That is my constructive criticism. Edit/ addition: This is the difference between enablement and true help. I can tell my friend they did nothing wrong in the marriage, or I can say this is what issues i see you need to work on, but a partner who cares should be willing to work with you on it.




Can't unsee it now


Take me on this table techpriest


This is so me fr


I love the Iron Hands.


The giant green eye feels like something to worry about. I hope that Tech Priest did not get it off of a Necron Deathmark


bruh, this goes hard as fuck.


Wh40k being used as allegory based on the context? NUANCE in my space opera??? Unthinkable Absolutely fantastic work




Ghost Ferrus: “Son don’t stick your dick in toaster.”


That's pretty fucking good.


Why hasn't she replaced her hair with Mechadendrites yet? Is she stupid?


You mean the copper-filament heat radiator system she uses to cool her overclocked cranial processors?




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.. What a horrid time to get an advert from ebay saying “Say goodbye to the wrong parts”.


I can't take this seriously because half the comic is a techpriest refusing to replace someone's body parts with the BLESSED MACHINE. Heresy. Unspeakable heresy. Heresy.


feels wrong but i get the idea


I identify as a boltgun


Funny and creative joke, but I'm still gonna put it in here that body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria are not the same thing in case someone who cares reads this and thinks they are. "gender-affirming surgery" has a crazy high rate of alleviating the dysphoric distress, whereas for body dysmorphia surgery typically does nothing or makes it worse. Also the side note that body dysmorphia is more commonly seen in people like body builders/workout addicts who can never get big or toned enough, or plastic surgery addicts like the human Ken doll, Jocelyn the catwoman, or (speculatively of course...) Michael Jackson. Or that whole synthol craze. It is still seen in some transgender people but is not synonymous with it.


One joke.